• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Harmony Restored

Rainbow Dash points a hoof to Arc and Twilight. “Well this isn’t working!”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “If we had more unicorns, could we overpower him?”

Rarity sighs. “Probably. But Arc and Twilight are the only two who know that spell.”

Arc muses to himself. “Overpower… that just might work.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Please don’t shoot him, Arc!”

“No promises, Fluttershy.”

He touches his earring.

“You there, Lemon Hearts?”

“Yes sir.”

“I need Stellar Flare on the Bridge right now for an emergency consultation.”

“Right away, sir.”

“Give me a few minutes and I’ll be there. Also, notify all pegasus guards aboard both ships that they’re to report to the deck immediately along with Lieutenant Flash Sentry. Arc out.”

He turns to Twilight as she continues channeling the spell.

“Can you hold out for a bit?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. But don’t take too long now.”

“I’ll try not to. Okay, Rainbow Dash I want you to wait here for the guards. All of you need to distract the cub. Throw him off balance and do your best to make him lose his concentration.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I can do that alone!”

“Trust me, wait for help.”


“Applejack, you and Fluttershy stay here and look after Twilight.”

“Sure thing.”

“Um… what about…?”

“Just do what you can, Fluttershy. Rarity you come with me.”

Rarity appears surprised. “With you?”

“Yes. You’re pivotal to my plan. Let’s go!”

Arc and Rarity run inside and make their way to the Bridge. Entering Arc leads her over to the Tactical Station.

“Wrangler, we need you to start up the ORB.”

“Aye, sir.”

Arc turns to Rarity as he puts a hand on one of the orbs. “Okay, I need you to put your horn on this panel and channel as much magical power into it as you can.”

“I’ll certainly try. But I’m no Twilight Sparkle.”

“Just do your best.”

Stellar Flare hurries onto the Bridge and approaches Arc as Rarity gets to work.

“You needed me, sir?”

“Yes. It’s about the ORB system.”

“Quite the technological marvel, I must say.”

“I’m sure it is. Listen, about the way the shield is dispersed. It’s omnidirectional, right?”

Stellar Flare nods. “Yes sir. The crystals that regulate the power output all rely on one another for support. Think of it like a large group of ponies sharing the load to complete an otherwise impossible task.”

“Has it been tested?”

“Only in controlled settings. No field tests as of yet.”

“Well, it’s about to get one.”


“I need to be able to amplify a Telekinesis Spell.”

Stellar Flare gasps. “That’s never been attempted before with this equipment, sir. I have some theories on how to do this, of course. But since the crystals are so expensive I didn’t dare try any of them.”

“Well, I’m ordering you to.”

“Yes sir. How long do I have to prepare?”

“Five minutes.”

Stellar Flare hurries out the door. “I think I can just make it!”

Arc walks over to Rarity who is breathing heavily.

“Thanks. Take a break.”

Rarity lets out a sigh of relief as she steps back. “Whew! Sorry. I-I don’t usually channel magic that long.”

“You did fine. How’s the charge, Wrangler?”

“About three percent, sir.”

Rarity gasps. “So I almost maxed it out?!”

Wrangler shakes her head. “Nope. Three percent filled.”

Arc puts his hands on the orbs. “Well, let me give it some juice then.”

Soarin calls over to Arc as he begins channeling. “Sir, Lieutenant Flash Sentry and the guards have engaged the target.”

Rarity appears nervous. “What about Rainbow Dash?”

Thunderlane looks over from the pilot’s seat. “She’s right up front with the lieutenant.”

Arc frowns. “We have to hurry!”

Concentrating Arc focuses his magic. A short time later Rarity pats his hand.

“I think you should stop now.”

“Just a bit… more.”

Cherry calls out to him. “She’s right Arc. If this doesn’t work you’ll need at least some strength to think of something else.”

Arc sighs. “I guess you’re right.”

Lemon Hearts turns to Tight Ship. “Sir, the Chief Engineer reports the modifications have been made. The modified ORB is ready.”

