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This story is a sequel to Five Centuries Of Peace

All things, both good and otherwise must end... Or so they say, anyway.

Check out the first in the series, here!

This story was made possible by supporters on Patreon/Subscribestar and was viewable earlier for said supporters. Head over there if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Five Decades Of Strife

Sometimes it's not easy to understand the ones you love, and it can be even harder to help them. Celestia knows this all too well.

Check out the first in the series, here!

This story was made possible by supporters on Patreon/Subscribestar and was viewable earlier for said supporters. Head over there if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Content warnings: Adult themes, and mentions of sex and violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chapters (2)
by TCC56

The Golden Oaks has been destroyed and with it nearly all of Twilight's possessions.

But Big Mac has one of hers that she doesn't know about - a singular memento that escaped the flames.

Featured 1/30/2024 - 2/2/2024!

And featured on Equestria Daily on 2/3/2024!

Cover art generously used with permission from Harwick's Sun And Moon portrait collection.

Chapters (1)

In the many months since Twilight Sparkle transferred to Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer's been to her house a good number of times, enough for it to feel reasonably familiar. So when she notices something she's never seen before -- a large, blue-tinted plush shark she calls her blåhaj -- on Twilight's bed, she can't help but ask about it. She's a little surprised to find Twilight looking a bit embarrassed about her stuffed animal -- but when Sunset realizes it might be emblematic of a sore spot in Twilight's life, she realizes it's up to her to restore the magic of the blåhaj.

Can be read as either platonic or shipping.

What's a blåhaj? Here's a summary. And remember the accent on "blahaj"!

Pre-read by Dewdrops on the Grass and The Sleepless Beholder. Featured 30 January-2 February 2024.

Chapters (1)

Another year, another Hearths Warming. For Luna and Chrysalis, it is their turn to host the traditional dinner. While some ponies may feel out of place, a revelation will leave everypony feeling giddy this holiday season.


This story was written for Serina for Jinglemas 2023. They requested a Luna and Chrysalis story. I felt like instead of the usual "How they met" or "how they fell in love" I'd go with something set later, and a little fun.

Serina, I hope you enjoy this!


Sadly no cover art. Couldn’t find something worthy.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearthswarming! The fireplace is lit, the presents are under the tree, and you are sharing a cup of hot cocoa with your best friend. How could it get any better? Well, if you ask Rainbow Dash, the answer is to venture outside in freezing temperatures and throw balls of frozen water at one another until you are soaked and suffering from hypothermia, or something like that.

For a mare that doesn't have a reputation for thinking things through, you doubt she has a plan to warm up after it's all said and done. Tonight, though...she might just surprise you.

Featured on 8 Jan 2023!
Featured on 26 Dec 2023!

Update (October 2023): I commissioned Redruin to do a 10 page comic for this story! Check my blog post or derpibooru to see it!

Chapters (2)

There's really no way to prevent it. No matter how careful you are, regardless of one's dedication to personal cleanliness, they're going to get in eventually. And for most ponies, it's a moment of deep gross-out, followed by scrubbing down their entire pantry, kicking out far too much of what's in it, and ending with a regretfully expensive shopping trip to replace what was lost.

But this is Rarity. The situation was unacceptable. And her intention was to take out the problem at the source.

Now if she can just find a way of explaining that to the jury...

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Rated C for Crackfic.

Chapters (1)

Anon and Applejack started dating some time ago. Due to a multitude of reasons, they attempted to keep their new relationship low-key and private. Now, they're ready to start taking it a bit more seriously, and that means revealing their feelings for each other to the rest of the Apple family.

However, Applejack has been reluctant to do so, and it's time Anon found out why. According to Apple family tradition, if Anon is to be accepted by the Apples, he must first pass the Apple Screening.

...Good luck, Anon.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Luna have both been escaping to the moon for when the burdens of Equestria become too much, and they want to be absolutely alone - except it's always been to the opposite side of the moon to each other, so they've never noticed the other there before. Now that Luna's found Twilight, she'll have to fight her for it! This is obviously a love story about the inherent eroticism of a land based tax system.

Set in the timeline between Twilight's coronation and the events of the finale.

A commission for Iisaw, one of my favourite people.

Chapters (2)

When Twilight Sparkle brought the human internet to Equestria, among the many consequences, there was one she hadn’t anticipated:

Princess Celestia falling for e-mail scams.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying this is a crackfic, but I'm also not saying that.

Chapters (1)