• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Lunch Meetings

The days pass quickly. Snow falls over both Earth and Equestria heavily as the days remain cold. Arc walks down a corridor of Canterlot Castle with Hammer by his side surrounded by aides and soldiers alike.

“How are the preparations for the spring’s attack coming, Lieutenant?”

“Proceeding as scheduled, sir.”

She reaches out as Mio hands her a paper and continues.

“Rations, medical supplies, weapons, etcetera are all coming in as per the timetable thus far.”

Mio points to the bottom of the page. “Including this morning’s shipment, ma’am.”

“Right. However it’s going to cause a lot of long guard duty hours.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, those supplies need to be kept safe.”

“I still believe that they should be kept in separate locations though, sir.”

“Agreed. However Princess Twilight had the final say in that.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Couldn’t you have... talked her out of it, or something, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Believe me, I tried.”

“Did you use the ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ analogy, sir?”

“That I did. However she countered with ‘watch the basket very closely’. Anything else to report, Lieutenant Hammer?”

“That’s it for the war preparations, yes.”

Mio speaks up. “One minor note, ma’am. The princess wanted to know if the Hero of Light would be joining her for lunch.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “What should I report to her, sir?”

“Tell her that I wouldn’t miss it.”

Coming to his quarters, Arc opens the door to let Hammer and Mio enter first. Turning to the guards he motions for them to stop.

“Thanks for the escort. Inform Princess Twilight that I will indeed be present for lunch today. That will be all.”

They salute and walk away as Arc closes the door behind them. Turning to Hammer and Mio, whom are going over a stack of papers on the table, he approaches.

“...and initial here, ma’am.”

Hammer groans as she does so. “You don’t have to do that when the guards aren’t around, Mio.”

“Right. It’s just Hammer and I now.”

Mio nods soberly. “I understand that. But I’m trying very hard not to make a mistake here.”

“So you’re going to just call Hammer ‘ma’am’ all the time?”

“Until I get used to this role, yes.”

Hammer chuckles. “You’re doing fine thus far, Mio.”

Mio smiles. “The filing system is almost identical to the one used one Earth.”

Arc shrugs. “Yes, well... I brought us here because I’d like the three of us to have a little... chat.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What about?”

“A very special meeting.”

He motions to the chairs around the table.

“Please, be seated.”

The three of them do so. Arc looks to Mio before speaking.

“How’s your first real day on the job going?”

“It’s very... interesting.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Pushing paper is interesting?”

“I meant all the different looking ponies walking about. That and the castle’s architecture is just amazing. Every corridor’s turn is a chance to see something new and fresh.”

“It definitely is a step up from Damocles Base.”

“That it is.”

Arc looks to Hammer. “It appears you did a good job showing her the ropes as well.”

Hammer shrugs. “She’s used to doing stuff like this. It was just a matter of explaining the ins and outs of the various departments we deal with here in the castle.”

“And you believe Mio will be of help to you in the future?”

“Very much so, yes. Her organization skills help keep me, well... organized.”

“And you, Mio?”

Mio appears surprised. “Yes?”

“How are you adjusting to life here in the castle?”

“It’s very... different. But in a good way. While this is my first real day on the job, I do feel fulfilled from just this morning’s activities.”

“Good. However I must admit that Hammer and I have a bit of a surprise for you.”

Mio appears confused. “Oh?”

Hammer grins. “We’re taking you along with us to a very important business meeting.”

“Will I be taking notes for you, or something?”

“Not exactly. In fact, you’ll be testifying.”

Mio bows her head. “A court appearance?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nothing quite so formal. I’ve just asked Princess Twilight to see you along with...”


Hammer puts a finger in her ear to clear it. “Easy there, Mio. I still have some hearing left in this one.”

Mio looks down at her outfit. “But... but I can’t go see a ruler looking like THIS!”

“Oh? Did the castle tailor make a mistake when he made your uniform the other day?”

Mio shakes her head. “It’s not that! I don’t know what to say, my hair isn’t done up properly, and I don’t have any formal wear!”

Hammer gestures to her own uniform as she looks to Arc. “We’re going casual though, aren’t we?”


Mio raises an eyebrow. “We... we are?”

Hammer nods. “The princess isn’t much for fancy clothes.”

“Shouldn’t I at least...?!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence. “Calm down, Mio. You look fine.”

