• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,618 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Patients and Parties

For a few moments no one in the room speaks. Eventually Arc breaks the silence as he looks to Tempest.

“Could there be any doubt in your mind?”

Tempest shakes her head. “None at all!”

Arc turns at the stallion lying before him. “How did he...?”

Tempest glares at him as she interrupts. “Enough talking! Help him!”

Arc looks to the doctor. “Please continue your examination.”

“Yes sir.”

Tempest frowns. “I’ll stay here and...!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I need your help to figure this out, Tempest.”


“And the doctor needs to get back to work. You’d just be in the way.”

Tempest stomps a hoof angrily. “Fine! I’m not leaving the hospital though!”

Arc shrugs. “Fair enough.”

Horse points a hoof. “You and your friend can wait in my office, sir. I’ll come see you two as soon as I am able.”

Arc nods to Tempest. “This way.”

Grunting, Tempest allows herself to be led out the door. Stepping out into the corridor they see Hammer, Natalya, and Sereb waiting for them. Hammer is the first to speak.

“So... what’s going on here?”

Arc sighs. “It’s complicated.”

Natalya walks over to Tempest. “Hello, miss. My name is Natalya.”

Tempest raises an eyebrow as the two shake talons/hooves. “Tempest.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, I guess.”

“Are you a friend of Lord Arc’s?”

Tempest looks away nervously. “Uh...”

Arc chimes in. “Why don’t we do as the doctor suggested and head to his office? We can talk there.”

“Alright. Lead the way, Arc.”

As they head down the corridor together, Sereb follows behind Tempest cautiously. She looks over her shoulder and sneers at him.

“I can see what you’re doing over there.”

Sereb growls. “Do not try anything and nothing will happen to you!”

Tempest rolls her eyes as she again faces forward. “You couldn’t take me down anyways.”

Arriving at the office, Arc holds the door open for everyone. As they sit down Arc closes it behind them and turns to the group.

“Well... um... perhaps introductions are in order.”

Tempest stands and looks to Hammer. Special Agent Tempest. Member of the Council of Shadows.

Hammer draws her gun. “WHAT?!”

Arc sighs. “She’s with me, remember?”

“But the Council of Shadows is...!”

Arc gently pushes Hammer’s gun down. “Tempest is here in support of Decimus at the moment. Think of this hospital as neutral ground at the moment.”

Natalya raises a talon. “Excuse me sir, but... is the Council of Shadows supposed to be an enemy of Equestria?”

Sereb bares his teeth. “You could say that, yes.”

Tempest frowns at him. “We, unlike anyone else, are merely trying to save Equestria from the coming darkness!”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah, I heard this spiel before. Doing whatever it takes to stop some unseen boogeyman.”

Arc sighs. “Any proof of this evil you keep talking about, Tempest?”

“No, but I cannot ignore such a threat to the world!”

“And that is the only reason that I allow you to continue on.”

Hammer frowns. “I wondered why you weren’t actively hunting them down.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “Now you know.”

Returning his gaze to Tempest, Arc continues.

“But we should probably stick to the matter at hand. Tempest, I know that I already asked you this before, but are you completely and totally sure that the stallion we saw in there was actually Decimus?”

Tempest groans. “For the umpteenth time, yes! It is him!”

“But how did he get there?”

“Get where! I want to know how you came to capture him!”

Natalya sighs. “We didn’t capture anyone.”

Hammer nods. “Right. He was found by this guy over here.”

She jerks a thumb towards Thorax. Tempest looks him over for a few moments before speaking.

“Who... or what are you?”

“My name is Thorax. Former wing of Queen Chrysalis and current leader of...”

Tempest’s eyes grow wide. “Wait a moment! Does that mean you’re a... changeling?!”

“Yes, I...”

Without warning, Tempests lunges at Thorax. His horn aglow, he quickly shapeshifts into a robin. Flying across the room, he is pursued by Tempest whom corners him. Swinging a hoof at him, Thorax transforms himself into a diamond. Her hoof bounces off the surface of his body as Arc quickly steps between them.

“Tempest, stop!”

Tempest points a hoof past him at Thorax. “That beast serves the traitor Chrysalis!”

Hammer shrugs. “I don’t really see how that crazy banshee could be considered a traitor. To us, at least. I mean... she was never on our side to begin with.”

Tempest seethes. “He’s the traitor to the Council of Shadows, this one is!”

Thorax returns to his normal form. “The changelings have ousted Chrysalis from her throne.”

Arc nods. “Right. Thorax is their new king.”

Tempest scoffs. “And I am supposed to believe that he is no different than she is?!”

Hammer gestures to Thorax’s carapace. “Well, there is the whole technicolor hue scheme going on with them now.”

Tempest folds her hooves over her chest as she sits down on her haunches. “That means nothing to me! How do you know that anything inside of them has changed?!”

Natalya steps forward. “Pardon me, but if these changelings were willing to completely remove their former ruler, then I think that’s a pretty concise showing of their intentions.”

Thorax sighs. “We’re just looking for a chance to prove ourselves.”

Arc nods. “And he came here in order to help that stallion in there.”

Tempest glares at him. “His name is Decimus!”

“We’ll see about that when he wakes up. Now sit down and let’s try talking through this mess again.”

Tempest seethes as she walks back toward her seat. “Fine.”

Retaking her place, Arc turns to Thorax.

“Now then, can you please explain to Tempest how exactly you came to find that stallion?”

“Well, like I told you back in the hive, we found him in a secret room within the former queen’s suite.”

Arc nods. “And how long after that initial discovery did you wait before sending word to our border station?”

“Literal minutes from when we found him to when the messenger left me.”

Arc looks to Tempest. “Sounds like he’s at least trying to be good.”

Tempest frowns. “You still don’t know if any of that is true though!”

“I suppose not. However, Thorax did volunteer to come with us to Equestria in order to help remove the stallion from his cocoon.”

Thorax raises a hoof. “Which was filled with nutrient solution in order to help rejuvenate him I might add.”

Hammer shrugs. “He could have just stayed safely in the Badlands. I mean... we couldn’t have really forced him to leave his own kingdom for this.”

Tempest folds her hooves over her chest again. “Believe what you will. But I’m not buying his act.”

Thorax frowns. “Fine. Think what you want of me and the rest of the changelings. But from where we stand, you’re not exactly on the best footing either.”

