• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - A Smashing Good Time

Spotting a bench nearby, the pair sit down together. Rainbow Dash looks at Arc before speaking.

“So... ah...”

Arc turns to her. “Something on your mind?”

Rainbow Dash appears suddenly embarrassed. “Yeah, about that. Um... Derpy told us that you gave her and Dinky new names when coming here to Earth.”

“I did, yes. It was to help them blend into society. After all, the names ‘Derpy’ and ‘Dinky’ would make others ask a lot of questions.”

“What about me?”


“Shouldn’t I have a special name?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I wasn’t planning for us to be here that long. So I didn’t really think it was necessary.”

“Well, I still want one!”

“Alright. I suppose the name ‘Rainbow Dash’ is a bit... unique here on Earth.”

“So what should I be called then?”

“Well... why don’t you give me suggestions? I’ll let you know if something would work.”

“How about just ‘Dashie’? Pinkie sometimes calls me that.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It sounds more like a nickname. How about ‘Ramona’?”

Rainbow Dash makes a face. “No way! It needs to be cooler!”

Arc chuckles. “Like your outfit?”

“Exactly! I wanna sound like... like I’m really a human!”

“A cool name, huh?”

“It HAS to be as cool as I am too! Like... like ‘an early spring rainbow over Cloudsdale’ cool!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Rainbow, huh?”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “You have an idea?!”

“Kinda. How about ‘Raine’.”

“Like the stuff that falls out of the sky?”

“Yeah. Well, kinda It’s not exactly a normal name here on Earth. But at least it won’t draw questions like ‘Rainbow Dash’ would.”

“Well... I guess it would work. That is, if you think it’s best.”

Arc nods. “I do. It’s very pretty.”

Rainbow Dash grins widely. “Then we’ll go with that!”

“Alright, Raine it is.”

The pair go back to watching people as they pass by. Rainbow Dash motions to an elderly person with a walker.

“So humans have trouble walking when they get older?”

Arc nods. “Right. Just like ponies. At least from what I’ve seen.”

“Does it... hurt?”

“Sometimes, I would imagine. Probably depends on the reason they have trouble walking though.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Well, that won’t happen to ME!”

“I certainly hope not, of course. But what makes you so sure, Rainbow... Raine?”

“Because I take good care of myself! Plenty of exercise, plenty to eat, AND plenty of rest!”

“And you think that will help?”

“It should. I mean... not sure what else I could do.”

“Probably nothing much. Well... that and see your doctor regularly.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What for?”

“To make sure everything looks good inside and out mostly.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she puts a hand on her hip. “No worries there! I’m as fit as can be!”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course! I feel great!”

“Just because you feel okay doesn’t mean that you are though.”

“I know. But I’m too young to be getting all the bad stuff yet.”

“So sure of that, are you?”


Arc frowns. “So foals and young mares don’t ever have major medical problems?”

“Well... sometimes.”

“Mares your age?”

“Once in a while, I guess. But it’s never anything THAT bad.”


They are silent for a time. Eventually, with a sigh, Rainbow Dash mutters.

“There’s... been a few times that I know of.”

“What happened?”

“One foal I knew from my younger days as a filly stopped coming to school for a long time. When she finally did come back it was just to get her things though, as she was being transferred to a different school. One that could help with her... condition.”

Rainbow Dash looks down at the floor for a moment before continuing.

“What they thought was just a cold got worse and worse. I don’t get how it happened, but it led to her going... blind.”

Arc nods. “I’ve heard of things like that happening here on Earth as well. An infection that spreads from where it started and can cause problems all over the body. Pretty dangerous to let it get that far.”

“Everypony just thought it was a cold though.”

“And they didn’t take her to the doctor until it was too late, right?”

Rainbow Dash nods sadly. “Yeah. It all seemed to happen so fast too. One day she was okay. The next she had a nasty cough. Then she stopped coming to school. I don’t know the rest of the story though.”

Arc pats her hand. “That’s why we all need to take care of ourselves. And that includes seeing the doctor regularly.”

“I know I should. But I’ve just always hated doing so.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it involves just sitting there doing nothing as a doctor or nurse pokes and prods you.”

“I suppose no one really likes being examined. But it needs to be done, Raine.”

