• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 15th, 2024

Regina Wright

Waterworn doesn't mean squat when you're an eternal flame, baby!


Luna meets Celestia's special somebody and gets the threesome of a lifetime.

AN// No angst. Just lots of fluff.

Chapters (1)

In the rare moments that farmhouse is empty besides Applejack holding down the fort, Rainbow Dash comes to visit. Even rarer is when they have a guest to comment on their arrangement of today and tomorrows.

Written to get me out of non-writing funk and for the character prompt from Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges.

Chapters (1)

Lewis Colrick is a human with two very simple wants. Friendship and a pony. Celestia-The-Construct underestimates the cost of his expressed consent.

Written as a feel-better fic for Bendy. Love your fics, man.

Extremely OOC for Celestia of the Friendship is Optimal verse.

Rated T because I never use E.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Human Husbandry

It was in the kitchen that Fluttershy trapped him, demanding the girth of his gift. Ralph didn't think he would be the one to pop her precious cherry. There were hundreds of reason why they shouldn't. Her being a pony and him a human. But yet and still, it's right there. Tempting him to give in.

Written for kicks and romantic fluff practice. You don't have to read the original to understand this story.

Rated T for sexual implications, suggestive dialogue and all that good, good cuddle-crack.

Chapters (1)

One's childhood never escapes you when magic and a certain motherly princess enters the picture.

Written for kicks and Momlestia/Sweet Celestia practice. But mainly for kicks.

WARNING: Written on late-night crazy sauce.

Rated T for swearing, dark implications involving drug usage and childhood trauma.

(And on a personal note: Don't use drugs to escape your problems.)

Chapters (4)

In the Hereafter, the many realms of dream are in constant disarray. So much so that a human's dying dream could easily catch the attention of the Lady of The Night. Unfortunately.

All the best parts of chapter one was by Gaudior who is a pretty great guy (check him out) but I'm a bandit trying to drop some merchandise before it goes bad.

For the sake of avoiding a writer's slump so here's the story. YOLO.

Rated T for implied gore imagery, psychological torture and swearing.

Chapters (3)

Ralph R. Winston writes about adventures! Wonders! Not little ponies nor the dainty one that can't take a hint. But little did he knows, she's leading him to his next great adventure.

Written for the F**** This Prompt. Might make a full story out of this later.

Chapters (1)

Mark was out of his league, fooling around with an immortal pony princess, and he knew it. To make life easier for himself, he accepted that as a undeniable fact. She would get bored and he would move on. He just didn't know that the great vain mare was called the Subtle Sun for a reason. And that her enemies called her that as an insult.

Princess Celestia didn't have a subtle bone in her body.

Currently rated T but I might bump the rating as the story progresses.

Now a one-shot.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie and Noteworthy learn some moves as they dance around each other, sharing just about everything but love.

Rated T for tender somethings under the summer sun.

Written for romantic fluff practice without the angst and from the prompt of the week from the group Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges .

Chapters (1)

Anon waits for Princess Celestia on his last day on Equestria.

Written in second person. And for kicks. And for fluff practice. And for Celestia practice.

Rated T for implied nudity and sex tag because why not.

Chapters (1)