Arc turns to Tempest. “I thought you were allied with Chrysalis though. Well, the Council of Shadows anyways.”

“In the past, yes. However, things have changed.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

Tempest frowns. “Let’s stay on topic here. I want to know about Decimus and how he came to be in such a state.”

Thorax shrugs. “Like I said, we found him in a secret room within Chrysalis’ suite.”

Tempest puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “She may have wanted to take revenge on the Council of Shadows for what we decided.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Let me guess. Old holey holes wanted your council to help her retake her fortress, or whatever it is?”

Tempest nods. “More or less, yes. When we refused the request she left our stronghold and has yet to be seen again.”

Sereb growls. “And where was Decimus when all this was going on?”

“He had already left to take care of a personal matter of some kind the previous day.”

Arc looks to Tempest. “Personal matter? Regarding what exactly?”

“All he said when I asked him was that it was urgent and deeply personal. But that was also the last time I saw him.”

Natalya turns to Tempest again. “And how was he then? Physically, I mean?”

“Normal looking, I guess.”

Tempest shudders before continuing.

“Nothing like what I saw in that room though.”

Natalya puts a talon to her cheek thoughtfully. “What could have been done to him to bring about such a drastic change?”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps a bit of draining from the former changeling queen.”

Hammer looks to Thorax. “How about it, your highness? Is that something Chrysalis could have done to that stallion?”

“Draining his love, yes. Torture, certainly. But what we saw in that room is far beyond any kind of feeding technique known to the changelings.”

Arc frowns. “Could it be some kind of royal secret, or something?”

Thorax shakes his head. “No, sir. Draining too much essence from a subject can result in fatigue for them. Something every changeling is taught early on to avoid doing, as it serves to raise suspicion.”

“How about if they just didn’t care about being found out? What would happen to the host?”

“Continued feeding would lead to a brief loss of consciousness.”

“Then what?”

“A comatose state requiring several days of bedrest.”

“Beyond that?”

Thorax shrugs. “No idea. As I said, changelings are taught not to go that far.”

Natalya grimaces. “Could it potentially lead to death?”

Thorax shakes his head. “Not likely, no, as the more love we drain from an individual the harder it is to continue doing so. Think of it like squeezing water from a sponge. You can only get so much out of it before the force needed to keep doing so becomes more than one can muster.”

Hammer snaps her fingers. “Could Chrysalis be that powerful though?”

Thorax sighs. “She’s stronger than I or anypony else in Changeling Magic, yes. However, to add to my earlier example regarding the sponge, one must squeeze it significantly harder as time goes on. Eventually we would get less love than the energy we were expending to continue the process.”

Arc nods. “The Law of Diminishing Returns.”

Sereb turns to him. “Eh?”

Natalya chimes in. “The idea that increasing input eventually leads to a drop in output.”

Arc sighs. “Like driving a car back on Earth. The faster you go the less gas it takes per mile.”

Hammer continues the analogy. “But eventually you’re forcing the engine to work so hard that it takes more and more fuel. That’s when your efficiency drops off.”

Natalya considers this. “It makes sense in that regard.”

Tempest scowls. “That may very well be. However, that doesn’t explain the fact that when Decimus left us he was fine, but was so heavily emaciated a week later.”

Sereb paws at the floor. “I would imagine that even if he had not eaten for the duration, he would still be in better condition than we found him in.”

Arc looks to the door. “Hopefully the doctor can tell us more after his initial examination is completed.

Sometime later, Doctor Horse enters the office. Walking over to his desk with a clipboard he sits down and looks to Arc.

“The patient has been stabilized and is resting in the intensive care unit.”

Tempest quickly stands. “I want to see him!”

Doctor Horse sighs. “Please, miss. He’s very weak right now and needs absolute peace and quiet.”

“Then I want to know exactly what’s wrong with him!”

The doctor turns to Arc whom nods. Returning his gaze back to Tempest, he continues.

“The patient is currently suffering from phase three starvation.”


Natalya gestures to the mare sitting nearby. “But doctor, Tempest here insists that she saw him only a week or so ago.”

Hammer shrugs. “It just doesn’t seem possible.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I know he looked thin back there. But stage three is unthinkable.”

The doctor looks at his clipboard. “Based on the results of my examination, the patient is unresponsive to stimuli, breathing is shallow and weak, heart rate is elevated, and he showed early signs of major organ failure.”

Sereb frowns. “While I am sure that everyone here has sufficient faith in your abilities as a doctor, I also realize that for any creature to show such extreme signs of personal decay takes a considerable amount of time to manifest itself.”

Hammer appears confused. “Uh... I don’t really get what Sereb just said, but I’m guessing you’re saying this ain’t sounding right.”

Arc nods. “Yes, it’s hard to see how someone could go from healthy to literally starving to death in a week’s time. Doctor?”

“While I cannot speak for the timeline as you see them, ma’am, I do know from my examination and subsequent tests that the patient has been undergoing traumatic experiences for some time now.”

Tempest narrows her eyes. “Explain.”

“There are innumerable scar wounds all over the patient’s body.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Decimus has been in combat countless times. Naturally he has scars.”

“That may be. However, while many of them are fully scared over, some are still fresh. Many of them are festering and infected as if no care whatsoever was given to them.”

Tempest frowns. “Such makes no sense. Decimus has always been a firm advocate of medical aid. Even going so far as to do it himself if needed.”

Arc turns to her. “But what if such a thing wasn’t available, or he couldn’t due to lack of materials?”

Hammer shrugs. “Can’t get treatment if there’s no one around to do the treatment or supplies at hand.”

Doctor Horse taps his desk. “Agreed. However, I believe there is more to it than that.”

Natalya appears confused. “How could there be, doctor?”

“Judging from the level of infection and open wounds, I daresay that somepony was doing this to them intentionally.”

Tempest looks to Thorax angrily. “Somepony, you say?!”

Thorax glares back at her. “We had nothing to do with that! If anything, Chrysalis is the one you want to talk to!”

“Believe me, I would if I could! But she’s nowhere to be found and you’re right here!”

Arc holds up a hand to each of them. “Easy there, Tempest. Before we go any further, I think we need some assurances.”

Hammer frowns. “Assurances of what though, Arc?”

“The patient’s identity.”

Natalya sighs. “How though?”

Tempest scoffs. “I’ve already told you who he is!”

