• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Decieved

Arc and Sereb leave Carousel Boutique.

“Why don't we head back home? Supper will be ready soon. I sure don't want to miss that!”

“Very well. Would you like a ride?”

“Thanks, but I'll pass. At least until the Hammers can come up with a saddle!”

“As you wish.”

“So... what do you like to do for fun, Sereb?”


“Can you be a bit more specific?”

“I enjoy going off alone to hunt. It helps hone my senses and practice moving silently.”

Arc nods. “I imagine that is rather difficult, due to your size and all.”

“Moving without being heard isn't the problem.”

“Then what is?”

Sereb sighs. “As you probably noticed when in my village, all of my kind have coats that help us remain camouflaged. However, I was born with a solid white coat. So I have to work especially hard to remain undetected.”

“Yes. I did think you looked a bit... out of place. But I don't think trying harder will net you any better results.”

“What do you suggest?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, are your skills the problem?”

Sereb shakes his head. “They are not.”

“Then it is your outward appearance that is holding you back.”

“Yes. However, I cannot change my appearance. Nor can I become something I am not.”

“That... may not be entirely true, my friend!”

Sereb stops walking. “You have an idea on how I can change?”

“In a manner of speaking. Let me work out the idea in my head for a bit.”

“Very well. I have lived this long as I am. There is no rush.”

Arc and Sereb return to Light's Hope and enter the Main Hall. Raven is at her desk dutifully working.

“Raven, is my squad still in the conference room?”

“Yes commander. I believe Ember is also lending a hoof to their work.”

“Thanks. Come on Sereb. Let's see if there have been any other developments.”

“Very well.”

Arc and Sereb head toward the conference room. Raven looks after them and shudders.

“I do hope the commander's new pet is housebroken!”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Sereb as the continue down the hallway. “Let me swing by my room and grab something first.”

Sereb nods. “Lead on and I will follow.”

Arc ducks into his room for but a moment before emerging with a small box.

“Okay. Now we can check on my squad!”

Sereb sniff in the direction of the box. “What is in there?”

Arc shrugs. “I'm not actually sure. But whatever is in here is most likely of paramount importance!”

Sereb continues down the corridor with Arc. “Are you always so busy?”

“Pretty much. Welcome to my life, Sereb. It can go from mind-numbingly boring to extremely exciting and dangerous in the blink of an eye! And I'm loving every second of it!”

Arc enters the conference room with Sereb.

“We're back! Anything new Flash Sentry?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Not really. Most of what we've found is over our heads though.”

Ember looks up from her place at the head of the table. “Yeah! I hate to admit it, but dragons aren't much for higher learning. These papers are nothing but gibberish!”

Max nods. “I think we may need to solicit some outside help, sir.”

“What do you mean?”

Ember sighs. “I think he means we need to find someone more knowledgeable in plants and alchemy to look these papers over.”

Hugh pushes the papers aside. “They're mostly equations and formulas! We can't even figure out the notations!”

Xenos looks to Arc. “I guess the new problem is, who do we trust to look these over?”

Viktor puts a hoof to his chin and thinks. “It has to be somepony who is smart enough to understand this gobbley-gook, while also being able to keep whatever is in here to themselves!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I suppose we COULD ask any of the sages in Canterlot.”

Max shakes his head. “But then we run the risk of having them report what they've seen to Captain Decimus!”

Ember groans. “This is quite the pickle!”

Arc nods. “I can think of only one individual.”


“Twilight Sparkle...”

Max looks up! “I remember her. We met in Canterlot Castle the day you chose us to be your squad!”

Arc nods. “The very same.”

Hugh looks to Arc nervously! “Can she be trusted not to report this to anypony?!”

“I believe so! After all, she IS the protege of Princess Celestia herself! When she gets back from checking up on the other princesses, I’ll have a word with her about this. Now, does anyone else have anything to add?”

Viktor raises a hoof. “What about all those files in the Captain's office on the princess' support staff?”

Arc shakes his head. “While noteworthy, I don't believe it will help us with this case. After all, it is his sworn duty to protect the princesses.”

Ember looks to Viktor. “If a traitor were to infiltrate the support staff, they could very easily get close enough to kidnap or hurt them in any number of ways!”

Max speaks up! “What about his files on the princesses' movements? I mean, I understand why he has them! But shouldn't they be in a more secure place?!”

Ember sighs, bored with their task. “They probably just help him organize Royal Guard duty rosters and whatnot. He really does need to know where they are at all times.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Very true Ember. However, the filing cabinets weren't even locked! That's pretty sloppy of him.”

