• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - The Inquisition (Part 4)

A short time later Arc reenters the room. Walking over to the princesses, he turns to Celestia before speaking.

“I’m going to bring in the next speaker now.”

Celestia looks past him. “Then where are they?”

“Waiting outside.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“I just wanted to say something before we continue.”

Cadance frowns. “What is it?”

“That all of you please be careful with our next guest. They’re rather… emotionally fragile.”

Twilight nods as she looks to her friend. “We’ll do our best. Won’t we, Princess Celestia?”

“An... attempt will be made.”

Arc sighs. “Thank you. I’ll bring them in now.”

Returning to the door, Arc opens it and sticks his head out. Stepping backwards he slowly leads someone inside. They are clad in one of his magic cloaks and walk very slowly. Standing before Celestia, Arc speaks.

“This is another friend I made some time ago.”

Celestia fixates her eyes on the figure before her. “How do you do?”

They say nothing but slowly step back as Arc turns to them.

“Go ahead and introduce yourself.”

“I… I…!”

“It’s okay. I’m right here.”

Nodding, they slowly speak.

“My name… my name is… Auriel.”

Celestia appears confused. “Auriel?”

Arc nods soberly. “Princess Auriel actually.”

“From what kingdom do you hail, miss?”

Auriel shakes slightly as she lowers her hood to expose her red skin and black irises.

“The Great Demon Kingdom.”

Celestia instinctively spreads her wings and illuminates her horn as she jumps off the couch. Auriel steps behind Arc as he calls forth his armor and faces Celestia.

“Princess, stop!”

Cadance leaps in front of Celestia. “Auriel is with us!”

Luna frowns. “Stand down, sister. Remember, Arc and Twilight would not bring somepony here if it were going to cause trouble.”

Frowning, Celestia does so. Returning to her place on the couch she looks Auriel over for a few moments as she steps out from behind Arc.

“So you are…?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. The daughter of Demon King Malevolence.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “How… did you come to my land?”

“I… I walked through the Gates of Tartarus, your highness.”

Twilight nods. “It’s true.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest as he recalls his armor. “She did so to help me escape some time ago.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “I though Twilight did that.

“That I did. But this was a separate time.”

Arc sighs. “I went back into Tartarus, along with a friend, to help someone whom was banished reach the Gates safely.”

Luna bows her head. “The mare whom had the Alicorn Amulet, sister.”

Cadance looks to Celestia. “She followed the rules and stepped through on her own?”

Celestia gestures with a wave of her hoof. “But what does that have to do with a demon woman?”

Auriel sighs. “I should probably give some backstory.”

Arc nods as he steps to one side. “Good idea.”

Auriel collects her thoughts before speaking.

“I was born from a union between King Malevolence and one of his… scholars.”

Arc interjects. “A doctor from Earth.”

Celestia gasps. “Wait! So that would mean…!”

Auriel nods. Yes, Princess Celestia. I’m the product of demon and human copulation.

Arc gestures to Auriel. “After she helped me escape Tartarus I brought her to stand before Luna and Cadance.”

“Arc informed us of what had happened on his most recent mission and how a demon was now outside of Tartarus.”

“While she had walked through the Gates under her own power, Luna and I recommended that she be returned to her father, lest his will to escape be increased.”

Arc sighs. “I was planning to ignore their suggestions at the time. But Auriel asked me to take her back.”

Celestia appears surprised as she looks to Auriel. “You... you WANTED to go back to Tartarus?”

“Yes. While I was happy to finally be able to see the sky, I did miss my father.”

Arc grimaces. “However when she attempted to return, her father met her at the Gates with his troops.”

“You see, before I left I had built a weapon that could have theoretically blown away the Gates of Tartarus to allow the demons their freedom.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I destroyed it and took the power source along with Auriel herself before it blew up though.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “And where is this power source now?”

Luna speaks up. “It’s in the armory, sister.”

Cadance nods soberly. “Arc voluntarily gave it to us for safekeeping.”

“Right. After Auriel willingly gave it to me. But we’re getting off topic here.”

Twilight smiles at her friend. “Yes. Please continue your tale, Auriel.”

“As I said, my father met me at the Gates with his troops. He was upset that I had given the Bloodstone to Arc whom had given it to Princess Luna. However, he worried more that I would be harmed by the population of Tartarus for my treachery.”

