• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - The Newcomer

Arc, Ember, and Frank step out of the portal into Princess Celestia’s room. Frank looks around, dumbfounded.

“This place is exquisite!”

Ember nods soberly. “That it is.”

She turns to Arc.

“Where do you suppose Sunburst is?”

Arc shrugs as he recalls his armor. “Probably asleep at this hour. It IS the middle of the night after all.”

Ember frowns. “While I know you don’t actually HAVE to, I suggest reporting this to… you-know-who first thing in the morning.”

“Agreed. I’m sure Luna will want to know.”

Frank appears confused. “Luna?”

“She’s… the one in charge around here.”

“So she’s the lady of the house?”

“More than that. I’ll explain everything in my room.”

Frank appears confused. “Isn’t that where we are?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nope. We’re in Princess Celestia’s bedchambers.”

Arc sighs. “While I’m sure that didn’t make it any more clear, please follow me.”

He raises a gauntlet and opens a portal. Frank turns to him.

“Another portal? Where does this one lead?”

“My room. It’s a bit of a walk from here, so I figured this would save you time and energy.”

Ember steps forward. “Yeah. So let’s get going.”

She steps through as Arc turns back to Frank.

“After you.”

Frank shrugs and hobbles through as Arc follows. They appear in his room in the castle. He reaches out with his magic for the light switch. Frank looks around as it is illuminated.

“Quite the room you have here, Arc!”

“Thank you. But we should probably sit down. I know it can’t be easy for you to walk without your cane.”

Frank nods as he heads for the couch. “Yes. I’ll have to retrieve my spare later.”

They sit down as Ember lights a fire in the fireplace. Frank smiles.


Arc clears his throat. “I suppose I should start by explaining exactly where we are.”

“A very wealthy ruler’s private residence I would imagine. You did use the title ‘princess’, after all.”

“That I did.”

“However, that room looked to be more of a tinkerer’s workshop than a bedroom fit for royalty.”

Arc sighs. “Well Frank, you see… this building is Canterlot Castle. It’s built on the highest point of the city of Canterlot. It’s the capitol of this land.”

“Are we across the sea from our homeland then?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Further than that actually.”

Arc nods. “Ember’s right. You see… were not on Earth anymore.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Like I said back at my place. There’s no one on Earth that can help you. We’re literally on another planet.”

Frank gasps. “I… I just assumed that was a figure of speech!”

He looks Ember up and down.

“Do the inhabitants look as you do, Ember?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. I’m a visitor to this country as well. Think you could change me back now, Arc?”


Arc stands and holds out a hand. A moment later Ember returns to her dragon form. She removes the robe and gives it to Arc as she turns back to Frank.

“I know you already saw me like this, but it’s what I really look like.”

“Amazing! This is certainly a land filled with incredible things!”

He cautiously turns back to Arc.

“While I’m almost certain I already know the answer to this, you ARE human, correct?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’m still the same person you grew up with.”

Ember grins. “Just a bit… more.”

“His powers?”

Ember nods. “Yup. Not born with those.”

“She’s right about that.”

“Then where did they come from? Did Diva kidnap you as well, Arc?”

“No. In truth, it was Ember’s father whom gave them to me.”

Ember grins. “He’s the Dragon Lord.”

Frank sighs. “Diva mentioned him during our earlier encounter. But what was that you called her, my friend?”

“Sunset Shimmer. A traitorous citizen of this land who’s apparently made some very powerful friends back on Earth.”

Ember grits her teeth. “We actually don’t know too much about her. Twilight can probably tell us more when there’s time.”

“Yeah. We’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had an opportunity to head over to the library and see her.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Library?”

“That’s where she lives. The Golden Oaks Library. It’s in the town of Ponyville to the south of the capitol.”

Ember sighs. “Arc, we should probably bring him up to speed on how this land works.”

Frank nods. “Please do.”

“Alright. Here’s the short version.”