Sereb motions to the office door. “Perhaps the patient can answer our questions better. After all, it is always best to go straight to the source when seeking the truth.”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “I’m afraid that’s impossible, as the patient is still very weak and currently unconscious.”

Hammer moves her hand in a circular motion. “Could you, I don’t know... wake them up with a shot, or something?”

“Technically, yes. However, unless there is an extremely dire need for such an extreme treatment option, I can’t in good conscience administer it.”

Tempest stands up angrily. “Why not?!”

“Because the patient is literally at death’s door, ma’am.”

“Normally that would bother me. However, since I’ve seen him literally come back from the dead on numerous occasions, then why not do it?”

Natalya grimaces. “And if it isn’t him, Tempest?”

“But I’m telling all of you that it is!”

Natalya continues. “Or what if this is the one time that he doesn’t come back? Do you really want to roll the dice on this?”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably better off listening to the doctor here.”

Sereb nods. “He does have years of experience behind his words.”

Tempest grunts. “Fine. But I want to see him.”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “He won’t be able to hear or speak to you though miss.”

“Understood. However, I... I just really need to know... to... to verify that it really is him. Please.”

The doctor turns to Arc whom shrugs slightly. Sighing, Doctor Horse nods and stands.

“Very well. But only for a very limited time.”

Arc stands as well. “I’ll come with you too.”

Tempest frowns. “Afraid I’ll do something drastic?”

“No. But I would like a second look at this stallion as well.”

Turning to the others, Arc continues.

“We won’t be long.”

Leaving the office together, Arc and Tempest follow Doctor Horse down the corridor to the intensive care unit. Coming to a room, the doctor turns to them.

“Here is where the patient is resting. Please keep your voices low and your visit brief.”

Nodding, Arc and Tempest enter the room. Looking to the bed, they see the stallion hooked up to innumerable machine and IV bottles. Tempest slowly makes her way to the edge of the bed and puts a hoof forward. However, the doctor quickly intervenes.

“Please, miss! His body and immune system are very weak right now! Your touch could inadvertently cause even further infection!”

Tempest pulls back and frowns as Arc looks the stallion lying on the bed over.

“It certainly looks like Decimus.”

Tempest glares at him and hisses. “That’s because it is!”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “I only wish there was some way to definitively tell if this was really him or some other kind of plot.”

Arc sighs. “Same here.”

Tempest looks around as she addresses the doctor. “What... are all these machines?”

“As I said earlier, his major organs were on the verge of shutting down. We’re monitoring every aspect of his physiology in order to be able to immediately act should he take a turn for the worst.”

He gestures to the IV bottles before continuing.

“Saline to rehydrate him as well as powerful antibiotics to try and get the infection level down.”

Tempest frowns. “Tell me more about these infections. You said there were open wounds on him.”

“My nurses have sense cleaned, treated, and bandaged all of them.”

“Any idea how they were inflicted?”

“None, ma’am.”

Arc puts a hand on Tempest’s shoulder. “We really should let him rest now. I’m sure the staff here are doing everything they can.”

The doctor nods. “Yes, we are. But this is going to take quite some time.”

Tempest grimaces as she looks into the stallion’s face. “How long until I can talk to him?!”

“Unknown. However, it’s best for a pony in his condition to stay unconscious as long as possible. That way all his energy can be used to heal the massive amounts of internal and external damage.”

Arc pulls Tempest gently toward the door. “Come on. We should go.”

Allowing herself to be led away for but a moment, Tempest stops suddenly and shakes her head.

“No. No, my place is here by his side.”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “He needs to rest though.”

“I won’t say a word above a whisper.”

Arc sighs. “Not that he could hear you anyways, I suppose.”

Doctor Horse frowns. “What are you hoping to accomplish, ma’am? After all, there’s absolutely nothing you could do for him.”

“I know that. But...”

She looks over her shoulder at the critically injured stallion lying there before continuing.

“...but I just feel as though I need to be here for him right now. Moreso than ever before.”

Sighing, Doctor Horse nods as he turns to Arc.

“With your permission, I’ll allow it, sir.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s your hospital, doctor. Run it as you see fit.”

The doctor looks to Tempest. “Please allow the patient to rest and obey any and all instructions given to you by the hospital staff. If you will agree to these terms then I will allow you to stay, miss.”

Tempest nods soberly. “Very well.”

Arc and Doctor Horse head for the door together. As they leave, Tempest walks over to the bed and pulls a chair over to it. Sitting down, she puts her hooves on the railing and looks down at the stallion sadly.

“I’m right here. You’re not alone anymore.”

He makes no response as she bows her head and grips the railing tighter.

“Whomever did this... I’ll find them. I swear that I’ll make them pay for what they did to you!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Doctor Horse return to his office. As they enter Natalya turns to him with a concerned look on her face.

“How did it go?!”

Arc jerks a thumb toward the door. “Tempest wanted to stay with him and the doctor allowed it.”

Doctor Horse shrugs. “It was more for her state of mind than anything else though, sir.”

Thorax sighs. “She did seem really upset, yes.”

Hammer sighs. “I kinda get where she was coming from. After all, if one of my sisters was in a hospital bed back on Earth, I’d want to be there for them too.”

Sereb bows his head. “So where do we go from here?”

Natalya turns to Arc. “Back to the Griffon Kingdom for the moment, I would imagine.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Hammer chuckles. “After all, we did leave Princess Twilight behind.”

Natalya sighs. “And my siblings too.”

Sereb looks too Natalya. “I am sure they are just fine though.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet. “Agreed. But either way, I’m sure we’re needed there more than here at the moment.”

Turning to Doctor Horse, Arc continues.

“Thanks for letting Tempest stay. I’ll try to check in on them soon.”

The doctor nods. “I don’t think we could have kept her out anyways, sir.”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably not.”

Arc chuckles. “Right.”

Turning to Thorax, he continues.

“But first, can I offer you a portal back to the Badlands, Thorax?

Thorax nods. “Yes sir, that would be helpful.”

Opening a portal, Arc turns to the others as Thorax enters it.

“I’ll meet all of you back in the Waiting Room in a little while.”

They nod as Arc enters his own portal. Reappearing in the master suite aboard the Lunar Destiny, he leads Thorax out the door and down the corridor. Turning to his escort sheepishly as they step out onto the deck, the monarch speaks.

