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Princess Celestia, searching for Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the missing ponies, approaches the Tree of Harmony to see if she can find any clue as to where all of them went, only to be ambushed by the remnants of Nightmare Moon, seeking revenge after her defeat. In an odd twist of fate the two are pulled into a brand new world, full of heroes and villains with all sorts of powers, Quirks, though both figures end up separated from each other in the land of Japan. Celestia ends up in the care of Inko Midoriya with Izuku as her brother, while Nightmare ends up in the care of All For One with Shigaraki Tomura as her brother.

Both must deal with their own Quriks and the school that teaches students on how to become heroes, all while facing those that seek to bring them down.

(MLP/My Hero Academia)
(Part of the Demon War series)
(Will not be covering the Final War Arc.)

Chapters (2)

A particularly unbearable summer afternoon in Phoenix Arizona.

An idiot who thinks he looks cool wearing sweaters in summer.

In an ironic twist of fate, after passing away due to a heat stroke, our boy Micheal wakes up in a strange land as what he assumes to be a horse of his opposite gender.

Not only that, he has wings, and a horn?

Stuff only gets more confusing for the poor bastard as his days in a new body go on.

Partially inspired by a twilights twinlight.

If your wondering, I don't know who made the cover art, and the badly drawn over white rectangle just covers up a color key.

Might add romance later on in the story idk though.

Another goofy ahh idea to come out of my noggin. Hopefully you enjoy.

:Edit, I've seen other people do this, so...

:Featured on July 21 for like a couple minutes: 🤣

Chapters (4)

Some say that time heals everything and I like to think that I am living proof of that.
I lived through a war as a human and ended up dying and being reborn in mlp. But time made me forget all that, that and magic.
Being in a half child magic world isn't as bad as some people think, but I wish I could have avoided the plot.
But this world is magical and I wanted to be involved in the plot just because.
Well, I'll do it my way.

Chapters (13)

Thirty-one short stories of events that take place in Mandatory Motherhood but could not fit in or happen in between future events in the story. Some things such as new character names and races have been omitted to avoid spoiling events too much. I will try to upload 1 chapter per day after the story is published.

Last year, for October the artist Midnight Premier held a challenge called OC-tober and while she is an artist she invited writers to take up the challenge. For fanfic writers, it was one 1 short story per day of the month of October, and each day had a theme. I successfully wrote a chapter for each day and finished the challenge.
Each chapter will be named after the challenge for that day in October.

I'm sorry for the long wait on posting these short stories, I have been slowly working on cleaning them up and when my foot can stand being at my computer desk. Sadly my editors have many irl issues so they have not had the free time to help out, so I hope you will excuse any oddities, weird grammar, and spelling errors or any missing tags. if you notice something please don't be afraid to let me know.

Cover art is an emote Smallducko made for me.

Chapters (27)

Damian is a 24 year old man still living at home with two loving parents and three younger siblings, good friends and a week old brand new motorbike.

Life is good and summer had just started.

But fate can be unpredictable and Damian’s destiny lies elsewhere.

Chapters (8)

A man named Alex, gets hit by a truck and dies. He wakes up in a strange place called Equestria as Penny Polendina. Little dose he or she knows, this isn’t a dream nor a nightmare, but a second life with a new body and abilities, Alex now Penny will soon learn this world has many dangers to face, but will “Penny” be strong enough to face them?

This was another idea I wanted to try out, I hope you’ll enjoy this fic.
Also I’m planing to an cover made for this if you guys know an artist, please give me a link.

Chapters (4)

A spell miscalculated and the most unexpected results. Now thrust into a situation I find myself in a world seemingly bound for conflict. To control my future against various beings wanting to use me for their own purposes what will I be willing to do?

Chapters (3)

In the red/blue version of pokemon it says this about haunter: "Haunter can pass through solid walls. It is because of this that it is believed it is from another dimension." A fact I can confirm for you, personally.

Check out this story's sister fic.

This is part of the 12 days of christmas, head over here to keep track of all the cool stuff coming down the pipes. If you want to ensure I can afford to keep doing stuff like this, consider backing me over on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Chapters (6)

“Please look after my children.”

Pear Butter’s last words were spoken to the stranger who found their crash: the cruel, otherworldly siren named Adagio Dazzle, who sees in her death a golden opportunity.

What starts as a plan to raise willing minions for sustenance and protection goes… a little differently than Adagio had in mind.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (3)

All at once, I lost everything in my life, and was swept away to a new world in the body of this small... horse... thing. What now? Will I be able to find new meaning in this new world? Will I be able to get over the loss I've experienced? Will I ever confront that deep dark secret that I keep even from myself?

...and will I ever get used to not having hands?

Wooo my first fic ever! Always been a big fan of HiE fics so decided to give it a shot myself. Hopefully it isn't too depressing at the start, I have some cute ideas for some wholesome moments later on.

Note: Tags may update as I continue the story. I’ll add tags as I introduce important characters.
Also, do note that this fic will contain transgender themes. If that bothers you, please leave.

Edit 4/16/24: 250 LIKES!!! I'm running out of ways to say thank you!! But THANK YOU!!!

Edit 3/17/24: 100 LIKES WOWWWW

Thank you all so much for all the support so far!! I wouldn't have ever thought that a little story I made on a whim would grow so large this quickly! I'll be trying my hardest to get new chapters out for you all >:3

Inspired by Greenhorne's Trust Once Lost and Boopy Doopy's Beyond Me, along with a whole lot of other HiE fics that would take forever to list lol

Cover by Fireglow!

Chapters (11)