Arc speaks for a time explaining to Frank about Equestria’s hierarchy, geography, different species, and his past exploits.

“So that inhabitant of this land are… horses?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That’s the third time you’ve asked that!”

“My apologies, but… it’s just so hard to believe.”

Arc nods. “They’re generally just referred to as ‘ponies’. You’ll meet them soon enough.”


“The princesses for starters.”

Frank’s eyes grow wide. “Royalty?!”

Ember shrugs. “It really isn’t that big a deal.”

Arc turns to her. “Well, considering you’re roughly the equivalent of a princess back in the Dragon Lands, Ember…”

“Dragon… LANDS?!”

Ember nods. “My homeland. It’s far to the east across the Celestial Sea.”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry. We’re not going there anytime soon.”

“What can you tell me about the princesses?”

“They’re very similar to the ponies of this land. Just a bit… bigger.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. And they have wings and a horn.”

“They embody the traits of all three races. Strong like the Earth Ponies. The flight of the Pegasi. And the magic of the Unicorns.”

Frank appears suddenly nervous. “Are they… receptive?”

“Usually. But you should probably let me do the talking.”

Ember laughs. “Yeah. They REALLY like Arc.”

Frank chuckles. “Considering your past deeds here, I can understand that.”

“Yes, well… we should probably get some sleep now. The princesses will be up in a few hours. They need to know about you before audiences start for the day.”

Arc gestures to the bed.

“You can rest there.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Your bed?”

“Something wrong with it?”

“No, no. I just thought I’d sleep on one of these couches.”

“Ember and I will bed down over here. You go ahead and rest. But I kinda want a shower before bed. Fighting’s a dirty business.”

Frank nods. “Agreed.”

Ember grins mischievously. “Want me to wash your back, Arc?”

“Very funny. Just keep Frank company.”

“Sure. See you in a bit.”

Arc heads for the adjoining Bathroom as Frank turns to Ember.

“So… are you and Arc an item?”

Ember sighs. “I wish.”


“I’ve tried everything I can think of to get him interested. So far nothing’s worked.”

“You cannot force someone to be something they’re not.”

Ember nods sadly. “That I understand. But I still want him and I to be more than we are. More than just friends.”

Frank chuckles. “I’ve known Arc for a long time, Ember. Believe me when I say this, but once he gets an idea in his head it’s almost impossible to dislodge it.”

“That I know.”

“Yes, well… I am curious about something.”


“How did you and Arc REALLY meet? When we were first introduced, he said you two found each other in prison. That didn’t make sense at the time, as male and female prisoners do not co-mingle.”

Ember sighs. “He didn’t lie to you about that. We met in Tartarus.”


Ember nods. “Yes. It’s where this country sends its worst criminals. Arc was banished there for a crime he didn’t commit. As was I. We fought side by side there and have been together ever since.”

“I’d like to hear more.”

“You sure? Not all of it is rosy and bright.”

“Yes. Tell me what my old friend has been up to.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps into his shower and turns on the water. Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“You’re troubled, aren’t you?”

“I am. What if the princesses don’t accept another unannounced human in their land?”

“They will if he’s with you.”

“Probably. But what if…?!”

“Arc, please. You need to have more faith in their decisions. After all, they’ve put so much in yours.”

Arc sighs. “That may be. But I can’t help but feel a bit… apprehensive. I mean… this is bigger than anything else I’ve done thus far.”

“More so than your decision to fly to Abyssinia as the Lord Regent?”


“Or your choice to help broker the peace treaty between our nation and the Griffon Kingdom?”


“What about the time you allowed Light’s Hope to be used for the peace summit?”

“Okay, okay, I get it.”

Arc sighs.

“I guess I am being pretty silly about this.”

Cherry giggles. “Frank’s just one human. That and he needs help only somepony in Equestria can offer.”

“Yeah. Luna’s pretty fair in her decisions on things like this as long as I can back up my proposal with facts.”