“Thank you for coming, sir. Although I’m sorry it wasn’t for a more positive reason.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s not your fault though. After all, Chrysalis was the one whom did the deed.”

“But as the king, I’m responsible for everything that involves the changelings.”

“To a degree, yes. However, I can’t really judge you for things that apparently happened before you came to power.”

“I’ll try to find a way to make this right as well.”

“Actually, there is something you could do for us.”

Thorax turns to Arc. “What is it, sir?”

“Allow a forensics team from Equestria to look over that secret room and remove the bodies within for potential identification. We need to notify their families if at all possible and allow for them to be buried.”

Thorax nods sadly. “Yes sir. I’ll send a messenger to the border to set up a date and time. That and I’ll seal off those rooms until they arrive so as not to disturb the scene.”

“Thank you.”

Thorax looks out over the horizon. “All things considered, it’s the least I can do.”

They are silent for a few moments before Thorax turns back to Arc.

“Sir, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“How do you... deal with the stress of leadership?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Stress?”

“Always having to be available to deal with the problems of those whom are looking to you for guidance.”

“I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.”

“The hive... we... we’ve all been having a hard time... adapting to all of this.”

“Considering that everyone had to face the fact that everything they thought they knew was false, that’s justified.”

“What would you do if you were me?”

Arc sighs. “Well... first you have to stabilize things.”

Thorax appears confused. “Stabilize?”

Arc nods. “Fear and uncertainty of the future are probably on the forefront of everyone’s minds right now. Much has changed for them. You included, of course. To start, you must restore a sense of normalcy to your population. Try talking through what happened with them in a community setting. Listen to their words and try to reassure them that while your numbers are few after the previous battle, this is not the end for the changeling race. In fact, it’s a new beginning and should be used as a fresh start for all.”

“I will try. What next?”

“After that, you should probably start examining yourselves physically. See what else has changed, inside and out.”

Thorax sighs. “At least we don’t need to consume love anymore. Regular food along with nutrient solution fills that role now. Anything else?”

“Encourage the others to create and maintain a dialogue with one another. Be there for each other during this trying time. Do all of that and you’ll be well on your way to a functional society.”

“I’ll give it a try, sir. “

“Let the border station’s guards know if you need assistance. We’ll try to help if we can.”

Thorax smiles nervously. “Thank you, sir. For everything.”

Arc chuckles. “I didn’t really do much. After all, it was you whom took a stand against Chrysalis.”

“Guess so. But I was talking more along the lines of you trusting me even though you knew I was a changeling.”

Arc sighs. “That really was a calculated risk. Especially after they started causing trouble for Equestria. But you had never done anything to earn imprisonment, so I allowed you to remain under my command with the other soldiers whom had earned my trust.”

“I’m going to do my best to be worthy of that trust too, sir.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will. But right now you’re subjects need you while I too am needed elsewhere.”

“That’s true. I should be getting back. And I’ll think about what you said, sir.”

“Good. I’m sure you’ll do well.”

Opening a portal, Arc returns to the Ponyville Hospital Waiting Room. Stepping through, he spies the others waiting patiently for him there. Approaching them, he speaks.

“Everyone ready to go?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Already?”

Arc shrugs. “Might as well. We can’t really do any more here at the moment.”

Natalya nods. “I’m ready when you are, sir.”

Sereb sighs. “Perhaps I will remain here in Ponyville. Just in case, that is.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In case of what?”

Sereb growls. “Tempest not keeping her word.”

“Very well. Do what you will, big guy.”

Powering up his crystals, Arc opens another portal. Motioning for the others to go through, he follows. Arc, along with the rest of his friends, reappear in the Main Hall of the Goldstone Estate. Sighing, Natalya turns to him.

“Here we are again.”

Arc motions down a corridor. “Yeah. Let’s check in with Twilight.”

Returning to the library, they enter to see Twilight sitting at a table going over yet another pile of books. Chuckling, Arc walks over to her.

“We’re back.”

Twilight looks up, confused. “But you just left.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “That was a few hours ago!”

Natalya looks around. “Where did Gallus and Gabby go?”

Twilight motions to the door with a hoof. “I believe I overheard Heathcliff offering to take them to the Dining Room for a snack at some point.”

She looks to a full cup of tea next to her before continuing.

“And he left this for me, I believe.”

Picking up the cup with her magic, Twilight takes a sip. Frowning, she puts it back down again.

“But that was apparently quite a while ago, judging from the temperature of it.”

Hammer shrugs. “Looks like it, yeah.”

Natalya bows respectfully. “We returned to check on you, your highness.”

“Thank you, but I’m fine. Not that much could happen to me within such a secure estate, I guess.”

Arc shrugs. “That’s true, yes.”

Twilight stands and walks over to Arc. “But enough about that. I want to know how things went in the Badlands.”

“Not the greatest, I guess.”

Natalya frowns. “It was certainly... unexpected.”

Hammer gasps. “Oh no! I just realized something, Arc!”

Arc turns to her. “What is it?”

“We never actually told Flash Sentry that we were leaving the Badlands!”

Arc groans. “You’re right! I totally forgot about that!”

Touching his earring, he calls out.

“Arc to Lunar Destiny!”

“This is the Lunar Destiny, sir.”

“I need to speak to Colonel Flash Sentry at once!”

“One moment, sir.”

The line goes dead for a few moments before Flash Sentry’s voice comes over the airwaves.

“Sir! Are you alright?!”

“Just fine, actually. All of us had to make an emergency trip back to Ponyville though. But we’re all okay and have returned to the Griffon Kingdom, and Princess Twilight, safely.”

Flash Sentry sounds relieved. “That’s good, sir. Um... is everything going alright over there?”

Arc shrugs. “More or less. But you should know to expect another changeling messenger sometime soon to coordinate a very special investigation at their hive.”

“Investigation, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They’ll let you know what is needed for it when the time is right.”

“I’ll keep an eye out for them, sir.”

“Good. While I don’t think we’ll have any trouble from them in the future, it never hurts to be prepared. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection. Turning back to the others, he sighs.

“Decimus is back.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! Where?!”

“In Chrysalis’ room.”

Natalya frowns. “It sounds a bit... off when you say it like that, sir.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s the truth though.”

Arc nods soberly. “Guess I’d better explain then.”

Walking Twilight through what little they know about the current situation, she frowns and puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully.

