• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 19 - Guardians

Arc looks around from face to face silently and soberly.

“So is everyone clear on the plan then?”

Everyone nods.

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out both magic cloaks. He tosses one to Auriel.

“Okay then… let’s get this mission underway. Ember, you and Rose take your positions.”

Arc hastily puts on his own magic cloak before Ember and Rose quickly walk over to him and stand on his right and left. He looks over to Soarin.

“Open it.”

Soarin nods and wordlessly pushes the button to open the Main Hatch. It opens with a whoosh to the sound of jungle noises and humidity.

“Remember, wait for me to radio back before you tell the second group to move out, okay?”

Soarin salutes him. “Yes sir. I’ll see to it.”

Auriel looks nervous, but nods. “R-right!”

Arc puts his arms around Ember and Rose as he cloaks and pulls them inside the robe.

“All of you be careful, okay?”

Twilight nods. “We will!”

Sereb smiles at him. “Do not worry, Arc. I will look after them.”

“As will Brightwing!”

“Here we go.”

Arc, Rose and Ember slowly walk through the hatch and across the deck. As they descend the gangplank Ember looks up at the rocs circling overhead.

“Do you think they see us?”

Rose shakes her head. “If they can, they aren’t showing it. Their flight paths are unchanged so far.”

Arc turns to her as they reach the ground and begin their trek across the field toward the temple. “Keep monitoring those things, Rose. I don’t want any surprises.”

Rose nods as they continue on their way. A few minutes later the group arrives at the temple’s courtyard arch. Stopping, Arc turns to Rose.

“You picking up anything?”

“Other than the rocs overhead, no.”

Ember looks around. “Maybe they’re all that’s left of the temple’s guards after all this time.”

Arc looks through the open archway of the temple courtyard. “I wouldn’t bet on it. Keep your guard up you two. Are you ready?”

They nervously nod. Arc looks up at the ancient arch and, after a few moments of charging up, Blinks the three of them up onto the wall. It is only about three feet wide. He turns the them as he tightens his grip on their shoulders.

“Both of you put an arm around me and hold on.”

Ember grins “You don’t have to tell me twice!”

Rose follows suit. “Me either!”

Arc starts walking. “Let’s just take it slow and steady now. This isn’t a race, after all.”

Ember looks up at him. “I’m in no hurry.”

The group slowly makes its way around the courtyard atop the wall. Ember looks down cautiously at the skeletons whose bodies lines the courtyard.

“Let’s try not to end up like them, shall we?”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Rose, do your scanners show any changes in the area?”

“No. It doesn’t appear the Rocs, or anything else for that matter, is acknowledging our presence.”

Ember hisses back. “Or maybe they’re just waiting for us to slip up.”

Arc shakes his head. “Then we won’t.”

The trio slowly but surely walks around the courtyard atop the wall. Eventually they reach the end of the line directly above the open doorway to the inner temple.

“Here we are. The temple’s entrance. Are you two ready to Blink down?”

They both silently nod.

“Good. Just be ready for anything when we do.”

Arc charges up and Blinks them down just inside the temple. They stand there a moment taking in their surroundings as he turns to Rose.


Rose shakes her head. “Nothing has changed. I think we made it.”

Ember nods. “We decloaking?”

He nods. “Yes. Here we go.”

Arc decloaks and whips off the magic cloak. He deftly puts it back in his ring and pulls out his spear. They look around and wait for something… anything, to happen. Rose looks all around as she scans their surroundings.

“Clear. While I don’t want to jump the gun, I do believe we are relatively safe here.”

Arc looks all around, his Spear of Righteousness at the ready. “I think you’re right.”

They wait another minute just to be certain. Arc nods to his companions.

“I guess it’s time for the others to join us.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Soarin. Come in please.”

“Soarin here. Go ahead, commander.”

“Everything worked perfectly. Let me speak to Auriel so I can give her some last-minute instructions before she and the others get underway.”

“Yes sir.”

Soarin hands his radio to Auriel. She accepts it.


“We’ve entered the temple safely. The plan worked just like we thought. You and the others should have no trouble getting over here by following the instructions I laid out earlier.”

“O-okay! We’ll give it a try!”

“Just keep following the top of the wall like we talked about and you’ll be fine. When you get to the end just have Twilight Blink you all down here safely. We’ll wait just inside the temple for you.”

“Yes. We’ll see you in a bit.”

She hands the radio back to Soarin. He speaks into it once more.

