“If you read the last chapter, you're already familiar with the relationship between Equestria and Aquileia, and where that ended up. If not, long story short, a kingdom in Griffonia had an overlapping sphere of influence with the Empire and wasn't happy that they were around,” Moonatik explained. A worried look flashed on his face. “Wait, is saying ‘chapter’ too meta? Fuck, now I’m lampshading it.”
“Okay okay! Aquileia! Griffon country! Here!”
Moonatik takes a small map out of the desk. It has been drawn on with a marker pen.
“Just in case you weren’t familiar with the geography. Was a kingdom, but at the start of 1008 there was some big-time upheaval that resulted in the fall of the kingdom and the rise of a republic. What happened specifically…” Moonatik shrugs. “It’s a topic of debate.”
“To give you either side of the debate.” Moonatik takes two newspaper clippings out of the desk. “I have a pro-Lunar Equestrian newspaper reporting on what happened, an anti-Lunar report by a hippogriff journalist. Why these two? Iunno, just thought it'd be fun to compare.”
The Moon tabloid report on the 1008 Aquileian political crisis, by Hot Press. (02/01/1008)
TYRANNICAL KING OVERTHROWN IN POPULAR UPRISING - NEW REPUBLIC PROCLAIMED - The Kingdom of Aquileia, for the second time in recent history, is embroiled in revolutionary fervour. In response to the increasingly oppressive and brutal rule of King Moriset, a wave of strikes and protests estimated to involve as many as 200,000 griffons and ponies has erupted nationwide. The government reportedly ordered paramilitaries of the Mouvement Patriote d'Aquilée (MPA) to end the protests, only for the MPA to join up with the protestors.
In a series of swift actions, key government buildings and leaders were seized by MPA paramilitaries in a largely bloodless affair. King Moriset himself is currently in custody. The scenes in Aquila were matched across the country, in cities like Rila, Pridea, and Westkeep. Leader of the MPA, Marshal Léonard Rodier, is now the leader of a provisional cabinet known as the National Unity Government. The 20-member body consists of members from all parties involved in the uprising.
The National Unity Government has wasted no time outlining their vision for the nation’s future. Marshal Rodier spoke before a crowd of 70,000 ponies and griffons in Aquila where he proclaimed the establishment of the Second Aquileian Republic. He also announced free elections would be held as soon as possible as well as a normalisation of relations with the Lunar Empire.
The crowds were heard chanting slogans such as “Long live Aquileia!”, “Long live the Aquileian revolution!”, and “Friendship with Equestria!” expressing widely held opinions in the country. The government of the tyrannical King Moriset was infamous for antagonising the Lunar Empire by openly supporting terrorist and secessionist organisations in Equestria. This new government has shown no interest in continuing such policies, and the Imperial Foreign Ministry has welcomed the uprising.
The planned elections will elect a new constituent assembly, which will create a new democratic constitution and set a date for elections for a new legislature and government. The National Unity Government will govern the country in the meantime.
Mount Aris Express report on the 1008 Aquileian political crisis, by Arisian journalist Rayne Cloud. (02/01/1008)
Coup d'état in Aquileia - Aquileian paramilitaries depose royal government
Ultranationalist paramilitaries in Aquileia launched a coup on Tuesday, detaining the country’s sovereign, King Moriset, and other top officials in a series of raids.
The seizure of power was coordinated across the whole country, with paramilitaries belonging to the Mouvement Patriote d'Aquilée (MPA) taking control of key institutions in several cities. This was set on a backdrop of intensifying unrest and violence, which the MPA took advantage of to seize control.
Due to Lunar Imperial support for Aquileia’s insurgent republican movement, many have suspected Lunar involvement in the takeover. Photographs show MPA members and aligned paramilitaries wielding Equestrian weaponry. Aquileia has been a key player in the global fight to resist the growing power of Nightmare Moon, using its Navy to protect Puerto Caballo from Lunar invasion.
The coup leader, Léonard Rodier, has announced an end to the monarchy and a normalisation of relations with the Lunar Empire. He now leads a council of claw-picked members tasked with governing the troubled nation. He has promised elections once the situation stabilises, but it remains to be seen if the promise of a swift transition to an elected government will be upheld, or if the elections will be free and fair.
This coup is yet further bad news for international efforts to contain the growing power of the Lunar Empire. This coup, even if it turns out to be short-lived, has shown that even Aquileia cannot necessarily be relied on to be a permanent shield against Lunar imperialism.
The Lunar Empire's primary interests in Griffonia, as well as the wider world, have appeared to be more about extending their own influence and enrichment at the expense of others, rather than following the Harmonic goals of ensuring freedom and prosperity for all. Imperial leaders are doubtlessly pleased with the downfall of a longtime foe, excited at the prospect of influencing and exploiting Aquileia itself, and more dangerously are licking their lips at the prospect of invading a now unprotected Puerto Caballo.
Lunar imperialism thrives on a divided Harmonic world, it has shown itself to seize any opportunity it can grasp to bring more of the globe under the hoof of its Empress. So the coup in Aquileia is likely to further hamper efforts to contain them.
“So, coup? Or revolution?” Moonatik asks. “Guess it depends on how you define it and who you trust, hm? Maybe you don’t really trust either of them and you’re stuck in a place where you’re never sure what’s real and what’s fake. Hey, wasn’t fanfiction supposed to be an escape from reality?”
Another bits of informations about universum. But map of countries in 1004 beg to ask a question. How Lunar Empire managed in 4 years to conquer Stalliongrad, Crystal Empire, New Mareland and Changelings?
Edit: For some reason, my post got doubled.
Stalliongrad? What's that? No such country has ever existed. (serious answer: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/533442/6/the-millennium-archives/the-most-awesome-day-in-equestrian-history)
Sombra returned to take over the Crystal Empire in 1003, and almost immediately went to war with the Lunar Empire. Like all others who tested the Lunar Empire's strength, they failed. (more stuff https://www.fimfiction.net/story/532206/shifting-sides)
Ah, New Mareland, always a loyal colony of Equestria. It has proved its dependability under the wise leadership of Sour Sweet, who rightly recognised Empress Nightmare Moon as Equestria's sovereign.
In 1002, the dastardly Queen Chrysalis attempted to infiltrate Equestria and overthrow our beloved Empress. She failed, and her meagre armies could not withstand the might of the Lunar Empire, as if she was so sure that her little attempt at infiltration would succeed that she didn't even bother to build up a conventional army on par with Equestria. They were trounced within months!
I could almost see a TNO inspired submod being made for EAW that takes place in this universe. Perhaps you could call it 'The New Order: The Last Days of Equus'?
I don't know, I just thought it would just be interesting. The River Coalition would be like the OFN, the Empire would lead the analogue to the Einhietspakt, and perhaps there's a Triumvirate or Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere equivalent in there somewhere too?
I'd prefer to create original scenarios with the setting rather than imitating TNO.
Right, I was just saying that there were a lot of similarities between the two ideas.
Well, depends on when you ask them.
In 1000, the 'Shadowbolt Society' would have insisted it was just a social club for wealthy ponies. There's no collusion or conspiracy with any foreign state, they sya.
In 1006, of course they say they were cooperating on matters of faith and economic progress with their friends around the world. They always were, why wouldn't they be?