• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Consequential Decisions

A week later Arc and Dinky sit in the Dining Room together. Dinky looks to her father.

“Thanks for letting me stay with you, dad. This week’s been really interesting.”

“Really? I thought you’d be bored sitting with me during audiences.”

“Well… some of them, yeah. But a lot were really cool!”


“Like the one where you had to decided which shop owner would move into a vacant building here in Canterlot.”

Arc sighs. “Not sure how they both had the same paperwork for the same property other than a clerical error.”

“Well, I think you’re doing a great job, dad!”

A familiar voice rings out nearby.

“That he is.”

They turn to see Sereb and Ember walking toward them with Brightwing in tow.

“Brightwing happy, friend!”

Dinky waves a small hoof happily. “Hello!”

Ember turns to Arc. “Talking about audiences?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Dinky’s giving me her vote of confidence.”

She laughs. “Me too. I certainly couldn’t have made all those important decisions so quickly.”

“Kibitz explained to me that’s how it’s done. After all, I only have so much time to hear each case.”

Ember turns to the filly before her. “That reminds me. Dinky, I saw you writing something the other day. Mind if I ask what?”

“Sure. I was taking notes.”

Sereb turns his head to one side, confused. “Notes?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “On the audiences?”

Dinky nods. “Uh huh. It’s kinda a game idea I had.”

Sereb smiles toothily. “What are the rules?”

“It’s simple, really. I just write down the important parts of the audience and try to figure out the right outcome that benefits everypony.”

“And how do you do that, sweetheart?”

“By asking myself one very important question. What would my dad do?”

Ember chuckles. “Looks like you have a fan, Arc.”

“Guess so. But remember this, Dinky. No one’s right all the time.”

“I understand that dad. In fact, that’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about.”

A servant walks in and over to Arc.

“Are you ready for lunch, sire?”

“Yes, please.”

“Very good.”

Returning to the kitchen, the servant motions for the waitstaff to enter the room. They set covered dishes before everyone before quickly retreating back through the door together. Arc picks up his silverware as he looks to Dinky.

“Did you have a question about one of the audiences, Dinky?”

“Not really a question. But… to be honest with you, I did disagree with your decision on something.”

Ember sighs. “Now Dinky, you need to have more faith in your father than that.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I want to hear what she has to say. After all, no one’s infallible.”

He turns back to Dinky.

“Now then, sweetheart… what did you want to say?”

“Well… it was about that divorce case yesterday.”

Ember shrugs. “They wanted to split up. What was Arc supposed to do?”

Arc grimaces. “Right. From what I could tell they really needed to get away from each other.”

“I understand that, dad. But I disagreed with your decision on the custody matter.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “The what?”

Arc turns to her. “Whom their foal would live with.”

“Oh… why didn’t you say that, Dinky?”

Dinky looks to her, confused. “But I did.”

Arc puts his hand on Dinky’s fetlock. “What would you have done?”

“Their filly should have been allowed to live with both parents. At least that’s what I think anyways. After all, I’d be really upset if somepony told me I couldn’t see you or mom ever again.”

Arc nods. “That’s called ‘joint custody’.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. Why didn’t you just do that, Arc?”

“Well… it was a hard thing to do, yes. But when making such important decisions you have to look at the evidence as a whole.”

“What do you mean, dad?”

“Do you remember when they walked in here? The filly stayed on her father’s left side the whole time.”

Ember looks to Arc. “What does that prove?”

“Nothing by itself. But the mare and stallion were arguing the whole time amongst themselves. Whenever the mother started shouting, the filly would shrink back to hide behind her father.”

Dinky appears confused. “She was afraid of them fighting?”

“I took it to mean she was scared of her mother.”

Ember groans. “That mare did seem pretty abrasive.”

“Right. Now I understand that this is a hard time for her. But she kept trying to make the situation about her. All the while her husband was attempting to keep her on track with what was best for their filly.”