Celestia smirks. “So Arc defeated the king and took you prisoner?”

“No. My father… banished me.”

“From... Tartarus?”


Luna turns to her sister. “Arc informed us of the new situation upon his return. We allowed Auriel to stay in Equestria, of course. But that was mostly due to a lack of other options.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And the fact they knew I wouldn’t have sent her away even if they told me to.”

“I was originally going to stay at Arc’s base. However he was able to find a much better home for me.”


Twilight grins. “With Spike and I at the Golden Oaks Library.”


Auriel smiles as she gestures to Twilight. “We lived together for over a year doing various research and experiments.”

Twilight nods. “We can talk about the fruits of a certain project later though.”

Arc smiles. “They got along great. Even better than I would have guessed.”

Cadance giggles. “I can see why.”

Luna shrugs. “Both are very similar at heart.”

Celestia frowns. “But you no longer reside together.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. I became a princess and moved to Canterlot.”

Arc looks to Celestia angrily. “That and the library was destroyed along with the rest of Ponyville.”

Auriel grimaces. “I fled to Abyssinia with the rest of the town’s refugees aboard The Equinox.”

Celestia bows her head. “My apologies for that. However, I would like to know what exactly you worked on while here in Equestria.”

Luna frowns. “Sister!”

“That’s a bit rude, Aunt Celestia!”

Twilight nods. “Auriel’s been nothing but kind since she came!”

Auriel looks to her friend. “Twilight… we need to tell her everything.”


Arc nods. “She’s right. Time to come clean about what you did some time ago.”

Celestia appears confused. “Twilight? What is he talking about?”

“An invention I came up with using a discovery of Auriel’s as a power source.”

“So you stole her idea?”

Auriel shakes her head. “I saw it more as ‘expanded upon’, your highness.”

“Yes, well… Arc was very depressed after losing... somepony very close to him. I merely wanted to help.”

Celestia frowns. “Lost somepony?”

Arc nods sadly. “My fiancé.”

Reaching for his ring, he pulls out the pocket watch and opens it. Turning it to Celestia, he holds it out.

“Her name was Cherry Jubilee. She gave me this watch as an engagement present. It belonged to her father.”

Twilight sighs. “They were very cute together.”

“What happened to her?”

“She was thrown off the balcony at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Luna grits her teeth angrily. “An assassin wanted to use the event to draw Arc out.”

Cadance bows her head. “He failed fortunately.”

“I see. And what became of the assassin?”

Arc clenches a fist. “I killed him myself!”

Luna nods. “General Wind Rider was already a wanted stallion and known traitor, having tried to previously give an invading army the Crystal Heart.”

Celestia gasps. “WHAT?! But… but why?!”

Cadance turns to Celestia. “To try and appease the yaks whom were attacking at the time.”

Arc frowns. “In the end we found out that the whole thing was a giant misunderstanding. But it cost Cherry her memories of me back then and eventually her life.”

“Arc was very depressed after that naturally. So I decided to try and make him something in an effort to cheer him up.”

Celestia smiles nervously. “A noble goal.”

“Maybe. But I… went too far.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Maybe you should call her in.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

He steps over to the door and speaks to someone outside before returning to the others.

“Flash Sentry’s going to notify her to await my portal.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Who?”

Arc sits back down. “Someone whom can better explain what happened.”

A short time later Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Flash Sentry. Rose says she’s in position at your sigil and ready to move.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Severing the connection, he opens a portal. Rose steps through and walks over to Twilight.

“Hello, mother.”

Celestia gasps. “MOTHER?!”

Twilight turns Rose around to face her teacher. “Princess Celestia, this is Rose.”

“How… do you do, miss?”

Rose smiles nervously. “Very well, thank you.”

Celestia turns to Twilight. “So this is the... daughter you told me of previously?”

“Rose isn’t a human though.”

Arc nods. “Right. She’s actually a machine.”

“A… robot?”

Rose nods. “Correct, your highness. I was built by my mother to act as a… replacement to Arc for Miss Cherry.”

Celestia looks Rose over. “How is such a thing possible?! It should take an insurmountable amount of energy to power such a creation!”

