• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Return Trip

The doctor leaves the Infirmary as Arc walks over to Ashe.

“You seem particularly interested in something out there. What is it?”

Ashe continues to look out the window. “I’ve just been watching the guards and servants scurrying around.”

“They’re restocking the Lunar Destiny for our return trip.”

“I’m a bit confused about something.”

“What is it?”

“You might not know this, but griffons have very good eyesight. We can see much farther than a pony… or whatever you are. From where I am it looks like these ponies are quite happy with their lot in life.”

“I assume they are, yes. Why?”

“As you no doubt have seen in my land the misery and lack of joy in nearly everyone’s life. How do these drudges have such happy faces?”

“Equestria is a land of joy and peace. From the princesses themselves down to the garbage collectors, nearly everyone is content.”


Arc nods. “We do have some malcontents. But they haven’t caused any real trouble since I’ve been here.”

Ashe smirks. “You intimidate them, huh?”

“Maybe. But even they know that the princesses and I will safeguard them and this land as best we are able.”

“So… the lowest of your citizens have a voice of some kind?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Anyone can petition the princesses for an audience.”

“I see. And how many of them are seen?”

“As many as there is time for. Does the Council of Lords see anyone?”

Ashe scoffs. “Only if you’re rich and powerful. Certainly not ordinary citizens if that’s what you mean.”

“That does explain a few things. Speaking of the council, I need to contact them and inform your father of what happened.”

Ashe frowns. “I understand.”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Bridge.”

Lemon Heart’s voice rings in his ear.

“Go ahead, sir.”

“I need you to contact the Griffon Kingdom and inform them that I have information on Lady Ashe’s location.”

“Right away, sir.”

“I’ll be in the Infirmary. Direct any calls for me here. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring to sever the connection as he walks over to the Redheart’s desk. Picking up the phone he quickly walks back to Ashe and sits down in a nearby chair.

“And now, we wait.”

A short time later the phone rings. Arc sits forward and picks it up

“Arc here.”

“Sir, Lemon Hearts reporting. I have a Lord Gestal from the Griffon Kingdom holding. Shall I patch him through to you?”

“Yes please.”

“One moment, sir.”

Arc picks up the telephone and walks over to Ashe’s bedside.

“Are you ready, Lady Ashe?”

Ashe glares at him. “Yes…”

A moment later Gestal’s voice comes onto the line.

“Lord Arc! I’m told you know where my daughter is!”

“Yes sir. She’s sitting next to me.”

“Is she all right?!”

“She’s going to be fine. Apparently when the rebels took Lady Ashe they roughed her up pretty bad.”

“Can I speak with her?!”


Arc hands Ashe the receiver. She snatches it out of his hand angrily and puts it to her ear as she speaks evenly.


“ASHE!!! How are you, my dear!”

“I… I’m a little sore. And tired.”

“You just rest then, my dear!”

“Yes, father.”

She angrily tosses Arc back the receiver. He takes it and puts it to his ear.

“It’s me again, Lord Gestal. We’re currently restocking our ship at Canterlot Castle and will leave as soon as possible.”

“Is your ship secure?!”

“Yes. We’ve done a full sweep and found no traces of stowaways aboard. I will personally escort your daughter back to your side, sir.”

Gestal breathes a sigh of relief. “That is a great comfort to me, Lord Arc! Please, spare no expense in bringing her home! The Griffon Kingdom will compensate you for your time and supplies!”

“No need for that, sir. Just think of it as a token of goodwill between allies.”

“Very Generous of you, Lord Arc! You have my thanks!”

“Lady Ashe and I will arrive aboard the Lunar Destiny early tomorrow morning. Until then I will watch over her.”

“My Honor Guards and I will meet you at the Skyport.”

“Forgive me sir, but might we land behind the Aviary? Lady Ashe is currently bedridden in our ship’s Infirmary.”

“Yes, of course. I don’t want her image to be tarnished by having the common rabble see her in such a state.”

“I thought you’d like to keep this quiet, sir. Well, there are quite a few preparations to make before we can take off.”

“Please make sure everything is in order for my daughter.”

“I will, sir. You have my word.”

“Until tomorrow then.”

“Yes Lord Gestal. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the phone and turns to Ashe.

