• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Doing Their Best (Part 3)

As the sun begins to set the pair head back to the Jeep. Getting in, Ember rubs her hands together as Arc starts the engine. Turning on the heat, she frowns.

“Why is it only spitting out cold air?!”

Arc chuckles. “Because the engine needs to warm up first.”

“So do I!”

“Not to worry. It won’t take long.”

Ember groans as they turn out of the parking lot. “Can it hurry up then?!”

Sometime later they return to Arc’s house. Ember hurries up the back stairs as Arc follow her. Unlocking the door she hurries inside, teeth chattering.

“So... cold!”

Arc rolls his eyes as he closes the back door behind them. “Aren’t you being a bit melodramatic, Ember?”

“I can’t help it! Hate the cold!”

“You being a dragon might have something to do with it.”

“But I’m a human now!”

Arc shrugs. “Still a dragon inside though. In any case, are you hungry?”

“Kinda, yeah. Didn’t notice until you said something though.”

Arc chuckles as he puts a hand on his stomach. “Steak has a tendency to do that.”

“So what do you want to have for supper?”

“Well... we could try something a bit different.”

“I’m up for anything. Assuming it doesn’t take hours to cook, that is.”

“No time at all.”

Extending a hand to her, Ember takes it as Arc turns to face her. Looking her in the eye he speaks.

“How much do you trust me, Ember?”


“Then close your eyes.”

Doing so, Ember grins as she waits expectantly. Drawing her in close, Arc wraps his arms around Ember and concentrates. The world around them fades away until they are surrounded by darkness. As things begin to come back into focus, Arc looks around and nods approvingly before looking to Ember again.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Doing so, Ember gasps at the sight around her.


Arc chuckles. “My Sanctuary. I made it to look like a gazebo that Luna had in her realm some time back.”

“The sunset is a nice touch.”

“Only the best for you, Ember.”

“But this still doesn’t solve our food problem.”

Arc grins. “True. However I’m not done yet.”

With a wave of his hand, Arc materializes a small table and two chairs. Leading Ember over to her seat, he pulls it out before sitting down himself across from her. Ember looks around.

“Um... is someone going to jump out with a pot of food, or something?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

Snapping his fingers, a humanoid figure approaches from behind a nearby wall pushing a dinner cart. Ember’s eyes grow wide as she see whom it is.

“Princess Celestia?!”

Arc chuckles. “Just my mind’s interpretation of her.”

Ember grins wickedly as she turns to Arc. “You must have quite the imagination then.”

“Truth be told this is how Celestia, or ‘Tia’ as she called herself back then, looked when she served Applejack and I supper during the experiment within the Celestial Realm.”

Ember nods approvingly as ‘Celestia’ puts plates and silverware before the pair. “Nice to see her in her proper place.”


“She could stand to learn some humility.”

“I suppose we all could, yes.”

“Other than you, right?”

Arc shakes his head as Tia puts a large rectangular pan in the middle of the table. “Especially me.”

Ember scoffs. “Are you kidding?! You’re the most selfless individual I’ve ever met!”

Arc nods as he reaches over to the cart and picks up a pitcher of water. “And I’d like to stay that way.”

Ember frowns as he pours waters for both of them. “I don’t think you’re in any danger of succumbing to arrogance like she did, Arc.”

“Nevertheless, Celestia was once a paragon of virtue to the land and its inhabitants. But all that changed when she was kidnapped.”

“I suppose leading the nation down the path of potential civil war would have that effect.”

“True. But who’s to say that I couldn’t do the same?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“Well... just a moment.”

He turns to the woman and speaks.

“Thank you, Tia.”

“You’re welcome. Would you like anything else?”

“Maybe in a few minutes. I’ll call for you if we do.”

Bowing slightly at the waist, she silently turns and leaves with the cart as Arc turns back to Ember.

“Now then, where were we?”

“I believe you were making a joke about starting a civil war.”

“Could have.”

“But you wouldn’t.”

Arc sighs. “There’s where you’re wrong Ember.”

“What are you saying?”

“That I was fully prepared to lead my forces against Celestia and her loyalists further than Light’s Hope if need be.”