“So this new Decimus is currently lying in Ponyville Hospital recovering from malnutrition.”

Hammer sighs. “The doctor said he was stable for the most part. But I don’t think he’s out of the woods just yet.”

Natalya nods. “His friend was very worried about him too.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “As she would be, I suppose. Tempest is staying with him in the Intensive Care Unit until further notice.”

“And she was completely certain that the a fore mentioned stallion is indeed Decimus?”


“What about you, Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “I mean... it really does look like him. However, considering the fact that I’ve seen him die numerous times, I’m a bit skeptical of this guy’s identity.”

“So... what should we do about this?”

“Nothing until that stallion wakes up, I suppose.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Maybe then you can ask him some questions.”

Hammer grins. “We’ll certainly try.”

Arc gestures to the books. “Maybe we should head back to The Equinox now.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I suppose that would be for the best. After all, I really should tell Princess Celestia about this new development in the Badlands.”

Hammer frowns. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know. After all, she’s still just a regular citizen.”

Twilight sighs. “She deserves to know though. After all, her and Captain Decimus are very old friends.”

Arc looks to Twilight soberly. “It’s your choice to make, after all. But I don’t know how she’ll feel about him after all that’s happened.”

Twilight appears confused. “What do you mean?”

Hammer clenches a fist. “He caused a lot of chaos and destruction within this land. Whatever friendship they may have shared in the past has most likely long since evaporated.”

Arc shrugs. “Probably, yeah.”

Natalya steps forward. “But shouldn’t that be Princess Celestia’s choice to make? I mean... I’m certainly glad I heard about my father’s charges before his end.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “While not a perfect example, Natalya’s point does, uh... make a point.”

“Agreed. So I’ll be sure to tell Princess Celestia about Captain Decimus when the time is right.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “When the time is right?”

Twilight nods. “I’ve ordered Emerald Dream to keep me appraised of Princess Celestia’s therapy sessions.”

Natalya frowns. “Princess Twilight?”

Hammer grins. “Way to go!”

Arc sighs. “While this is certainly your right to do so, is not such a thing usually confidential?”

“Generally speaking, yes. However, I gave such an order due to the fact that her mental condition is certainly a matter of national security.”

Arc sighs. “If you say so, Twilight.”

Twilight turns to Natalya. “Would you please call for Gallus and Gabby so that we can leave for the ship?”

Natalya bows slightly. “Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Turning, she leaves the room as Twilight looks to Arc sheepishly.

“Do you... think I made the wrong choice with such an order?”

Arc shrugs. “I would think that you certainly know your mentor better than any of us do. And if you believe that such a thing was necessary, I won’t second guess your decision on it.”

Hammer sighs. “She could always tell Princess Celestia the truth. But at the moment there’s not much point in doing so, as his identity hasn’t yet been confirmed officially.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I had already considered how such a thing could hurt our relationship. But the harm to her mental state wasn’t something I had thought of.”

Arc nods soberly. “Guess you kinda have to keep it to yourself for now then, Twilight.”

“I suppose so.”

A short time later Natalya returns with Gallus, Gabby, and Heathcliff. She looks to Twilight apologetically.

“Sorry for taking so long, your highness.”

Gallus nods to his younger sister. “Yeah. Gabby wanted to finish eating.”

“Hey! I’m a growing youngling!”

Gallus groans. “But you take forever!”

“To enjoy the food!”

Natalya sighs. “Enough, you two.”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “It’s fine.”

She gestures to a pile of books nearby before continuing.

“Um... would it be alright if I borrowed these texts from your father’s library?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, Princess Twilight. Anything here that you’d like is yours.”

“Thank you very much!”

Arc opens a portal and motions for everyone to step through. Gabby leads the way followed by Gallus, Hammer, and Natalya. However, Heathcliff stops and looks around. Twilight turns to him, confused.

“Is something wrong, sir?”

Heathcliff sighs. “Not exactly, Princess Twilight. It’s just... I’ve spent the majority of my life serving the Goldstone name in two estates. And now I am leaving both for the last time it would seem.”

Arc smiles at him. “You going to miss this place?”

Heathcliff shakes his head. “Just the monotony, sir.”

Twilight puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Then think of this not as the end of an assignment, but as the beginning of something new.”

“Yes, your highness. I shall try.”

With a smile, she leads the elderly griffon by the talon through the swirling energies before them. Arc chuckles as he leans down and picks up Twilight’s pile of books before following them through. Reappearing in his quarters aboard The Equinox, Arc turns to Hammer as he sets the books down on the table before him.

“Lieutenant, see to it that Heathcliff is issued proper quarters in the VIP area of the ship.”

Hammer grins as she salutes. “Aye, sir!”

Heathcliff bows his head respectfully. “Thank you, Master Arc. That is more than generous.”

Gabby grabs the elderly griffon’s talon and pulls him toward the door. “Then we can show you around the ship!”

Gallus nods as he follows. “I think you’ll find it pretty impressive.”

Hammer looks to Arc as she leaves. “With your permission, I’ll head to the Bridge and tell the captain to recall the chariot and guards from outside the Goldstone Estate.”

Arc facepalms. “Yes, please do so. Can’t believe I forgot about them.”

Natalya turns to Twilight as her siblings leave. “Might I speak to you about an important matter, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “Of course.”

Arc motions to the table. “Why don’t we have a seat?”

“Thank you, sir. That might help.”

Walking over to the table, they pull out chairs and sit down. Twilight puts a hoof on the stack of books next to her as she turns to Natalya.

“Before we start, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to take these books from your father’s estate. They’re all very interesting and will be a boon to Equestria’s knowledge of the Griffon Kingdom.”

“You’re very welcome, Princess Twilight. I hope you and others enjoy them.”

“I’m sure we will. Now then, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“It’s in regards to the Goldstone Estate we just visited. As you know, Lord Arc and I are planning to liquidate my father’s assets and slowly transfer them to Equestria.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I believe that would be the best course of action to take on this particular matter.”

“Well... I had the idea to donate the a fore mentioned property to Equestria.”

Twilight appears confused. “That’s very generous of you. But for what purpose?”

Arc chimes in. “The idea of it becoming the Equestrian Embassy did come up at one point.”