“That went well.”

Ashe frowns. “Yes. For YOU!”

Arc shrugs. “Seems like a fair bargain to me.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “I’m still not sure you’re being forthright with me.”


“I’m not home yet!”

“You will be tomorrow morning.”

“In one piece?”


Ashe pauses before continuing.

“I’d like to go on record as saying I don’t trust you!”

Rose frowns. “Really?! Arc has done nothing but look after you thus far! And that’s after you tried to KILL HIM!”

Ashe looks out the window again. “I had my reasons.”

Arc nods. “And I have mine.”

“That much I do understand.”

An hour or so later the Lunar Destiny takes off and begins its trip east yet again. Ashe looks out the window at the city below.

“I must admit, it really is a marvelous sight to behold!”

Arc sighs. “That it is.”

Ashe smirks as she looks to him. “Jealous of them?”

“No. It’s just… complicated.”

Rose clears her throat. “Arc, it’s nearly lunchtime. Shall I bring you something from the Cafeteria?”

Arc turns to Ashe. “You must be hungry too, are you not?”

“Not really.”

Rose looks confused. “You haven’t eaten anything all day.”

“I’ll manage.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You worried I’ll poison you or something?”

“The thought had crossed my mind, yes.”

Rose glares at her. “Really?!”

“When you’re the leader of a rebel faction you learn not to trust anyone. It could bring about our entire organization’s doom.”

“Yes, well… it will be rather hard for your body to heal without proper nourishment.”

Arc turns to Rose.

“Bring that wheelchair over here.”

“Yes sir.”

Rose does so as Arc carefully picks up Ashe. She squirms violently.

“What are you DOING?!”

Arc sets her down in the wheelchair. “Taking you to the Cafeteria with us. Even if you don’t want to eat, I’m still hungry!”

“Afraid I’ll escape if you leave me here?!”

“Possibly. You can watch us eat and maybe answer a few of my questions.”

“An interrogation, huh?”

“Call it what you will.”

Rose takes the IV bottle and attaches it to the wheelchair’s holster. She then slowly pushes Ashe out the door and down the hall. Arc walks next to her.

“I suppose it must feel good to be in a different position.”

“Different? I’m still a prisoner.”

Rose looks down at Ashe. “I think Arc meant to get out of that bed.”

“Oh. Not really. I’m still somewhat numb down there.”

Arc pats the IV bottle. “Be thankful for that fact.”

“So where are we going?”

“To get lunch.”

Ashe replies in a skeptical tone. “Really?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”


“Because like I said before, I’m hungry. That and you should be too.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Suit yourself.”

They enter the Cafeteria as the smell of cooking food emanates from the Kitchen. Arc turns to the door.

“Huh, I wonder whose back there.”

Rose smiles. “I could tell you, but you should just see for yourself.”

He opens the door to the Kitchen. They see Commander Soarin standing in front of the stove. He salutes as Arc enters.


“At ease, commander. After all, there’s food to tend.”

“Yes sir.”

Soarin turns back to the stove as Arc pushes Ashe up to the kitchen table. He turns from the stove as Arc and Rose sit down on either side of Ashe.

“Lunch will be ready soon, sir.”

“Why are you making lunch, commander?”

“We each have our days to cook. Mine’s today.”

Rose looks confused. “Makes sense. But why doesn’t the ship have a regular cook?”

“The captain says we don’t really need one.”

Arc frowns. “Really? Aren’t there a couple dozen of you aboard at all times?”

“Yes sir. But Captain Tight Ship says it’s good for morale for us to do it ourselves. I was skeptical at first, but it’s really grown on me.”

Rose giggles. “You’ve probably gotten much better at it too, haven’t you?”

“That too.”

Arc chuckles. “Practice makes perfect.”

Ashe frowns. “Are there not servants aboard to do this sort of thing?!”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t think so. Are there, Soarin?”

“We do have one. They mostly take care of janitorial duties though.”

Rose nods. “Meal preparation really is quite a lot of work for someone who already has other matters to attend to.”

Ashe turns up her beak. “Why not just hire more staff?”

“The captain would rather spend the extra money on the ship itself.”

Ashe grins. “Like his quarters?”