“Then I guess I should make an appointment with Doctor Horse when we get back to Ponyville.”

Arc smiles. “Yes, that would be for the best.”

Rainbow Dash puts a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “You know... up until right now, I never really thought about what happened to that filly.”

“The one that got sick?”

“Yeah. I mean, I do know that she survived. But after she went off to the special school, nopony ever heard from her again.”

“I could call Canterlot and ask them to look into the matter if you’d like.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “That... might be kinda hard.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I... don’t actually remember her name.”


“We weren’t exactly friends, as she was really quiet and kept to herself most of the time. Nopony really thought much about her until she stopped coming.”

“I suppose they could still go through the archived school records and find out.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Don’t go through all the trouble. After all, even if you were to figure it out and she and I were to meet again, I wouldn’t really have anything to say other than ‘how ya doing’. It’d be really weird for both of us.”


They go back to people watching for a time. Rainbow Dash looks to Arc and lowers her voice.

“Um... question.”

“What is it?”

“I’ve noticed that some humans’ skin is darker than others. Why’s that?”

“Because of where they come from on the planet.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “How?”

“Earth has a number of races. Those whom descended from ancestors that lived nearer to the equator are generally darker in complexion.”

“And if you’re further from the equator the lighter you are?”

“Usually. I’m sure there are exceptions, yes. However, that’s generally how it works.”

“There’s no other differences?”

“None at all, physically. Think of them as just having a different shade of fur on their coat. You’re blue, Applejack is orange, and Pinkie Pie is pink. But that doesn’t change whom you are on the inside.”

“It makes sense when you think about it that way.”

“There are some races that don’t get along with one another though.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Why’s that?”

“One side thinking that the other is inferior mostly. Kinda like the three pony races before Unification.”

“Yeah, I still don’t really get what the big problem was. I mean... like you said, we’re all the same on the inside.”

Arc chuckles. “If only the rest of the world thought as you do. Then we wouldn’t have these problems.”

“Is it really THAT bad?”

“In some places, yes. Humans haven’t been able to unite like the ponies did.”

“What could be done about that though?”

Arc shrugs. “I actually don’t know.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “But you literally brought about peace between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom!”

“Well, this is a bit harder.”


“Because there’s no real reason for everyone to unite under one banner here. Those that look down on others feel that they’re superior. Why join with those they view as beneath them?”

“But things would be so much nicer here if they did! I mean, cooperation is ALWAYS a good idea!”

“And I agree with you, Raine. However, it would take some kind of major event to make everyone come together again.”

“Like what?”

“A third world war probably.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Third?!”

Arc nods. “Right. That’s the only thing which ever made countries seriously want to work together. At least on a grand scale. There are numerous treaties between various nations, of course. However, nothing that truly binds everyone together.”

“I don’t get it. What’s so different between the peace back home and here on Earth?”

“The number of countries mostly. Equus has Equestria, the Crystal Empire, the Griffon Kingdom, the Dragon Lands, and Abyssinia that I know of.”

“Those are the major powers, yes.”

“That’s five countries. Earth has almost two hundred.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide. “Really?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. And each of them have their own customs, culture, laws, and traditions.”

“Starting to see the problem here.”

“It’s hard to get five individual people to agree to something. Try doing it with two hundred.”

“So no big peace summits here on Earth?”

“Oh, they still have those. It’s mostly just to continue dialogue though. That and to try and keep the tenuous peace between the various members of the summit.”

“I’m starting to appreciate Equestria more as this conversation goes on.”

“Me too.”

“Thanks for explaining all that to me though, Arc. I just always thought peace was a simple matter of sitting down and talking things out. Like what was done at Light’s Hope among the world leaders.”

“The difference there was that everyone attending was looking to keep the peace between the other nations. Not everyone here on Earth wants that.”

“There was another reason too though.”


Rainbow Dash smirks. “You.”

Arc shrugs. “I just represented the leader of the base though. Luna and Cadance were there on behalf of Equestria.”

“True. But all the nation’s leaders know and respect you, Arc.”

“Yes, well...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “You’re a neutral third party, after all.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Neutral third party, huh.”

“I mean that you, being a human, makes you impartial to the other nations.”