Tight Ship nods. “Wrangler, target the Ursa Minor.”

“Target locked, sir.”

“Engage ORB.”

Pushing a few buttons the ORB system comes to life. A magical aura surrounds the Ursa Minor as Arc approaches Wrangler’s station.

“See if you can push him down on the ground.”

“Aye, sir.”

Adjusting the output they watch as the cub slams snout first into the dirt. He snarls as he tries to get up but to no avail. Smiling, Arc touches his earring.

“Rose, did that do anything to him?”

“Energy-wise, not as much as I’d hoped. He’s using a lot of strength to fight the magic beam. But I’m sure the strain on your ship’s systems is also significant.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes. “That was his plan?! Hold it down?!”

Luna sighs. “Arc, this is a temporary solution at best. Is there another part of your plan?”

“Hopefully the mother can calm him down enough that they both leave without further violence.”

Rose frowns as she watches the monitors. “I don’t think that’s going to happen, Arc. The force is just making him angrier.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “What if he tires himself out?”

The Marquis sighs. “He may yet return after resting.”

Ikis nods. “Agreed, old friend.”

He turns to Luna.

“Princess, this beast is suffering greatly. Perhaps it is time to consider putting it out of its misery.”

Felix nods. “I’m sure you could make it quick and relatively painless.”

Rutherford respectfully removes his helmet. “Yaks agree. Give beast honorable death.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin. “It would certainly fix the problem.”

Goldstone nods fervently. “Yes! Before the structure is destroyed and us along with it!”

Ghaleon glares at Luna. “What are you waiting for, princess?! Shoot that thing!”

Cadance puts a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “It’s… probably for the best.”

Luna sighs. “Very well. Connect me with the Lunar Destiny.”

Sandstorm Mirage presses a few buttons on his console. “One moment, your highness.”

Ember steps forward. “Princess Luna, Arc can figure this out! He just needs a little more time!”

Sereb frowns. “Sadly, I don’t believe we have that.”

Iris sighs. “Indeed not.”

Kane nods stoically but says nothing.

Arc calls out to Luna. “Wait!”

“Arc, we don’t have much time. With the beast immobilized we’ll be able to hit it precisely. It won’t suffer.”

“Let me try one last plan!”

Cadance turns to the radio. “Wrangler, how much energy is in the ORB?”

“About fifteen percent, your highness.”

Luna considers the possible outcomes before answering.

“We can wait until your reserves reach five percent. Then we’ll have no choice but to act.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed. How long does that give us, Wrangler?”

“About ten minutes, sir.”

“That’s it?!”

Moon Dancer nods. “This technology is still very new, sir.”

Soarin sighs. “Frankly I’m amazed it works at all. Especially with those on the fly modification Stellar Flare had to make.”

“Ten minutes it is. Arc out.”

He severs the connection as he and Rarity head for the door.

“We’re heading back out there. Keep me up to date on the situation, Lemon Hearts.”

“Aye, sir.”

They return to the others on the ship’s deck. Twilight is lying down next to Fluttershy as Applejack and Pinkie watch over them. Rainbow Dash flies over as Arc motions for Flash Sentry and his troops to head for the Lunar Destiny.

“So what’s the plan now, Arc?!”

Fluttershy pricks up her ears. “It doesn’t sound like he’s calming down any.”

Twilight turns her head to look down. “Yes. If anything he sounds much more angry than before.”

Rarity smiles. “Not to worry, everypony. Arc has a plan.”

Pinkie hops around happily. ”Goody! This one isn’t working! So what is it?!”

Arc bows his head.

“I… I don’t have one.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What?! But you told Princess Luna…!”

Arc walks over to the guardrail and leans on it heavily. “That was just to buy us some time. I… I just…”

He sighs.

“I don’t know what to do.”

The group is silent for a time. Eventually Twilight stands and walks over to him.

“Arc. You’ve done your very best to help this little family.”

“Yeah? Well, it wasn’t enough.”

