• Member Since 28th Feb, 2015


In the dark times, should the stars also go out?

New Lunar Millennium 13 stories
  • New Lunar Millennium 13 stories The main event, the stories set in my primary AU. Everything here is canon. Stories are not published in chronological order. More information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q3LYdi1fEnlERS6cix0enT_saYFvSLT-Bw_kurVIsmY
    Created by Moonatik
    - February, 2023
Found 12 stories in 34ms

Total Words: 256,590
Estimated Reading: 17 hours


  • New Lunar Millennium 13 stories The main event, the stories set in my primary AU. Everything here is canon. Stories are not published in chronological order. More information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q3LYdi1fEnlERS6cix0enT_saYFvSLT-Bw_kurVIsmY

  • Moonatik Extended Universe 4 stories Stories outside of or adjacent to the NLM canon by other authors that feature my OCs.


  • Featured 24655 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 221 stories Stories that have been reviewed

There's social unrest in Lunar Equestria. Nothing extreme, just a dispute between a company and its employees over pay and conditions. Only of note as it disrupts some important part of the supply chain. Some would take a side, some need to resolve it above all, most would let it sort itself out.

Yet Nightmare Moon wants it to end. Immediately.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. Some original characters from the universe are featured, but extensive knowledge is not required to read. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)

The Chiropterran Labourer system had been a brutal mechanism of slavery for centuries. The machine treated sapient beings as nothing more than disposal cogs, denied all autonomy and independence for every waking moment of their lives, with death as the only escape.

Then, all of a sudden, Chiropterran slavery is abolished by the order of Empress Nightmare Moon. Just like that.

Merzaal and Abdaz are two former labourers, finding themselves the same situation, learning to reckon with their new reality on the way to an uncertain future. Where once there was an steel railroad they couldn't leave, there were diverging paths. Would those paths lead to emancipation, or a new form of slavery?

For however much a wolf can be tamed, however much it can hold back, it always hungers for the sheep's flesh.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe, which is based on the Equestria at War setting. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU beyond the general concept of it and the EaW setting is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft and ManniTeneriSunt.

Chapters (12)

On all corners of the world, the Lunar Empire is embroiled in war. Its soldiers are deployed across three continents, most of them conscripts.

One such conscript is Apple Bloom, and she is far from enthusiastic. She knows she isn't being sent overseas on some glorious crusade or some great adventure, she knows she isn't fighting to protect her or the freedom of her fellow ponies. This war is a racket. A racket to bring glory to a tyrant and bring wealth to her underlings. Sentient creatures are hurled into the woodchipper, and gold is spewed out the other end. A woodchipper she faces herself.

If only her friends would listen.

New chapters will be published when I write them. No idea when that's gonna be.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU beyond the general concept is required to read this story.

Cover art drawn by ReddTheBat. Post processing by me.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft. Additional proofreading and consultation provided by ManniTeneriSunt and Kalashnikitty.

Chapters (7)

When King Sombra returned and sought to conquer Equestria, the Imperial Lunar Army stood in his path. Under the stalwart leadership of Warmaster Saturn Hawkrich, a mighty counteroffensive was launched to tear Sombra down before he knew what hit him. The war would be over before anyone knew it!

That was months ago. The war carries on and continues to take a bloody toll on Equestria. Now questions are beginning to mount regarding the conduct of the war and Hawkrich's capability. Questions from soldiers, from civilian officials, and most vocally by the young General Selenite and Empress Nightmare Moon herself.

Warmaster Hawkrich wants the job done. General Selenite wants it done right. The soldiers are getting weary. But perhaps most importantly of all, Empress Nightmare Moon demands results.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU beyond the general concept is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft. Additional proofreading and consultation provided by Dice, Danielle and Kalashnikitty.

Chapters (7)

High above the great mass of creatures under the banner of the Lunar Empire, Empress Nightmare Moon sits upon her illustrious throne. Unopposed. Alone. Alienated.