“Just like General Mustang wants to be.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“He told me a while back that the goal was to bring about peace to Earth via his technological advances.”

“How though?”

“By making the world dependent on The Organization for a fore mentioned tech.”

“But you’re going to stop him, right?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Wasn’t planning on it, no.”


“Remember, him trying to gain power via wealth is pretty much what everyone does here on Earth. That and it would take a full scale invasion by Equestria to take out Damocles Base. Something the military here wouldn’t let happen.”

“But isn’t that worth it though?! To take him down?!”

“A lot of ponies would die, Raine. And then we’d be the instigators. That would just help Mustang gain notoriety and influence.”

“Fine. So what ARE you going to do?”

“Just kinda watch the situation for now while we try to deal with the changeling threat back in Equestria. After all, it wouldn’t do for us to be forced to fight on multiple fronts.”

“This still doesn’t sit right with me.”

Arc sighs. “Me either. But the general appears to be ready for whatever we do. I’ve played risky games with him in the past.”

“And always came out on top, mind you.”

“True. But taking more extreme steps would endanger Equestria and its citizens. Should we attack openly they could use it as probable cause to invade Equus.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “We could take em!”

“Maybe. But we’d also lose a lot of lives doing so. Remember what I said about the world united for a world war? They could unite against all of us.”

“I... suppose you know what’s best in this, Arc. But I don’t have to like it.”

Arc nods soberly. “That makes two of us.”

Sometime later they stand and begin walking. Heading for the exit, Rainbow Dash turns to Arc with a smile.

“Thanks for letting me see more humans. It’s really been a good time.”

“And it’s not over yet.”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “You have more planned?”

“Hammer’s suggestions were pretty good. I’ve already taken two of them.”

“Eating and shopping?”

Arc nods. “Yup. She wanted to ease you into Earth’s culture slowly.”

“So how about we do more then?”

“That’s the plan, yes. Any suggestions?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head as she holds Arc’s arm tightly. “Nah. I trust you to do what’s best. Or at the very least, not try to make me do anything I wouldn’t like.”

“Well... how about an indoor activity then?”

“Like what?”

Arc pulls Hammer’s suggestion paper from his ring. “We could go see a movie.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I’d probably just fall asleep.”

“How about we bake something at my place then? Like a cake, or something.”

“Why don’t you save that one for Pinkie Pie.”


“Never tried that one before. Heard of it though.”

“So should we go with that then?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Sure!”

Returning to the Jeep, Arc starts the vehicle. Heat immediately begins filling the cabin. He chuckles and puts his hand in front of the vent happily.

“Looks like Hammer thought of everything.”

“How so, Arc?”

“Most vehicles need their engine to come to temperature before they start blowing warm air.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I always knew cupcake was a smart cookie.”

Arc nods as he puts the vehicle into ‘drive’. “That she is.”

A short time later the pair arrive at the local bowling alley. Getting out of the vehicle, Arc leads Rainbow Dash into the building. The sounds of pins crashing rings out along with the cheers of various groups having friendly games. Heading up to the counter, Arc rings the bell for service. An elderly man approaches and calls out to him.

“How many?”


“Needs balls or shoes?”

Arc nods. “We both do, yes.”

“What sizes?”

“Ten for me.”

“And the lady?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Huh?”

The clerk gestures to the wall of footwear behind him. “What size shoe do you wear?”

“I, uh... don’t know.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “All her shoes are custom made.”

The man points at a mat nearby. “Step onto that over there to find out then.”

Arc leads Rainbow Dash over to the mat. Sitting her down, he points at her feet.

“Go ahead and take off your shoes.”


She does so and looks at the mat before continuing.

“So I just hold my feet on these?”

Arc nods. “Right. It’ll give us a general idea of what size shoe you wear.”

Doing as she is told, Rainbow Dash puts her foot on a print. Frowning, she looks to Arc.

“Darn! I’m too big for a number seven.”

“Something wrong with that?”

“Not really. I guess. It’s just always been my lucky number.”

Putting her foot on the next pad she sighs.

“But it also looks like I’m too small for an eight.”

“Then we’ll ask for a seven and a half.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Perfect! That’s still lucky then!”

Arc chuckles as he helps her stand up. “Glad you approve.”