Hammer smirks. “I asked Arc if we could come back here an hour or so before lunch so we could have this talk.”

“Talk? About what?”

Arc smiles. “How to address royalty in Equestria.”

“Do I kneel?! Bow?! Lie on the floor?!”

Hammer facepalms. “That last one didn’t make any sense.”

“Right. She’s used to seeing subjects. Not slaves.”

“So... kneel?”

Hammer sighs. “Kinda. You see, the ponies whom come to her for audiences bow like a horse back on Earth might. The right leg steps forward as the left fetlock is bent to rest on the floor. That is, unless they’re begging or trying to show great respect. Then both front hooves go forward and the chest is lowered to the ground as is the face. Now if they’re fearfully bowing, the front fetlocks curl up and they lie on their bellies with their eyes shut and their faces looking down at the...”

Arc interrupts her. “Um... Hammer?”

“Yes, Arc?”

“This doesn’t really help Mio, as she isn’t a pony.”

“Oh... right. Sorry.”

Mio looks to Arc. “How do you bow?”

“I don’t.”


Hammer gestures to Arc. “The Hero of Light is above such things. It’s a sign to those assembled that he’s not afraid of them, or something.”

Arc shrugs. “I’ll go with that. However they’re really personable when you get to know them.”

“So what do you do, Hammer?”

“I put my arms at my side and bow at the waist.”

Arc chuckles. “True. But you’re a fairly high ranking officer. Any other human should probably be more formal.”

Hammer puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe. However since there’s no established method here we’re just going to have to play this one by ear.”

“I suppose so.”

Arc turns to Mio and smiles.

“Guess you’ll be setting precedent.”

Mio smiles nervously. “I’m open to suggestions then.”

Hammer grins. “How about just a standard human kneel then? Like someone proposing.”

Arc nods. “That would probably be okay.”

“One knee or two?”

Hammer shrugs. “Go for one.”

“Anything else I should know?”

“Just be yourself. Twilight appreciates honesty.”

“Just be myself in front of ROYALTY?!”

“Arc does it all the time.”

“But he’s...!”

Arc interrupts. “Hammer’s right, you know.”


“But for now you might want to just sit there and enjoy the meal.”

“And don’t speak unless spoken too. Want to make a good first impression, after all.”

“That won’t be too hard with this princess, as she’s the youngest.”

“Right. The elder sisters are both well over a thousand years old.”

Mio puts a hand to her stomach. “This isn’t helping.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Not to worry, as they won’t be there.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes. Luna is going to be with her sister for her daily therapy session before escorting her to see the doctor.”

“Is she ill?”

Hammer looks away nervously. “Kinda.”

Arc sighs. “It’s complicated.”

“So just focus on the here and now with Princess Twilight.”

Mio sighs. “I’ll do my best.”

A short time later they walk down the corridor together. Hammer turns to Mio as they approach Twilight’s doors.

“You ready, Mio?”

“Um... I suppose so.”

Arc turns to Mio. “Might I suggest taking Hammer’s arm?”

“What? Why?”

Hammer chuckles. “For starters, you’re shaking like a leaf.”

Mio groans. “I suppose I probably should.”

Holding out her arm, Hammer allows Mio to lean on her as Arc motions to the guards. Pushing the doors open to allow Arc and company to enter, they step forward. Seeing the small round table they normally eat at Arc leads the pair over to it and pulls out a chair for Mio.

“You’d best sit now, Mio.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Yeah. This isn’t like you. Being so worried about meeting someone, that is.”

Mio groans. “I’ve never met royalty before!”

Arc looks around. “Yes, well... I wonder where Twilight is.”

Hammer shrugs. “She’s usually very punctual.”

“Probably just got hung up with an audience, or something.”

There is a light knock as one of the guard pokes his head inside.

“Lieutenant Hammer?”


“There’s a matter that requires your attention at the front gates.”

Hammer frowns. “But we’re about to sit down and eat!”

Arc looks over. “What’s going on?”

“A gift from Princess Cadance to Princess Twilight has just arrived from the Crystal Empire. Colonel Flash Sentry is currently in a meeting and unable to inspect the load, sign for it, and transport the packages safely here. He’s asked for you to do so in his stead.”

Hammer sighs. “Fine. I’m coming.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Packages? As in more than one?”

“Yes sir. And they’re quite heavy too.”

“I’d better come along to help.”