“But the mother did at least try to comfort the filly several times, dad.”

“True. But whenever she did that, the filly would cower behind her father as if she was afraid.”

Ember frowns. “What does that mean?”

“That she’s been abused emotionally, physically, or both by that parent.”

Arc sighs before pushing his plate away and looking out the window sadly.

“I saw it all the time when I was a kid myself in the orphanage. Parents would come for supervised visitation a few days a week. Most kids liked seeing their parents again. But some of them didn’t like one or the other. They would always see to it there was something, or usually someone, between them and the abusive parent.”

Ember nods soberly. “Sounds like you’re pretty qualified to do that part of the job, Arc.”

“Yeah. Wish I wasn’t though. It’s not a skill I enjoy using.”

Kibitz enters the dining room and makes a beeline for Arc. Bowing respectfully, he speaks.

“Sire, there is a Miss Auriel here to see you.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Auriel’s here?! In Canterlot?!”

Arc frowns. “That’s strange. She doesn’t usually leave Ponyville.”

“You don’t suppose there’s something wrong there, do you dad?!”

“I doubt it. After all, if something was going on I’d be the first to be notified.”

Sereb nods soberly. “There is only one way to know for certain.”

“Agreed. Show her in, Kibitz.”

“Right away, sire.”

Walking quickly toward the door, he opens it and steps aside. Auriel enters nervously and looks at the floor. Arc looks to the surrounding guards and waitstaff.

“Everyone. Leave us.”

“Brightwing go too?”

Ember shakes her head. “You can stay.”


The servants bow respectfully and quickly do as Arc says. With the room emptied of all but their friends, he stands and walks over to Auriel.

“Welcome back to Canterlot Castle, my friend.”

Ember looks to the demon, concerned. “Is something wrong?”

“Not… really.”

Dinky walks over to her. “Miss Auriel. Would you like to sit down?”

“I would actually.”

Sereb pulls out a nearby chair as Arc takes her hand. Leading her over to the seat he helps her sit down before taking the one next to her and turning it to face her.

“Now then… what seems to be the problem?”

“It’s… I…”

She takes a deep breath and pauses for several long moments before continuing.

“You wanted to be kept informed regarding the status of my… project.”

Dinky nods. “The artificial sun?”

Ember looks around. “How’s Aurora?”

Sereb grunts. “Doing well, we hope.”

“She’s back in Ponyville at the moment.”

Brightwing appears suddenly crestfallen. “Friend lonely?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. After all, she’s with all her plant friends in the nursery.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No… she’s not.”

Dinky gasps. “Did something happen?”

“The Dragon Fruit bushes… aren’t there anymore.”

Sereb growls. “They were stolen?!”

“No, no! We just turned them into essence. Now we have enough to produce another artificial sun in Tartarus.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But that’s good news. Isn’t it?”

“Kinda. You see, this morning I finished perfecting the devices needed to maintain the sun’s output as well as start the chain reaction.”

Arc grimaces. “So it’s like the other one?”

“No. I’ve made quite a few improvements to the devices we used in the San Palomino Desert.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Such as…?”

“This one won’t blow up. And it’s designed for long term support.”

Dinky appears nervous. “How long will it last?”

“Years. Decades even if properly maintained.”

Arc nods. “So everything is ready then?”

Auriel hangs her head sadly. “No. I’m missing one crucial component.”

Brightwing smiles. “Friends?!”


Ember grins. “You need her to help get things set up in Tartarus?”

“Not exactly. While I’m certainly capable of building and running the machinery, it would be a comfort to me if she were there to help.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t really think this is a good time for that.”

Dinky grimaces. “Yeah. She doesn’t leave Princess Celestia’s room for anything.”

Sereb steps toward Auriel. “Can we not postpone the sun’s creation until the princess is better? Twilight would certainly be more comfortable leaving her for a time then.”

“That was my plan after I heard about Princess Celestia’s condition.”

She looks up at Arc, sheepishly.