Viktor looks to Arc. “The lock on his office door wasn't too complex. Anypony with a bit of lock-picking knowledge and know-how could get in there!”

Xenos furrows his brow! “Is he TRYING to put the princesses in danger?!”

Ember shrugs. “Maybe he's just THAT incompetent?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “I don't think so. He was trained for his position personally by his father! As was his father before him! Generations of protecting the princesses have been passed down to him!”

Max nods! “He's also proven in the past that he is an accomplished warrior and shrewd tactician. Even more reason why I can't figure out why he is so casual with his files!”

Arc sighs. “At this point your guess is as good as mine, Max. Right now, it seems we're just talking in circles.”

“Does this mean we're stuck again?”

"Maybe not, Max. Do you all remember back when we investigated the aqueducts under Vanhoover?”

Ember folds her arms over her chest and looks away. “Some of us try to forget that time in their lives!”

“Yes, well… it occurred to me on the walk over here that I never actually got around to telling you what I found in Tempest's room!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc! “I completely forgot!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Well, that was a rather... hectic time in our lives. It's no surprise to me that it didn't occur to us until now. So... what did you find Arc?!”

Arc walks over to the table and sets down the small lock box

“I found this behind a portrait of Captain Decimus. There was a hidden cavity inside the wall that was also warded by illusion magic.”

Ember looks at the box suspiciously! “Talk about paranoid!”

Flash Sentry nods! “I'll say! What's inside?”

“I’m not sure. Viktor, can you pick the lock?”

“I'll give it a shot.”

Viktor reaches into his armor and pulls out his lockpicking tools. Ember gives him a quizzical look.

“Viktor? Do you always walk around with lockpicks?”

“Pretty much. You never know when they'll come in handy!”

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes. “Enough talk. I want to see what Tempest was hiding!”

Arc nods! “As do I! She put a lot of effort into making sure NO ONE would ever find this!”

Viktor gets to work on the lock. It takes quite a bit of time! Finally, with a small click he looks up at the others and smiles!

“I got it!”

Viktor moves to open it, but Arc quickly slams his hand down on top of the box! Ember jumps up!

“Woah Arc! What gives?!”

“Sorry Viktor, but Tempest is a shrewd operator. Who's to say the box itself isn't a trap?!”

Viktor slowly steps back from the box. “I never thought of that sir! What should we do?!”

“I'm going to take the box outside and open it myself. Follow me.”

Arc leads the group to the cafeteria and out the side door to the patio. He sets the box carefully on a table before turning to his squad.

“I want all of you to go back inside and watch me through the windows.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Please be careful sir!”

His squad salutes and walks back inside with Sereb as Arc calls forth his armor!

“That means you too Ember.”

She crosses her arms defiantly over her chest! “Not a chance! We've been through too much together for me to let you do this alone!”

Arc becomes irate! “Now look Ember! There's absolutely no reason for BOTH of us to risk our necks on this!”

Ember walks forward. “Fine! Then I'LL open it!”

Meanwhile from inside the cafeteria, Max turns to Flash Sentry. “I don't like the direction this is going. Should we... do something sir?”

“We probably should. However, the more rational part of me knows better than to get involved in this.”

Viktor looks over nervously. “So... what do we do then?”

“The only thing we can do. Hope they can come to some kind of agreement... before they start breaking furniture, that is.”

Sereb nods. “Arc will be fine. He is significantly stronger than Ember.”

Hugh looks at the giant wolf. “How do you know that?!”

“I have already been defeated by Arc in combat.”

Max looks Sereb up and down. “Okay, when we get more time, I have GOT to hear that story!”

Meanwhile outside the cafeteria, the Arc and Ember situation continued to escalate. Arc grabs Ember's shoulders and holds her back.

“No way! I don't want to see you get hurt over this!”

Ember angrily pushes back against Arc!” Well, what about YOU!? You're ALWAYS taking the most dangerous jobs! Just let me do this!”

Arc uses more force to keep Ember away from the box! “Uh, yeah! That's my JOB!”

Furious, Ember pushes back harder! “Well it's MY job to see to it YOU don't do something STUPID and get KILLED!”

Again, from inside the cafeteria, Viktor turns to the others.

“This is... kinda scary.”

Xenos nods. “You guys don't suppose the two of them would actually start... you know... duking it out?”

Max nods. “It may come to that, yes.”

Flash Sentry gulps as the squad looks to him for guidance. He takes a deep breath and slowly walks toward the patio door.