Applejack sighs as her ears droop. “Maybe not. But you tried everything.”

Rarity nods sadly. “There aren’t always happy solutions to everything.”

Fluttershy looks in the general direction of the group. “The animal world is often a sad place. Their lives can be so unpredictable. Sometimes the best I can do for them in times like this is to just be there with them as they pass.”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “But… but that’s just so SAD! I mean, there has to be SOMETHING we can do! Right?!”

Applejack shakes her head. “Maybe not this time, sugarcube. After all, the beasts in the Everfree Forest maintain the natural order on their own without us getting in the way.”

Rainbow Dash stomps the deck hard. “Come on! We’re not giving up now are we?!”

Arc straightens up and looks at Applejack.

“Order, huh? That just might be the answer.”

Twilight looks confused. “Arc? What do you mean?”

“Twilight, you told me before that you and the others are the Element Bearers. And that the Elements of Harmony can be used to restore order from chaos.”

“Yes. What about it?”

“Well, the cub is suffering from mental and physical imbalances, right?”

Rarity smiles. “So we might be able to correct them with the Elements!”

“That’s the idea. Would it work, Twilight?”

“I suppose it just might.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “What do we got to lose?!”

Pinkie jumps up happily. “Right! Just our lives if he chooses to step on us!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Gee, thanks Pinkie.”

Arc turns to his friend. “Twilight, where are they?”

“I put them in my cabin like you told me.”

“Good! Go get them!”

Twilight nods and run back inside the ship. Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow as she turns to Arc.

“You told Twilight to have the Elements handy why now?”

“Don’t tell anyone, but I did it in case we had to blast one of the diplomats.”

Fluttershy frowns. “Um, but they’re non-lethal.”

Arc blinks a few times.

“Oh. Really? Huh… guess I should’ve read that book Twilight gave me a while back.”

Rarity clears her throat. “In any case, hopefully this will all be solved in just a few minutes.”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Go ahead.”

“Lemon Hearts here, sir. The ORB only has enough power to last another five minutes.”

Pinkie points a hoof. “Hey, look! The Lunar Destiny is moving away!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Pinkie, it’s probably preparing to attack the cub.”

“Oh… well that’s not very nice!”

“Great… Lemon Hearts see if you can stall them.”

“How, sir?”

“Tell them… tell the princesses we’re about to implement Plan C.”

“Very well, sir.”

Arc looks nervous as he severs the connection. “Come on, Twilight…”

A few moments later Twilight hurries out the Main Hatch and over to Arc. She opens a satchel to expose the Elements before hurriedly using her magic to give them to each of her friends. Rainbow Dash grins.

“All right! Now all we have to do is get down there!”

Arc nods. “I can Blink us all over to the cub.”

Twilight frowns. “Wait! All of us?! You’ve already used quite a bit of magic. How’s your mana pool?”

“Wish you hadn’t brought that up.”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “What should we do?”

Arc turns to the Lunar Destiny. He waves to Flash Sentry to approach. The lieutenant does so with the rest of the pegasi guards.

“Flash Sentry, get my friends to the ground right away.”

“Yes sir.”

He motions to his troops to advance. Each of them grab onto a mare’s front hooves as they fly over them. Rainbow Dash follows as Fluttershy kneels on the deck shaking. Arc approaches the pegasus trying to help her.

“I’ll take her myself.”

“Yes sir.”

He carefully picks up Fluttershy.

“You’re not going to jump, are you?!”

“Nah, we’re Blinking down. Are you ready?”

Fluttershy nods as Arc Blinks. He looks up to see Rainbow Dash and the others approaching. Twilight lets go of her escort’s hooves and drops the last few feet to the ground.

“Line up, everypony! We only have one shot at this!”

Meanwhile, everyone inside continues to watch via the security cameras. Rutherford nods soberly.

“Brave ponies finally ready to fight?!”

“Should be good show, father!”

Felix turns to Luna. “I do hope Lord Arc’s plan works. Whatever it is.”