Natalya nods. “Our nation has already sent Ambassador Ashe to Equestria in order to represent the citizens of the Griffon Kingdom there. With the uptick in businesses from your country coming here to open factories, I just thought that you would do well to open an embassy of your own here.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... the idea hadn’t actually crossed my mind until now. However, it does make sense to at least consider it.”

Arc nods as he looks to Twilight. “That and we should probably bring Ashe and the other princesses in on this before talking about it at any length.”

Twilight stands. “Agreed. Let me go get Princess Celestia. I’d like to hear her thoughts on this matter.”

She leaves the room and returns a short time later with Celestia and Ashe in tow. Gesturing to the table, Twilight speaks.

“Now that you’re both here, we can talk about this.”

Celestia smiles as she takes a seat. “I’m certainly willing to lend my experience to this matter, Twilight. “

Ashe nods. “As will I.”

Celestia continues. “But you must remember that I currently have no authority to act on anything spoken of here.”

Twilight nods as she too sits down. “Yes, I am aware of that, Princess Celestia. I would really appreciate your input on this matter though.”

“Then I shall do my best to advise you, Twilight.”

Twilight gestures to Natalya as she speaks. “This is about Natalya wanting to turn her father’s estate over to the Equestrian government.”

Natalya nods. “It could be used as an embassy for Equestria as well as a vacation home for royalty.”

Celestia smiles. “From what I’ve heard, the estate is quite large. “

Ashe nods. “That it is. The largest within Griffonstone.”

“And while I’ve never seen it, I would imagine it wouldn’t take much to transform the numerous bedrooms into offices and various conference rooms.”

Twilight grins. “Right. My only concern is if this would be allowed by the powers that be.”

Ashe puts a talon to her cheek thoughtfully. “It of course would require approval from both the Council of Lords as well as the king himself. If you wanted to make it into an official embassy, that is.”

Arc looks out the window at the estate in the distance. “How would we start that process, Ashe?”

“Normally it would require an official petition to the Council of Lords through official channels. In this case, however, me contacting my father and presenting a summary of the idea would get the ball rolling.”

Celestia nods. “Do you think they would go for such a thing though, ambassador? After all, it might look bad for the Griffon Kingdom to have their former lord’s manor turned into an embassy for the nation that took him down.”

“They might, yes. However, since the Griffon Kingdom’s ties with Equestria are stronger than ever right now, I would hope they could look past such a thing. Especially since the accused was the one whom instigated the process that led to his own demise.”

Arc glances to Natalya as he speaks. “Let’s not talk about Goldstone’s past. Ashe, would you please put the idea into writing and send it to your father?”

“I can do that, yes. That is, if you’re sure this is what you want to do.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, I would like to see some good come of that building. And I won’t be using it myself. Ever.”

Celestia turns to her former student with a smile. “A simple chat puts this idea into motion. Well done, Twilight.”

“I can’t take all the credit for this, Princess Celestia. In truth, it was Arc and Natalya whom came up with the idea of donating the property.”

Arc gestures to the griffon next to him. “Natalya should get the credit though. After all, it’s her family’s estate.”

Natalya sighs. “I really just want this whole matter behind me. That and if it can help Equestria in some way then I’ll gladly give it up.”

Ashe turns to Twilight. “I may have a way to help get this matter moving.”


“Normally someone would have to wait for an opening in the Council of Lord’s schedule to officially propose this to them. However, I received word just a few minutes before coming here that my father will be attending the annual Aviary Extravaganza.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“It’s a very exclusive party for the nobility held every year at the Aviary.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Think of it like the Grand Galloping Gala back home. Very posh. Very exclusive.”

Arc sighs. “When is it?”


Twilight shakes her head. “We probably shouldn’t bother him with this then. I mean... he’s probably going to be very busy with the preparations and everything that comes with it.”

Celestia giggles. “I would imagine that Lord Gestal has others to do that for him, Twilight.”

Ashe nods. “Indeed. Ultimately, all he has to do is just come home early from the council chambers and dress for the occasion.”

Arc grins. “So you could go there and suggest it to him, Ashe.”

“I could, yes. But it would probably be more effective if all of us went together to show just how serious about the idea we were.”

Natalya grimaces. “I don’t know how well I would be received there. After all, I am the daughter of a disgraced lord.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Perhaps it would be unsafe for Natalya to go with you.”

Ashe shakes her head. “I don’t believe so, no. After all, Lord Goldstone’s fate was of his own doing. That and it would look good for her family name to be seen publicly with her future husband.”

Twilight appears confused. “But how would that help?”

“The nobility have all heard of Lord Arc’s engagement to Lady Natalya, and as such...”

Natalya interrupts her. “Wait a moment! Lady?!”

Ashe nods. “Yes. As the future wife of Lord Arc, they now view you as such.”

Natalya sighs as she sits back down. “I... don’t really know how to act like one though. What if I do something wrong and embarrass all of us?”

Arc shrugs. “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t actually know how to act like a lord either.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Then how have you made it thus far?”

Ashe chimes in. “If I may interject, I might have some insight on that.”

Twilight smiles. “Please enlighten us, ambassador.”

“As all of you know, Lord Arc is known here in the Griffon Kingdom as both a citizen of Equestria and also a foreigner to that land because of his species. Due to his... exotic background, the nobility here don’t really know what is and is not proper for his species to do or say. Therefore, he is more or less regarded as being above such things.”

Arc chuckles. “Lucky me.”

Natalya groans. “But I’d be scrutinized heavily, I would imagine.”

Celestia sighs. “Anypony would be, yes.”

Twilight turns to Ashe. “What do you recommend?”

“That she not give the nobility any more reason to distrust her. And the best way to do that would be to keep up the ruse.”

Arc frowns. “Of being engaged?”

Ashe nods. “Meaning that you have to make your ‘feelings’ look convincing at the Extravaganza.”

Natalya gasps. “But I don’t really have any experience with such things!”

Ashe puts a talon on her shoulder. “Not to worry. I will instruct you.”

She stands and turns to Arc before continuing.

“Might you allow me to use you as a visual aid?”


Standing, Arc follows Ashe around to the far side of the bed. She looks across the room at the others as she calls out.

“The bed will act as the corridor wall. Shortly before coming in view of the main entrance to the ballroom, Lord Arc and I will take a few moments to compose ourselves. We will look each other over and fix any minor defects in our outfits together. When completed, Lord Arc should extend an arm and allow me to latch onto it.”

