• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014

Regina Wright

Waterworn doesn't mean squat when you're an eternal flame, baby!

The Honorable Section of Fine Reads 62 stories
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Caught in a stormwind and finding herself lost
A pony is found by a strange friendly monster
Who takes her into her own household, and so
reveals herself.

Written for FTP12. Coverart by Aliste Rosenheim.

Chapters (1)

Everything should be all fun and games in Ponyville, but it's not. Not for you anyway. Not anymore. You've been noticing a lingering shadow following you, a strange ominous shape, and it's driving you to the brink of madness now. It's almost like this strange being wants to remind you of something that you desperately don't want to remember...

Contains Anon, not a comedy.

Chapters (1)

It's a plan as foolproof as it is audacious. In pursuit of an artifact that could spell the end of changelings' ability to infiltrate pony society, two spies in deep cover just intercepted an extremely interesting top-secret report. The influence of the Elements of Harmony has created emotional cross-contaminations inside Princess Twilight — which means that they know exactly what they need to do to get some involuntary Honesty out of her …

CONTAINS: Nonconsensual tickleplay, light bondage, hoof-licking. (No explicit content.) Written as a commission for yamgoth.

Chapters (1)

Celestia: a filly of twelve. A cynical, hungry pauper, with a young sister to protect and feed.

But the food has run out. Winter has gripped the land for too long, and now the pair face starvation.

The cynic in Celestia knows she can't move the sun. But the child in her wonders... and so she tries.

(Inspired by the Donovan song of the same name.)

(Now with a dramatic reading here, by Crafty Arts, and here, by KeyframeProductions.)

(Now with a Spanish translation here.)

Chapters (1)

At an indeterminate time of day, Twilight Sparkle – fresh off yet another marathon study session – is trying to get some rest. Only one thing stands between her and blissful slumber: the annoying dog next door. Same as it's been for months. Twilight is close to her breaking point. Can she formulate a plan to deal with this most pressing issue? The very survival of Ponyville absolutely does not hang in the balance. A one-shot story.

Chapters (1)

After taking her first bath in a thousand years, Luna discovers that her cutie mark has been a horrible lie. It turns out she isn't Princess of the Moon after all. In fact, she's actually Princess of Uranus.

Is Uranus ready for this?

Probably not.

Big ups to Masked Ferret for prereading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Would It Matter If I Was?

After the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy asked Twilight a difficult question. Now, Rainbow Dash flies in to talk some sense into her and to shake things up with a question of her own. On top of that, there's some sort of conspiracy going on. What are these ponies up to?

Author's Note: While I normally prefer to keep my writing self-contained instead of expanding upon another author's work, I was inspired to write this after seeing the context prompt here. Really, so many things could be changed just by tweaking the circumstances that it would have been a shame not to do so. If there's anything I've learned as a writer, it's to chase those wild, untamed ideas and not let them get away. So yes, this story is a sequel to GaPJaxie's work, and picks up after that one cuts off. Please read it first.

If you're interested in the concept, also check out the Parody, the Rage Review, and the (ill-fated) Rebuttal.

Chapters (1)

Many times Nurse Redheart has seen to the comfort of ponies in their final hours.
When her turn comes, though, she has only you.

Cover image based on Nurse Redheart Pillow by TheParagon.
Audio Reading by TheDizzyDan

Based on this story:
The Unfortunate Aftermath of Nurse Redheart
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
The Unsettling Suicide of Nurse Tenderheart

Chapters (1)

There's being alone, and then there's being alone; where the only companionship is the screeching of your own subconscious, and every fear and anxiety weighs on you like a blanket of lead. Twilight Sparkle has five amazing friends, but still she feels alone. Is something wrong with her?

Yes. Yes it is.

Note: Contains references to real-world drugs and sex. Don't read if you don't like those things. Not fully edited because too many stories. Sorry.

Chapters (1)

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. I think she'll fit right in.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. She seems a little tense, but does she ever know her way around an apple tree.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. She says she's spent the last two days here, but I don't remember seeing her at all.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today and wouldn't stop crying. She says she can't find a way out.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (1)