Quite a while later Arc steps out of the shower, dries himself, and dresses. Stepping out of the Bathroom he finds Frank asleep and Ember sitting on the couch in front of the fire. She beckons him over with a wave of her claw.

“Feeling better?”

“Yeah. Washing the grim of battle from myself is always a pleasant experience.”

He looks over his shoulder toward the bed.

“How’s Frank doing?”

“He was pretty tired, so he went down shortly after you left. But are YOU okay?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I can tell you’re nervous about something.”

Arc sighs. “Cherry and I already went over this.”

Cherry calls out. “Arc’s worried about what the princesses will say when they learn he’s brought a human to Equestria without their permission.”

Ember shrugs. “Why would they care? After all, you have their ear, Arc.”

“I suppose I do.”

Ember puts a claw on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about a thing. Worst case scenario, he can stay at my house in the Dragon Lands. The princesses don’t have any say over whom we allow over there.”

“Thanks. But we should get some rest now. The sun will be up in just a few hours.”


The trio sleeps soundly through what’s left of the night. As the first rays of daylight stream through the window Frank opens his eyes and sits up.

“What…? Where am I?”

Standing, he slowly hobbles toward the balcony door. Looking out he spots a pegasi Royal Guard patrol flying by. Gasping he stumbles backwards and falls to the floor.

“What on Earth…?!”

Arc and Ember, hearing the commotion, quickly get up from their places on the couches. Arc reaches his friend first.

“Frank! What is it?!”

“I… I saw…! Something was out there! Three horses with WINGS!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Those were pegasi.”

“What?! But those are… you know…!”

Arc chuckles. “Mythical creatures? Yeah, I had a similar response my first time too. But trust me when I say they’re very real.”

Helping him stand up, Ember opens the door and they step out onto the balcony. Walking to the railing Frank looks out over the city.

“It… it’s wondrous!”

Ember nods. “That it is.”

Frank turns to Arc. “So last night… that wasn’t a dream?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It was very real, my friend.”

Frank sighs as he puts a hand on the guardrail. “So the Shards really were…?”

Arc frowns. “We’ll find them. You can count on that.”

Frank wordlessly nods before gazing out over the city again. He sees numerous ponies walking up and down the streets below as others fly by. Turning around slowly he looks to Arc.

“I’d… like to see more please.”

Arc smiles. “I think that could be arranged. But we need to do something very important first.”

Ember looks confused. “What’s that?”


Ember and Frank facepalm.

“Saw that one coming.”

“Indeed, Ember.”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, well… can I help it if I’m hungry? This way you two.”

He walks over to Frank and helps him back inside. Sitting him down on the couch he heads for the sigil as Ember looks to him.

“So… are we going to call for room service, or something?”

“I need to do something first. Be right back.”

Arc steps onto the sigil in the corner of the room. Calling forth his gauntlet, he powers it up and vanishes. Frank turns to Ember.

“Tell me, does he do this often?”

Ember sighs. “All the time.”

A few minutes later Arc reappears on the sigil with a simple staff in his hand. Walking over to Frank he hands it to him.

“What is it? Some kind of magical implement?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Not even close.”

“It’s a training staff. The military uses them for things like War Games. It should help you walk unaided.”

“Thank you, my friend.”

“Now then… on to breakfast.”

Arc leads them out the door and down the corridor. Frank looks all around as they walk.

“The architecture is exquisite! As are these stained glass windows!”

He looks at a pair of Royal Guards as they pass by.

“How are such things possible for those without hands?!”

Ember shrugs. “They seem to manage just fine without them.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Intricate things like these windows were probably created by Unicorns. Their magic allows them to do thing that even hands couldn’t.”

“What is the meaning?”

Ember frowns. “The what?”

“These windows appear to be more than just for decoration.”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’m told this is a visual representation of this land’s history.”

“Fascinating! These simple creatures are capable of complex thought?!”

