• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Adjusting

Arc awakens the next morning, sits up and stretches.

“Ugh... I hope today is a better day for me!”

Ember rolls over on her back and smiles up at him. “My day is already better than yesterday!”

“And that's my cue to get up! Ember, can’t you sleep in your own bed at least once?”

“I was going to, but you just looked so CUTE lying there! That and I haven't seen you in over a week!”

Arc stands up and looks out the window at the rising sun. “Ember, you can't keep doing this! What are you going to do someday when I’m...?”

Ember looks down at the floor sadly. “I guess, I'll just be... alone then.”

He turns around and walks back to the bed to sit down next to Ember. “I... I'm sorry Ember. I know the thought of my death weighs heavily on you. There's something more to it today though, isn't there?”

She nods and puts her arms around his waist. Ember appears to be on the verge of tears. “It's just... after watching what happened in Vanhoover... I didn't know until then just how close I truly came to losing you!”

Arc returns the hug. “I didn't mean to scare you. But, you're important enough to me that I figured you should know!”

Tears begin to fall. “I wish you were back at your old job at Sweet Apple Acres! At least there the worst that could happen would be an apple hitting you in the head! Not fighting power crazed... invincible... super ponies!”

“Someone has to do it.”

Ember buries her face in his chest. “But why YOU?!”

“I'm sorry Ember, but this is the life I’ve chosen!”

Ember sits up, still sniffling. “I'm sorry too Arc. Sorry for acting this way. You know, this is very un-dragon like. Crying and all...

Arc holds Ember close and nods. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

Ember wipes away the tears. “Thanks... well, we should probably get a move on. Lots to do today, right?”

“As always.”

The pair leaves Arc’s quarters. Ember heads for the Cafeteria as Arc goes the other direction. Making his way to the Guest Quarters, he quietly enters the room and walks over to the bed. Derpy and Dinky are just waking up.

“Good morning you two! How are you feeling this morning, Derpy?”
Derpy rubs her eyes. “Well, okay I guess. I should get going to the hospital after breakfast just to be sure though.”

“YAY! I’m starving! Let’s go, mom!”

Derpy walks slowly to the door with Dinky. Arc follows them out and they head to the Cafeteria together. The buffet is stocked to overflowing with all kinds of breakfast foods!

“You two get something to eat. I need to have a word with Saffron.”

They nod as Arc heads for the kitchen. Saffron is busy making hash browns.

“Oh Commander! I got the sergeant's note about there being two dozen extra mouths to feed this morning. Are we at war?!”

Arc laughs! “No, nothing like that! I just wanted to check with you and make sure you had been notified of this change. It looks like you have everything well in hand though. Now if you will excuse me, I must go address the new arrivals and bring them here.”

He leaves a confused Saffron and heads to the barracks. The orphans are just waking up.

“Good morning everyone! I hope you slept well!”

The brown filly walks over to Arc and looks up at him. “Where should we race, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “There won't be any more races, or other games for that matter, to determine who gets fed. Follow me to the Cafeteria, little ones. It's time for you all to have a good breakfast!”

Pipsqueak runs over excitedly! “You mean… we ALL get to eat?!”

“Yes! And as much as you want! My chef was instructed to make extra for all you little ones! Now let's not keep her waiting any longer.”

The orphans follow Arc to the Cafeteria. Saffron is stunned to see two dozen foals come running up to the buffet! She walks over to Arc who is supervising the line.

“Form an orderly line now. No pushing. There is plenty for everyone.”


He turns. “Yes Saffron?”

“Where did all these foals come from?! I must say, I'm a bit overwhelmed to see such a sight on a military base!”

“These are the foals I liberated yesterday from the New Beginnings Orphanage. They will be staying with us for a bit until arrangements can be made. So expect them at mealtime until further notice.”

“Yes commander!”

Arc waits until the last foal has walked over to a table with their food before serving himself. Taking his own plate, he heads for his friend’s table and sits down next to Derpy.