Handing over their own footwear, the man trades them for bowling shoes. Arc pays the clerk whom calls out as he rings up the sale.

“Lane number twenty-eight is ready for you.”


Leading his date over to their lane, the pair sit down on put on their respective shoes. Rainbow Dash appears confused.

“This safe?”

Arc looks over to her, confused. “Huh?”

Rainbow Dash points to the bottom of her shoes. “These darn things are so old they don’t have any tread left on em!”

“That’s how they’re supposed to be.”

“But why?”

“So you can slide on the floor a bit. It makes for smoother movements versus regular rubber soled shoes. Normal shoes are designed to prevent sliding, after all.”

“Alright. So how do we play this game?”

“First we have to pick out balls. We each need one that fits our dominant hand and fingers.”

Rainbow Dash looks around. “Any ball?”

Arc points to specialized racks around the perimeter of the back walls. “The ones on those racks are public balls that are owned by the bowling alley.

“So everypony just kinda finds one they like?”

“Not everyone, no. Someone whom plays a lot would have their own customized ball, of course. But they keep those in specially made bags by their lane. Not on the racks.

Rainbow Dash stands. “Then let’s get started.”

Walking over to the racks, she looks them over for a moment before picking up a yellow ball. Frowning, she turns to Arc.

“This thing weighs a ton!”

“That one might be a bit heavy for you. Try one on that rack over there. They’re lighter.”

Doing as Arc suggests, Rainbow Dash picks up an orange ball. Hefting it a few times, she grins.

“Much better!”

Arc joins her with a black and orange ball of his own. “Good. Now then, you have to find one that has holes in the right spots.

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Holes?”

Arc nods as he turns his ball to show her. “Right. Your thumb and two fingers go in here.

She watches intently as he demonstrates. Putting her fingers in the orange ball’s holes she grunts.

“Too tight.”

“You want them loose, of course. But not so loose that you drop the ball. Here, try this one.”

He hands her a red ball. Putting her fingers into it, she smiles.

“That feels much better.”

Arc smiles as he picks up the ball he found for himself earlier. “Good. Now then, let’s get started.”

Walking back to their lane, Arc sets his ball down in their rack as he turns to Rainbow Dash.

“This is the ball return. After throwing down the lane, the ball will return to us here. It stays in this rack until it’s your turn.”

“Then I throw it?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s technically ‘rolling’. But yes. Want me to show you how to do it?”

Rainbow Dash looks to the others bowling nearby. “I think you’d better. After all, this doesn’t look anything like how bowling works back in Equestria.”

“How do you do it?”

“Set the ball on the floor and buck it.”

Arc chuckles. “We do it a bit differently, yes. First you pick up your ball and walk onto the wood flooring.”

He does so as he continues.

“Stand roughly center of the lane. Keep the ball up to your chin, like so.”

Holding his ball before him, Arc keeps talking.

“Make a few quick steps toward the lane, bring your arm back, and roll the ball toward the pins.”

He throws the ball. It smashes into the pins, knocking several of them over. Rainbow Dash grins as the pin area is automatically cleared.

“That looks like fun! Is it my turn now?!”

Arc shakes his head as his ball returns. “No, I get one more shot.”

Picking the freshly returned ball up, Arc lifts it in front of his face. Taking aim, he goes through the motions and rolls the ball. It rolls down the lane and knocks over several more pins. Arc chuckles as he turns back to Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like I only got seven of them.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Maybe it’s not a lucky number for you.”

Arc shrugs. “Oh well. It’s just a game.”

“But now it’s my turn, right?”

“Yup. Want me to help you?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah, I got it.”

Holding her ball as Arc did, Rainbow Dash takes a few steps and moves to throw her ball. However, she miscalculates and falls flat on her back. Arc walks over to her as she sits up.

“You okay, Raine?!”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “Y-yeah. Just... just a bit off balance, that’s all.”

“Still not quite used to your new legs?”

Rainbow Dash grins sheepishly as Arc helps her up. “Guess not.”

“I saw you starting to go over when you put your arm back to swing.”

“Any pointers?”

“Why don’t you start by throwing the ball in place?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “In place?”

“Just stand at the line here and throw. Give it a try.”

