• Member Since 1st May, 2018

Edward Sapphire

Greetings. Looking forward to working with all of you.

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After the mane six return to Ponyville after the wedding in Caterlot, Twilight can't help but think about what her friends and her brother said during the event. She decides to run away wanting to never to return but a series of unfortunate events might lead her back to home.

What might fall upon poor Twilight and how will her friends and Equestria cope with her absence?

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Project: Earth - A Dawn Before Twilight Prequel

The character, Merlin Spark VII/Solar Eclipse, belongs to Edward Sapphire. All scenes involving him is with thanks to my good friend who has a special place in this story for his character.

This story contains references to various things involving Disney/Pixar ONWARD, Harry Potter, and other things that represent fantasy.

Co-author: Edward Sapphire (loosely written some parts of the story)

Opening Theme: Nameless Story

There was once a human who grew up on Earth all alone with only his parents to support him, however that soon changed when he met his pen pal at his school in the city of Kalundborg. Daniel and Merlin was soon in trouble by three bullies who enjoyed making fun of Daniel, and Merlin decided to take this lonely-life away for his friend by inviting him to live in Bloodonia, a small kingdom that was by the docks of Kalundborg.

Once in Equestria, Daniel (going by his Equestrian name, Dawn Darkness) seeks out Princess Celestia while the Summer Sun Celebration was happening. Meeting six different ponies, Dawn joined them before he settled in Ponyville with his grandparents.

Join him and the Mane Six on their many adventures throughout Equestria, facing many challenges, learn valuable friendship lessons and, most important of all, have fun along the way.

Chapters (23)

Summer has arrived in Equestria, and Babs Seed is visiting her cousins at Sweet Apple Acres for the whole season. After their first week there, she and Apple Bloom find a lost and abandoned human child named Michael, or Mike for short.

Where did this child come from, and can the Apple Family take care of him?

Chapters (6)

What if there was another pony who joined the pony gang? An actual male who at first seemed worthless? Will his actions, even presence, affect the choices and outcomes of the pony gang? Will different relationships form? That's for him to find out...

(Remake of the FIM series)

Chapters (133)

This story is a sequel to A New Hero

(Technically, a prequel story-wise)

No matter how bad things got, you were always there by my side. Despite what anyone else said, you were always there to tell me what really mattered. I thought things were bad enough when we came across others who had it better. However, it turns out that you were all I ever really needed. If it wasn't already too late, I'd go back to the life we used to live in a heartbeat.

Chapters (15)

This is the story of two aliens from another planet who try to make a home for themselves on Equestria, at the same time, they share in the adventures of the main six. How long can they keep their origins a secret though?

Cover art by Kell95 on Deviantart. Check out her work.

Chapters (51)

Ever since he grew his wings, Spike's nights have been plagued with night terror after night terror, each one getting progressively worse without any end in sight. Every night he is awoken and screams till he can scream no more. After burning both ends on the wrong candle, Twilight reaches out to Ember in hopes that she would come with a solution to the problem. Luckily for them, she does. Although it's a lot more unorthodox than any of them could initially imagine.

First off, yes, this is a vore story and it's that long-awaited request Supernova requested me for. After months of having no idea of how to write it, I finally was able to find a style of writing and stuck to it to the very end. This story is slightly inspired by Shane Koyczan's spoken word poem, "Turn On A Light". Definitely listen to it when you get the chance.

I rated this teen and didn't add the porn tag because it doesn't really have any sexual content in it. If that's a problem, I'll make any necessary changes.

Chapters (1)