• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012

Demon Eyes Laharl

Writer. What else do you need to know?

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Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.

Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what Pincer learns leaves him questioning everything he has ever known — but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.

Cover art commissioned from http://www.demonkings.com.

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (15)

While enjoying her holiday in the city of San Francisco, a spirited mare soon finds her whole world has been turned upside-down after crossing paths with an equally spirited human.

A story of an unconventional love that blossomed from an unexpected friendship.

Set in the Gentlemanverse: created by Demon Eyes Laharl

Also be sure to check out Loose Screws: A story of Five Gentlemen which is a side story.

Chapters (4)

Darkness is upon the remnants of Humanity. Facing death or conversion by an unstoppable horde, Humanity turns to its last hope.

Six musicians. Can they harness the power of metal and stop this threat?

Chapters (1)

An earth pony from the classical era once described life as a series of unexpected surprises. For some that’s more true than others. Luminescence knows this all too well. Falling in love with someone outside her species was never part of the plan. But love didn’t much care for her plans.

Likewise Hiro Blueforest only expected to do his graduate studies at the Lunar Institute for Advanced Thaumaturgical Studies. Maybe research for a year or two and then return back to his people’s lands. Now his plans have been derailed and he finds himself stuck in between two cultures and pulled both ways by politics.

It’s not going to be easy for either of them, but the more difficult the problem, the greater the reward!

Chapters (2)

Pulled into a strange world where myth and legends are real. Unable to communicate to the native creatures here, or even able to move for that matter... How is a human supposed to adapt to this strange world, or even manage to keep his sanity when he is encased in stone.

Chapters (19)


I mean, um, hi, my name's Fluttershy. And I don't have a kitchen. But um… everypony seems to think I do… So here's my story about the day when everypony suddenly realized it… I don't know why it happened all on one day, but it did.

Chapters (2)

Side stories to my Conversion Bureau story, One Pony's Terrorist. Most will be one-shots. Everything, unless explicitly stated, is part of the OPT universe.


Chapters (4)

The Human Liberation Front. An organization of terrorists, xenophobes, and bigots. An organization dedicated to the destruction of ponykind. An organization against the peaceful coexistence of two species. If the peace and love of Equestria is to help a shattered humanity, this evil group must be eliminated.
But to Jack Beckett and others, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

For OPT-related material not in the main story itself, read Side Stories.


Chapters (6)

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
-Thomas Jefferson

Three hundred years ago, Equestria tried to assimilate Earth.
They failed. They fled, rather than face justice.
We moved on. We conquered the stars, we made a civilization that spans across the infinite void. We built true harmony between species.
We thought we'd seen the last of Celestia, but as a desperate mobile colony on the fringes of known space came to discover, we were wrong.

It is time to finish what was started by our forefathers.

Based on TCB: Not Alone, by Starman Ghost.

EDIT: Following Starman Ghost's deleting of Not Alone, I've replaced the above link with one leading to a PDF file uploaded to mediafire.

EDIT (14/04/2014): The character of Evening Star was originally created by Starman Ghost. I am using her without his permission.

Chapters (2)

Twilight had always known her kind to be a race of peace and kindness. However, when faced with something they don't quite understand, those bounds are tested. After a two legged creature arrives in Ponyville with a spear in hand and an injured Scootaloo, the citizens act in a manner which Twilight hadn't foreseen.

Perhaps the world around them isn't as black and white as she had once thought, but filled with shades of gray. Journey with Twilight and company, as they discover this for themselves as they venture beyond the borders of Equestria.

(Edited by DF)

Chapters (5)