“How’s your appetite, Derpy?

She looks over to him confused. “About the same as always. Why?”

“After what happened yesterday, I was worried about you.”

Ember looks up. “Why don't I take Derpy over to Ponyville Hospital after breakfast? Have her checked out!”

Arc nods. “Thank you Ember! That would put my mind at ease! I’d take her myself, but…”

Derpy nod knowingly. “It’s okay, Arc! You have a full house here!”

The foals eat happily! A short time later Pipsqueak walks up to Arc with a few others. Arc is drinking a cup of after-breakfast tea with Derpy, Ember and Dinky.

Pipsqueak looks up at Arc, a worried expression on his face. “Sir? Can you help? I think something is wrong with a few of us!”

“What seems to be the problem?”

Aquamarine points to her tummy. “Well, we’re all feeling a pressure right here!”

Ember looks over. “Perhaps you’re still hungry?

The brown filly shakes her head. “I don't think so. We tried eating more, but that just made it worse! What's wrong with us?!”

Arc puts down his teacup. “I think I understand what’s happened. One moment…”

He stands as the foals look over to him. “Can I have everyone's attention please! If you are currently feeling a strange pressure inside you that you don't understand I want you to raise a hoof!”

Every orphan puts up a hoof.

Arc nods. “Alright, let me explain it to all of you at once. That is your tummy's way of telling you it's full and you should stop eating!”

Pipsqueak looks down and puts a hoof on his stomach. So… this is what it feels like to be full?”

Aquamarine hops around happily! “I like it!”

Arc chuckles. “Well then, if everyone is done with breakfast, put your plates on the counter for Miss Saffron and line up behind me at the door!”

The orphans quickly do so.

“Okay. Is everyone ready for a tour of the base?”

The orphans smile and nod.

“Alright, but before we go, I want you all to say thank you to Miss Saffron for making you that nice breakfast!”

They all turn to Saffron who is standing just inside the open kitchen door. “THANK YOU MISS SAFFRON!”

Arc and the orphans leave the Cafeteria as Saffron closes the kitchen door. She sits down at the kitchen table and buries her face in her hooves. Tears stream down her face!

“They... they've... never... been... FULL... before?! Oh, bless you Commander for saving those little angels!”

Meanwhile… Derpy and Ember slowly make their way to Ponyville Hospital.

“Thanks for coming with me Ember. You didn't really have to though.”

“Oh yes I did! Arc would never let you go alone in your condition! And he’s much too busy right now to do it himself, what with the new arrivals!”

Derpy nods. “I suppose you're right! In any case, it means a lot to me. Can we take a rest though?”

The pair sit down on a nearby bench.

“Listen Derpy. I volunteered to come with you so we could talk a bit more privately.”

Derpy looks a bit confused. “What’s on your mind?”

Ember sadly tells Derpy about the conversation she and Arc had that morning.

“I just feel like he's going to go off on a mission one of these times and... and not come back!”

Derpy nods. “Don't worry too much about Arc! He's tough! Remember Tartarus?”

Ember forces a smile as she glances at Derpy. “Remember yesterday?”

Derpy looks sadly away. “Oh... right... yesterday.”

Ember takes Derpy’s hooves in her claws and holds them tightly as she stares into her eyes. “Derpy... thank you! Thank you so very, very much for saving Arc's life yesterday! I don't know what I would do without him!”

Derpy smiles as she retrieves her hooves. “Ember... let me tell you a little more about what happened yesterday. As I lay there in Arc's arms dying, he cried over me and told me I should have run away like I was told to. I thought it was going to be our last conversation, so I told him the truth. I told him I did it because I couldn't stand the thought of life without him!”

Ember turns away from Derpy sadly. “I would have done the same had I been there. And for the same reason.”

“I know you would have, and I know how you feel about Arc. I feel the same way!”