“You mean...?”

Arc nods. “Had we not captured Celestia then and there I would have turned the nation upside-down to find and stop her.”

“And that would have been bad how?”

“It would have destabilized the citizen’s daily lives. That and potentially forced them to take sides in the conflict.”

Ember gasps. “Celestia could have used your actions against you to bolster her own forces!”

Arc nods as he frowns. “I believe that’s what she may have been trying to do when she ran from the battlefield.”

“But you did end it then and there.”

“That I did. Had I not though there’s a good chance I could have gone down the same path she did.”

“Victory at any cost.”

“Right. But enough about that. Shall we eat?”

Ember nods as she looks at the covered dish between them. “Whatever this is it smells familiar.”

Arc grins. “Then let’s end the wait.”

Picking up the cover, he pulls it back to reveal a perfect lasagna. Ember salivates hungrily.

“This is what we had for Christmas dinner last year, right?!”


Ember eyes the food suspiciously. “Is it... real?”

“This one is, yes. I made it the other day and stored it in my ring.”


Picking up Ember’s plate, Arc serves her a large slice of the lasagna. Putting an equally large piece on his own plate he turns back to Ember.

“How about some bread?”

Ember nods. “That does sound nice, yes.”

Snapping his fingers, Arc looks in the direction Tia left. She returns carrying a pan of garlic bread. Setting it on the table, she picks up the pitcher and refills their glasses.

“Can I get you two anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think we’re good. Ember?”

Ember grins. “How about a Coke?”

“That does sound good. Make that two.”

Tia nods. “Right away.”

Leaving the gazebo, Tia returns a few moments later with two glasses of Coke. Setting them down in front of the pair she turns to Arc.

“There you are. Might I interest you two in a salad or other side dishes?”

Arc chuckles as he puts bread on their plates. “I think this will be enough.”

Ember grins happily. “Agreed!”

Tia again leaves the gazebo. Arc looks to Ember.

“Just so you know, only the lasagna is real. The rest of the meal won’t be sticking around when we leave.”

Ember grins. “Good!”


“Then I won’t have to worry about it ruining my perfect figure.”

Arc chuckles as he picks up his soda. “No, I guess you won’t.”

Ember motions to the sunset. “Looks like you’re getting better with Realm Magic.”

“I’ve been practicing.”


“My goal is to get good enough at it to be able to host a party.”

Ember laughs. “For a guys night out?”

“More along the lines of a herd gathering.”


“So we can all spend time with one another. See how we work in a group setting.”

“Ah! That makes sense! So it’s going to be a bonding ceremony of sorts?”

“An informal one, yes.”

“If it works out maybe we can make this a regular thing.”

“I was thinking the same. We really need to get caught up. I mean as a group though.”

“And we will. But do you really think everyone will get along?”

“That’s the whole point of that exercise. We need to figure that out before going any further with the herd idea.”

Ember puts an hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Well, I’ve always seen everyone getting along great during tea.”

“But have they all been together at the same time?”

“Now that you mention it, no. I mean, Twilight and her friends are regulars. But Hammer, Auriel, Derpy, and myself only come when we can. Which isn’t often I’m ashamed to admit.”

“There’s a few things I’m still working on though. Like what to have on the menu.”

“If it’s informal then your best bet might just be pizza.”

Arc sighs. “I’ll have to make it up ahead of time then. After all, I can’t materialize real food at the moment.”

“Is that an option?”

“Materializing food?”


“Luna said it was possible. However that’s very advanced Realm Magic.”

He gestures around at their surroundings before continuing.

“This structure, the garlic bread, drinks, and even the sunset are just illusions created by my magic.”

Ember smiles approvingly. “Making them real is next level stuff, huh?”

“Right. I’m still worrying about stability.”

“Are we... safe here?”

Arc nods. “Oh yes. Even if my concentration was broken and the realm collapsed, we would simply find ourselves back in my kitchen where we started.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I even tested it out a couple times with Twilight. After she asked Luna what would happen, of course.”


“We returned to our starting point safe and sound.”

“I gotta admit, I don’t really get this magic at all.”