“Aurora and I tuned in to your speech, Arc. You did a really nice job making it.”

“Thank you. But I don’t understand what the problem is. Princess Celestia should be on the road to recovery, and Twilight will become available.”

“Sadly, I don’t think we can wait on this.”

Dinky gasps. “Why not?”

“Because of Aurora.”

Ember sighs. “She’s anxious to get started?”

“Yes. But that isn’t the problem. In truth, I believe she’s feeling a bit… separated right now.”

Sereb nods. “With Twilight gone?”

“That in addition to the lack of plants growing in the nursery.”

Dinky appears confused. “She can’t talk to the essence?”

“Well… yes.”

She fidgets for a few moments before continuing.

“Aurora says the essence is frightened. Even with her there to comfort them, they still feel anxious regarding the future.”

Ember frowns. “So what are you suggesting we do?”

“The best course of action would be to deploy the artificial sun in Tartarus as soon as possible. But without Twilight there, I’m worried I might just… you know…”

Arc sighs. “Mess up?”


“Friend can do it! Brightwing believes in friend!”

Dinky grins. “She’s right. You can handle this, Miss Auriel!”

“I’m not sure if I can though.”

She looks to Arc, nervously.

“While I have no right to ask more of you, would it be possible for me to speak to Twilight about this matter?”

Ember shakes her head. “She’s really busy these days taking care of Celestia.”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully. “Well… I could ask her to come out and talk to you for a few minutes. That and I’d like to have a conversation with Princess Luna regarding this matter.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… why?”

“Yeah! You’re the Lord Regent, dad!”

“That may be. But she’s still the princess, and deserves to know what’s going on in and around the country.”

“Thank you, Arc. Um… when might we be able to see her?”

“Why not right now?”


Arc nods and stands up.

“No time like the present, right?”

“I suppose that’s true.”

Extending a hand, Auriel takes it and allows herself to be led out the door by Arc. Ember, Sereb, and Dinky follow closely behind as Brightwing rides on Sereb’s back. A short time later they arrive at the princess’ room. Arc approaches the officer on duty whom salutes him respectfully.


“I’m here to speak to the princesses.”

“Yes sir. However I must report that Doctor Whooves entered a few minutes ago with several nurses for what I can only assume to be an intensive examination.”

“Has he disallowed visitors?”

“Nopony is supposed to enter for the next two hours for any reason. But as the Lord Regent you are certainly above his orders.”

“In that case I’ll head in there alone.”

He turns to the others.

“I’ll try not to take too long. Please wait for me in my quarters.”

They nod soberly as the guards part to allow his entrance. Opening the door only part way he steps through before closing it again. Dinky looks to Ember.

“Is everything okay in there?”

Ember smiles at her. “If it isn’t, your dad will make sure it is before he leaves.”

Sereb chuckles. “That he will.”

Brightwing giggles. “Hooray!”

Meanwhile, Arc approaches the bed. He sees Doctor Whooves conducting an examination as Luna and Cadance stand to one side silently. As usual, Twilight lies next to her friend. He turns to stand with the monarchs.

“Any changes, doctor?”

“Nothing noteworthy, no. However she is certainly recovering nicely from a physical standpoint.”

Arc sighs. “Trapped in her own head?”

“Yes sir.”

Cadance shakes her head. “I do wish there was something we could do to help alleviate her panic attacks.”

Luna nods soberly. “Being present seems to be the only thing we can do for my sister at the moment.”

She turns to Arc.

“Is there anything noteworthy going on outside right now?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. It’s mostly business as usual.”

Cadance appears relieved. “At least that’s a plus.”


“We’re grateful that you’re willing and able to take over for us right now, Arc. But at the same time I’d hate for you to have to deal with more than that.”

Arc turns to Luna. “Yes, well… that’s actually what I came to discuss with you two.”

Luna appears to understand. “Oh? Should we speak privately?”

“That may be for the best.”