“Well, if it doesn’t my ship is in position.”

She walks over to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Hail the Lunar Destiny.”

“Yes, your highness. I have them on the line now. What are your orders?”

“Tell them to prepare to fire on my command.”

Cadance turns to her friend as the sergeant relays the message. “Luna! What about Twilight and her friends! Neither they nor Arc would survive the barrage!”

“I’ll order your friends to leave the area before firing. If they won’t, Lieutenant Flash Sentry and his guards will intervene. Arc will no doubt lead them to safety either way. Believe me Cadance, I’m not sacrificing anypony out there for this.”

Tugem nods approvingly. “That is most noble of you, your highness.”

Goldstone appears agitated. “Yes, but what about us?!”

Ghaleon glares at him. “Goldstone, shut up!”

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends line up. Arc sets Fluttershy down and turns her toward their target.

“There you go, Fluttershy.”

“Um… am I looking the right way?”

“Yup. Ah… do I need to step back, or something?”

Fluttershy shrugs. “I don’t know. But would you please stay with me? It’s kinda scary not being able to see.”


He kneels down and keeps a hand on her back.

“I’m right here. Everyone do your thing.”

Twilight nods and signals the others to begin. They focus their energies on the Ursa Minor as a rainbow colored light shoots forth from the Elements. The beast roars defiantly, but shows no sign of giving up. Arc frowns.

“Should something be happening?”

Twilight grimaces. “It isn’t working!”

Applejack calls out. “We don’t have enough power to stop him!”

Rarity frowns. “There has to be SOMETHING we can do!”

Arc’s earring chirps. Luna’s voice rings out in his ear.

“Arc, you’ve done everything you can. We need to end this now.”

“How much energy in the ORB, Wrangler?”

“Seven percent, sir.”

“I haven’t reached five yet! There’s still time!”

Luna sighs. “Arc… there isn’t always a way to save everypony whom needs you.”

“I know that. But I’m not giving up yet!”

He turns to Twilight and her friends.

“Group hug, everyone!”

Twilight looks confused. “But…”


Standing around Arc and Fluttershy they wrap their hooves around him. Channeling his magic, Arc Blinks all of them back onto The Equinox’s Bridge. He falls to his knees, breathing heavily. Twilight gasps.


“You okay, sugarcube?”

Arc nods weakly. “Y-yeah. Just used too much, that’s all.”

He looks to Wrangler.

“This is our last chance. Recalibrate the ORB for a single massive shot.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc looks to Twilight and her friends.

“All of you… focus your power into the ORB system now.”

Fluttershy looks worried. “Is that… safe?”

Soarin nods. “It should be, yes.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “I… I’m not sure we can do this.”

Pinkie grins. “Come on, Twilight! We’ve come this far! Can’t give up now!”

Rarity nods. “Right! Arc believes in us. We need to do the same.”

Arc speaks into his earring as Twilight and her friends head for the Tactical Station.

“All forces fall back to the Lunar Destiny! Get inside and brace for impact!”

Wrangler turns to him. “ORB at six percent, sir!

Twilight and the others surround the ORB station. “Let’s do this!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! Come on, everypony!”

Aiming at the station, they channel their respective Element’s energies into the ORB. Wrangler’s eyes grow wide at the readings.

“Captain, we’re at twenty-five percent already!”

Tight Ship nods stoically. “Continue with the operation.”

Wrangler nods nervously. “Forty percent… fifty…”

Twilight strains. “Come on…!”

Pinkie grins. “We can do this!”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Yeah! We won’t give up!”

Applejack squeezes her eyes shut. “Right!”

Fluttershy concentrates soberly as she looks in the direction of her friends. “That baby and his mother are counting on us! We have to succeed!

Wrangler gasps. “Ninety percent, sir!

Tight Ship looks to Arc. “Sir, your orders?”

Arc stands and walks weakly over to a guardrail. “We only have one shot at this. Continue charging.”


