• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 1,002 Views, 55 Comments

The Equestrian Rider - Anubis Grimgost

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

  • ...

C6 physical therapy

It’s been about a week since Damian had awoken and he was currently swimming in the castle Community bath house.

It took a while but he eventually grew accustom to not wearing clothes, although he was given his helmet back and it was in fairly alright shape.

As for right now, nurse Butterscotch was helping him into the water. They had the entire bath house to themselves, thanks to princess Celestia booking this hour off for them.

Thanks to the 9 and a half months of muscle atrophy, his body had lost a lot of mass and grew weak. So here he was slowly recovering by swimming for an hour a day, progress was slow but steady.

Walking was a challenge for him at first but now he was getting around under his own power, which was great for him. It gave him a sense of freedom but nothing nearly as good as his bike.

Damian was unpleased with the individual that nearly killed him but was contempt with the punishment she had received. She was locked up for 4 months and now was serving out Community service.

At first he felt like that wasn’t much of a punishment until he heard what the service was, sewerage cleaning for 12 months. But if he was completely honest, he still wasn’t happy with it.

This made him feel kinda bad for his attacker but then again she shouldn’t have attacked him, then his attention was drawn to a large white Alicorn who was removing her regalia.

“Morning Damian, how are you feeling today?”

“Blub* Blub* cough* gasp* um fine…. Breakfast was nice and I’ve just been walking around the castle for most of the day.”

“Glad to hear, would you like to join me for lunch? I have some ponies that I’d like you to meet but I must warn you, Rainbow Dash will be there.”

“Sigh* do I have to come?”

“Of course not.”

“Eh okay…. I’ll join you but keep Rainbow Dash away from me…. Please.”

“I will Damian, thank you for agreeing. I think you might have some good news too, regarding your motorbike.”

“Wha? You fixed it?”

“No…. we might be able to, but we’ll need your help. If you can of course.”

“Um I’ll try to but I didn’t make it, I just preform weekly maintenance and change the chain every now and then.”

“I’m sure it will be of great help to repairing it or even making another one.”

“Yeah…. Does she have to be there? Like surely she should still be behind bars for attempted murder?”

“Sorry…. I understand where you’re coming from but unfortunately we can’t because she’s a barer of the element of loyalty, so we can’t just lock her up.”

“Huff* as bad as cleaning poo pipes must be, it hardly seems like…. Actually never mind, she’s probably suffering. That’s enough for me.”

“Sigh* I wish you could find it in your heart to forgive her, she was just suspicious of you and after a little questioning…. We found that she believed that you were trying to hit princess Luna but missed, which we know wasn’t the case.”

“No…. Forget forgiveness, she tried to kill me.”

Celestia tried to take him seriously but the fact that a bobbing head of a dragon doing a doggy paddle made this impossible to not find amusing.

“I completely understand but please don’t stop her from trying to make amends.”

“We’ll see…. So when’s lunch?”

“At 12:30, in my private dining hall. We’ll go after this bath.”

“Fine, your highness….”

His tone unimpressed as he paddle around the bath in wide circle, only to get splashed by Celestia when he passed her. It was now he realised that she had gotten into the bath, she was relaxing in the water with a small rubber duck and a towel wrapped around her head.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes Damian.”

“I’m swimming here.”

“Then keep swimming, don’t let me bother you.”

He felt his eye twitch as she smirked at him, Damian knew she was toying with him but didn’t know why.

So he tried to continue with his laps around the bath but now there was bubbles that made it nearly impossible to see.

The drake tried to press on but got lost in the strawberry scented pink bubbles and bumped his muzzle into something. Upon swatting away the bubbles around him, he saw princess Celestia covered in the things till only her eyes and horn were visible.


Then you should watch out for bubble corns.”


“You heard me Damian, bubble corns. Anyway I suggest that you use this time to get cleaned up, it is nearly half 12.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I do, trust me.”

He couldn’t hide his scepticism in his voice. “Right….”

“Here let me help.”

He was about to respond when a sponge pressed itself against him, it was in a golden aura as it began to scrub his back. At first Damian didn’t like it but after a moment of this, it became rather relaxing.

To the point his left hind leg began to kick weakly.

“Awwwwwww heheheheh~, is it that good?”

“M-maybe…. Tell anyone and I’ll never ahhhhh~ yeah that’s the spot, hey!! Stop that! I’m not a dog!”

His demeanour change real quick and it took the regal Alicorn by surprise, making her drop the sponge and giggle.

“Sorry about that but it’s just funny to see a dragon acting…. Well nothing like a dragon is all, you really aren’t a dragon are you.”

“That what I told you, why? Didn’t believe me?”

“Not initially but now…. I have no choice but to, speaking of which. I’d like to keep that a secret because I fear that my little ponies might jump to conclusions if they find out you’re an alien.”


