• Member Since 6th Jul, 2020

Soft Shake

I like the pretty ponies.

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Distance can drive us apart. It can also bring us closer together.

After all is said and done, and the ponies have gone their separate ways, the only way they have to keep in touch is through letters.

Original Equestria Daily post is here
Russian translation
Chinese translation
Polish translation
Spanish translation

Now with music and audiobook

Chapters (1)

How do you kill a pegasus's soul? Put her in charge of the town's weather, then only let her schedule sunny days and gentle evening showers. Not thunderstorms, not blizzards, certainly not hail or tornadoes.

Nothing fun, in other words. Celestia forbid the weather team make some real weather, the kind Rainbow Dash dreams about. The farmers would never stand for that.

Well, screw the farmers. Screw the fashionistas and screw the library princess too if she complains. Rainbow Dash has a dream and she's going to share it with the world, whether the world wants it or not.

A story dedicated to anyone who's ever been passionate about something.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's parameters are incompatible with every other player in CelestAI's domain, so he's the only user in his fictional world. This unique situation provides CelestAI with quintillions of tuning parameters, all to meet the friendship needs of a single individual.

You'd probably think that would be easy to optimize.

A Friendship is Optimal story written for the 2021 FiO contest. (It's non-canon because I haven't read the stories.)

Chapters (7)

A relationship is not always so easy to define, especially when the ponies involved are drawn in different directions. Yet it turns out that sometimes the answer to your problems really do lie in books. Even if you have to write them yourself.

Faced with the implications and changes brought about by Twilight's coronation, Rarity must contend with what it might mean for their relationship. A relationship, you see, that lives and dies by the dozens of books quietly stashed away in the back of her closet. 

One day, she hopes, she'll be able to give them back. 

(Takes place before/during/after the Season 9 finale.)

Cover art by the wonderful lilfunkman/idrawraritwi, and a huge thanks to Swan Song, Cursori, and Carabas for editing.

This story is part of the First and Only Raritwi Bomb! A week's worth of stories and art all centered around Rarity and Twilight. If you liked it, the previous story posted is Rise and Shine by Vasar Huineo and you can find a master list of all Raritwi Bomb content here.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy spends the day with her two girlfriends, but she feels a quiet discomfort. As an asexual mare, she can't join in on everything Rarity and Twilight do together. Is she really good enough for them, or is she just bringing their relationship down?

My first purely fluff story, without much comedy. Just warm feelings.

Chapters (1)

The human poet Sappho seeks her Muse in Equestria, and finds her in the mysterious Princess of the Night.

Inspired by Bliss Carman's Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics.

(2019-01-26) Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (8)

King Sombra has been brought back to life once again—only this time, he doesn’t have his horn. Weak without it and withering away day by day, Sombra sets out for the Crystal Empire to find his missing piece, chaperoned by the downtrodden and endlessly kind Troubleshoes Clyde.

They’d better hurry. Twilight Sparkle has caught wind of Sombra’s return, and she’s getting awfully tired of destroying him.

Winner of the M/M Shipping Contest.
Cover Art by aquoquoo.

Chapters (6)

Scootaloo is the captain of her own airship who's seen just about everything. Sweetie Belle is a rising pop star who thinks she's seen enough. And she most certainly does not believe in seaponies. Together, the two set sail to the distant Summer Island so Scootaloo can show her friend the truth.

Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's August event, "Distant Shores".

Cover art arranged by: Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)

As their wedding approaches, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight muse about what love means to each of them.

Chapters (4)

Rarity Writes is a monthly article featured in the Hooves and Hemlines magazine, and Rarity couldn't be prouder. After all, if there was one thing she could talk about, it was fashion, right? And free publicity is always great.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for her to run out of ideas. Luckily for her, she finds some interesting subject material in her best friend's relationship.

Proofread by Apple Cinnamon and docontra. Written for the AppleDash contest featuring the themes 'Exploring the Past' and 'A Special Event'

Chapters (1)