• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 1 - Making Time

Ember and Sereb wordlessly follow Arc back to his room. He walks there slowly and seemingly without purpose! As they enter the room Arc walks over to a window and looks out at the setting sun.

“Arc? The sun still needs to be lowered. It's past time.”

He does not respond.

Sereb walks over to stand next to Arc at the window. “We are here for you Arc.”

Arc continues to look out the window. “Thank you.”

Silence ensues.

“Do you want to be alone?”

He continues to look out the window. “Not really. But you two should get something to eat. I'm sure you're hungry after today's activities.”

Ember walks over to Arc. She stands on the other side of him and takes his hand in her claw.

“We won't leave you like this Arc!”

Arc gives her claw a quick squeeze. “Thank you.”

The trio looks out the window with Arc in silence. Arc sighs as he lets go of Ember's claw and reaches his hands out toward the sun.

“I guess there's no point in drawing this out any longer.”

Arc lowers the sun, lifting his hands as the moon comes into view. He then walks over to the couch and sits down heavily. Taking out the watch and opening it to gaze at Cherry’s happy face!

“It's over... it's all over…”


Ember turns on the lights and walks over to the couch to sit next to Arc.

“Want to talk about it?”

Arc sighs. “Ruby Jubilee... hates me right now.”

Ember shakes her head. “She might be a bit angry at you right now, but I doubt she truly hates you Arc!”

“She blames me for what happened to Cherry. Although, she was right to do so…”

Sereb sighs. “What happened to Cherry Jubilee is not your doing Arc.”

Arc nods! “Yes it is! I let her and Derpy go!”

“You couldn't have known that would happen!”

“I know! But because of that… Cherry... I... I failed her!”

Arc holds up the pocket watch.

“She was planning to give this to me as an engagement present! But... Ruby gave it to me instead as a final memento from the old Cherry Jubilee! The one I lost... forever.”

“Don't say that Arc! The doctor said her memory might come back eventually!”

Arc hangs his head. “Even if it does... I don't deserve her anymore!”

Sereb frowns. “If you are unworthy, no one is deserving of her.”

He stands up, sighing. “I guess it doesn't really matter at this point. Ember, would you please tell Tight Ship to take us back to Canterlot Castle?”


Ember leaves the cabin.

“You should rest now Arc. There is nothing more to be done tonight.”

Arc stands up and steps over to the window. He peers down at the small farmhouse.

“I have one last thing to do.”

Arc doesn't take his eyes off the house. As the ship takes off, he presses his hands against the glass in an effort to close the gap between them! He does not take his eyes off the house until it disappears into the darkness of the night!

“Goodbye... Cherry.”

Arc proceeds slowly to the bed and lies down. His mind a sea of doubt and regret! However, the day's adventures have sapped him of his energy and he falls asleep quickly! A few minutes later Ember quietly enters the room. Seeing Arc asleep she quietly turns off the lights, walks over to the bed and lies down next to him.

Sereb lies down in front of the door. “Ember? Is this really the time for that?”

“Yes Sereb. Arc needs me right now.”

She traces his face with a claw.

“After all he's done for everyone, he shouldn't have to be alone! Especially right now.”

Ember gives Arc a small kiss on his cheek as she wraps her arms around his neck.

“Arc... I'm right here. You're not alone in this.”

The Lunar Destiny slowly makes its way back to Canterlot Castle. Sometime during the night Tight Ship skillfully lands the mammoth ship gently in its place in the hanger. The communications officer looks to the captain.

“Sir! Shall I inform the Lord Regent that we've arrived?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “No. Leave him be. If what Ember said is true, he needs all the rest he can get!”

Arc and company sleep peacefully until early the next morning. There is a light knocking at the cabin door. Ember wakes up and looks at the clock, sleepily.

“Who could that be at this hour?”

She makes her way to the door and opens it to find Shining Armor and Trixie standing there nervously!