“Mostly on upgrades to our arsenal and things to make everyone more comfortable. More amenities for the game room like the pool table. And higher quality food.”

Arc nods. “That’s very conscientious of him.”

Ashe says nothing as the meal is finished. Soarin sets a plate of seasoned steamed vegetables in front of each of them.

“I hope you like it, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to deliver this to the rest of my shipmates.”

“Very well.”

The commander leaves the kitchen pushing a food cart. Ashe shakes her head.

“A shame.”

Arc looks up from his food. “What is?”

“To be reduced from a commander to a servant. The lower crewmembers should be doing that job. Not the second-in-command!”

Rose frowns at Ashe. “It was on orders of the captain after all.”

Arc nods testily. “Someday when you have your own ship, you can run it any way you want.”

Ashe looks down at her plate. “That and I’d certainly have made something a bit nicer for a VIP aboard ship!”

Arc looks over as he eats. “You should try it. This is actually pretty good.”

Rose turns as she sips her water. “Do you want mine, Arc?”


Rose slides the plate over to Arc. Ashe nods.

“I see your Honor Guard agrees with me.”

“Not really. I just don’t eat.”

Arc nods. “Right. Rose is a machine.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “A machine? Like this ship?!”

“Kinda. Only differences are her appearance and the fact she has feelings.”

Ashe grins broadly. “Fascinating! With her on our side, toppling the king will be a breeze!”

She clears her throat.

“Robot! I command you to aid me in my fight!”

Rose giggles. “I don’t think so.”

“What?! But you have to!”

Arc shakes his head. “She only takes orders from me.”

Rose smiles at him. “And loving every second of it!”

Ashe looks away. “Spare me such a display, you overgrown garbage disposal!”

Arc frowns. “Hey now! You be nice to my friend!”

“Oh? I am an aristocrat of the Griffon Kingdom. By what authority do you…?!”

Arc reaches up to the IV bottle. “Be nice or I won’t share THIS with you!”

“You wouldn’t DARE!”

“Oh, you think so, huh?!”

He slowly closes the valve.

“I wonder how long it will take before you’re begging for this.”

Ashe turns around and attempts to reach for the valve herself. “Turn that back on this…!”

The twisting motion causes her to wince in pain. Rose chuckles.

“That was fast.”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

He looks down at Ashe leaning heavily on the table.

“Now then. Are you going to be nice?”

Ashe glares at him.


“Good. You can start by apologizing to Rose.”

“Wh-what?! Never!”

Arc shrugs. “I guess you don’t want this after all then. Come on now, Lady Ashe. All you have to do is say two little words to her. It’s not hard.”

Ashe grimaces as she turns to look at Rose and speaks in almost a whisper.

“I… I… I’m… s-sorry.”

Arc puts a hand to his ear. “What’s that? I couldn’t really hear you.”


“Much better.”

He turns on the valve. In a few moments Ashe is able to sit up properly. She turns to Arc angrily.

“I swear, one day I’ll…!”

“You’ll what?! Come after me?! Across the ocean?! How?!”

Rose shakes her head. “I do not believe your father would allow such a trip for petty revenge.”

“That too. Face it Lady Ashe. You didn’t think that one through.”

“What do you know about such things, peasant?!”

Arc glares at her. “More than you, I assure you!”

“One day you’ll slip up and I just hope I’m there to see it!”

“I could say the same for you and your rebel friends!”

“When did we ever slip up?!”

“When you attacked Princess Luna, me, AND the Council of Lords! How’s that for botched plans?!”

Ashe looks away. “Minor setbacks.”

“Yeah! Setbacks that cost LIVES!”

“They knew the risks!”

Rose shakes her head. “As did you?”

Ashe frowns. “Of course I didn’t! How was I supposed to know that YOU would show up and ruin everything?! Remember, it was YOU who killed them, not I!”

Arc sighs. “Yes. And I will remember that fact for the rest of my life.”

Rose turns to him. “You shouldn’t take it so hard, Arc. After all, you weren’t in your right mind.”

She angrily points at Ashe.

“And THAT was YOUR fault!”

Ashe turns up her beak. “And it’s MY fault he had too much to drink?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It was you and your poisoned bolt!”