“Great so I’ll give you your Equestrian ID this afternoon.”

The look on Damian’s face despite the goofy pink bubble beard he was rocking, was one of serious disapproval.

“You planned this didn’t you.” It wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.

“Oh my how assertive of you. Is this how all your kind are?”

“Mostly, humanity is an arrogant and self assured race.”

“And yet humble enough to acknowledge it?”

“Like I said, most of us are but not all. Sometimes we get a special one that can change history in leaps and bounds. But they are far and few between.”

“I guess you’re not so different from my ponies…. Minus the arrogance, we are far less arrogant than other races but we still get a few arrogant ones like Rainbow Dash.”

“Could have fooled me twice….”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about her but I’m sure.”

Damian cut the solar princess off without hesitation. “Not forgiving her princess.”

“Oh…. anyway, we should definitely get dried for lunch now. Come, i know a spell.”

“Eh okay, I guess.”

Celestia lifted him up with her magic which made Damian’s legs twitch. Upon setting him down, he slumped onto a soft towel which was laid out for him.

Then like a warm summer breeze, he felt his soggy scales and feathers dry out at an alarming rate.

“Hey whoa there! I don’t like that one bit, it’s not right.”

“Calm down Damian, it’s far quicker and completely safe. I use this method every day, so please show a little trust.”

“Trust is earned princess…. Yes you may have saved my life but I still don’t have to many reasons to trust or believe everything you say as if it’s law.”

Celestia finished drying herself and Damian off with her magic and waited patiently by the main door for him to join her. Butterscotch followed at his request but she didn’t move out of her bowing position until the princess told her to rise.

“And add a dislike of authoritie to your file.”

“You have a file on me?”

“Why of course we do, I have to in order to get you citizenship here.”

“And who said I wanted citizenship?”

“Oh sorry I just assumed….”

“Well don’t…. But I guess I don’t really have a choice.”

Now on their way to the royal dining hall, Damian chose to remain silent for the trip. The regal Alicorn couldn’t tell if it was out of annoyance or nervousness of being in the same room as his attacker.

But nevertheless he was unusually quiet and had a neutral look.

“Okay Damian, you’ll be seated next to me at the far side of the table. Rainbow Dash will be at the opposite end so you have nothing to worry about.”

“She can fly.”

“And I’ll protect you.”

“That’s not what I’m getting at princess, I can look after myself. Just look at these blades attached to my hands.”

“Please don’t resort to violence, a simple barrier spell will stop her,”

“Grrrrrrrrr but she can put me in a coma, I mean who attacks someone in a hospital bed?”

“I’ll agree that she’s not the most perceptive but please try to play nice, she can be easily aggravated.”

Damian reluctantly agreed and the two guards opened the doors. They walk in, Damian kept close to Celestia whilst taking in every aspect of the room. Butterscotch was close by, ready to catch him if he falls.

His blue eyes met Rainbow’s and the death glare he was giving her made the normally boastful mare shrink in her seat.

Seated around her was five other mares, ranging from all sorts of colours. Pink, purple and white. To yellow and orange but what caught his eye was the little purple and green lizard happily eating a bowl of gemstones.

Damian watched in amazement as the little guy munched on the rare stones with ease, this got him thinking about what flavour they were or could be. Like are they colour coded or do they taste like fruit, maybe even like rock candy.

Taking his seat next to Celestia, Damian noticed that Butterscotch didn’t sit down. When he looked behind him, he found her standing off to the side.

Then a side door opened up and his eyes locked onto the wreckage of his bike, he winced at the damage. Not only was it charred but it had completely tore itself apart, the chances of salvaging the bike had been reduced to zero in his eyes.

Celestia noticed his sudden shift in demeanour and began.

“Damian, is it completely destroyed?”

“Sigh* yep, it’s done for. Just a hunk of junk now….”

Twilight let her curiosity get the better of her and spoke out. “So if you can’t use it, could I please take it and study how it functions?”

“Wha…. I um fuck. I mean ouch…. This is the first time seeing my bike and coming to terms with the fact that it’s completely destroyed, obliterated, dead! And you want to take it for science?”

“Well um I didn’t mean…. S-sorry….”

“Damian I understand that you’re upset but please watch your language, Twilight please try to understand him. I believe that it meant a great deal to Damian.”

She hung her head in shame. “I understand princess Celestia. I’m sorry if I came across as inconsiderate, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have yelled…. It’s just that bike gave me freedom. It was my life, my joy…. And it’s gone now.”

“Well I know you’re hurt but maybe we might be able to make a new one with your help and go ahead to take apart your bike?”

“I’m pretty sure I already gave you permission?”

“Yes but I didn’t know how to take it apart….”