Nodding, Rainbow Dash turns back to the pins as Arc steps back. She throws the ball, but it quickly finds the gutter. She grunts angrily.

“Darn it!”

“Try keeping your arm straight.”


Arc walks over to her again. “Like this.”

Standing behind her, Arc takes Rainbow Dash’s right wrist. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he moves it slowly.

“Don’t bend your elbow. Just rotate it at the shoulder here.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “This feels nice.”

“Just don’t want you to hurt yourself. Now then, try doing it like that.”

Walking back to the ball return, Rainbow Dash picks up her ball and steps up to the line again. Keeping her arm straight as Arc suggested, she throws the ball. It lands on the wood with a loud crash before rolling into a couple pins at the end of the alley. Grinning, Rainbow Dash looks over her shoulder to Arc.

“That sure is a satisfying sound!”

Arc smiles at her. “I’ll say. Now you just have to work on control.”


“Instead of throwing the ball, try laying it down on the lane as you let go. That will help you with trajectory.”

“Can you show me?”


Picking up his own ball as the pins are completely reset, Arc walks up to the line. He winds up and kneels down to lay the ball on the wood. It flies straight down the center of the lane and smashes into the pins at the other end, knocking them all down. Turning, he walks back to Rainbow Dash.

“Something like that.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “You knocked them all down!”

Arc nods. “That’s called a ‘strike’.”

“So do you get another throw?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. It’s your turn now.”

Rainbow Dash picks up her ball. “I wanna try to do that too!”

“Give it a shot.”

Stepping up to the line again, Rainbow Dash looks back to Arc. He gives her a thumbs up as she turns to look at the pins again. Taking a deep breath, the young woman rolls her ball down the lane. A handful of pins topple over as she pumps her fist triumphantly.

“I think I’m getting it!”

Arc chuckles. “That you are. Now then, see if you can knock the rest of them down with your second throw.”

Retrieving her ball, Rainbow Dash walks back to the line again. Narrowing her eyes, she takes careful aim and tosses it. The ball knocks over the rest of the pins as Rainbow Dash runs back to Arc grinning.

“I did it! I got a strike! “

Arc smiles as she throws her arms around him. “Close. You actually got what’s called a ‘spare’.”

Rainbow Dash looks up at him, confused, as she lets go. “What’s the difference?”

“Strikes are when you knock all the pins down on the first ball. A spare is when it takes two rolls. But that’s still good nonetheless.”

“I like this game!”

Arc chuckles as he reaches over to pick up his own ball. “Me too.”

Sometime later, Arc and Rainbow Dash sit at a table off to the side of the lanes with a bag of popcorn and two sodas. Arc looks to her and grins.

“Have fun?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “A ton, yeah! Now I wish I’d tried this game years ago!”

Arc chuckles as he pats her hand. “I imagine it’s a bit different with hooves though.”

“Yeah, well... the sound of the pins crashing down is just so... so fulfilling! When the ball connects it just sends shivers down my spine!”

“My dad used to take me here when I was a kid.”

“They must’ve had some really light bowling balls for you.”

Arc looks to the lanes. “And bumpers.”


“Guards that cover the gutters. It’s so you always knock down at least one pin.”

Chuckling, Arc turns back to Rainbow Dash as he continues.

“I remember I used to aim my ball at the guards on purpose to bounce off of them.”

“What for?”

“If you throw the ball a certain way you can put spin on it. Do it just right and you can get a strike pretty much every time. Like the professionals on television do. However, I was too little to figure out how to do it. So I settled for what I called the ‘bounce’ technique.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Pretty sneaky there, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Just doing what I could with what I had.”

They go back to eating for a few moments before Arc speaks again.

“Hey, uh...”

“Something wrong, Arc?”

“Kinda. I mean... I just wanted to apologize.”

Rainbow Dash appears genuinely confused. “What for?”

“This date. It’s not exactly what I would call romantic.”

“Are you kidding me?!”


Rainbow Dash grins. “I’m having a blast here!”



“But... this is nothing like the others...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “Cupcake came up with all these ideas, right?”

“Yes. I mean, they sounded okay at first. But the more we did the less it felt like a date-like experience.”