Luna opens a portal. Stepping through the trio find themselves in the royal office. Walking to the nearby couches they sit across from one another. Cadance is the first to speak.

“Now then, Arc. What’s this all about?”

“Do you remember Auriel’s experiment regarding the artificial sun?”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “The one that created the lifeform known as… what was her name again?”

“Aurora. You see, Auriel arrived earlier to inform me that she had completed the necessary extraction required to create the sun for Tartarus, as well as the equipment to maintain it.”

Luna sighs. “She really did it?”

Arc nods. “If she says so, then yes I believe her.”

Cadance appears confused. “I still don’t understand why you’re helping with this, Arc.”

Luna frowns. “Me either. As it stands they’re imprisoned there to be punished for their crimes against Equestria and its inhabitants. Why should this, or anything for that matter, be done to comfort them?”

“As someone who’s lived in Tartarus, I can say definitively that its beyond hellish. Auriel wants to bring at least a bit of comfort to her people. While they may not deserve it, I also have to point out that neither did you, Luna.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Your time imprisoned on the moon.”

“I served my sentence to completion!”

“Yes, I suppose you did. However I want you to remember that unlike you, they don’t have a timetable. As it stands they will inhabit Tartarus forever.”

Cadance sighs. “They must, yes. At least until they can come to terms with their past crimes.”

Luna turns back to Arc. “Indeed. It’s not like they can be released back into this land until that time anyways.”

“But what if they were repentant?”

“Then the Gates of Tartarus would no longer hold them, of course.”

“Right. I’d like to see them get to that point.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “And you believe a sun to be required for that?”

“Not exactly. In truth, they need so much more.”

Cadance nods soberly. “What are you suggesting?”


Luna frowns. “Plants?”

“The ability to grow fruits and vegetables to supplement their diets will go a long way in soothing their rage against Equestria.”

Cadance appears confused. “How?”

“Auriel told me that many years ago they lived off the land. Nature provided all that they needed. However, when they were cut off from that, they became as they are today. I’d like to see if they can improve with a new connection to their roots.”

“You’d like to see them all become like Auriel?”

“They may be closer than you think, Luna.”


“Some time ago I invited Auriel to my base for breakfast in my quarters along with Ember and Sereb.”

Cadance smiles. “Being sociable, Arc?”

“A bit, yes. However, there was more to the visit than that. Before we sat down to eat, I took a sigil to Redemption Village.”

Luna frowns. “For what purpose?”

“To temporarily remove Auriel’s father from Tartarus.”



“So Auriel could see her father.”

Cadance groans. “They can do that by looking through the Gates!”

“It’s not the same. This way he could also hold her in his arms. I did shrink him down significantly before allowing him into Equestria though. Just in case he had something else in mind.”

Luna puts a hoof to her head. “Did anything happen?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. He and his daughter had an amazing breakfast though. Afterwards Auriel requested that he be allowed outside to see the sun and nature again.”

Cadance sighs. “Something tells me you agreed.”

“Yes. However he was watched by me personally at all times. As well as Ember and Sereb for good measure.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “A model prisoner? The king of the demons?!”

“That is correct. In fact he did so well that I allowed him to stay in Equestria until dusk.”

Cadance grimaces. “You did put him back though, right?”

“I did. But it broke my heart to separate them again.”

Luna sighs. “While I do not approve of your ideas or methods in this matter, I also admit that there is nothing I can currently do to stop you.”

Cadance looks to her friend, confused. “Luna?”

“He’s the Lord Regent right now, Cadance. We’re powerless since our abdication.”

She turns and looks Arc in the eye before continuing.

“That said, I thank you for your transparency in this matter, Arc. More or less.”

“Yes, well…”

“While I believe this to be a colossal waste of time, you have acted judiciously in the past in all matters. Please do whatever you see fit in this as well.”

“Thank you, Luna. There’s only one last thing we need to make the journey.”

Cadance turns to him. “What’s that?”


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