“It’s actually part of the Illusion school of magic. After all, none of this is real.”

“Can you break it down for me?”

“Sure. Luna explained that a realm is really just a specially generated pocked dimension. It’s not part of normal reality as we know it though.”

“So it’s like a bubble?”

“More like a balloon. The realm can expand and contract based on the will, and skill, of the user.”

“And that which is in it?”

Arc nods. “Right. My mana is used as a fuel source to create everything here. I just need to make sure not to strain myself and deplete my mana pool.”

“You okay?”

“That I am. But I will tell you if I need to rest.”

Ember looks around, “How long can you keep this place stable?”

“At the moment, several hours.”

“And after that?”

“It starts to feel as though I’ve just run a marathon and can’t catch my breath.”

“We’ll leave before that point though, right?”

Arc chuckles. “Agreed.”

“Good! But I gotta say, this lasagna is great!”

“Thanks. It’s my Great Aunt Megan’s recipe.”

“Well, it sure tastes like it’s perfected!”

“That it is. Try dipping your garlic bread into the sauce though.”

Ember does so. Taking a bite she grins.


“Do you know why though?”


Arc continues. “It’s because the flavors complement each other so well. They’re still good separately, of course. However put them together and they make something new and good. Like the herd.”


“Separately we’re all special in our own ways. However together you and I can accomplish things that neither could do alone.”

“And the others?”

“Look at Twilight and Auriel. They worked together for a time and came up with magical extraction, an artificial sun, and even artificial life... twice.”

“Makes sense.”

“Then there’s Hammer and Rainbow Dash.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What’d they accomplish?”

“Proving that a human woman and a mare can work through their distrust of each other. Remember when they teamed up to sabotage the new airship in Canterlot Castle?”

Ember laughs. “And Hammer accidently grabbed Rainbow Dash’s tits?!”

“That’s the one, yes.”

“I can just imagine the look on Rainbow Dash’s face when that happened!”

“Yes, well... I thought that would have sealed the deal for them to hate each other forever. But it did the opposite.”

“Yeah, they’re really tight now. It’s kinda cool to watch them talk through something at a meeting.”

“Is it?”

“They’re constantly joking about things with each other. Mostly sexual stuff, but there have been times they’ve make light of some rather interesting ideas. Like the time they pointed out that you only have so much sperm, Arc.”


“Hammer pulled out a bag of bits and poured them on the table. She split them into equal groups and pushed the piles to sit in front of everyone around the table. Then Hammer said that this was like your intimate attention. You could divide it up between all of us a night if you wanted to. However it wouldn’t be very much. A few minutes at most.”

Arc nods. “True.”

“Then she pulled all the money back to herself and divided it into two groups before setting it in front of Rainbow Dash and herself. Looking around the table she pointed out that if the time was limited to two of them things looked a lot better.”

“It would make for a more personable time, yes.”

“Then she pushed her pile in front of Rainbow Dash so that all the money was in front of her. Hammer then said that it would be even better for an individual to have their own one-on-one time with you, Arc. For both them and you.”

“And they all agreed to that?”

Ember nods. “They did, yes. Hammer even told Rainbow Dash that she could go before her.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s... kinda surprising. After all, she’s never been shy about wanting me to sleep with her.”

“Well, I think we’ve all grown since this whole idea came around. Mentally, I mean.”

“Myself included.”

Ember grins. “Yeah. The old you wouldn’t have even considered a herd.”


“So what exactly changed your mind on that?”

“It all started when Rarity invited me to dinner at her place. She was so beautiful and tried so hard to make the evening perfect. In all Honesty, I’d had a bit of a crush on her for some time. But that night I decided that I’d lay me feelings out before her and let the cards fall where they may.”

“Were you sure she was into you too?”

“Pretty sure, yes. But when she invited me into her back room, which she had completely rearranged for the evening, I knew she had feelings for me.”

Ember grins wickedly. “One thing led to another, and you two found yourselves in bed together. After a shower, that is.”

Arc sighs. “There was a whole lot more that happened before that. However you’re correct about us sleeping together.”

“Rarity was never shy about admitting to that.”