Auriel speaks up. “Twilight used my research into the innate magical properties of various plants along with another invention of mine, the P.E.E.L. Also known as the ‘Plant Elemental Essence Liberator’. It extracts the magic from plants and separates it from the plant matter into its purest form.”

Twilight motions to Rose. “She had intended to use it to create a miniature artificial sun. However I saw other possibilities.”

“Creating robots?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not exactly. I compressed the essence the same way Auriel planned to do so for her artificial sun. Just on a smaller scale.”

Arc points to Rose’s chest. “The result was a fairly hard rocklike formation that exuded magical energy that could be used to power Rose’s body.”

Rose smiles. “It allows me to operate indefinitely under certain conditions.”

Luna shudders. “Rose was a bit… unnerving to us though.”

Twilight sighs. “As she was to me at first.”

Celestia appears confused. “Twilight?”

“At the time I viewed her as nothing more than a tool. Granted, one that I had put innumerable hours into creating.”

Celestia motions to Arc. “Well, I’m sure the thought was appreciated.”

Arc shakes his head. “It wasn’t.”

Twilight bows her head. “Right. When I powered her up for the first time there was some kind of programming error. She exhibited signs of extreme sadness at her very existence and immediately broke down into tears.”

Rose puts a hand to her forehead. “While I still don’t understand the source of the error myself, I remember feeling fear at what came next.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Fear?”

“I told Rose to lie down on my lab table so I could dismantle her. If Arc wasn’t going to appreciate his gift then I was going to try and get my money back for her parts.”

Arc clutches a fist. “But I didn’t let her.”

Rose smiles and blushes slightly. “Arc stood up for me, declaring me a living being.”

Luna nods. “Even though you are clearly not.”

Cadance sighs. “Admittedly I question that myself.”

“Rose is indeed alive. Even if she does not have flesh and blood like we do, she still feels pain to a degree along with emotions. So when Twilight told me she was going to dismantle Rose, I couldn’t just stand there and let her.”

“It even sparked a pretty heated argument.”

Rose shudders. “That was quite scary for me.”

Auriel smiles. “But you two were able to reconcile and move on.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want to lose Twilight as a friend.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Interesting.”

She looks Rose over before turning to Twilight.

“Tell me, how accurate to a human female is Rose?”

“I did my best to make her as physically true to the real thing as possible.”

“And how far did you go?”

Twilight tilts her head to one side, confused. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Let me put it this way, Twilight. You created a robot with feelings and gave it realistic skin along with voice processors. To all outward appearances she’s a human. But how deep is her ability to bond with somepony… emotionally?”

“Originally she was programmed to obey Arc and I unquestioningly as well as be attracted to him.”

“But that didn’t work out?”

“Quite the opposite. It worked perfectly.”

Rose nods. “Back then I would respond to Arc’s presence as a fiancé should and was even able to fulfil his needs for intimacy.”



Celestia looks at Rose for a long moment before nodding and speaking again.

“Rose, please approach.”

She looks to Twilight whom nods. Slowly stepping forward, Rose stands before Celestia nervously.

“Are you frightened?”

“A little.”

“No harm will befall you. I just want a closer look. May I?”

“Y-yes, your highness.”

Celestia extends a hoof. Gently brushing Rose’s cheek with a fetlock, she turns the android’s head side to side several times. Taking her hand, Celestia carefully moves each finger one at a time before looking down at her feet.

“Please sit down next to me and remove your shoes.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Sister?”

“I want to see her feet.”

Rose does so as Celestia steps off the couch. Exposing her feet, Celestia looks them over and moves each toe one at a time with her magic. Lifting the young woman’s leg with a hoof, she examines the bottom of Rose’s foot. Touching it gently, Celestia begins making small movements with her hoof. Rose giggles slightly as Celestia turns to look her in the eye.

“Does that tickle?”

“A bit, yes.”


Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Princess Celestia?”

“You did an amazing job programming her, Twilight.”

“Thank you.”

Celestia sets Rose’s foot down and nods approvingly.

“Thank you, miss. You may put your shoes back on and return to you earlier spot.”

Rose does so as Celestia watches. As she finishes her task the android stands and walks back to Twilight. Celestia sits back down and looks to her former student.

“She’s certainly your creation.”


“Shy, studious, and nervous.”