Turning to him, she nods. Arc holds out his arm to Ashe whom puts her talon through it. Looking to Natalya, she continues.

“Next, we shall speak to the servant present and give him our names to be announced properly.”

Celestia nods. “I have witnessed such things done during my visits here in the past. A bit of grandstanding, really.”

Twilight shrugs. “While I do think it’s a bit... over the top, different cultures have their own customs which we should observe whenever possible.”

She looks to Ashe before continuing.

“For the sake of this example, would you please allow me to demonstrate?”

“Certainly, Princess Twilight.”

Standing, Twilight walks over to the bed and calls out loudly.


Ashe nods. “And that is our cue to enter the ballroom.”

She steps forward with Arc. They turn and walk past the foot of the bed as Ashe smiles and nods to invisible onlookers. Approaching the table they stop as Ashe looks to Natalya.

“After entering the ballroom, it is customary to mingle with the other guests. Or, in our case, only the most powerful there.”

Arc sighs. “The Council of Lords, you mean.”

Ashe nods. “Yes. And the king if he approaches.”

Natalya gasps. “The king?!”

Ashe smiles at her. “He does usually attend this function, yes.”

“But I can’t... I don’t know how to talk to someone like him!”

Ashe waves a talon dismissively. “You probably won’t even have to. His attention will most likely be directed at my father, the other lords, and Lord Arc. In fact, that leads me to the next part of the lesson.”

She looks to Celestia.

“Princess Celestia, would you please assist me in playing the role of King Guto?”

“I will, yes.”

Standing, Celestia walks over to Arc and Ashe. She smiles and speaks.

“Good evening, Lord Arc. Whom is this lovely young individual with you?”

Arc gestures to Ashe. “My fiancée, Lady Natalya, your highness.”

Ashe curtsies, but says nothing as Celestia continues.

“You are a very lucky individual, Lord Arc. May she bring you happiness and prosperity.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Ashe looks past Celestia at Natalya. “Only speak when absolutely necessary. Like when directly asked a question.”

Celestia looks to Ashe. “How are you enjoying the festivities, Lady Natalya?”

Ashe smiles and turns her head to one side abashedly. “It is divine, your majesty.”

She looks to Natalya again.

“When answering a direct question use as few words as possible. Also please note my demeanor in batting my eyebrows and appearing slightly flirty.”

Arc frowns. “But wouldn’t the king just see that as Natalya hitting on him?”

Ashe shakes her head. “That is how the nobility acts though. The higher you go, the more you wished to be looked up to. Or ‘at’ as the case may be.”

Natalya sighs. “That is true, yes. When I was in the military we called it ‘fawning’.”

Celestia nods as she turns to Natalya. “The ambassador is correct though. Don’t talk unless absolutely necessary.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “If it would help, I can try to answer any question sent your way.”

Twilight chimes in. “Would that be prudent though? I mean... for diplomacy, and all that.”

Ashe puts a talon to her cheek thoughtfully. “Well... too many times would be thought of as something out of the ordinary. A limited number of interjections would be fine though.”

Natalya appears relieved. “I’ll try to let you do the talking, sir.”

Arc chuckles. “Then how about this? If I feel that you’re not able to answer something, I’ll do my best to ‘rescue’ you.”

“How though, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “I’ll think of something to divert the conversation somehow.”

Celestia looks over the group as she thinks. “Perhaps this warrants additional diplomatic support. After all, this matter is very... sensitive. To both of our nations.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “What did you have in mind, Princess Celestia?”

“Somepony else should accompany you to this event as a representative of Equestria.”

Twilight appears confused. “But Arc is already...”

Celestia interrupts her. “A native to Equestria, that is.”

Arc frowns. “What are you getting at?”

“Ambassador Ashe said that the king will be looking to the lords and our Hero of Light in addition to his future... bride. I believe that I should come along as well in order to help keep the king’s eyes off of Natalya.”

Ashe nods. “That is a good idea, Princess Celestia. Are you acquainted with King Guto?”

“We’ve met, yes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

Celestia smiles slyly. “All old rulers know each other. Don't you know that?”

Twilight appears confused. “They do?”

“Yes, Twilight. I maintain that aspect by personally visiting foreign leaders every so often and meeting them along with their families. That allows me to see them grow and eventually take their parent’s place on the thrones.”

Ashe smirks. “A bit of psychology there as well, I would imagine.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Ambassador?”

“They and their parents age. But you yourself remain the only constant.”

“Before Luna’s return, yes. However, I did it more as a reminder to them.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Reminder, your highness?”

“That I am always watching. Watching for any sort of trouble that may come my way. And when it does, I deal with it as quickly as possible.”

Ashe nods approvingly. “Some well-placed intimidation can work wonders to nip small problems before they can grow into bigger ones.”

Celestia walks back toward the table. “I prefer to think of it as ‘persuasion’.”

Twilight looks to the ambassador. “In any case, do you have any other suggestions to give Natalya, Ashe?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Nothing else, no. But I suppose it goes without saying that you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, allow anyone else to find out that your engagement to Lord Arc is all just an elaborate ruse to help you maintain your new life in Equestria.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Yes, I understand.”

Celestia motions to the door. “Then I suppose we would do well to get some rest in preparation for tonight’s affairs.”

Twilight sighs. “That would probably be for the best, I agree. After all, we all want to be at the top of our game for this.”

Ashe appears surprised. “Princess Twilight? You’re planning on going too?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, confused. “Um... yes. Why wouldn’t I?”

Arc sighs. “That could be a bit... problematic.”

“How so?”

Celestia chimes in. “This evening will certainly be used to scrutinize our Hero of Light and Natalya. We should send as few of us as possible.”

Twilight frowns. “But I thought you were subtly suggesting earlier that I should go, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, Twilight. I only said that ‘somepony’ should be sent.”

Arc frowns. “And as you said earlier that it’s you whom fits that bill?”

“Maybe, yes. However, I have read the reports regarding your dinner at the Aviary with King Guto and my sister some time ago, Hero of Light. It said that he was very... interested in her.”

Twilight appears surprised. “He was?”

Arc nods. “Very. King Guto even attempted to... ask her out.”

Natalya sighs. “Our king is most likely looking for a queen. And what better one that a princess of Equestria.”

