• Member Since 24th Sep, 2012


The original Sunburst!

Stories Read Still In Progress 2 stories
  • Stories Read Still In Progress 2 stories - 1 unread chapters Stories I've read through available chapters, but are incomplete and waiting for more material
    Created by Winston
    - May, 2023
Found 2 stories in 26ms
Total Words: 96,140
Estimated Reading: 6 hours



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This story is a sequel to Love's a Roller Coaster Ride

Starlight and Sunburst are finally getting married! Will this celebration of love and unity proceed as planned? Or will anxiety, hijinks, squabbles and mishaps ruin their perfect day? Was inviting Discord as a groomscolt a good idea, or will things plummet into chaos?

Nopony ever said weddings are easy...

Cover art: Together forever by LittleCloudie on DeviantArt

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer is a former tyrant, half-pony freak, and CHS' resident Friendship Chick. Twilight Sparkle is a former loser, absolute genius, and a complete nervous wreck.

When the new Twilight transfers to CHS, Sunset doesn't think much of her. But it doesn't take long for the two to become best friends — and change each other's lives in ways neither saw coming.

The first year of Sunset and Twilight’s relationship, told in real time through vignettes, text messages, snippets, and more.

Every chapter in this story takes place at a specific date and time on the 2023 calendar.

Pre-read by Posh and Quill Scratch.

Cover art by LZjian79 and Hiru315.

Chapters (37)