• Member Since 16th Sep, 2018


I have no idea what I'm doing here.

Stories I've Edited 4 stories
  • Stories I've Edited 4 stories I've been known to edit, beta, and otherwise pick apart peoples' work from time to time. These are the victims.
    Created by runtrivena
    - November, 2019
Found 4 stories in 40ms

Total Words: 2,313,680
Estimated Reading: 6 days


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  • Stories I've Edited 4 stories I've been known to edit, beta, and otherwise pick apart peoples' work from time to time. These are the victims.


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This story is a sequel to Songs of the Spheres

The multiverse is big. When a song is sung that reaches across the entirety of existence, many important notes will be lost within its measures. They sit in the background, being no less true than the melody in the forefront, but overlooked, dismissed.

This is where those stories end up. Some are grand scoping adventures that stand strong, challenging the melody itself, while others are nothing more than little snips of life usually unseen.

Want to see your work here? Put them on the group thread! (Or you could PM me, but you know, that thread is probably the best place.)

-GM, master of snippets.

Chapters (27)

Yamira Kalov. Lady Commissar of the Astra Militarum. The Flayed Face of the Guard. Loyal servant of the Imperium of Man. All these titles and more.
Diplomat to Xenos is not one of them.
After a grievous devastation brought on by Yamira's carelessness, she has been forcibly reassigned to act as a liason to new allies who have reached out to the Imperium from beyond the universal veil: the Merodi Universalis. Naturally, a woman raised to hate all that are not human nor worship the God-Emperor of Mankind and the Golden Throne he sits upon will not take well to this. Surrounded by faces of allies and enemies alike, Yamira must stake her claim in the multiversal mixing pot that she finds herself in, whether it be by word of peace or by sword of slaughter.

A side story to the incredibly expansive and extremely well-written mega-crossover: Songs of the Spheres, by the talented madman, GMBlackjack. Please read his work to better understand this story, and support his works.

Cover art done by @carna.age (Instagram)/hyppy#8910 (Discord)

Chapters (17)

Has a Sequel: GHT2: Clone Lores

Welcome to a different sort of Equestria, there is no Nightmare Moon or Princess Celestia, No elements of Harmony and no bad guys. Just normal ponies doing normal pony things. Like sleep in bushes, read the thoughts of dragons, and believe in ghosts.

Welcome to Ghost Hunter Twilight.

So right off the bat you may notice a fundamentally different sort of story to the canon show. One with the same characters, but with different personalities and roles. It isn't apparent in the first chapter alone, since at first glance it just seems like the pilot episode plus and minus a few things. But don't worry, I've got plans.

If you're not interested in a slightly more...condescending interpretation of Twilight, you may want to skip this one. I rewrote the character the way i wanted to. And I suppose technically the way i did it, if I changed the names, it'd be an original story, instead of a fanfic, but well, here we are.

Based loosely off a screencap comic I did in September 2015

All editing credit goes to my friend run.trivena
Also hosted on SpaceBattles: https://forums.spacebattles.com/posts/41031982/

2018 -01-17: And today marks the day this story officially shoots past Unblinking in terms of total view count. Which I consider significant because my Blink story was built on the shoulders of giants, it had a pre-existing fanbase. But Ghost Hunter Twilight is entirely my own creation, it has nothing to build off of (in terms of pre-existing fanfiction) so it's much more noteworthy.

Chapters (15)

The scope of the multiverse is so tremendously beyond the comprehension of most beings that, if they were to truly know what it meant, they would break down and be unable to live their lives the way they wished. Most worlds are lucky to be blissfully unaware of the true picture of reality, never to encounter the higher forces and civilizations.

However, when one of those higher forces make contact with one of those unaware worlds - intentionally or not, peacefully or not - everything will change drastically. Sometimes the change is slow, sometimes rapid. Regardless of the pacing, like all change, it is both good and bad. Civilizations have risen from simple worlds overnight and have crumbled just as quickly. Many can't handle the revelation, and those that can are not always the best examples of honor and dignity.

It is often said that each world - each universe - has a Song, and that all these Songs are related, intertwining together in a mesh of powerful destiny among the Spheres of the multiverse.

This is the story of how a certain world inhabited by Technicolor ponies found their Song and how it interwove itself in the Songs of so many others.

This is a story of finding meaning in infinite possibility.

This is a mega-crossover project of immense proportions covering dozens of fandoms. However, it is written in such a way that no previous knowledge of any of them - not even the ponies - will be required. The only warning is that there will be spoilers for any franchise you haven't seen.

There are several side-stories being written for Songs of the Spheres by several authors, and links to them can be found in our Fimfiction group, including links to non-pony related stories. There's also a Discord chat. Lastly, we have a Spacebattles forum. Discussion about the multiverse, setting, and future events can also be found there if you don't mind spoilers.

Has a TV Tropes page now. Needs love.

Special thanks goes to my little editing army. Keywii_cookies55, VoidTemplar2000, Ponygood11, Omnipresent Microorganism, Blaster Master, Useless Common, Galliar,
Mal Masque, Nickle241, and Triv the Imaginary Duck.

Cover drawn by Little Duke. (DA: Spiralling Vibrance)

Has been updated to comply up to Season 8. Does not comply with Season 9 though elements from it are included.

-GM, master of the Dark Tower

Chapters (158)