Celestia continues. “Agreed. Which is why I believe that my sister Luna would actually be the better candidate than I to accompany the Hero of Light and Natalya on tonight’s little excursion.”

Ashe nods. “Her presence would certainly keep the king’s attention away from Lord Arc and his fiancée, yes.”

Arc sighs. “I suppose so. But we may have a problem with that.”

Natalya appears confused. “How so, sir?”

“When King Guto expressed his interest in Luna, she told him that she and I were already in a relationship.”

Ashe groans. “That complicates matters. Greatly.”

Natalya nods sadly. “Yes. The king will certainly assume that Lord Arc and Princess Luna have broken up if he and I are engaged.”

Twilight bows her head. “Then he’ll try to go after her again.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin. “Perhaps. Then again... perhaps not.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Do you have a plan, Princess Celestia?!”

Celestia nods and sighs. “I do, yes. However, it will take quite a bit of acting to properly pull this off.”

She looks to Arc and Natalya before continuing.

“The two of you should rehearse and practice with Luna.”

Arc nods as he points to his earring. “I can have Lemon Hearts contact her before opening a portal to get her here.”

“Good. Let’s go to my quarters and go over a few scenarios then, shall we?”

Celestia turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Do you think you could return to Canterlot and take over Luna’s duties for the rest of the day so she can come here?”

Twilight nods. “Of course.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “I’ll let you know when Luna is ready to come over. We can do the switch at that time.”

Natalya raises a talon. “Um... might I have a word with you first, Princess Twilight?”

“Of course.”

Celestia stands. “Please catch up with us when you are done. Both of you.”

Arc, Celestia, and Ashe leave the room together as Natalya approaches Twilight. She gestures toward the couch with a wave of her hoof.

“Why don’t we sit down first?”

Natalya nods. “Thank you. That might help.”

Making their way over to the sofa, the pair sit down together. Twilight smiles and looks to Natalya.

“Now then, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“I, uh...”

She fidgets for a few moments before continuing.

“...I just wanted to say... that... I’m sorry.”

Twilight appears confused. “You’re sorry? Whatever for?”

“It’s just... I feel really guilty for this whole situation.”

“What happened wasn’t your fault though, Natalya.”

Natalya sighs. “It really is though. I mean... if I was just willing to stay here and run my father’s estate then none of this would be necessary.”

“That may be true, yes. However, I believe that nopony should be forced to take a path in life that they don’t want to.”

Natalya sighs. “Try telling that to our leaders.”

“Indirectly, we are.”


“By going to all this trouble to help you.”

“But how does that...?”

Twilight interrupts her. “Think about it. Deep down they have to know that all of this is only because of their antiquated and archaic laws.”

“To say nothing for tradition.”

Twilight nods. “That too. If the government here were less restrictive of their citizens then none of us would have a problem here. You, me, Arc, and them too.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “So you’re saying that ultimately the Griffon Kingdom government is the one at fault?”

“I suppose so, yes. Not that they put these laws in place specifically to harm you, of course. But this can’t be the first time they’ve caused problems for somepony I would imagine.”

“It’s mostly about keeping the money and power consolidated.”

“Which is another problem here in this country. If the citizens were free to pursue their own destinies then they’d be much happier.”

“Yes, that’s true. However, this isn’t the only problem that I see.”


“You and Lord Arc are engaged, I’m told.”

Twilight nods. “That we are, yes.”

“And now he and I are fiancées. Albeit only on paper. But because of that, you now have to go back to Equestria in order for him and I to go on what amounts to a very fancy date.”

“What are you getting at, Natalya?”

“Are you really okay with this, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I am.”

“But how?! I mean... you’re a princess! And I’m going to be marrying your future husband!”

“It’s just going to be a marriage of convenience though. After all, it’s not like either of you have romantic feelings for one another.”

Natalya looks away nervously. “I... kinda do.”

“You do?”

Natalya nods sadly. “It’s... difficult to explain. First off, I’d like to say that I’m not actually in love with Lord Arc. However, I view our relationship as more than just platonic friends. Fake wedding notwithstanding, of course.”

“Tell me how you feel.”

“Very... nice when he’s with me. Secure. Fuzzy even.”

“Is that really such a bad thing though?”

“I think so, yes. After all, you and the other herd members are there for a reason. But I’m just here out of necessity.”

“Have you spoken to Arc about this yet?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, I... I wanted to talk to you first. Get your reaction to it before going that far.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... I do feel very... happy for you.”


“That you feel so good being with Arc.”

“But such a thing is not appropriate!”

Twilight shrugs. “It sort of is though. After all, when this is done and over with, you’ll legally be his wife.”

“What about you and the others though?!”

“We’ve already accepted this plan and allowed you into the herd, Natalya. Unanimously, I might add.”

“But that was just as a fiancée of necessity though!”

Twilight nods. “That’s true, yes. And if your feelings in this matter were to change, you would have to talk to us about your new frame of mind.”


“Make everypony aware of the change, yes.”

Natalya sighs. “I suppose that does make sense, yes. After all, you have a right to know about such things.”

“As do the others I would think.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Do you... think they would be upset?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I doubt it, no. However, there is another you should talk to about this.”

“Lord Arc?”

“Yes. After all, he has a right to know as well.”

“Maybe after the events of tonight are done and over with.”

“That’s probably for the best. He’s very busy at the moment. As you will be too, I would imagine.”

“Yes, well... I should probably head over to Princess Celestia’s suite and practice with Lord Arc.”

“As you should. But before you do so, there is something I would like to tell you.”

“What is it?”

Twilight puts a hoof on Natalya’s talon. “Just that I think you’re a very nice young griffon for all you do back home in Ponyville. And that any stallion would be proud to have you as their wife.”

“Thank you, Princess Twilight. I will do my best to be worthy of your respect.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Twilight stands and motions to the door before continuing.

“Now then, let’s get over there and see what we can do.”

Natalya slowly stands. “Yes. I... I do need to do my best on this.”

“All of us do, Natalya. For the benefit of everypony in both our countries.”

She puts a hoof on Natalya’s shoulder before continuing.

“You included, I might add.”

Natalya bows her head. “I’m... not worthy of such attention.”

“This isn’t about being ‘worthy’ of help, Natalya.”

“It isn’t?”

“Right. It’s about doing what’s right for somepony whom needs help.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Then I will do my best not to let you down.”

Twilight leads the way to the door. “I know you will.”

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