• Member Since 28th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


Writer of RariTwi crossovers, RariTwi almost crossovers, and weird one-shots.



Fluttershy spends the day with her two girlfriends, but she feels a quiet discomfort. As an asexual mare, she can't join in on everything Rarity and Twilight do together. Is she really good enough for them, or is she just bringing their relationship down?

My first purely fluff story, without much comedy. Just warm feelings.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

That was quite cute, and a fun read.

The affection and cuddling was really sweet, and the relationship dynamics gave it enough drama and genuine emotion that it didn't feel like a pure fluff piece.

This was delightful, Love the dynamic you've built up here, and the exploration of how each of them would behave in a thrupple. Fluttershy's conflict in particular was really interesting and I loved seeing that perspective on this kind of relationship. Well done, and definitely a fave from me.

Sweet, fluffy, and adorable. Although this is the first time I have ever come across asexual Fluttershy.

Twilight grinned mischievously. “Rarity is shockingly bad at actually asking ponies out. Do I need to remind you how she and I started dating?”

Rarity hid her red face behind her hooves. “Darling, no, please!”

Oh come on, you can't Noodle Incident us like that!

If you're deep in SigmasonicX lore, then Twilight's line after offers a hint as to where you might have already seen it.
Or I can just tell you it happens in Love Like a Rock.

Always nice to see a well written piece touching on some of the issues involved in an ace+allo relationship. Thanks for sharing it.

Wholesomely cute read; glad Twi n' Rares was able to help Flutters sort out some feels she was having :twilightsmile:

Excellent story!

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