• Member Since 16th Jul, 2016


Perpetually finding ways to pack a kayak into a sedan

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The CMC and friends decide that they're too old for tick or treating. They decide to go to Princess Twilight's Nightmare Night party to hope to get some candy. They are in for a lot more than just candy.

Chapters (1)

Caramel had just delivered the roughest speech he hoped he'd never have to do, the best man speech for the pony he's loved since he was a colt. Settling into his new life as a heartbroken stallion doesn't quite take as long as he anticipated as he meets the local barpony and finds out about a far more secretive town crush.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbows have nothing to hide

Rainbow understands how Twilight feels. Being in love for the first time can be scary. She wishes she could say something that would comfort her, but feels that being patient with the mare is the best way to bring her closer.

The sun sets in the distance, but Rainbow is far too distracted with the thought of someday to completely focus on it.

Chapters (1)

In all the high schools throughout Canterlot, there's a very special day the week before prom. A day when all the fillies and colts will do their best to pluck up the courage to offer a flower to their crush. It's a shame Shining's is the Prince of Love.

He might be in just a bit over his head.

A request by SPark and Cynewulf from way back in December/January.
Preread by like half of my friends at this point (Brasta Septim, M.E. Lovecolt, Alto, Cynewulf, SPark, and Timaeus).
Cover art by Dreamingnoctis.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna discovers anti-princess propaganda and cannot understand why her ponies don't believe in her and her sisters rule.

Edited and extended from a WriteOff entry under the prompt '* Princess Not Included.'

Special thanks to Chipmunk and Apollo for prereading and editing assistance.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sensation

Trees are the same. Year in, year out. They're reliable, and as long as you take care of 'em and watch out for blight and pests and such, you know what you get. But ponies ain't trees.

It's been an eventful year since the accident took Soarin's career from him, and Braeburn remembers every moment. He may say he's content, but there's something desperate behind those bright, green eyes.

Cover art by Stratus35

Chapters (21)

Saddle Arabia, a mysterious place as far at the ponies are concerned. Populated by horses that are not receptive to Princess Celestia. And a pony arrives in the desert, a pony with wings, and horn. A pony prince? he awakens in a strange land in a shroud of mystery. Not the least of which is his blank memory, inability to walk correctly, let alone fly. Who is this new stranger? And what is the strange magic that seems to surround and follow him? Is he a threat to those that have taken him in? Or will he be their champion?

This story would not be possible without the commissioning from Canary in the Coal Mine. Many thanks for the support.

As always, there is a staff that brings these stories to life, Kitsy-Chan and her wonderful research and voluminous knowledge base on a great many aspects applicable to pony life. And Kalash, with his editing, and adding in native bits and pieces to help make this story the best it can be.

Also great thanks to my pre-readers, harts fire, Phenrys, my wonderful wife, among others. I hope you all enjoy this commissioned story.

Cover art by the talented NANO!!! Show her some love!

Chapters (28)

Rainbow Blitz is a tough stallion...but he does have a softer side one that very few ponies have ever seen. But the one stallion he opens up to most is his coltfriend Dusk Shine, that was until Dusk began studying under Solaris & Artemis after becoming a Prince of Equestria. Blitz begins to have doubts about their relationship, 'Does Dusk even love me anymore?

Chapters (2)

The road of life is long, and winding. It's hard to follow, but you can stay on it the whole way through. Sometimes you don't want to, though. Sometimes you shouldn't. Sometimes you need to make the wrong decision. Sometimes you need to run off the path, and get lost in the woods so you can find yourself.

Chapters (3)

Rarity and Applejack have been trapped inside of Carousel Boutique for days due to the raging blizzard outside. Faced with uncertainty about how long they are going to be stuck together, they do the only thing they are able to — share how they feel.

Chapters (1)