“Are you out of your mind?! As I said earlier, poison is far too dangerous a thing for us to be employing! Not to mention barbaric!”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“Wait a second! You’re the leader of the rebels, right?!”


“But you say you DIDN’T use poison?”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “Yes. I believe that’s what I’ve been telling you in great detail.”

“I’m inclined to believe you.”


“Then please explain to me what this is.”

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out the bolt from the assassination attempt. He drops it on the table in front of Ashe. She looks at him as if he were an idiot.

“It’s a crossbow bolt, you dunderhead.”

“Yes. One that was fired at me by your rebels.”

Ashe picks up the bolt and looks it over. “Never seen one like this before. There’s some kind of residue on it though.”

Rose frowns. “I believe that’s called poison.”

Ashe drops the bolt frantically. “You could have warned me!”

Arc picks the bolt back up. “The assassin was seen by half the parade! You can’t deny it happened!”

Rose nods. “You HAD to know about it!”

Ashe looks at Arc, angrily. “Oh course I knew about it! I ORDERED IT!”

“Then how did you not know about the poison?!”

Ashe looks the bolt over carefully as Arc holds it. “This bolt is something special. And by special I mean expensive.”

Rose frowns. “How so?”

“It looks like it’s made out of pure guardanium.”

Arc appears confused. “Guardanium?”

“It’s a special kind of ore found in our mountains. But only in very small quantities. Very valuable, and VERY hard to work with.”

“What is it used for?”

“Things like our king’s crown for starters. The sword in his belt as well.”

Rose searches her memory banks. “This ore is unheard of in Equestria.”

Ashe nods. “Yes. We’ve never exported it before. It’s not likely any of it has EVER left the country. Until now it seems.”

“So it’s a symbol of extreme wealth?”

“Yes. That and any blade made from it would cut through almost ANYTHING like a hot knife through butter!”

She looks him up and down before turning back to her food.

“So where exactly did it hit you? I don’t see any monstrous holes.”

“My heart.”

Ashe drops her utensil and gasps.

“That… isn’t possible! I saw the parade too! You weren’t wearing any armor!”

She pokes his chest a few times with a talon.

“Soft. How did you…?!”

Arc reaches again for his ring. “I had a little help.”

He removes Cherry’s engagement pendant and sets it down on the table.

“This caught it.”

Ashe looks over the ruined pendant. She points a talon.

“It hit the central ruby. A precious stone like that is probably the only thing hard enough to stop such a bolt.”

Arc nods. “So this would be of great value to an assassin?”

“It’s a nearly perfect weapon. This could probably pierce just about any kind of armor as well.”

Rose frowns. “And the catch?”

“Like I said, it’s VERY expensive! Especially for something that you probably wouldn’t get back after firing once.


Ashe nods. “Yes. It’s certainly one of a kind.”

She takes a bite as Arc continues.

“This is the second one I’ve seen.”

Ashe spits out her food.


Rose turns to him. “Would you please stop doing that, Arc? At some point she does need to get some food in her.”

Arc nods as he holds up his bandaged hand. “I can attest to its sheer cutting power.”

Rose shudders. “Nurse Redheart had quite a bit of trouble sawing it off as well.”

“Two of them?! And poisoned as well?! Look, we’re anxious to topple our king, but this… this is FAR out of our price range!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What about your father?”

“He has a dagger made of guardanium, yes. But he’d never part with it to make CROSSBOW BOLTS!”

“Where is it?”

“Sitting on the mantle above his bedroom’s fireplace. It hasn’t moved in years.”

Rose nods skeptically. “So you helped yourself?!”

“Hardly! He’d notice immediately if it went missing.”

Ashe sighs.

“Look, I know we don’t get along…”

“That and you tried to kill me.”

“That too. But my rebels weren’t behind this.”

“I believe you.”

Ashe and Rose’s eyes grow wide as they speak in tandem.

“YOU DO?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. You have no reason to deceive me at this point, right?”

Ashe sighs and nods. “Right. As per our… agreement, that is.”

“I’ll hold up my end of it.”

“What assurance do I have that you will?!”

Arc shrugs. “Just my word.”

Ashe gives him a withering look. “That isn’t much.”

“It’s all I have.”

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