“I'm sorry to wake you Ember, but I heard Arc didn't leave the ship after it landed.”

Trixie nods. “Is everything all right?”

“Well... yes and no. Come in.”

Ember stands aside to let Shining Armor and Trixie come in. She then turns on the bedside lamp.

Shining Armor whispers. “You don't have to wake him up on our account!”

“Right! We can come back later!”

“It's almost time for him to raise the sun anyways.”

Ember sits down on the bed next to Arc and gently shakes him.

“Arc? Shining Armor is here to see you.”

Arc bolts upright in bed, gasping! “CHERRY!”

Ember recoils in surprise! “Arc?!”

He breathes heavily and holds his forehead! “It... it was a just a dream!”

Sereb walks over. “Are you feeling alright?”

“Y-yeah. It was nothing. Is something wrong Shining Armor?”

“Um... we just wanted to check up on you. My guards told me your ship came in late last night but you never disembarked.”

“Please forgive us for waking you up Arc. But we were both worried that something bad had happened to you!”

Arc sighs. “You mean something else bad, right?”

Ember sighs. “Things haven't been going well lately. Other than war being averted, that is.”

Trixie smiles! “Sounds like good news to me!”

“We've established a somewhat peaceful relationship with Yakyakistan.”

Sereb nods. “Sadly, that is where the good news ends.”

Arc brings Shining Armor and Trixie up to speed on their adventures in the Crystal Empire including Arc's proposal to Cherry Jubilee!

Shining Armor hangs his head in shame! “Arc... I... this is all my fault!”

Trixie looks confused. “How do you figure that?!”

“If I hadn't injured you, there wouldn't have been an emergency trip to the Crystal Empire for you! Then Cherry Jubilee wouldn't have even BEEN there!”

Arc doesn’t look up. “I already told you Shining Armor. You did what you had to do to ‘protect’ your little sister! There's no way you could have known this would happen! I don't blame you for this in the least. But now I would really like to change the subject. How have things been in Canterlot while we were gone?”

“Not too bad. I took care of your daily paperwork and ever held audiences yesterday.”

Trixie looks to him and smiles! “You did a wonderful job there Shining Armor!”

“I'm a bit... skeptical in that regard Trixie.”

Arc nods. “Second guessing your decisions?”

“Exactly! How do you do this every day Arc?!”

“A better question would be how do the princesses do it year in and year out.”

Trixie nods! “I know, right! Trixie was nervous just watching the audiences. She cannot imagine presiding over them!”

Arc forces a small smile. “I just do my very best to listen to their problems and try to solve them.”

“Well, I'm certainly glad you're back, Arc! I don't know just how long I could have kept this up!”

“Yeah... about that Shining Armor. I need to visit Abyssinia and meet with their king next.”

Ember looks to Arc, confused. “Okay. When?”

“Probably after breakfast would be good.”

Trixie looks at Arc, wide-eyed! “What?! But you just got back!”

Shining Armor nods! “Agreed! Why not rest, Arc?!”

Sereb flashes Arc a concerned look. “Yes. You have been through a lot in the last couple of days.”

Arc stands and paces slowly.

“A couple reasons actually. First, this meeting is overdue. Second, I need to keep this land and its inhabitants safe. Making peace with the surrounding nations will help make that happen. And third, I can't just sit around feeling sorry for myself. I'll only get depressed.

Ember frowns. “The Cherry Jubilee you knew wouldn't want that to happen to you, Arc!”

He nods. “I know. Take care of Equestria for a little while longer Shining Armor.”

“Trixie will help you to that end, Shining Armor!”

Shining Armor smiles at her! “Thank you, my friend! I'll take all the help I can get!”

Arc nods. “We'll let you get to it then. I have to see Captain Tight Ship about restocking the Lunar Destiny for another trip.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the cabin and head to the Bridge. Trixie turns to Shining Armor.

“Are you up to this?”

Shining Armor sighs. “No. But let's do it anyways.”