Ember turns back to Derpy, her eyes wide! “Wait! You love Arc too?! But, doesn't the fact that Arc is usually with me on missions and "lets" me sleep in his bed make you jealous?! Aren't you afraid that I'll steal him away from you?!”

Derpy closes her eyes and stares straight ahead, smiling. “If that's what he wants... then I'll be happy that he's happy!”

Ember’s jaw drops! “Really?!”

Derpy nods. “I'm sure that as long as Arc is happy... things will work out.”

Meanwhile back at Light’s Hope, Arc brings the foals back to the Main Hall to start their tour.

“This is the Main Hall. Miss Raven, my secretary, is here to take care of all the paperwork involved in running a base of this size.”

The brown filly looks over to Raven. “Do you like being a secretary, Miss Raven?”

Raven smiles. “Yes I do. It may not be as glamorous or exciting as running around the countryside saving orphans, but it's predictable.”

The tour moves to the armory. Arc stops in front of the locked doors.

“This room is called the Armory. It's where we keep our extra weapons and armor, as well as other implements of war. This door will remain locked while you little ones are here. For your own safely, stay out of this room.”

The brown filly looks over to the doors. “Can we see it?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Very well. I will open the doors, but you all must stay in the hallway.”


Arc unlocks the armory and the orphans stare wide-eyed into the room!

Pipsqueak stares at the rows of armor. “Look at all this cool stuff!”

Aquamarine looks to the weapon racks. “There’s enough weapons here to outfit an army!”

Arc nods. “Listen to me, little ones. Each of these weapons has the potential to bring either salvation... or destruction at the whim of the user. I will see to it they are used only to defend the innocent and protect these lands. Others might not be so inclined.”

He closes the doors and locks them yet again before leading the orphans to the cafeteria. He points to a table stocked with fruits and vegetables.

“If any of you are hungry before the next meal is ready, you may take something to eat from this table any time you wish. Now, let me show you where your meals are prepared.”

Arc leads the group to the kitchen where Saffron is busy starting preparations for lunch. Dinky is helping her.

“This is where Miss Saffron works to keep us all fed! An important job... and my favorite room! Hi Dinky!”

“Hi dad!”

Pipsqueak looks all around. “I've never seen such a large kitchen before!”

Saffron stops cutting vegetables and walks over to the group. Aquamarine sniffs the air.

“Miss Saffron? What's that strange smell?”

Saffron looks a bit uncomfortable. “Well... it's a special lunch I make only for the Commander and Ember.”

“Sir? Who is Ember?”

“Do you remember the dragon I was eating breakfast with this morning”

Pipsqueak looks stunned! “That was a DRAGON?!”

The brown filly joins Pipsqueak. “Is she one of your soldiers?”

“No. Ember is a good friend of mine. Although she often comes with me on missions, she isn't actually part of the military. She and I require... special food. That's what you smell cooking now.”

Aquamarine looks to the oven. “What is it?”

Arc sniffs the air. “Smells like Roast Cockatrice to me!”

Dinky laughs! “I helped make it dad! Don't worry. I didn't taste-test it this time!”

“I hope you like it, commander! While you were out, I tested it on Ember. She almost ate the whole dish herself!”

Pipsqueak looks confused. “What’s a cockatrice?”

Arc thinks how best to describe it. “It’s kinds like an evil looking chicken crossed with a lizard of some kind.”

Aquamarine looks ill. “Sir. You and Ember eat... meat?!”

“Yes. Most humans and all dragons do.”

This news appears to bother the foals. Dinky jumps onto the table and turns to the orphans.

“Everypony, listen to me. My dad and Ember aren't ponies! They eat different things! I'm sure some of the things you and I eat are just as gross to them!”

Arc nods. “Like hay fries. Yuk!”

Aquamarine ponders this for a moment. “I guess that makes sense.”

Arc looks to Saffron. “I’m looking forward to lunch now!”

Pipsqueak looks up at Arc. “Um… sir? What is lunch?”

