• Member Since 24th Sep, 2012


The original Sunburst!

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  • Featured 23743 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Applejack has a rather troubling question for Rarity. But Rarity refuses to answer until she understands the reason for it.

An entry in the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Drama category.

Tagged [Suicide/Self-Harm] only for it coming up in conversation.

Cover art by It Is All Hell

Chapters (1)

Twilight has recently come to the realization that Princess Cadence and Prince Blueblood are family, both having been adopted by Princess Celestia in their youth. Despite this, Twilight can't think of a time when she's ever seen Cadence and Blueblood interact, or even mention each other.

Determined to find out why, Twilight decides to ask Cadence herself. Cadence is understandably hesitant to mention her adopted brother, for reasons she believes to be very valid.

But when Blueblood ends up suddenly hospitalized with a serious illness, the complicated relationship and estranged family bonds are put to the ultimate test. Cadence must decide whether or not she can put aside her personal feelings and be there for her adopted brother when he needs her most.

(Featured on 6/24/2024.)

Chapters (1)

When Apple Bloom, now 16 years old, discovers that her coltfriend is cheating on her, she turns to Applejack for some sisterly support.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Love's a Roller Coaster Ride

Starlight and Sunburst are finally getting married! Will this celebration of love and unity proceed as planned? Or will anxiety, hijinks, squabbles and mishaps ruin their perfect day? Was inviting Discord as a groomscolt a good idea, or will things plummet into chaos?

Nopony ever said weddings are easy...

Cover art: Together forever by LittleCloudie on DeviantArt

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer asks her girlfriend a simple question: “Would you still love me if I were a worm?”

Unfortunately, Twilight Sparkle has never given a simple answer in her life.

Written for Perfectly Insane’s Dialogue Only Contest.

Pre-read by Posh.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Parental Fear

Opaline has finally been defeated, but her words still hang heavily on Alphabittle's mind. How could somepony be so cruel for no reason? It's even worse, because she held Misty captive for so long. Desperate to gain some closure, Alphabittle invites Misty to the Crystal Tearoom for a talk.

Chapters (1)

On Hearths Warming Eve, Vinyl and Octavia have just finished their respective performances at Canterlot, and are now ready to go home. While on the train ride home, Vinyl and Octavia start to consider just how well they know each other.

Written for Sonicsons for Jinglemas 2023.

Cover art was done by Rublegun.

Chapters (1)

The holiday is always a hard one, with the rushing around to get any last minute presents. It's made all the harder when you don't know what to get.

Written for Winston for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

Twilight, on her new wings, couldn't find her way around Cloudsdale. It may have left more of mark on her than she wants to admit.

Maybe she could use some help, but she's going to have to be honest first.

Written for Penguifyer for Jinglemas 2023.

Chapters (1)

King Thorax visits Princess Celestia to discuss a critically missing component in the proposed laws for changeling rights. She learns a few things along the way.

Chapters (1)