Arc smiles weakly at the mares as they keep up their efforts.

“You can do it. I believe in you.”

“Ninety-five percent!”

Soarin nods. “Almost there…”

“Ninety-seven…! Ninety-eight…! NINETY-NINE!!!”

Tight Ship grips his seat. “Fire!”

A rainbow of pure energy blasts forth from The Equinox, bathing the countryside in its light. The shot smashes into the Ursa Minor which cries out in an ear splitting roar. As the din quiets and the light fades those inside Light’s Hope can only stare silently in utter amazement. Oddly enough, Brightwing is the first to find their voice.

“Yay! Colors!”

Goldstone shakes his head, wide-eyed. “Wha… what was THAT?!”

Cadance turns to him. “The Elements of Harmony, Lord Goldstone.”

Tugem nods, awestruck. “Truly a sight to behold!”

Rutherford claps his cloven hooves together. “Pretty light show!”

Yona nods. “Yes! Yak like entertainment!”

Fiona turns to Luna. “Begging your highness’ pardon, but where did that beast go?”

Ghaleon grins. “It appears to have been vaporized.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed. Quite the display of power, Princess Luna.”

Ashe turns to her father. “Yes. I for one am certainly glad we have a treaty with Equestria.”

Sereb looks at the monitors. “Fortunately it would not appear anyone was hurt.”

Kane nods soberly. “So it would seem.”

Iris turns to her son. “These mares are certainly capable warriors, Sereb. Tell me, were they also trained by Lord Arc?”

“I do not believe so, no. Ember?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. They’re all friends though.”

Meanwhile, Twilight turns to her friends.

“Everypony okay?!”

Applejack looks around. “I’d say so, yes.”

Fluttershy calls out nervously. “Did it work?”

Rarity frowns. “That’s… complicated.”

Pinkie looks down through the forward main window. “Hey! Where’d the cub go?!”

Arc walks over to look for himself.

“We need to get down there and see for ourselves.”

Soarin turns to Thunderlane. “Bring us down.”

Thunderlane nods. “Aye sir.”

Arc and company head for the main hatch. As soon as the ship touches down they disembark. Rainbow Dash flies up to get a bird’s eye view of the crater. She dives into it but emerges a few moment later holding something in her hooves. Twilight gasps as she lands in front of them.

“Rainbow Dash! Is that…?”

“You tell me!”

In her hooves she holds a small unconscious Ursa Minor. Arc steps forward and takes it. He turns back to his mother.

“I’m pretty sure he’s just sleeping. We should probably take him back to the vet to get checked out though.”

Fluttershy nods. “She agrees.”

Arc turns to walk down the path. “Great. Let’s get a move on. Uh… can someone grab Fluttershy please?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I got her.”

She grabs Fluttershy and flies off toward town.

“See everypony there!”

The sound of Fluttershy crying out in terror can be heard echoing through the night air as Arc and company follow on foot. Holding the cub in the cruck of his arm Arc reaches for his earring.

“Arc to… uh… everyone, I guess. Mission accomplished.”

All assembled in Light’s Hope cheer as Luna breathes a sigh of relief. Cadance turns to Luna.

“That was a close call!”


She turns to the radio.

“Where are you headed now, Arc?”

“Back into town to get this little one looked at again. With any luck, whatever Twilight and her friends did fixed the rest of this little guy.”

Cadance nods. “I hope so. Was anypony hurt?”

“No, we’re all fine here. Hopefully I’ll have something concrete to report tomorrow morning.”

Luna smiles. “I look forward to hearing about it.”

As everyone celebrates Goldstone stands to one side, grinning wickedly.

“Giant bears and overpowered crystals. This land is certainly rich in far more than just saps, morons, and curvaceous flanks. Perhaps this treaty wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.”

He turns to look at Luna who is chatting with Ember.

“I wonder if there’s a large enough bed around here to hold them and I.”

Goldstone smirks as he stares at Ember’s tail.

“Very nice. Very nice indeed.”

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