To solve her dilemma, she will go incognito and venture into the city of Manehattan, the husband of her loyal Warmaster as her guide.

Yet it remains to be seen, when all pretences of imperial royalty are obscured, will Manehattan take kindly to her? And more importantly, will she like what she finds?

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. This story prominently features original characters from the setting, but extensive knowledge is not required to read. More information can be found here.

In case you don't know what Selenite and Sol look like: https://derpibooru.org/images/2874846?q=solenite

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (7)

Governor Alesia Snezhnaya is many things. A war hero, a popular politician, a proud Severyanian, a pragmatic Lunarist and a dogmatic anti-communist. In the face of a nascent revolutionary movement brewing amongst the working masses of Lunar Equestria, Alesia has wasted no time in stamping it out. Yet to her annoyance, other Lunarists appear oblivious to the growing threat.

As the revolutionary movement grows, so does Alesia's frustration, given that she may be the only one who understands the encroaching threat. Unless something happened to change her perspective...

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe and features characters from the Equestria at War mod. More information on the AU can be found here. Names and features of the setting will likely confusing to someone unfamiliar with the mod or the AU, but this should be readable by anyone.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)

Deep beneath the Lunar Castle are the Central Imperial Archives, a collection of documents unprecedented and unmatched in variety and breadth. These shelves hold the key to understanding the mystical world of the New Lunar Millennium where Nightmare Moon reigns supreme. Your guide through this labyrinth of knowledge is a pegasus dork who struggles to speak coherently around new people. Enjoy!

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe, obviously. No prior knowledge is required to read, especially as this is intended to be an introduction/explanation for the setting.

A lot of this is stuff I've already written to go alongside drawings and such, but the bulk of it (at time of publishing) is original material. Much of the history parts are available without commentary here.

Chapters are generally presented in chronological order, but certain events from different parts of the world occur simultaneously so some overlap and inconsistent chronology is to be expected. OC and artwork attributions included in author's notes where appropriate.

Chapters (16)

Sunburst flunked out of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and had little to aspire for before the Lunar Rebellion, but the new regime had plans for ponies like him. Former students of Celestia’s prestigious schools were offered jobs by the Lunar state, with Sunburst himself taking one of these offers up and finding himself working for the Imperial Institute of Arcane Sciences as a researcher and magic practitioner.

Yet on the job, Sunburst is told about what became of her old friend Starlight Glimmer. Out on the Equestrian periphery, his old friend preaches an ideology advocating the elimination of cutie marks and enforces this worldview on her followers through a dystopian system of control and manipulation. Upon hearing of it, Sunburst can barely believe it.

Then he's ordered to investigate Starlight by using magic he can barely pull off.

It can only go so well.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. Some original characters from the universe are featured, but no prior knowledge beyond the general concept is required to read. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (6)

It was supposed to be so simple for Grim Fate. A necromancer from a far-away land, she offered her services to King Sombra and easily rose through the ranks of his forces owing to her magical skill. With legions of undead thralls under her command, she'd rule the world as one of Sombra's Legates. All that stood in the way was the Lunar Empire to the south.

Eleven months had passed since the Lunar-Crystal War began. After some initial victories in the first weeks, the war had been nothing but a slow, agonising retreat. Now the Lunars had the Crystal City itself surrounded, and for the last week what disorganised and depleted Crystal legions existed in the city could barely resist.

Now pinned down in the midst of the war's final battle, Grim must put in her all if she wants to escape Lunar justice. Sombra himself may not survive, but Grim won't give up without a fight.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU beyond the general concept is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Ebonyglow and Izzy Incraft. Cover image by ModularPon.

Chapters (1)

Whilst waiting for Rarity to finish her shift at Nightmare Moon's castle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders listen to cutie mark stories from a strange assortment of ponies who happen upon them, including a vain femboy, a headstrong veteran, a shifty necromancer, and more!

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft. Additional proofreading and editing by Ebonyglow.

Detailed content warnings per chapter included in author's notes.

Chapters (9)