Celestia looks to Rose before continuing.

“Tell me, how do you view your creator?”

“She’s my mother.”

“That is technically true, I suppose.”

Auriel raises a claw. “She’s referred to me several times as her father.”

“Because you came up with the science that made her possible, no doubt.”

Rose nods. “Yes. I am grateful to be here.”

“Are you real?”

“Excuse me?”

Celestia repeats herself. “I asked if you’re real.”

“The question is confusing.”

“That it is. However I’d like you to think about it.”

She turns her attention back to Auriel.

“Thank you for your contribution.”

“Your highness?”

Luna gestures to Rose. “My sister means that you should be proud of what you’ve done to help create her.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, she’s amazing. While we admittedly first wanted her dismantled, I’m glad Arc talked us out of it.”

“You just saw her as metallic parts at the time though.”

Luna sighs. “True. But our feelings on her have since changed.”

Celestia looks to her former student. “And you, Twilight?”


“How do you feel when you look at Rose?”

“In a word… pride.”

Celestia smiles warmly. “Congratulations.”

Twilight appears confused. “Princess?”

“You now understand how I feel when I look at you, Twilight.”

Smiling, Twilight looks at Rose. “I have to admit, I wasn’t the best parental figure when you were first activated. In truth I was a terrible parent. But when I look at you now and see all that you’ve been able to accomplish… I’m glad I didn’t dismantle you.”

“Thank you mother. Thank you for giving me a chance at life. I will do my best to make you proud of me.”

Auriel giggles. “That’s all any child wants from their parents, I suppose.”

Celestia returns her gaze to Auriel. “Agreed. And I hope someday your father and the rest of the demons can enjoy this land along with you.”

Luna nods. “Perhaps one day.”

Cadance smiles. “Nopony is ever truly beyond redemption.”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous. “R-right. But, um…”

Celestia turns to her. “Twilight?”

“That day… actually already came.”

“What are you saying?”

Arc looks to Celestia. “Twilight means that King Malevolence and some of his subjects have returned to Equestria.”

“But how?!”

Twilight motions to the window. “By passing through the barrier.”

“Where are they now?!”

“My race’s ancestral lands. Currently they’re rebuilding with materials donated to them by Canterlot.”

Celestia groans. “I’m... not sure how I feel about that.”

“Aunt Celestia, I was always told that Tartarus was a place for one to be able to contemplate their crimes. If the demons truly are repentant of their past sins then it would appear that the purpose of that place has been fulfilled.”

Arc nods. “Right. I personally took the king to his old palace along with Twilight and Auriel recently.”

Auriel looks to Celestia pleadingly. “They’re doing well acclimating to the land once more. Please let them live there again.”

Celestia frowns. “Very well. Assuming there is no further issue with them, Equestria will tentatively allow the demons to once again reside in their land.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Luna turns to her sister. “We should open a dialog though.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. It will help us know what future help they may need.”

Arc frowns. “You mean keep an eye on them.”

Celestia groans. “Such would be prudent given our past history.”

Auriel sighs. “Agreed.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Auriel?”

“In this way we shall prove that the demons have changed.”

Arc nods. “Very well. But I’d like to add something here.”

Luna turns to him. “Oh?”

Arc looks to Celestia. “I want you to know that Auriel here was part of the strike force whom risked their lives to break you out of Damocles Base. That and how she almost gave her life to that end.”

Auriel smiles sheepishly. “Fortunately for me Arc was there to catch me when I fell.”

“Literally I might add.”

Celestia sighs. “That is a story I would like to hear in its entirety one day.”

Twilight grins. “So would I.”

Arc keeps his steady gaze on Celestia. “Perhaps another time. But just for the record, you’re okay with Auriel remaining here in Equestria, correct?”

“She has been a model resident, sister.”

Cadance giggles. “And Twilight really seems to like her.”

“Very well. Princess Auriel is hereby recognized by Equestria as an emissary of the Great Demon Kingdom along with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that come with it.”

Auriel appears relieved. “Thank you. I’ll try not to let you down.”

Twilight smiles. “I believe in you, Auriel.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “So do I.”

Auriel smiles as she takes Arc’s hand. “Twilight and I will always be together with Arc.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Some time ago Auriel voiced her desire to join with Twilight and her friends in a herd.”