“It’s not so much that she was ‘shy’ about it. I believe she just wanted to be honest regarding what happened in an effort to not appear to be trying to take me for herself and stiff them.”

“Agreed. She did know that all of them had an eye for you. But at the same time was the first one to actually act on her feelings.”

“I never really saw them as anything more than friends at the time. After all, a human and a pony being romantically involved just felt wrong to me back then.”

“How about a human and dragon?”

“Equally strange.”

“But you got over that.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”


“That night with Rarity opened my mind to new ideas. The fact that a mare could love a human really got to me. I questioned in my mind why I couldn’t reciprocate that, but came up with nothing. So I just kinda decided to go with it and see how things went.”

“And the others?”

“After that night with Rarity, I saw them in a new light too. So when they brought up the idea of a herd I wasn’t totally against it.”

“But you weren’t exactly for it either.”

“I still had to work things out for myself.”

Ember gestures to the realm around them. “And here we are.”

Arc chuckles. “Dating, yes. You and the others.”

“And wanting more.”

Arc groans. “Ember...”

Ember cuts him off. “But being willing to allow you time to be comfortable with it, of course.”

They go back to eating for a time. Eventually Arc looks to Ember.

“Do you think... the herd will work out?”

Ember shrugs. “No idea.”

“But you’re still willing to give it a shot.”

“Don’t want to grow older and regret what might have been, Arc.”

“An experiment.”

“How’s that?”

“This herd thing really is experimental.”

Ember grins. “Don’t tell Twilight that. She’ll have us all hooked up to machines before long in her lab.”

“It could lead to a ‘and they all lived happily ever after’.”

“Hopefully, yes.”

“But it could also go very badly.”

Ember frowns. “I thought that’s why we were taking this so slow.”

Arc nods. “Right. In an effort to avoid conflict and confrontation we’re taking baby steps here.”

“At some point we’re going to have to take the plunge though, Arc. Well, those whom do join the herd, that is.”

“I know. However I want it to be like walking into a lake. Things get deeper, yes. But only the further out you go. Plunging right into things would be like jumping off the high dive blindfolded.”

“It’d be scary?”

“Partially because you can’t see what’s coming but also because one moment your high and dry while the next you’re totally submerged by water several feet on all sides. And at that point there’s no going back. For better or worse, you’re there. With the lake analogy, and taking things slow, we can always stop where we are or even back up if need be.”

Ember smiles at him warmly. “Well, I thank you for thinking this through logically and rationally, Arc.”

“Yes, well... you and the others were pretty keen on the idea. And even though I wasn’t fully on board with it when we had tea that day so long ago, I did want it to be done properly. But in any case, would you like some more lasagna?”

Ember laughs. “Thanks, but I think I’m full!”

Arc smiles. “How about some Jell-O with whipped cream?”

“No idea what that is, but sure.”

Arc snaps his fingers. Tia walks over to them and smiles.

“Can I get you two something?”

Arc nods. “We’d like some Jell-O with whipped cream, please.”

“Very well. More drinks too?”

“Just water.”

“Yes sir.”

Tia leaves their sight and returns to her cart. Picking up a tray with two bowls of red Jell-O and two waters, she walks over to another woman whom looks exactly like her standing there as if frozen in time. With a wave of her hand she frees the woman and hands her the tray. Turning around, the other Tia walks up the stairs of the gazebo and over to Arc and Ember. Watching as she serves the pair, the other Tia sighs as she muses to herself.

“A very interesting concept. This human Honestly does care about his potential future wives with a passion. Even though most of them are of different species.”

Putting a finger to her chin, she continues.

“Was I truly so wrong about him? Could it be... that my own experiences have blinded me to that which everyone else can so readily see?”

Turning, Tia opens a portal and steps through. Reappearing in her room, she waves her hand over her face for a moment. In a flash of light she turns back into Celestia and walks over to the balcony door. Looking out over the city, which is celebrating the Grand Galloping Gala, she sighs and closes her eyes.

“I’ve been given a unique chance here. Time to think. Freed of my responsibilities as a princess, I can now properly consider the past. My own, as well as that of Equestria’s future.”

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