Ember laughs. “They’re more advanced that the humans back on Earth in several regards!”


Arc chuckles. “Yes. They don’t have much for electronics here. At least as an everyday part of their lives. However, they seem to get along fine without them. The rest you’ll just have to see for yourself.”

“Very well. I look forward to trying some of this land’s cuisine.”

Frank appears suddenly nervous.

“Uh… do they eat grass here?”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry. Their palates are much broader than that of horses back home.”

A short time later they arrive at the Dining Room. Arc approaches a Royal Guard.

“Inform the princesses that I’d like to speak with them.”

“Yes sir. However they have made it clear that you do not require permission to enter this room.”

“I understand that. But I’d like you to let them know I’m bringing a… guest from Earth to meet them.”

“Yes sir.”

He enters the Dining Room. Frank turns to Arc.

“Uh… the princesses are this land’s leaders, correct?”


Ember frowns. “Is there a problem?”

“I should have cleaned up first! How do I look?!”

“Considering you just woke up, fine. Now then, I’ll do all the talking at first. After I introduce you they’ll probably have some questions for both of us.”

“How should I act?”


Ember grins wickedly. “Yeah. You wouldn’t want one of them blasting you with their magic.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “They wouldn’t do that.”

“Probably not, I suppose.”

Arc sighs. “Just talk to them like you would a human woman, Frank.”

Ember chuckles as the guard returns and looks to Arc.

“The princesses will see you now.”

“Thank you.”

He turns back to Ember and Frank.


Ember nods. “I am.”

Frank straightens his tunic and sighs. “Let’s get this over with.”

Arc nods and turns back to the door. The guards open them to reveal the luxurious Dining Room. As they enter the princesses stand and smile.

“Welcome back, Arc.”

“When did you get in?”

“Very late last night. I would have come to see you two sooner, but I know better than to awaken a sleeping princess.”

He looks to Cadance who blushes slightly. Luna looks over at Frank.

“I see you’ve brought another human with you this time.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

Cadance shakes her head. “I don’t think so. After all, we know you wouldn’t have done so if he was going to cause trouble.”

Luna gestures to the chairs across from them. “Please be seated.”

Arc and company do so as Cadance turns to a Hoof Maiden.

“Inform the chef that we will require breakfast for three guests.”

She bows and hurries toward the Kitchen.

“Now then, I believe introductions are in order. Princesses, this is my childhood friend from Earth, Frank Fontaine.”

They nod soberly.

“Frank, these are two of the land’s rulers. This is Princess Luna and Princess Cadance.”

“How do you do?”

Cadance smiles. “A pleasure to meet you, Frank Fontaine.”

Luna nods curtly. “Likewise.”

“Thank you, your highnesses.”

Arc clears his throat. “My apologies, Princess Cadance. Humans have a first and last name, but typically just go by their first.”

“So it’s just Frank then?”

Frank nods. “Yes ma’am.”

Luna clears her throat. “Now that we have the introductions out of the way, I’d like to know the circumstances that led you to take this rather… risky course of action, Arc.”

“Very well, Princess Luna. You see…”

Arc informs the princesses of the previous night’s affair along with Diva’s true identity. Cadance bows her head.

“Aunt Celestia will be heartbroken when she learns of this.”

Luna nods. “Indeed she will, Cadance.”

Frank turns to Ember. “Another princess?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia.”

Arc sighs. “She’s… not here.”

Luna nods soberly. “That is true. However we should stick to the matter at hoof.”

She looks Frank over for a few moments.

“I can sense a very… strange magical force within your friend, Arc.”

Cadance nods. “Strange, but unstable.”

“He’s already had a couple incidents where his mana seemed to spike out of control.”

Ember looks to the princesses. “Can you two help him?”

“I believe Sunburst should be the one to advise us on this matter. However I believe it may simply be a matter of education.”

Arc appears confused. “Can you elaborate, Princess Cadance?”