“Did she now?”

Auriel nods. “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

“May I ask why?”

Cadance frowns. “That is a bit personal, Aunt Celestia.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, I’d like to say.”

She looks to Arc as she speaks.

“As has already been stated, I’m an outcast of my country. Not a demon, but also not a human either. However Arc was able to look past that and accepted me just as I am. He asked for nothing but gave me everything.”

Auriel puts her claws around Arc as she presses her body against his and looks into his eyes.

“Arc cared for me when no one else would even give me a chance. Even today with my country restored and my name cleared, he still looks after me. While I don’t really know what’s going to happen in the future, what I do know is that I want to face it by his side so that we can settle down and start a family together.”

Cadance giggles happily. “A wonderful goal.”

Luna nods approvingly. “Yes it is.”

Celestia nods soberly. “I will be watching how that unfolds myself, Princess Auriel. But I do have one request.”

“You do?”

“Please be careful not to arouse the ire of the Dragon Lands.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

Celestia motions to the closed doors. “Ember also wishes to be with Arc. Dragons, being very possessive, will most likely not be open to sharing.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But she’s already done so.”


Arc nods. “Yeah. I’ve gone out on dates with a few mares and Auriel herself. With Ember’s full knowledge and support.”

“That is... surprising.”

Auriel giggles. “Ember is quite… headstrong. However she knows not to do anything that would make Arc upset.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “A passive Dragon Lord. Interesting concept.”

Cadance turns to Celestia. “We shouldn’t interfere in this. After all, love needs to be able to run its course.”


Celestia turns to Auriel before continuing.

“Thank you for coming Princess Auriel. Before we end this interview, is there anything you’d like to add?”

Auriel nods. “Yes, your highness.”

Auriel turns and lets go of Arc before continuing.

“Thanks to my scientific background I’ve learned not to take things at face value. Arc is a wonderful human and would make a terrific father. While I’d much rather live with my father King Malevolence far to the south, I’d be willing to permanently relocate here in Equestria with Arc and our friends. That and our herd union would certainly help cement future diplomatic relationships between our two nations, what with an Equestrian princess and a Demon Kingdom princess joined via a common husband. It could help both sides to move past the bad blood endured by all concerned. With determination we can create a better world and lasting peace in time.”

Twilight smiles as she stands on the couch and puts a hoof on Auriel’s shoulder. “We’ll try, yes.”

Celestia sighs. “That we will.”

Luna smiles. “You’re a very lucky stallion, Arc.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, you are.”

“I… didn’t even think about the political ramifications of Auriel, Twilight, and I… you know…”

Twilight looks to him. “Is that going to be a problem?”

“No, I don’t think so. But do you really think it’ll help international relations like that?”

Celestia frowns. “Probably. That is, if the marriage goes well and everypony involved is happy.”

Twilight grimaces. “And if it doesn’t?”

Luna sighs. “The demons will most likely hold it against our nation.”

Cadance shudders. “A sobering thought.”

Auriel takes Arc’s arm. “Well, I can’t see that happening.”

Twilight nods as she hops off the couch and takes her place next to Arc. “Right. As happy as he makes all of us…”

Arc cuts in quickly. “And the fact they we’re going to have a really long engagement to get everything figured out.”

Cadance smiles. “Very wise.”

Luna chuckles. “One doesn’t rush into such things on a whim, after all. Even if their hearts and minds tell them to.”

Arc looks at the pair on either side of him. “Agreed. After all, even a princess has the right to love.”

He glances over to Cadance and silently smiles as the mare looks away.

“Y-yes, of course.”

Meanwhile, Brightwing returns to her room with a coffee filter. Tossing it onto the table she flutters over to a shelf and grabs a large bowl. Returning to the desk, she sets it down carefully and tosses the filter into it. Picking up the flask, she slowly pours the liquid into the center of the filter. Finishing her task, Brightwing reaches into the bowl and pulls out the filter.

“Ick! Moss all soggy now! Smell funny too!”

Dumping the contents onto the desk, she spreads them out with her claws. Thinking for a moment, she gasps happily and flaps her wings toward the moss.

“Brightwing must DRY moss first! But not just normal dry! Dry, dry!”

Giggling, she flaps her wings in an attempt to speed the drying process.

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