He narrows his eyes. “You can't be serious. Does anyone here know what "lunch" is?!”

All the foals shake their heads.

“It's a meal that we have around noon.”

The brown filly looks confused. “Is that what you call ‘supper’ here?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Supper is the last meal of the day. We have it when the sun is just starting to go down.”

Aquamarine’s face lights up! “Wait! So, you eat THREE meals a day here?! At the orphanage, we were lucky if we got two!”

“Well, sometimes we have "Second Breakfast". Then there is Snack Time, which is whenever you get hungry between then and lunch.”

Dinky laughs! “Don't forget about Cupcake Time, dad!”

“Cupcake Time is sacred, Dinky! It's when the Hero of Light contemplates new ways to keep Equestria safe and come up with plans!”

Dinky looks to her father skeptically. “Really dad?”

Arc smiles at her. “Hey, it's my story and I'm sticking to it! So, we have... Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Snack Time, Lunch, Cupcake Time, sometimes a second Snack Time, Supper, and finally Bedtime Snack.”

The orphans can only stare ahead in amazement! They have never heard of so much eating before! Pipsqueak looks down sadly.

“I wish Miss Pommel was here. She almost never got to eat a decent meal!”

Aquamarine looks to Saffron. “Miss Saffron. Can I help you cook sometime?”

Saffron smiles at him. “Of course! I can always use more help!”

Arc nods. “Pipsqueak, as soon as Coco Pommel is well enough, I’ll bring her here so she can eat all these wonderful things with us!”

The foals jump around, clearly excited at that idea!

Arc ushers the foals toward the door. “Let's allow Saffron to continue her work!”


Saffron turns to Dinky as the tour leaves. “Dinky, can you keep an eye on the soup? I need to run to the pantry for a few minutes.”


Saffron enters the pantry and closes the door behind her. A look of pure fury spreads over her face. “If I... EVER... meet the pony in charge of that Orphanage...!”

She picks up a jar and throws it at the wall in anger before collapsing to the floor sobbing!

“Those poor innocent little foals. How could anypony be so CRUEL?!”

Meanwhile, Arc leads the tour to his Squad’s Quarters.” This is where my squad sleeps. They are different from the other guards, so they get this space all to themselves. Please stay out of here, as my squad deserves their privacy.”

The orphans nod.

“What’s a squad?”

“It's a group of soldiers that have been assigned to me. They usually accompany me on missions and take a lot more risks than normal guards do.”

Aquamarine looks up at him. “You mean those bat-ponies that were with you when you faced the Matron?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They are called Lunar Protectors. Normally they serve Princess Luna directly. But the Hero of Light can choose what type of soldiers will be assigned to them. I admit there is not much to see here. Do you want to see my personal quarters?”

The foals excitedly nod.

“This way!”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine follow at Arc’s heels. “I bet your room is the coolest in the entire base!”

“It's probably filled with all kinds of neat stuff!”

Arc opens the door to his quarters and the foals step inside.

“Looks pretty normal to me.”

“I had it designed to look exactly like the inside of Miss Derpy's house.”

The brown filly looks to him confused. “Why’s that?”

“Shortly after I came to this world, I rented a room from her. She was one of the first friends I made in this strange land. This was of course long before I became the Hero of Light. The room is here to remind me of where I came from. I was very happy living there...”

Arc appears to be lost in thought for a few moments before snapping himself out of it.

“Why don't we go to the heart of the base... the War Room.”

The foals follow Arc to the large double doors. He swings them open to allow them to enter.

“This is the War Room.”

“What do you do here, sir?”

“Nothing at the moment, Pipsqueak. If there was ever a war or other kind of disaster relief effort I could command it from here.”

“Is that why everyone around here calls you ‘Commander’?”

“Yes Aquamarine. The Hero of Light does more than just fight. Sometimes they have to take up a leadership role.”

He leads them to another set of double doors and opens them.