“I know it might not seem like the most lovey-dovey time to you. But cupcake really nailed every idea.”

“So... you’re happy with how things are going?”


Arc smiles nervously. “Sorry. I guess I was just worried about our first date being a bit of a bust.”

“Bad past experiences?”

Arc sighs. “Kinda. My date with Ember didn’t exactly go as I had wanted it to.”


“I mean, it was okay. But neither of us got that serious relationship vibe. Like Applejack, Derpy, and Rarity did.”

“How is that bad though?”

“We didn’t really click back then.”

Rainbow Dash smirks wickedly. “And you wanted to, huh?”

“Sorta. I mean... Ember was the first one to vocalize her feelings for me, after all.”

“Well, I guess if it’s not meant to be... it’s not meant to be.”

“Normally I’d agree with something like that. However, Ember’s totally different with me than she is with anyone else.”

“What do you mean?”

“Believe it or not, she actually really... very sweet when we’re alone.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “By ‘sweet’ do you actually mean ‘saucy’?”

Arc chuckles. “I know Ember’s really perverted sometimes. But she’s just beyond devoted to me, and has proven that over and over again.”

“Can I ask how?”

“Sure. Ember’s always gone along with my plans. No matter how crazy they may have been.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Any one of us would be willing to do that though.”

“I’m sure you would. However, Ember even went so far as to volunteer to remain a human for me.”

“Um... that’s cool, I guess. But what does it prove?”

“As a dragon, she’ll for live tens of thousands of years.”

“All dragons do, yeah.”

“However, as a human, she would be lucky to hit one hundred.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide as she gasps. “I didn’t think of that!”

“She was willing to give up over ninety-nine percent of her lifespan in addition to her position as Dragon Lord just to be with me.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Okay, okay! Ember wins in the ‘selfless department’. Not all of us have that much to give though.”

“Myself included.”

Rainbow Dash smirks as she licks her lips. “You’ve got plenty to give, and we’re looking forward to lifting our tails and receiving it!”

Arc smiles. “Guess Ember’s not the only one who likes dirty jokes.”

“Who’s joking?!”

“What happened to Rarity going first?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Well, we could always just ...mess around.”

Arc stands. “How about we ‘mess around’ with another game of bowling?”

Rainbow Dash jumps to her feet. “You’re on!”

Sometime later they get into the Jeep together. Rainbow Dash smiles widely as she speaks.

“That last game went well!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, it did.”

Rainbow Dash smirks as she speaks. “Can’t seem to remember the score’s spread though. How about you, Arc?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Strange. Neither can I.”

“What?! You KNOW that you lost by one pin!”

Arc looks away innocently. “Did I?”


Arc bursts into laughter as Rainbow Dash grunts.

“You jerk!”

Arc grins as he turns on the Jeep. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”

Turning out of the parking lot, he looks to Rainbow Dash.

“You’re not mad at me, are you?”

Rainbow Dash groans as she looks out the window. “No. Just kinda embarrassed that you were able to trick me so easily.”

Arc smiles nervously. “It was just a joke, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hand dismissively. “Yeah, it’s cool. I’m all for a good practical joke now and then, after all.”

“That’s what I hear. But then why did you sound so upset just a moment ago?”

“For some reason, I thought you were being serious. No idea how I didn’t see through the sarcasm in your voice.”

“Well, as long as you realize that it was meant in good fun it’s fine, right?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. It’s all good. But what should we do next?”

“That trip to the bowling alley actually took a lot longer than I thought it would.”

“Is that bad?”

Arc shrugs. “Not really. I mean, we did have fun there.”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily. “I sure did!”

“I had planned for us to only bowl a game or two before heading out to do something else though.”

“Oh... sorry about that.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. It’s fine. After all, the whole point behind the date was to have fun together and get to know each other. And in that regard I’d say we succeeded.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. I do feel a bit closer to you after today.”

Rainbow Dash smirks as she wiggles a finger at him. “Ah, ah, ah! It’s ‘Raine’, remember?”

Arc chuckles. “I suppose you’re right. But you didn’t say a word when I called you by your pony name a few moments ago.”

“Yeah, well... we should still keep up the ruse.”

Arc smirks as he looks over to her. “Sure that’s the only reason?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Okay, I admit it. I really like this name.”