“Sir? What should the Lunar Destiny do in the meantime?”

“Hold your position and keep watching the skies and your instruments. Let me know if something changes.”

“Yes sir. Well take care of it.”

“I know you will. Arc out.”

Twilight shudders as she walks toward Auriel with Brightwing on her back. “Are we ready to get started?”

“We are.”

Sereb returns to his cub form as Auriel kneels down. He hops into her arms as Twilight gets under the magic cloak with Brightwing. She gets close to Auriel and takes a deep breath.

“I’m ready.”

“As is Brightwing!”

Auriel stands up with Sereb in her arms. “I’m… kinda scared.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “We all are, Auriel. But if we stick together, I’m sure we can get through this.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. If everyone can watch out for one another, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.”

“Brightwing thinks we should go together! Very fast!”

Auriel sighs as she activates the cloaking field. “I wish we could. But for something like this, haste makes waste.”

Twilight smiles. “Right. Let’s take it slow and steady.”

Soarin salutes them. “Be careful out there everypony. Have the commander let us know when you arrive safely.”

“Will do!”

The group leaves the ship and makes their way across the deck as Soarin closes the hatch behind them. He sighs.

“It’s all up to them now.”

Auriel clutches tightly to Sereb as she walks across the field toward the courtyard gates.

“Please… not so tight.”


She loosens her grip on the small wolf. Brightwing looks all around from Twilight’s back.

“This place not so bad!”

Twilight turns as she walks as close to Auriel as she dares. “We haven’t gotten inside the temple yet. Stay focused.”

They reach the courtyard gates and stop. Auriel turns to her friend.

“Y-you ready, Twilight?”

Twilight nods, her horn aglow. “Just give me a moment.”

In a few seconds Twilight charges up enough magic to Blink all four of them on top of the wall. As they reappear Twilight stumbles slightly. With lightning fast reflexes Auriel grabs Twilight’s hoof to prevent her from falling into the courtyard.

“I got you, Twilight!”

She regains her footing and breathes heavily at her close call. Twilight pants as she leans against Auriel’s leg.

“Th-thank you Auriel!”

Auriel nods as she straightens back up and breathes a sigh of relief. She smiles at Twilight and whispers back. “Like Arc said earlier, we all need to watch each other’s backs out here.”

The group continues on slowly but surely. Before too long they reach the end of the wall. Auriel peeks over the edge.

“It’s not too far down. But I don’t see Arc or the others.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “They are just inside.”

Twilight nods. “I’ll Blink us down there.”

Auriel nods as Twilight charges up. A moment later they find themselves just inside the temple’s entrance. Arc, Ember and Rose are waiting for them. Auriel decloaks.

“Whew! We made it!”

Twilight steps out as Auriel removes the cloak. “Somehow.”

Brightwing flutters around! “Friends out of danger now!”

Sereb jumps out of Auriel’s arms and returns to his normal size. “That may be going a bit far, Brightwing.”

Arc looks down the dark corridor that now stretches before them. “Sereb’s right. We still have a long way to go.”

Rose nods. “Then we should probably get to it.”

Ember sighs. “Yeah! So we can get out of here as soon as possible!”

“Just give me a minute to contact the Lunar Destiny and let them know we all made it in safely.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts. Come in please.”

“Reading you loud and clear sir. Shall I put you on the main speakers?”


Lemon Hearts pushes a few buttons.

“Okay sir. All of us on the Bridge can hear you now.”

“We’ve all made it inside the temple and are about to head deeper inside. It’s possible we’ll be out of radio communication for a while. Tight Ship, I want you to take the Lunar Destiny up and circle the temple while were inside.”

“Yes sir. Thunderlane, take us up.”

“Aye sir!”

The mammoth ship slowly lifts off as Arc continues.

“All of you already have your assignments. If something out there changes try to let us know.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “We will sir. But that may not be possible.”

Wrangler shudders at the thought. “What should we do if you don’t answer?”

“If there is some kind of immediate danger to the ship, I want you to fly to safety immediately.”

Soarin frowns. “What about you though?!”

“Get the ship to a safe distance and keep trying to contact us. Eventually we’ll make it back out and will re-evaluate the situation then.”

Thunderlane sighs. “Yes sir.”

“Wrangler, if you see ANYTHING that appears to be a threat to the safety of the ship, I want you to turn it away or turn it to ash.”

“Aye sir!”