“This is the Conference Room. I use it to explain the details of a mission before we get underway. It's a good place to have a conversation in private, free of distractions. This is the same room where I briefed my squad prior to our most recent mission to the New Beginnings Orphanage. Now we have only one more room to see... my office.”

They walk next door to Arc’s office.

“Here is where I plan my next moves, do paperwork, research, and most importantly have Cupcake Time!”

Pipsqueak looks at the mountain of files on Arc’s desk. “You must be really busy sir!”

“I do more than just swing a spear and save orphans you know! Before we run off on a mission, we have to research it first. I don't like being surprised, so I learn as much as I can prior to getting underway.”

“What kind of things do you research?”

“Good question! Look around. Tell me what you see.”

Pipsqueak points to the wall. “I see what looks like a map of Vanhoover.”

Aquamarine looks over to some rolled up papers in a corner. “Is that a blueprint of the orphanage?”

“Yes. I had Dinky memorize it before we left. The map of Vanhoover was used to determine our base camp location. Dinky and I went there a few times late at night to talk to my squad and Miss Derpy on our progress.”

The brown filly looks up to him. “Is your job hard?”

“It can be, yes. I've seen a lot of things I wish I hadn't. And had to do a few things I wish I didn't! The worst part is having to make life and death decisions, some of which I have only a few seconds to make a choice!”

Arc thinks back to some of the choices he made in Tartarus and shudders!

“Well, that's about all there is to see here at Light's Hope. Feel free to play and enjoy your time here. I only ask that you stay out of the Armory and Training Room for your own safety.”

The foals nod their heads.

“Now, if you little ones aren't too busy, you’re all welcome to join me for Cupcake Time!”

The foals all smile, laugh and jump up and down excitedly!

Pipsqueak looks over to Arc. “I don't know what cupcakes are, but if they are that important to you sir, I want one!”

A confused look crosses Arc’s face. “Does anyone here know what a cupcake is?”

All the foals shake their heads.

“Well... it's kinda like a muffin, but much better! Think of it like... you know what, let's just go get some and you can taste them for yourselves! Wait for me in the Main Hall. I'll be there in a few minutes.”

The orphans cheer and run out of the office toward the Main Hall! Arc takes a bag of bits out of his desk and puts it in his satchel! Turning back toward the door, Arc's eye catches the blueprint of the New Beginnings Orphanage he had pinned up earlier. He stops for a moment to look at it. An unspeakable rage fills his heart as he violently tears it down, crumples it up and throws it in the large fireplace! Casting a VERY intense fire spell, the paper along with the waiting wood are burned up in seconds!

Arc, breathing heavily from the strain of casting such a powerful spell, walks over to his desk and slams his fist down on it! “Tempest... I hope to God that you died in our last encounter... for your sake! If we EVER again meet in battle, I will rip you in half WITH MY BARE HANDS!!! No power of darkness will be able to heal THOSE wounds!”

He is silent for a time as he takes a few moments to compose himself.

“…I need a cupcake!”

Arc leaves his office to meet the foals in the Main Hall. “Okay! Who’s hungry?!”

All the orphans raise their hooves and cheer.

“Alright! Let’s go!”

Arc and the foals walk down the road toward town! The citizens of Ponyville stop to stare at Arc leading such a large group of young ponies! He enters Sugar Cube Corner with the foals behind him, Pinkie Pie is behind the counter.

“Hi Arc! What brings…”

He interrupts her. “Pinkie Pie! We have an emergency! None of these foals has ever SEEN a cupcake!!!”

Pinkie Pie does her usual gasp while hovering in the air, just like when she meets somepony new! Arc puts the bag of bits on the counter.

“Can you fix this problem for me, Pinkie?”

“Okie doki loki!!!”

Pinkie Pie let's each foal pick out a cupcake. As they enjoy their treat, Arc leans over the counter to talk quietly with Pinkie Pie.

“So, can you help me?”

Pinkie nods feverishly! “Sure Arc! It'll be easy!”

