Stories I Like The Most. 68 stories
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Celestia wants Twilight and her friends to loosen up a little bit around her. Luna just wants to try the hard cider. During a surprise visit to Sweet Apple Acres at the tail end of cider season, Princess Luna has just a bit too much to drink, and when she makes a rather inappropriate joke, Twilight comes to the very uncomfortable realization that she has never seen Celestia excuse herself to use the restroom.

Chapters (11)

Deep beneath the Lunar Castle are the Central Imperial Archives, a collection of documents unprecedented and unmatched in variety and breadth. These shelves hold the key to understanding the mystical world of the New Lunar Millennium where Nightmare Moon reigns supreme. Your guide through this labyrinth of knowledge is a pegasus dork who struggles to speak coherently around new people. Enjoy!

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe, obviously. No prior knowledge is required to read, especially as this is intended to be an introduction/explanation for the setting.

A lot of this is stuff I've already written to go alongside drawings and such, but the bulk of it (at time of publishing) is original material. Much of the history parts are available without commentary here.

Chapters are generally presented in chronological order, but certain events from different parts of the world occur simultaneously so some overlap and inconsistent chronology is to be expected. OC and artwork attributions included in author's notes where appropriate.

Chapters (15)

There are many duties and obligations a Princess of Equestria must carry out and Twilight is in the midst of learning them. Over the past few days Princess Celestia has been tutoring Twilight in a series of strange, seemingly nonsensical rituals and incantations. Could this all be as vital to the survival of Equestria as Celestia insists, or has Twilight simply found herself caught in an elaborate prank courtesy of the wily white alicorn?

Chapters (1)

This is where volunteering for things gets you.

Featured on FOB Equestria

Chapters (6)

A ten page short:
What if all the magic we see in the show is exactly what it appears to be? Does that concept scare you? It should.
After a shocking discovery changes his life, a young griffon follows in the hoofprints of his childhood hero, and mounts an expedition deep into the frozen west.

Both 'The Brightest Shine' and 'Piracy' redirect here, and with good reason; read on and it will make sense.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Immortal rulers of Equestria, shepherds of the Sun and Moon, and arguably the most powerful beings in existence.

Even they are not immune to the dreaded rivalry that comes between sisters. Feeling her sister has gone soft over the millenia spent alone, Princess Luna challenges Princess Celestia to the one and only Iron Pony Competition.

Which sister will come out on top?

Now with fanart! By Soulite1110

Chapters (1)

UPDATE: COMPLETE! You may have heard of Pipsqueak. He's a pinto colt, originally from Trottingham, saved Nightmare Night from being abolished seven odd years ago. Know the one I'm talking about? Yes? Good. Since then he's grown into a charming, cultured hedonist who wants to bed near every mare in Ponyville and a good few of the stallions. He has a slender build and some ponies say he has mares' hips, though he feels that those ponies should shut their bloody mouths. His best mate is the gregarious and multi-talented Featherweight, and his other best mate is the stoic trencherpony and excellent cook Chowder.

This is the story of a Friday, and the wee hours of a Saturday. It's a teacher training day, and Pipsqueak and his friends have no school.

In twenty-four hours, a sinister plot to take down a local business is launched, Snips and Snails dabble in the dark magic of Peyuase, a great deal of debauchery occurs, a cocktail of unrivaled destructive power is created and a small fleet of ships are launched! All of this and more, in Pipsqueak's Day Off!

Massive thanks to LittleSallyDigby for help, editing and advice.

Chapters (7)

Giant mutant spiders have ensnared Rainbow Dash's friends with plans to lay eggs in the mares' soft, squishy, bellies. This is the sort of evil that no normal pony can handle. Who should Ponyville call? Who else?

Enter Amethyst Star: Spider Slayer

Dedicated to RazgrizS57 and written in under six hours before a live audience on Google Drive.

Cover art by Darkflame

Chapters (1)

✽ Tale I of XXXIII ✽
adapted from Volume I, Track I

In the frigid night, comes the crashing moon.
She rides the dying light and screams a final tune.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's caught a special type of flu, and it's up to none other than Princess Celestia to nurse her through it. A special, tender little moment follows in this most unexpected of circumstances.

Chapters (1)