“Lemon Hearts, keep monitoring our comms as long as you can. Although that may not be too long. If you lose us, help Moon Dancer with her visual scanning of any threats.”

“I’ll do my best, sir.”

“Moon Dancer, you keep your eye on your scanners and let the captain know of anything that even vaguely resembles trouble.”

“Aye sir.”

Tight Ship nods. “We won’t let you down sir. Be careful in there.”

“You too. Stay alert and we’ll all make it home safely. Does anyone have any questions?”

Tight Ship sighs. “Just one sir. Are you expecting trouble?”

“Tight Ship, I’m always expecting trouble. Especially when we’re up against magical creatures.”

Moon Dancer frowns. “Anything else you can tell us about what exactly WE might face, sir?”

“We don’t know much. Apparently Princess Celestia created these guardians to safeguard something inside the temple. They’re very old, but should still be very dangerous. That is, if all those skeletons down there could talk.”

Lemon Hearts keeps her eyes on her instruments. “We’ll be waiting for you to contact us, sir.”

“Good. I’m counting on all of you to help us get this job done. Arc out.”

He turns to the others as the connection is severed.

“Ready to go everyone?”

They nod. Arc takes a deep breath as he turns to head deeper into the temple.

“Alright. I’ll take point. Everyone follow me.”

Arc leads the group down the dark corridor. He and Twilight each cast a Light Spell as they continue on their way. Auriel looks around nervously.

“How far do you suppose this goes on?”

Brightwing flutters next to Arc. “Not far, friend! Brightwing can see more paths ahead! Isn’t that wonderful?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Not really. That means this temple truly is a maze.”

Ember sighs. I was kinda hoping that was just a figure of speech myself.”

As they come to a fork in the corridor, Arc frowns. “Well, it looks like no such luck in that regard.”

Ahead of them lies three paths. Left, right and straight ahead. Twilight looks down the right path.

“Which way should we go?”

Sereb sighs as he peers down the left path. “Unknown.”

Arc nods as he shines his Light Spell down the center path. “No way of knowing for sure. I suppose we’ll just have to keep trying paths until we get it right.”

Ember frowns. “That’s not much of a plan, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it’s a maze, Ember. What else can we do?”

Rose steps forward. “Arc, I think I can help with that.”


“I can map out the paths we take so we don’t go the same way twice.”

Brightwing grins. “We no get lost?! Hooray!”

Twilight nods to Rose. “Just be sure to mark this path as the one that leads back to the entrance.”

“Yes, mother. All that’s left to do now is for Arc to choose our route.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Let’s try straight ahead then. I’m assuming the Inner Sanctum is back there somewhere.”

Auriel looks behind them nervously. “Well then, off we go.”

The group walks straight with Arc in the lead. A few moments later Arc and Twilight’s Light Spells begin to fade. Ember turns to him, angrily.

"Quit playing around, Arc!”

Arc attempts to reinforce his Light Spell. “I’m not!”

Twilight attempts to do the same but has no luck. “Something is preventing us from using magic!”

Brightwing turns around. “Friends go back?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not yet.”

He leans his spear against the wall and quickly removes his satchel from his ring along with the med packs and flashlights. Auriel smiles worriedly as Arc tosses her one of the lights.

“Good thinking, Arc.”

Ember nods as she takes a flashlight and turns it on. “Yeah! I never would have thought to bring a portable light with me. I mean… that’s what magic is for.”

Arc closes the satchel and puts it over his shoulder as he turns on his own flashlight. “Yes, well… that’s just one of the advantages of not being born with magic. I don’t automatically fall back on it for everything.”

Twilight looks embarrassed. “I… um… say Rose, this interference isn’t disrupting your scanners, is it?”

Rose shakes her head. “It is not. I should have no trouble mapping out this temple and leading us out once our task is complete.”

Arc turns to look at Twilight. “Sorry. I’m not blaming you or anyone else for that matter for being born with magic. After all, you can’t help being what you are.”

Brightwing smiles. “We all do what we can, friend!”

Sereb nods as the group continues on their way. “Brightwing is right. Each of us fills a unique role.”

Twilight sighs. “Other than me it seems.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, Twilight. You’re the only one who had ever HEARD of this temple before today. The little information we came here with was from you.”

Ember nods. “Right! I can see in the dark, but need at least some level of light for that to work properly.”

Auriel looks behind them for the hundredth time. “We should probably stay on task so we can get out of here! I don’t mind saying, this place gives me the creeps!”

