Kyle, a 6-year-old boy in Baltimore, Maryland, has been having a tough and hard life since he was way younger. Three months ago, his parents left for a business trip in Europe. When his Aunt Paulista, his Uncle Vincent, and his mean fat cousin Brent take him in, they treat him like a servant more than a nephew/cousin, but give him plenty of food if they need him to work.
One night, Kyle didn’t know what horribleness would happen next but one thing besides being kidnapped by a gang of thugs, was that he finds a strange light greenish blue baseball diamond colored like a evil dragon’s eyeball that can connect with a beaming light from the full moon with a bluish purple glow, sending him off somewhere, taking the diamond with him.
Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight journeys her way back to the library she and her dragon assistant, Spike were moving into, but suddenly, she sees the same diamond Kyle found, but as she touches it, the magic within it is unleashed, revealing a ghostly spiritual figure resembling the mare she and her friends defeated, Nightmare Moon. As the ghost entered Twilight, she gets a painful feeling in her stomach, causing her to become pregnant with a colt that resembles her, and her brother Shining Armor, but has their mother’s eyes.
After the colt runs from the mare, he ends up in the Castle of the Two Sisters, and is now scared, before he sees himself as a unicorn colt.
But how will the ponies of Equestria understand his hard life, and how a human boy magically appears as a unicorn colt? This will be a big mystery for the Mane 6 and Spike.
This story is based of both Mister E-Nonymous’ “A Sparkle’s Little Dusk”, “The Royal Apple”, and “Through the Eyes of Nightmare”, jkreader’s “New Life in Equestria”, and GunsNRoses365’s “A Mother’s Love”.
This also takes place during Seasons 1 and 2 of Friendship is Magic, and after the 2 part premiere of the series. (First volume of my Human into Pony franchise and a rewrite of the entire series)