“So, ah... I know that we’ve been doing nothing but eating off and on all day, but... are you hungry, Raine?”

“Are you kidding?! I’m always hungry!”

“What would you like to do for supper?”

Rainbow Dash smiles sheepishly. “Um... this might come as a bit of a surprise to you, but I’m actually pretty tired after all the running around we did today.”

“Honestly, so am I. Just kicking back and relaxing sounds really good right now.”

“So what should we do?”

“We could head back to my place and...”

Rainbow Dash smirks as she cuts him off. “That sounds good!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “...and order some pizza.”


“What if I threw in a movie on the couch?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “You got yourself a deal!”

Sometime later the pair enter the house together. Arc looks to Rainbow Dash as he closes the door behind them.

“I’ll order us pizza. What do you want on it?”

“What kinda stuff do humans usually have?”

“The vegetarian options would be olives, peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, onions...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “What about meat?”

“The most popular meat options are pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon...”

Rainbow Dash eyes light up. “BACON?!”


“Get that!”

“Okay. What else would you like on it?”

“Just cheese and bacon! Lots and lots of bacon!”

Arc chuckles as he walks toward the phone. “Alright. I’ll order an extra-large bacon pizza.”

“How big is an extra-large?”

“Eighteen inches, I believe. Why?”

“Think it’ll be enough?”

Arc shrugs. “Guess I should get two then.”

“Can the other one have some other kind of meat? I’d really like to try more of that stuff!”

“How about pepperoni?”

“What’s that?”

“It’s ground cow and pig meat. Dried, seasoned, and very thinly sliced round pieces.”

“Like sausage?”

“Same concept, yes.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Not sure I’d be into that then.”

“The flavor’s very different though. Believe me when I say it’s the furthest thing from the sausage you tried earlier.”

“Well... I guess I’ll give it a try.”

Arc picks up the phone and puts in the order. Hanging up the receiver, he turns back to Rainbow Dash.

“It’ll be here in about half an hour.”

“Great! I’m starving!”

“Why don’t we pick out a movie to watch while we wait?”

“How long are movies here on Earth?”

“A couple hours. Why?”

Rainbow Dash looks at the clock. “Not sure we have enough time for that though. I mean... we have to get back to Equestria before long.”

“I guess that’s true.”

He puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully before continuing.

“How about a show then?”

“Um... not sure what that is.”

“It’s like a movie, but much shorter.”

“Like mini movies?”

“I guess you could say that. You see, they run in series known as ‘episodes’. Watched in order you’ll see that each one has a slightly different theme to it.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah... I don’t get it.”

“Think of it like the Daring Do books. Each one is different, but has the same characters in it.”

“Alright, I’ll give it a shot then. You have something in mind?”

“You like action and suspense?”


“Then I have an old show you might like. It’s called ‘The A-Team’.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Well, I guess I’ll go with whatever you think. After all, you haven’t let me down yet.”

“Alright. Now then, would you like to change your clothes before we get started?”

Rainbow Dash looks down at her outfit as she speaks. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing really.”

“Wait! Do humans have special clothes they wear for watching television?!”

“Whatever’s most comfortable really. I just figured you’d want something a bit looser.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. I’m good.”

“Alright. Let’s see if I can dig out those old disks.”

Sometime later they sit down on the sofa together with two pizza boxes on the coffee table before them. Arc opens the lid of the first one, picks up a piece with a Telekinesis Spell, and carefully places it on a plate in Rainbow Dash’s hands.

“There you are. One bacon pizza.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “This is gonna be GOOD!”

Arc chuckles as he takes a slice for himself. “I’m sure it will be.”

They both take a bite. Rainbow Dash grins as she chews.

“It’s great!”

Arc shrugs. “I think the pepperoni will be better.”

“Let me try a bite of that then.”

Opening the other box, Arc levitates a slice of the pepperoni pizza over to Rainbow Dash. She looks it over and pulls one of the meaty disks off to study it more carefully.

“Weird looking things.”

“They’re probably the most popular pizza topping out there though. Well, after cheese, I suppose.”

“Don’t look anything like sausage.”

She sniffs one before continuing.

“Different smell too.”