They walk for over an hour before seeing something up ahead. Brightwing points a small claw.

“What is that?!”

Cherry calls out to them. “I think it’s a light of some kind.”

Arc smiles. “Good. Maybe we’re almost there.”

Turning a corner the group comes to a large stone door. Two torches burn brightly on either side of it. Sereb turns to Arc.

“That must be the Inner Sanctum.”

Auriel shudders. “At least I sure hope it is.”

Ember walks toward the door. “This job was easier than I thought! Let’s see if we can get this door open, Arc!”


The pair pull on the door with all their might but it does not budge. Brightwing frowns.

“Perhaps door is locked?!”

Arc breathes heavily. “It has to be! We’re not making any headway here!”

Sereb sighs. “What should we do now?”

Twilight approaches the door and putting a hoof on it. “Hmmm… what is this?!”

She runs her hoof along the ancient door for a moment as Brightwing flutters nearby.

“Friend see something?!”

“Maybe. Look here! There are four indentations.”

She points with a hoof. Ember nods.

“I just thought those were decorative.”

Auriel looks at the door herself. “I think Twilight is right. Look here! There are magic conduits that lead to the central mechanism.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “Do you think there’s some kind of release back there?”

“It’s an even bet.”

Brightwing flutters over to a nearby rock and picks it up. “Now all friends have to do is put rocks in holes!”

She tosses a rock at one of the indentations. It hits the door before falling to the floor. Sereb shakes his head.

“I’m assuming they have to be the RIGHT rocks, Brightwing.”

Arc turns around. “With any luck, they’re hidden in this labyrinth.”

Twilight turns to Rose.

“Can you show us what you’ve mapped thus far?”

“Yes, mother.”

Ember turns to Twilight. “Wait! She can DO that?!”

“Yes! You’ll see!”

Rose closes her eyes and appears to be thinking. A few moments later she turns toward a nearby wall and projects a map onto it from her eyes. Arc nods approvingly.

“Well that’s handy.”

He looks over the map.

“Where exactly are we now, Rose?”

A red dot appears and begins blinking on the northern edge of the map.

“Here. By my calculations whatever is behind that door is at the center of the temple.”

Auriel looks relieved. “It HAS to be the Inner Sanctum then!”

Arc frowns as he looks over the paths not yet taken. “I guess we just need to retrace our steps and fill this map out.”

Twilight sighs. “That could take quite some time.”

She points a hoof at the entrance.

“Assuming we really are at the central of the temple it will take us just as long to get to the other side! Barring any obstacles, that is.”

Sereb nods. “That and once we explore that side we may yet have to search the other half.”

“Brightwing thinks this sounds very time consuming!”

Arc nods. “Then we had best get started.”

He points at a nearby unexplored corridor on the map.

“Can you lead us here, Rose?”

“Of course!”

She turns off the map and starts walking.

“This way everyone!”

After a few hours of walking and trying numerous paths the group rounds a corner to see a large podium at the end of the corridor. A large stone sits mutely in the center of said podium, flanked by two torches. Ember looks at it from a distance with the others.

“What do you suppose that is?”

Auriel smiles. “It might just be the key to that door.”

Twilight walks quickly over to it. “I’m sure it is!”


At Arc’s word, she stops. Her hooves mere inches from the orb.

“What’s wrong?”

Arc approaches the podium himself. “It might be a trap. Everyone stand back.”

He looks the podium over as the others retreat back to the other end of the corridor. Arc touches the stone, but nothing happens. Cherry breathes a sigh of relief.

“Maybe it isn’t.”

Arc grimaces as he carefully moves to pick up the orb. “I feel like Indiana Jones. Well… here goes nothing.”

He tugs at the stone, but it does not move. Ember rolls her eyes.

“Is there a problem?”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “Give me a hand with this thing, will you Ember?”

Ember frowns as she walks over. “Oh for crying out loud… just pick it up!”

Arc steps aside as Ember tires to pick up the stone, but also fails. He chuckles at her attempts.

“Come now, Ember. Show me how it’s done.”

Ember slashes with her claws at the stone. “Shut up! I’m trying aren’t I?!”

The sound of laughter can be heard reverberating through the corridors around them. Auriel looks around.

“WOAH?! How did you DO that, Arc?!”

“That wasn’t me!”

A voice speaks from the shadows.

“No. It was me.”