“Think about it this way, Arc. Every unicorn is born with the potential to use magic. However, they are born with only that. Potential.”

Cadance nods. “As they grow and mature they practice and learn new spells from those around them.”

Luna points a hoof to her head. “With that their understanding of magical power grows as they do. Mentally and physically.”

Ember puts a claw to her chin thoughtfully. “Kinda like when my father imbued Arc with magic. I suppose he could have given him a LOT more of it.”

Cadance sighs. “Dragon Lord Torch was wise to only give him the basics. Had Arc been imbued with the level of power he currently possesses, it’s likely he would be in the same position as Frank here.”

Luna nods. “Yes. Can I assume the realization of you power was… immediate?”

Frank frowns. “It was, your highness. Truth be told, it actually made me sick.”

Ember turns to the princesses. “He was bedridden for some time before we figured out he had magic.”

Cadance appears nervous. “Any… outbursts?”

Arc grimaces. “A couple, yes.”

“I suddenly felt as if I was going to burst from the pressure. Every cell in my body was screaming out, as if begging for release.”

Luna nods soberly. “That much was recorded here during certain… magical experiments.”

Arc frowns. “The Great War?”

Cadance sighs. “Yes. The subjects from that era… didn’t take their infusions well.”

Ember frowns. “What happened?”

Luna gestures with a hoof. “They experienced similar symptoms as your friend here.”

Arc gasps. “Is he in danger?!”

Cadance shakes her head. “Not if he learns how to control his magic from a unicorn or other magic user.”

Luna sighs. “Indeed. Had the test subjects of magic infusion had such an advantage back then, the war might have ended very differently.”

Cadance clears her throat loudly. “In that regard, it is a good thing the Earth Ponies of that time period didn’t have any Unicorns helping them.”

Several servants walk out of the Kitchen pushing dinner carts. They approach Arc and his friends as two Hoof Maidens serve the princesses their meal. A dish is set before each of them before the staff bows and returns to the Kitchen. Frank appears confused.


Cadance looks to him, confused. “Is something wrong with them?”

“No, no! It’s just… I didn’t really expect such things.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “What else would we eat for breakfast?”

Arc turns to Luna. “Forgive my friend’s surprise. Horses on Earth have a much less… refined palate.”

Cadance smiles. “Very well, Arc. But we should eat before it gets cold. That and we have quite a busy day ahead of us.”

Arc nods. “I’m sorry if our visit has put you two behind schedule.”

Luna smirks at him. “You know you are welcome here anytime, Arc. Day or night.”

“Thank you.”

They begin to eat. Frank grins as he tastes the food before him.

“This is exquisite! Your chef must be very talented, you highnesses!”

Cadance smiles. “Thank you. I’ll see to it they hear of your words, Frank.”

Ember laughs. “Only the best for royalty.”

Luna sighs. “Yes indeed.”

Arc puts his fork down. “Is something wrong, Princess Luna?”

“Do you remember our conversation during my first visit to Light’s Hope, Arc?”

“Yes, I do. When things are a bit less hectic we should have you back for another visit.”

“Thank you, I’d like that. But I do believe you’ll be quite busy with your friend for quite a while.”

Arc nods. “Might I seek help from outside the castle?”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “What about Sunburst?”

“I’m sure he’s fully qualified. However, as you know, he’s quite busy these days with his own duties.”

Luna nods in agreement. “Very well, Arc. You may take your friend anywhere in the land to seek aid. Please be aware that you are personally responsible for his safety and well-being though.”

“I understand. Thank you, Princess Luna.”

Cadance turns to him. “If I may, where were you planning to go, Arc?”

“Frank not only needs a crash course in magic, but also in pony culture.”

Ember shrugs. “Makes sense. After all, he’s going to be here for a while.”

“Can I assume you already have a plan?”

Arc chuckles as he picks up a forkful of pancakes.

“That I do, Princess Cadance. That I do.”

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