“I suppose I had better do something before all hell breaks loose. Wish me luck!”

Arc's squad salutes Flash Sentry as he walks toward his potential doom!

“Good luck sir!”

“Watch out for Ember! She's quicker than she looks!”

“Good luck, lieutenant!”

“Try not to get killed!”

Flash Sentry narrows his eyes. “Gee... thanks.”

He puts a hoof on the door and looks back at the troops.

“Wait! Where's Sereb?”

Again… back outside…

“Give it up Ember! You're NOT getting past me!”

Ember strains against Arc! “Maybe not, but... Hey! Did the box just move?!”

Arc turns his head to look at the box. “Wait, what?!”

Ember suddenly stops pushing, putting Arc off guard. As the two of them fall forward, Ember uses his momentum to throw him with her legs over her head back toward the base! Arc sails through the air angrily!

“Did not see that coming...”

Arc lands a short distance away with a thud. Ember quickly turns back toward the small box and reaches toward it!

“Sorry Arc, but I can't let you...”

The sound of quickly approached footsteps gives Ember pause. She looks up just in time to see a massive white blur jumping over the table! It knocks her toward the base, roughly! Arc manages to catch her!

“Sereb?! What are you…?!”

Sereb knocks the table over with his hind legs then lunges at the pair on the ground! He lands on his side in front of them and wraps his body around Arc and Ember in an attempt to shield them from danger!

“Fulfilling my duty.”

The box falls to the ground and opens. Arc, Ember and Sereb sit on the ground for a few moments. Seeing no imminent danger Arc stands up.

“Darn it Sereb! Doing that was reckless! You know better than this!”

He looks over to Sereb and smiles.


Arc helps Ember up

“Arc, I'm sorry for... you know.”

“It's okay Ember. I know you meant well.”

The trio looks over to the box lying on the ground. Arc walks toward it.

“Well... let's see what Tempest was hiding.”

Ember follows him. “The suspense is killing me!”

Sereb brings up the rear. “Please try to stay alive Ember.”

Arc reaches down and picks up the box before heading back toward the cafeteria.

“Let's go back to the conference room. There are a bunch of papers in here!”

Ember rolls her eyes as they walk back inside. “Maybe it's her secret recipe stash.”

Flash Sentry shudders! “Let's hope not! Are you all okay?!”

Ember nods! “Never better!”

“Sorry to worry you guys.”

The group returns to the conference room together. Ember closes the doors behind them. Arc opens the box and pulls out the top paper.

“Now, let's see what we have here...”

He reads the paper in his hand silently.

Ember taps her foot impatiently! “What does it say?”

The blood drains from his face! “I... don't believe it! But I guess it all makes sense now!

Max looks to him confused. “What does, sir?”

Arc mutters to himself as he begins to pace the floor. “The picture of Tempest and Decimus in his quarters in the castle. The portrait of Decimus that this box was hidden behind at the orphanage!

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “You're not making any sense, sir.”

Ember growls! “Care to let us in on this, Arc?!”

Arc looks up from the paper with an astonished look on his face! “These are... love letters from Decimus to Tempest!”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “You mean those two nut-jobs had a thing for one another?!”

Max scowls. “Well, that was... unexpected.”

“I am confused. Is it not normal for ponies to love each other?”

Flash Sentry looks to the wolf. “That’s not it, Sereb. But these two have both committed heinous crimes! We didn't believe they could feel love!”

Arc reads the letter again. “The language of this note suggests that this was a long-term relationship!”

Xenos puts a hoof to his stomach. “I think I'm going to be sick!”

Arc digs down to the bottom of the pile! “Let's see here... if Tempest is as meticulous as I know her to be, then this letter on the bottom must be Decimus' first letter.”

Arc picks the note up and reads it to himself before looking up to the others.

“Well... you better brace yourselves for this.”

He clears his throat and begins to read.


You cannot fathom just how proud I am that you have finally graduated, and at the top of you class no less! I knew from the moment I saw you that you would be destined for greatness, and from what your instructors have said about you it appears I was right! I know this may sound a bit strange coming from the Captain of the Royal Guard, but I would like to have you over to Canterlot Castle for tea one of these days. Please know that I ask this of you not as a superior officer, but as somepony who would like to get to know you better. Not just Special Agent Tempest, but the fine young lady underneath. I look forward to your visit!


Ember shakes her head. “Wow... a poet Captain Decimus is not!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Admittedly I don't know much about love, but that was a pretty flat way to ask somepony out on a date!”

Max thinks for a moment. “I wonder if it worked.”