Sereb looks around and sniffs the air frantically. “Show yourself!”

“Do you seek the keystones?”

Twilight frowns. “The what?!”

“The keystones, simpleton!”

Brightwing nods. “Friends want to find rocks go in holes! Open door! Find thing!”

Arc looks around. “Are you saying this rock here is actually called a keystone?”


Ember frowns. “Well, let us have it then!”

“Very well. But only if you can solve my riddle.”

Arc sighs. “Great… let’s hear it.”

“I am full of secrets, and only when you find them do they become clear. I am filled with animals, foods, people, and anything you can think of, yet none of them actually exist within me. I can have many names, but none of them I go by. Call me one and I will never even hear your words. I can strengthen your mind, and sharpen your skills. What am I?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I know the answer. You’re a pain in the…”

Twilight frowns. “EMBER!”

“What? He is!”

Arc sighs. “Let’s not antagonize the mysterious voice that apparently has the keys to the keys, Ember.”

Auriel nods. “Come on, everyone! We can figure this out!”

Brightwing flutters around confused. “Is it a bug?!”


Sereb thinks for a moment. “A thought, perhaps?”

“Incorrect. But a very interesting answer nonetheless.”

Twilight’s face suddenly lights up. “I got it! You’re a book!”

“Correct! You may now take the keystone!”

A slight clicking sound can be heard from the podium as the keystone rolls slowly toward the edge. Twilight picks up the stone and walks it over to Arc. “Thank you… whoever you are.”

“For your correct answer I will also answer one question.”

Twilight thinks for a moment before responding. “Who are you?”

“I am Ahuizotl. Guardian of the Repository. Now then, there are three more keystones for you to find. Will you collect them all, or starve first?”

The sounds of laughter can be heard echoing down the corridors before it dies down and the air returns to its eerie silence.

“I do not want to do this! But Brightwing will stay with friends until the end! Then I will eat you!”

Arc sighs. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Brightwing.”

Brightwing smiles happily at them. “Your deaths will not be for nothing, friends!”

Ember frowns. “How about we skip the dying part and just finish the job?”

“Okay, friend!”

They continue on their way. The group explores numerous corridors before they find another pedestal with another keystone atop it several hours later. Sereb points a paw.

“There’s another stone.”

Auriel nods. “Good! Maybe this one is loose!”

Ahuizotl’s voice again rings out.

“It will be… when you answer my riddle, that is!”

Sereb growls. “Ask then, guardian.”

“I can fill a room even though I cause nothing to be there. Easily broken, nothing needs touch me to destroy me. Some want me, others hate me. I’m often found in the early hours of the morning. What am I?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don’t get it either.”

Arc thinks. “That… really is a tough one!”

Cherry calls out in response. “Is it… love by any chance?”

“It is not. It would be, save for the last clue.”

Sereb frowns. “Perhaps sunlight?”

“Another very well thought out answer, but no.”

Auriel sheepishly calls out to the darkness. “Are you perhaps… silence?”

“Correct! This keystone is now yours!”

There is a click as Auriel steps forward to claim her prize.

“Now then, what would you like to know, little demon?”

Auriel puts a claw to her chin as she picks up the keystone. “Um… how many others have completed this task in the past?”

“None! Keep at it, mortals, and you may yet be the first!”

Ahuizotl’s laughter again rings out through the corridors. Arc turns to the others as Auriel brings him the stone.

“Two down, two to go.”

Brightwing yawns. “This tiring job!”

Ember nods. “Brightwing’s right about that. This is taking much longer than I thought it would.”

Auriel sighs. “Perhaps a break is in order?”

Twilight looks around at the others. “Is anyone else a bit hungry?”

Arc looks at his pocket watch as he shines a light on its crystal face. “It’s long past lunch time. Everyone have a seat.”

They do so as Arc sets down his backpack and pulls something out.

“I have some ration kits here. They may not be as good as something home cooked, but it will help.”

Cherry giggles. “Everypony should keep their strength up. I’ll cook something nicer for you all when we get home.”

Everyone takes a rations kit and opens them. They eat slowly. Ember make a face.

“This stuff is… pretty bad!”

Twilight’s face scrunches up. “Our military eats this stuff?!”

Sereb nods. “It is certainly better than starving to death.”

Arc looks at the packaging. “According to this it contains enough nutrition to last all day.”

Auriel nods. “Soldiers don’t always have time to sit down and eat. If necessary, we could probably eat one of these is thirty seconds.”

