• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 15th

Regina Wright

Waterworn doesn't mean squat when you're an eternal flame, baby!


Anyone Into Monster Girls? · 10:24pm Oct 13th, 2015

I've gotten into the genre (as folks on reddit call it) for the last couple of months. The influence started creeping into my fics with Assuming The Position and came to its fruition with Release.


I'm lying. It's been creeping in a lot of my fics (not on this account).

And by the way, here's best girl.

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I Just Submitted A Story I Should Have Gotten Pre-Read · 10:08pm Oct 12th, 2015

It's not the one I said was coming but... I liked writing it.

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Report Regina Wright · 482 views ·

And Back On The Hump I Go (And New Story Sneak Peek) · 3:28pm Oct 7th, 2015

Except not really.

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The Great Cloptober Is Upon Us · 1:56pm Oct 2nd, 2015

I've been thinking.

What if I started posting NSFW stuff on here?

Lately, I've been thinking of moving a certain story over to this account since I have so many people reading my Celestia fics. And again, it was probably dumb to separate them.

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Report Regina Wright · 479 views ·

Finished Part One of Rainbow Dash's Route · 8:18pm Sep 28th, 2015

You know, of that fic I'm writing for kicks?

I have class in like an hour and I can't help but be tempted to post it early just cause. I'll be gone for hours so seeing that baby posted when I get back would really pick my spirits up. If I keep it on unsubmitted too long, I might chicken out posting it in general or keep picking at it (and likely burn myself out before finishing the other chapters).

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And Suddenly I'm Writing Too Much Fic · 11:13pm Sep 27th, 2015


Slumps On My Hump · 3:09pm Sep 25th, 2015

I don't know if it's because of the whole college thing raising my stress levels but everything I've been writing has been fizzing out. And the things I do write have been coming out extremely weird.

When I feel stressed, I write fanfiction.

When I am about to explode, I write smut.

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The Hump That Every Fanfic Writer Reaches · 1:08pm Sep 20th, 2015

It's nice to reach that point where I don't have to constantly post a story to get random likes, favs and the occasional comment asking why don't I update. I've been enjoying a fifteen-minute retirement these last couple of days.

Logging in, "Oh, somebody read X and faved. That's nice."

Logging out, "Now I know how my favorite authors, who don't update or post a new story, feel. Content."

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Before I Hit Two Hundred Followers... · 7:42pm Sep 9th, 2015

I want to thank all of you guys for support and comments over the year I've been here. I really appreciate what you all have done for me and I'm honored to have this many people take the time to follow me. With all of my heart, thank you.

And with that out of the way...

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One-Trick Pony (Or How I Know That I'm A Writer, But Not A Good One) · 11:59am Sep 7th, 2015

When I look into the similar section of the recommendation list, I often see my own stories. Either I am an awesome cad filling in stories in a sorely deprived niche of pony fics or, more likely, that my fics have gotten samey.

And is that a bad thing?

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