Hammer points to her sister. “But what about Mio?”

“I could come with you too.”

Arc shakes his head. “You should stay here where it’s warm and rest.”

Hammer nods. “Right. Wouldn’t want you overexerting yourself before meeting the princess, now would we?”

“I suppose not. But what if she comes while you’re gone?”

Arc smiles. “Then just bow and politely introduce yourself.”

Hammer chuckles as she and Arc head for the door. “We won’t be gone that long though.”

They leave as the guards close the door again. Silence reigns over the room for a few moments before Mio stands up and walks over to the balcony door. Looking out she giggles slightly.

“Can’t believe I’m standing in a real princess’ room! Surrounded by such amazing things!”

She looks around for a few moments before her eyes land on a wall of bookcases. Looking away, her eyes drift back to it after only a few seconds. Walking slowly toward the tomes, Mio grimaces.

“I shouldn’t... well, maybe I’ll just look over the titles.”

Turning her head to one side, Mio scans the bookends.

“Biology, botany, parenting books...”

She moves on to a new shelf before continuing.

“Magical theory, magical base properties, magical conjecture...”

Turning her head to another bookcase, Mio’s eyes grow wide.

“This... appears to be an encyclopedia set! The whole bookshelf! Astonishing!”

She looks back to the shelf with all the ‘M’ encyclopedias. Looking around for a moment she reaches out to pull the first book from its place. Opening it she reads to herself.

“Magic Abiogenic Artes. A theory regarding imbuing non-living creatures with the ability to cast spells. Interesting.”

Mio continues reading. So engrossed is she that the sound of the doors opening goes unnoticed by her. The light clopping of hooves on the marble floor are muffled by the carpet leading from the door to the table. A slight jostling of dishes brings Mio back to her senses though. Whirling around, she drops the book to see a purple coated mare in a simple dress pushing a dinner cart. Her horn glowing, she picks it up with a Telekinesis Spell as she approaches Mio. Smiling, she holds the book in a magical aura.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Oh! Um... I’m sorry for going over the princess’ books like this. You see, I saw this one and became curious so I...!”

Twilight giggles as she levitates the book into Mio’s hands. “It’s alright. Curiosity is a wonderful thing, after all. At least that’s what Princess Celestia always says.”

“Princess Celestia... the eldest sister?”

Twilight nods as she heads back to the lunch cart. “That’s right.”

Mio turns back to the bookcase. “I’d better put this back.”

“That’s okay. You can keep reading.”

“Oh! Thank you! But might I ask that you keep this matter between us?”

Twilight giggles as she begins setting the table. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Mio looks over the book as Twilight levitates the table settings to their proper places.


Twilight appears confused. “Place settings?”

“No, no. I mean how you did that with magic.”

“Ah! Well... it’s just something all Unicorns can do.”

Mio sighs as she struggles to pick up a teacup with her magic. “I used to be decent at it.”

“It just takes a lot of practice.”

“I’ve already tried that. Thousands of hours actually.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Mio nods. “Yes. If anything I’m getting weaker though.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That shouldn’t be happening. Magic is like a muscle. The more you exercise the stronger it gets.”

“Well, I think I pulled a tendon then.”

“There is such a thing as ‘Magical Atrophy’. However it generally only occurs when a Unicorn doesn’t use magic for an extended period of time.”

“How long?”

“Usually months.”

“Well, that leaves me out. I still practice my casting, or lack of, every day.”

“You might want to talk to the Lead Sage about that. I’m sure he’d be interested to hear about your case.”

“I’ll mention that to my sister. Maybe she could set something up.”

Twilight smiles as she continues with her task. “It never hurts to ask.”

“Yes, well... um... can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“You’re a Unicorn. How do you learn new spells?”

“From reading about them in books mostly.”

“And strengthening magic?”

“Using particular spells in different ways mostly.”

Mio appears confused. “Different ways?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Take lifting this heavy pot for example. I could pick it up from the bottom. However if I take hold of it by the handles I can get two points of contact. Three if I still pick from the bottom as well.”

“Interesting. I never thought to try that.”

“Never forget to do things differently. You might just find a better way.”

“And you?”


“You’re pretty good at magic?”

“I’m... above average, I suppose.”

Mio groans. “Great. I don’t even come close to average in the magical artes here.”

“Try this. Focus on a chair here. It’s rather heavy, right?”