Arc continues going through the stack of letters. “Apparently she took him up on his offer. Now, mind you we can only read one side of the conversation, but it looks like they have been corresponding for quite a few years!”

Ember scowls! “I'm not sure if that's sweet, or just plain gross!”

Arc nods! “As they progress, the letters seem to get more... lovey-dovey, if you will pardon the expression. Well now, this is... not good.”

Ember looks over! “What is it?”

“In one of these letters, he warns her against making a deal with creatures of shadow.”

Max frowns. “Do you think he was referring to The Dark One?”

Arc shrugs. “It's possible. The letter just warns her to be mindful of the consequences. He then tells her that he understands her position, and will stand by her regardless of what choice she makes!”

Ember sighs. “I hate to admit it, but that really is kinda... sweet. Promising to stand by your lover’s side is quite romantic!”

“From what I'm reading here, it appears that Captain Decimus was... or I suppose is, madly in love with Tempest!”

Hugh shudders at the thought! “You don't suppose she loved him back, do you?”

Xenos stands up angrily! “No way! There's absolutely NO ability to love in her cold, black heart! Remember what she did to us back when we were foals?!”

Max nods with conviction! “Right! She doesn't deserve to feel loved!”

Viktor shakes his head. “Xenos raises a good point.”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “She was most likely using him to advance her own agenda, sir! Animals like her only care about themselves!”

“All of you MAY be right about that. Now this may sound crazy and all, but... I think Tempest truly had feelings for Decimus and he for her!”

Ember looks skeptical. “How do you figure that?!”

“First of all, she kept his letters. If she was really just toying with his emotions, she would have just thrown them away! Keeping them was risky!”

Max nods. “The commander does raise a good point. Had their relationship became common knowledge, it would have destroyed BOTH of their careers!”

Arc continues. “Furthermore, if she had been faking, I doubt even she could have kept the charade going for THIS long! At some point over the years, she would have messed up! Captain Decimus may be an absolute scumbag, but he's certainly no dummy!”

Sereb walks over to Arc. “Perhaps he was blinded by his feeling for this mare? Love can make even the wisest stumble.”

“That is certainly possible. What do you think, Arc?”

“If the relationship hadn't been going on for so long, I might agree with you. However, we're talking about more than a handful of years!”

Ember looks up suddenly! “Something else just occurred to me. Is there a chance that Decimus himself could be manipulating Tempest? Using HER to further his own goals?!”

Max shudders at the thought! “I certainly hope not! The thought of Captain Decimus being cunning enough to manipulate a Special Forces elite like Tempest is a scary thought!”

Arc nods in agreement! “In any case, why don't we all get some supper. I've been smelling the food for quite some time now, and I can't resist it's call any longer!”

Ember facepalms! “Great Arc! Always thinking with your stomach.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “It is just as well, Ember. We seem to be unable to come up with any concrete evidence of wrongdoing as it stands. Tossing around theories is all well and good, but it appears we aren’t making any headway here.”

Arc nods. “Unless anyone has something to add, I'm heading to the cafeteria.”

The others are silent.

Arc turns around and walks toward the door. “Onward to supper then!”

He leads the group to the cafeteria. Everyone grabs a plate of food and sits down at a table together. Sereb changes back into his Cub Form as Saffron comes out of the kitchen with a plate of food for Arc. She sets Arc's plate down in front of him and looks at Sereb.

“I'm sorry, commander. Had I known you had gotten a pet I would have made him something to eat as well!”

Arc smiles at her. “Not to worry. I'll share my meal with him tonight. He's a permanent addition to our forces though, so expect him at mealtimes from now on.”

She levitates a clean plate over from the head of the buffet. “Yes commander. I will remember that!”

Saffron takes a bit of Arc's supper and sets the plate on the floor in front of Sereb

“There you are! I hope you like it!”

Sereb nods. “Thank you miss. It smells divine.”

Saffron steps back, a bit surprised to hear Sereb talk! “Oh! Um... enjoy!”

“Have you seen Auriel and Sassy Saddles, Saffron? They really should be here by now.”

Saffron nods. “They've already come and gone. The two of them looked pretty tired from the day's activities when they left. I overheard the two of them say they had a busy day tomorrow as well.”

Ember nods. “Early to bed, early to rise?”

Saffron nods. “That's what I took from it. Now if all of you will excuse me, I need to get back to work.”

She walks back to the kitchen and closes the door behind her. Saffron shakes her head as she grins wickedly!

“Commander... if you only knew what we have planned for you...”

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