Rose removes a flask from the backpack and passes it down the row. “You will need your wits about you if we are to find the last two keystones and answer their riddles.”

Arc sighs. “Then we have to make it back to that door.”

Auriel nods. “Quite a journey!”

“Brightwing getting tired! We rest?!”

Ember shakes her head. “No, we can’t rest! We have to keep…!”

Cherry interrupts her. “A rest may be in order. All of you appear exhausted from all this walking.”

Twilight nods. “Cherry’s right. After all, we still have a long way to go.”

Arc looks to the others. “Maybe a short nap IS in order. After all we don’t want to run into trouble while we’re tired.”

Auriel looks around nervously. “Should we sleep in shifts?”

Rose shakes her head. “That won’t be necessary. I will watch over all of you while you sleep.”

Arc frowns. “You don’t need to rest?”

“Not at this time, no. Normal operation does not tax my reserves.”

Arc walks over to the survival pack and pulls out a blanket. As he unrolls it, he sighs.

“I wish this thing carried more than one of these.”

Brightwing smiles at Arc. “So, which of friends will get blanket?”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“You take it, Ember. After all, you’re always cold.”

Ember shakes her head. “I’ll be okay. Give it to Twilight.”

“I have a coat and mane to keep me warm. Auriel should have it.”

“What?! I… um…”

Sereb clears his throat. “Pardon me, but I have an idea that will keep us all warm. If everyone will kindly remove their armor first, that is.”

Everyone takes off their armor and lines the suits up across the corridor. Eidolon’s Ward looks done the corridor dutifully.

“Alright. What’s the next step, Sereb?”

Sereb walks over to the wall and lies down.

“Brightwing, you can lie down on my back.”

“You take nap?! Brightwing take nap as well!”

The little dragon lands and curls up on Sereb’s back.

“Arc, you can sit down next to me and use my body as a pillow.”


“Now the next couple steps may be a bit… out of the ordinary.”

Twilight chuckles. “It can’t be all that bad!”

“Ember, you lie down next to Arc.”

Ember walks over. “Now you’re talking my language, Sereb!”

“Auriel, you lie down on the other side of Arc.”

She blushes feverishly. “Oh! I… um… I don’t know about that. It… it’s been a while since I cleaned myself up… and… um…”

Arc smiles at her. “I won’t try to force you if you really don’t want to, Auriel. But if you would please come over here and help keep warm with the rest of us, we’d appreciate it.”

“But I… I smell kinda funny.”

Twilight nods. “After hours in here all of us are a bit smelly and dirty, Auriel.”

Arc nods. “Right! I won’t complain if you don’t smell like a flower.”

“Well… okay.”

She lies down against Sereb and snuggles up to Arc. Twilight frowns.

“But there’s no room for me now!”

“There is indeed. If you don’t mind, you can rest on Arc’s chest.”

Twilight blushes feverishly. “What?! But… I…”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s okay, Twilight. We’re all friends here.

“But… I’m too heavy for that!”

“No, you’re not. Now please join us. I really don’t want you to catch a cold now.”

Twilight looks over at Arc sheepishly. “Well… okay. But if I’m too heavy, say something, okay?”

She slowly walks over to Arc and lies down in his lap on her side. Twilight rests her head on his chest as Rose covers Arc, Auriel, Ember and Twilight with the blanket.

“I think it’s just big enough.”

Ember cuddles up to Arc. “Just right!”

Auriel lays her head on Arc’s shoulder as she yawns. “This is actually… kinda nice.”

Arc wraps his arms around Twilight. “Sorry if I’m kinda lumpy.”

Twilight shakes her head as the flashlights are turned off. “N-no! You’re actually pretty soft, Arc! I mean, comfortable! I mean…”

“Brightwing trying to sleep! Hush now!”

Arc chuckles. “You heard her.”

He looks over at Rose.

“Wake us up in two hours, okay?”

“I will. Rest well, everyone!”

A short time later everyone is fast asleep. Rose stands next to Eidolon’s Ward. As the pair look at Ember, Auriel and Twilight all curled up with Arc, Rose turns.

“I’m… kinda jealous of them right now. I wish I was curled up next to Arc.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “As do I, Rose… as do I.”

Author's Note:

Brightwing is my wife's favorite character from "Heroes of the Storm". Here's a brief video from Blizzard showcasing the cute, yet homicidal, dragon and their adorable voice.


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