“Just give it a try. I think you’ll be surprised.”

Sighing, Rainbow Dash tosses the small red circle into her mouth. Chewing it, she nods approvingly.

“That’s pretty good! It’s got a different kind of bite to it than the sausage did earlier!”

“Probably different seasonings.”

Rainbow Dash grabs a slice of pepperoni. “I gotta try this!”

She takes a large bite and chews quickly. Grinning, Rainbow Dash swallows and grabs another slice of pepperoni to add to her plate.

“Human pizza is AWESOME!”

Arc chuckles. “That it is. But why don’t you try washing it down with some soda?”


Arc holds up a plastic bottle. “This.”

“I just thought that was juice, or something.”

Arc laughs as he sets it down on the coffee table. “Nah. Coke.”

Opening the cap, a hiss rings out. Rainbow Dash hops back nervously.

“What the...?!”

“That’s normal. It’s just a bit of carbonation.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, confused. “Carbo... what?”

Arc chuckles as he pours her a glass. “You’ll see.”

Handing it to her, Arc watches as Rainbow Dash eyes the contents nervously. He does his best to reassure her.

“Give it a try.”

“What’s in it?”

Arc shrugs. “Mostly just high fructose corn syrup, water, and artificial flavoring.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “That... doesn’t sound too good, Arc.”

“I know. However, it is pretty tasty nonetheless.”

“But it’s brown!”


“How can it be good?!”

Arc groans. “Just trust me on this.”

Sighing, Rainbow Dash slowly puts the glass to her lips. Squeezing her eyes shut she cautiously takes a sip. Gasping, her eyes open as she looks the glass over, clearly confused. Arc appears hopeful.

“So... what did you think?”

“It... felt weird in my mouth!”

“That’s the carbonation. It’s just bubbles, after all. But how did you like the taste?”

“I... didn’t really taste it.”


“The second it touched my tongue I let it flow back into the glass.”

“Give it a second chance.”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “Fine.”

Taking a small sip, Rainbow Dash swallows. Looking down at the glass, she takes another slightly larger sip before downing the whole glass. Arc smirks as he speaks.

“Can I assume that you liked it?”

“That was great!”

Arc holds up the bottle. “Want some more?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently as she holds up her glass. “Yeah!”

Filling her cup, Arc pours one for himself before capping the bottle and turning to his date.

“Ready to check out an old show?”

Rainbow Dash grins as she sits back with her pizza and glass. “Sure! What was it called again?”

“‘The A-Team’.”

“Something to do with sports?”

Arc shakes his head as he picks up the remote. “Not really. But you’ll see.”

Pressing the ‘play’ button, the episode starts with the traditional speech from the narrator.

“Ten years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.”

The opening shows a series of clips from various episodes. Rainbow Dash gasps as she turns to Arc.

“How are they not dead after a stunt like that?!”

Arc presses the ‘pause’ button. “A lot of planning, safety training, and stunt doubles.”

“What’s that last thing?”

“Stunt double. They’re someone whom takes the place of the star actor, or actors, during a dangerous scene.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “That doesn’t sound fair to me!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Fair?”

“The stars get all the credit, right?”


“What about the others?”

“They do get mentioned in the credits, yes.”

“Further down and for less money though I’m guessing.”

“Right again.”

“How’s that fair then?!”

“It’s the job they signed up for. Part of why an actor makes more though is because they’re the one viewers want to see.”

“But they’re also seeing the stunt double!”

“True. However the actor’s name is what sells the movie. Or in this case, the show.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I do kinda get it. But at the same time I feel bad for them.”

“Well... let’s just watch this episode and you can see what I mean.”

Pressing the ‘play’ button again, the episode begins. The pair watch as they eat their pizza. Near the end of the show Arc looks over and sees Rainbow Dash leaned back, fast asleep. A half-eaten slice of pizza lies in the cruck of her hand and light snoring coming from her agape mouth. Chuckling, Arc turns down the television and stands. Picking up the now closed pizza boxes he walks then to the kitchen and opens the fridge. Putting the pizza away, he turns back to Rainbow Dash lying on the couch as the door closes. Pulling the list from Hammer out of his ring, Arc reads it over silently as he thinks to himself.

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