“I suppose so, yes.”

“How would you lift it without magic?”

“Probably with both hands under the seat. Or by the back.”

“Try that.”

Mio holds out a hand and concentrates. The chair lifts off the ground a few inches as she strains. Twilight nods as she speaks.

“Now lift from the back as well. That will help stabilize it.”

Doing as instructed, Mio is able to lift the chair a couple feet off the floor. Grinning as her hands shakes, she cries out.

“I’m doing it!”

Twilight smiles as the young woman sets the chair down breathlessly. “Very good. Just remember that different objects have different ways of being picked up efficiently. There is no one size fits all for Telekinesis Magic.”

Mio smiles breathlessly as she looks to Twilight. “Thanks... for the tip.”

Twilight pulls out the chair with her magic. “Maybe you should sit down. After all, you look very tired after all that.”

Grunting as she sits, Mio takes a few moments to catch her breath before speaking again.

“So... how long have you worked here in the castle?”

Twilight goes back to setting the table. “Not long. Truth be told, I’m pretty new here.”

“Mind if I ask what your duties are?”

“Putting things in order mostly.”

“Like this table?”

“At the moment, yes.”

“Might I help you?”

“Of course. It’ll give you a chance to practice.”

“I was actually going to just use my hands.”

“Were you now?”

Mio sighs. “As you’ve already seen, I’m not very good with my magic these days.”

“That may be. However if you don’t practice you won’t improve.”

Twilight holds up a plate with her magic as she continues.

“For example, I could easily set this entire table in moments with my magic.”

She lays the plate in its place before picking one up off the cart with a hoof.

“But I’m practicing using non-magical means too.”

“Why though?”

Twilight smiles as she carefully puts the plate in its place. “You mean why would I do it this way when I could easily use my magic?”

Mio nods. “Yes. As you said, it would be a simple task.”

“That’s true. But you have to remember that only Unicorns have magic here. While I am friends with others of my kind, I also have friends of other races. I do it this way sometimes to understand how things work for them.”

“An interesting concept.”

“Would you care to try?”

Mio gasps. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to do so with such fine looking china.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Don’t worry. If you drop something I’ll catch it.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble.”

“Believe me when I say that it won’t be an issue.”

<Taking a deep breath, Mio focuses her mind and holds out a hand. A plate slowly rises from its place on the stack before her. Concentrating, she moves it toward an empty placemat. However as she begins lowering it the door opens. Twilight turns her head to look as Mio loses her focus. The plate falls to the table and shatters. Mio gasps as the sound of it breaking echoes around the room. Hammer looks over as she sets down a crate.

“What the heck happened?!”

Twilight sighs. “We were setting the table and I...”

Mio interrupts. “...I dropped a plate. It was all my fault, Hammer.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Was it now?”

Mio nods. “Yes. But don’t worry. I’ll do my best to work it off as quick as I can.”

Twilight chimes in. “Um... actually it was my fault. I told her I would catch it if it fell. But I looked away when I shouldn’t have.”

“That’s not true! The fault is mine!”

Twilight looks to her, confused. “Miss, why are you so insistent on taking the blame for this?”

“I was just trying to spare you from the princess’ wrath. After all, that plate looks extremely expensive. And I’m guessing you don’t get paid too much as a servant.”

There is a stunned silence which no one tries to break for several moments. Eventually Hammer begins to snicker.


Arc grins. “Not paid much...”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “What are you two going on about?!”

Twilight turns to Mio “Miss, I don’t think you quite understand who I am.”

Arc steps forward and make a grand gesture toward Twilight as he speaks.

“Mio, I’d like to present to you... Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Mio’s pupils shrink. “Wha...?!”

Twilight smiles at her as she speaks. “No need to be so formal. You can just call me ‘Twilight’.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh... Mio? You okay?”

Staring at Twilight silently, Mio’s legs buckle and she falls. Seeing this, Arc Blinks toward and catches her. Hammer hurries forward and frowns.

“Mio! Snap out of it!”

Arc looks to her sister. “I think she fainted.”

Twilight groans as Hammer pats Mio’s face. “Do you think we came on too strong, Arc?”

“Maybe I should’ve eased her into it.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. Something like this you just have to be forward about. No need to sugar coat it.”

She looks down at her sister and sighs before looking to Arc.

“But what do we do now?”

Arc snaps his fingers. “I have an idea.”

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