“Thank you Pinkie! I knew this was right up your alley!”

“I'll see you at Light's Hope later today, Arc!”

“Looking forward to it!”

About 10 minutes later the orphans leave Sugar Cube Corner each with a cupcake in their hoof. They munch happily on their tasty treats! Arc exits last. He is carrying a large box of cupcakes for later.

“Ah... that hit the spot. You all want to have some fun? We can head to the Park! Give you all a chance to work up an appetite for lunch.”

The orphans look confused.

Aquamarine looks up at Arc. “What’s a park?”

“Come with me. I'll show you.”

Arc leads the group to Ponyville Park. There are quite a few ponies playing games together! The orphans watch for a few moments before they look to Arc.

“This is a place for little ones to have fun. To enjoy being young! Would you like to join them?”

The orphans nod their heads happily!

Arc laughs! “Go ahead!”

The foals all run and play! They almost seem like normal foals as they run and jump with other young of the town! Arc sees the Mane Six minus Pinkie Pie and walks over to them.

Twilight waves as he approaches. “Arc! It's been a while! How have you been?”

Arc sits down with the group. “In a word... busy... VERY busy! My troops and I just returned from an infiltration mission in Vanhoover yesterday.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide in anticipation! “Oohh! Sounds exciting!”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “But... there's not much there that anypony would WANT to infiltrate. What were you doing exactly?

“Dinky and I went undercover to the New Beginnings Orphanage and liberated the fillies and colts you saw me arrive with.”

Twilight appears horrified! “Are you saying the orphans there really were in danger?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I witnessed first-hand the extreme cruelty of the Matron.”

Fluttershy quietly asks. “What kind of things did she do?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he talks. “Withholding food from foals, physical abuse, extreme mental abuse, brainwashing, failing to properly educate said foals, attempted murder, assault on the Hero of Light, possession of deadly magical/evil weapons, use of said weapons, consorting with enemies of the state...”

He looks up to see all his friends with their mouths agape!

“...and that’s just what I witnessed! Who knows what else I will find when I go through the Matron's files!”

Applejack nods with feeling! “Tarnation! I hope you showed her what for, Arc!”

“Well… that got complicated.”

Twilight looks to Arc with a worried expression on her face. “Were you able to apprehend her at least? I shudder to think of such a criminal walking free!”

“That also got complicated! Can you all come to Light's Hope tomorrow morning? I need to bring you up to speed on the events of the past week or so. We may be in for a rough ride in the future.”

The Mane 6 nod in agreement.

“Very good! Now... on to brighter things, eh? Twilight, we haven't had one of our tea times in longer than I can remember! We should do that again sometime!”

“Yes, I would like that as well. The last time we did so was... um...”

Twilight looks embarrassed.

“...shortly before I sent you to Tartarus, I guess.”

“It's in the past Twilight! And besides... I'm actually quite grateful to you for that! Quite a bit of good came out of that situation. I got to meet Ember, I befriended a hydra, we liberated the Vile Tribe and I got Eidolon's Ward! It also greatly prepared me to become the Hero of Light.”

Rainbow Dash looks over to Arc. “How so?”

“Well, in Tartarus every day was a constant struggle to survive. We literally spent most of our day fighting and scavenging. That time helped me to become much stronger and taught me a lot of real-world fighting skills. Up to that point I had only ever sparred with... well, never-mind! For that, I thank you Twilight. You may regret what you did, but I don't!”

Applejack appears worried. “Have you learned any more on that power coming from Apple Bloom, Arc?”

“Actually, yes! But we should talk about that privately tomorrow.”

Arc and the Mane 6 talk about recent Ponyville events until about noon.

He stands up. “Well, I need to get back to Light's Hope. The foals need their lunch, and I have a busy afternoon ahead of me. See you all tomorrow!”

Arc turns and calls out to the orphans.

“Alright. Time to head back for lunch!”

The little ponies quickly line up and follow Arc back to Light's Hope!

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