“Yeah I guess I’ll be fine with that, I’ll just need some time to accept this.” He pointed to the pile of metal.

“Okay splendid, I’m glad that you’re willing to help Damian.”

“Only because I’m getting a bike out of it…. Hopefully.”

“Well it’s better than not helping, anyway I believe we should address one more misunderstanding before we eat. So miss Dash, would you like to say something to Damian.”

“Eh yeah princess…. Look dude I’m sorry, like really sorry for nearly killing you. That wasn’t my intention but you calmed to be an alien from another world or something. I was just making sure you weren’t bad…. I’m so sorry.”

Damian looked at her with a crazed expression, his eye twitching. He took a deep breath and let it out but this did nothing.

All the mares were impressed with their friend’s genuine heart felt apology.

“Are you serious? Sorry? That was the worst apology I have ever received, how? In what universe would I accept that! You nearly fucking murder me! The fact that you’re not behind bars baffles my brain! If it wasn’t for the Community service you had to do, I’d probably die from an aneurysm because of this shit!!!!”

All the ponies ears folded back at his second outburst but Celestia decided to let him get this out of his system, especially since his claws were digging into the table and tears were welling up in his eyes.

After he finished, he fell back into the chair and began gasping for air. She draped a wing over him and he looked to her before completely breaking down.

Celestia pulled him closer and began to rock him back and forth, this helped calm his heart rate and Damian collapsed against her.

“Would you like to take a minute to let it all out Damian?”

“Please, I need to be outside.”

“Nurse Butterscotch, please help him to the closest balcony for some fresh air.”

“Right away your highness.”

They left for the balcony leaving the rest of the them in an uncomfortable silence.

“Rainbow Dash…. I’m sorry for his outburst but it is understandable, he’s lost in our world with nothing and was nearly killed twice now. So please don’t hold it against him.”

“Y-yes princess.”

“Although I can understand, it was rather uncouth of him to yell like that. He even made dear Fluttershy jump out of her skin.”

“Yeah! That was really mean of him. Dashie didn’t mean to hurt him, she said sorry?”

“She may have sugar cube but it still doesn’t change that fact that Damian nearly died. Y’all need to understand that.”

“Apple Jack is right, he nearly died. So it’s understandable why he’s mad not to mention that because of your status as the element of loyalty, you got off ease.”

“Yeah, you’re right princess but why was princess Luna so mad at me? I thought she was gonna send me to the moon forever.”

“Oh yes I remember, she was rather angry after that but I think that’s because my little sister feels responsible for his crash. So when she saw the tail end of what happened, she might have felt like she had a sense of duty. I myself still isn’t sure or it could be another reason.”

“Speaking of which, I thought princess Luna was going to be joining us for lunch?”

“She is but appears to be running late, probably a good thing since Damian’s outburst. I’m still surprised by how angry he got, I hope it isn’t a common occurrence….”

Just then the doors opened and a dark blue Alicorn trotted in but instead of projecting her usual mood, she had a nervous smile on her muzzle.

A few minutes later a tired looking Damian dragged himself back into the dining hall. Upon entering he noticed a new addition to the room, it was princess Luna.

And Damian’s seat was now occupied so he just looked at Celestia for help but she just smiled at him.

“Um princess, where do I sit now?”

“What does thou mean? Did sir Damian not have a seat sister?”

“Yes but you took it, your seat is on my left Lulu.”

Luna’s wings poofed up as she turned red, this made Damian smile at the sibling banter they had.

“It’s fine, I’ll take the empty seat princess. Don’t worry about it.”

“B-but we can move if necessary.”

“Well it’s not necessary, I’m just hungry now and a little tired but I’m good now. Now that’s all out, I feel better.”

“That’s good to hear Damian.”

“I-I didn’t know I brought you so much pain dude, s-sorry but if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you. Then let me know.”

“Then please leave me alone, I just don’t want to deal with you right now.” He looked at the downed expression of the multi coloured maned Pegasus and it made him feel like he had kicked a puppy. “Look maybe I might be able to forgive but don’t get your hopes up….”

“T-thank you man, that means the world. Don’t worry I’ll leave you alone until you need to learn how to fly.”


Every pony stared at him in disbelief until it clicked in Luna’s head.

“Oh um Sir Damian, thou’s new body has wings but they aren’t in flight worthy condition.”

“Oh…. Oh! I have wings! Argh! Come on, the downforce I could have generated would have been amazing! But no! My bike it’s destroyed, aghhhhhhhhh!”

“Sir Damian, thou can practice it within thou’s dreams. We’ve noticed that thy just keep those wings pinned against one’s body.”


Luna covered her muzzle upon realising that he didn’t know that she could enter his Dreams and he didn’t seem happy about the revelation.

Celestia just raised one eyebrow at her sister.

“So sister, care to explain?”
