Being the all-powerful head of the most totalitarian state on Earth has its benefits, but it doesn't come with everything.

Maybe a friend could change that...

Chapters (1)

For as far as everypony knows, Diamond Tiara is a bully, and not only toward her classmates. She has formed a reputation in the whole Ponyville about it. Soon enough, it becomes apparent that not only her classmates are cautious of her.
Still, what makes a bully a bully? Is it family issues? Foolishness? Or is it loneliness?
Diamond starts to discover what being a bully really means when she spends a weekend without her friend Silver Spoon and instead, she finds a friend on something not of her world.

Chapters (6)

My name is James Clark, and I am a Private Military Contractor. No, not Mercenary. Yes, there is a difference, but that's beside the point.

Ok, where was I? Ah yes, I was just entering my office in Downtown Houston one afternoon to hear a job offer. When I got there, I found a beautiful, robe-wearing woman waiting for me. Now, in this day and age, most people would find that strange. I didn't for two reasons.

1) In this line of work, you run into a few crazies. If I had a dollar for every nut-job I turned away, I could buy a small European country.

2) It was Halloween. Hell, I was on my way to a party dressed in a replica suit of Veteran Ranger Armor from Fallout: New Vegas, complete with gas mask and real riot gear I borrowed from a friend on the SWAT team. I was gonna win the costume contest for sure!

I'm getting off topic, aren't I? Anyways, this weirdo offered me a job without going into much detail. No location, no objective, not even a dollar amount The only thing I got out of her was the promise that I would be saving thousands, if not millions of lives.

Every instinct told me to turn the job down, and yet I still accepted it. Maybe the idea of playing hero again had its appeal.

God, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Chapters (6)

The Changelings are growing in power. The Elements are losing power. When a strange event leaves Equestria with a potential replacement for one of the Elements, they must get around one small detail. This replacement? He's not local, if you catch my drift.

This is a crossover between MLP and the Megaman/Rockman franchise starring Zero and the Cyber Elf from Megaman Zero 4.

Chapters (2)

(Story idea inspired and suggested by Chronicler06.)

Sunset Shimmer and her fellow Rainbooms are almost ready to graduate from Canterlot High and move on to the next chapter of their lives. And Sunset's life couldn't be better.

However, just days before graduation, Sunset is called to a meeting where she meets the superintendent of Canterlot High, Neighsay. And the superintendent reveals that he's been keeping tabs on Equestrian Magic.

With graduation lurking over the horizon, Sunset must face the fact that Equestrian magic and her involvement with it can't stay secret for much longer. Now shes faces a dilemma as she must decide not only how to break the news to her friends, but what she'll do when her actions can't stay hidden from the public.

Chapters (3)

You couldn't shake the tears. Twilight was with you. You didn't want make it her problem but, she offers you the best kind of magic. A simply sign of affection.

Chapters (1)

The morning after an intense high can be pretty weird, especially when said 'high' was turning into a raging she-demon.

Beaten, humiliated, and forced to face her inner demons, to say that Sunset was not in a good place would have been an understatement. Yet, much to her surprise, her emotions were far more in control than the situation would have warranted. Whatever happened last night, it was messing with her, and now she had to deal with that, alongside the impossible task of making amends for what she tried to do.

Unfortunately for her, she isn't the only one feeling strange.

Fortunately for her, a certain someone doesn't think her situation is as hopeless as she does.

My own attempt at a classic fic premise, involving my favorite little bacon horse. Rated T for the occasional bit of bad language.

While not a direct sequel, this takes place in the same universe as Obsession and Ambition. They're not at all necessary to understand this story, but they are connected to this if you want to read them.

Chapters (4)

Five years ago, Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and took it by storm. She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and Equestria fell into an Age of Darkness. She ruled with an iron hoof; her word became law. The Mare in the Moon became a grim reminder of what happened to those who opposed the new tyrant, and nopony dared oppose.

Except for one aspiring unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare shackled by the failures of her past, prowls the ruins of the old capital Canterlot, praying for a spell that can right what has been so horribly wronged. Buried beneath the rubble of the Royal Library, she finds a tome that might be the answer to her prayers.

A "Warrior of Sunlight"; surely he will be able to overthrow the wicked tyrant and restore Celestia to her rightful throne. Twilight can almost see the sun returning over the horizon. She just didn't expect this warrior to be so... jolly.

Set in Starlight's "alternate future" where Nightmare Moon reigns.

Audio reading by Skijarama

Chapters (15)

By the year 2238, two-thirds of humanity have become "ponies', living in an online virtual reality paradise where everything they could ask for is theirs to have at a moment's notice. It is a world of freedom, where all biological needs are eliminated and you can live forever doing whatever it is that pleases you.

But for some, Equestria can seem less a paradise and more a prison, an artificial and manufactured place where nothing is real and everything is a simulated lie to make you feel comfortable. Perhaps, even the feelings of the mare sitting next to you holding your hoof. How could you ever be sure even your own feelings are truly yours if you're just a program stored on a server?

Does living in Equestria mean Twilight Sparkle has to choose between her heart and her soul?

Entry for 2021 "Friendship is Optimal" contest. Pre-read by TheAlbinocorn, RTStephens, and FanOfMostEverything

Chapters (1)

Yuri is living his life in a secluded part of the Moscow metro. That is, until tragedy strikes a neighboring station and Yuri and his friends are forced to undertake a journey through the dangerous metro system.
In Equestria a lone changeling scout is starving in a cold forest and is getting desperate to find a new source of love to help her hive survive.
Friendship can be formed out of necessity. Morals can be bent in the name of survival.

(Proofread by Kalash93)

Chapters (16)