“All right!

Meanwhile, Arc and company quickly reach the Bridge! Tight Ship is sitting in the Command Chair sleeping. He approaches the sleeping stallion and nudges him.


Tight Ship opens his eyes and quickly stands to attention! “Sir! My apologies!”

Arc nods. “It's fine, Captain. You had a busy night.”

“Sir? Are you... all right?”

Arc sighs. “Uh... kinda, I guess. Now I hate to say it, but I need you to prepare the Lunar Destiny to fly to the Abyssinian capital of Panthera.”

Tight Ship looks to him confused. “Sir?”

“Arc has another war to stop.”

Sereb nods. “We all do.”

“Give me two hours sir! I'll have the Lunar Destiny restocked and ready to fly again!”

He nods approvingly. “Good! I'll see you then!”

Arc and company exit the Bridge and leave the ship together. Ember turns to him as they walk down the gangplank.

“What should we do now?”

Arc puts a hand to his stomach. “How about breakfast? I just realized I can't remember the last time I ate!”

Sereb nods. “Understandable.”

The trio makes their way to the Dining Room. Arc uses the time to begin the sun on its daily journey. Breakfast is served shortly thereafter. After a hearty meal Arc sadly pushes back his third empty plate.

“That’s a bit better.”

Ember nods! “You said it Arc!”

Sereb lies on the floor contentedly. “Full bellies sure feel good right now.”

Ember looks to Arc as he toys with his fork.

“Something bothering you?”

Arc nods. “I… I feel full, but… so empty at the same time!”

She nods understandingly. “I know how you feel, Arc. I felt the same way after my mother…”

Ember takes his hand in her claw.

“I too decided to eat, but… it didn’t really satisfy me.”

He nods. “So, what did you do about it?”

“This just has to run its course. Losing someone so close to you… it isn’t something you just get over! Especially not right away!”

Sereb looks up confused. “But Miss Cherry is not gone.

Arc sighs. “She is to me.”

Saffron emerges from the Kitchen and quickly approaches Arc with another plate of food.

“Splendid meal as always, Saffron! But I don't think any of us could eat another bite.”

She sets the plate down on the table. “Thank you sire! Um... can I talk to you about something rather important?”

Arc nods. “Oh course! What's on your mind?”

“I'm a bit... concerned about that mare who's been staying in your room lately. To the best of my knowledge she hasn't eaten anything since she got here!”


Saffron nods. “I'm sorry sire, but I thought you should know. I've sent food to your room several times, but every time the plate is returned to the kitchen wait-staff uneaten!”

Arc stands up quickly and picks up the plate of food.

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention Saffron. I'll see to it Twilight eats this at once!”

Saffron breathes a sigh of relief! “Thank you sire! It would certainly be a load off my mind! We can't have ponies starving here at Canterlot Castle!”

“Keep up the good work Saffron!”

Saffron bows. “Yes sire!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb walk down the hall toward Arc's room. Ember shakes her head.

“Not eating? What is she thinking?!”

Arc sighs. “Twilight is very... focused. While I'm sure she's working tirelessly to find a cure for the princesses, she sometimes forgets to fulfill her most basic needs!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Like eating?”

“Yeah... and sleeping! Spike told me that one time when she had a report due at weeks end, she didn't eat, sleep or even BATHE until it was done!”

Ember raises and eyebrow! “I'm not sure if that level of dedication is admirable or just plain fool-hardy!”

Arc nods. “At the time I thought he was exaggerating! But I suppose we'll see for ourselves shortly.”

The group reaches Arc's room. Arc lightly knocks. There is no response.

“Maybe she's asleep?”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “No. I can hear movement.”

Arc opens the door. “We'll take care of that!”

He opens the door and enters the room with Ember and Sereb behind him. There are books and papers scattered all over the bed, tables and even the floor! Ember looks around, wide-eyed!

“Oh my!”

Sereb glances around. “This room has the mark of madness upon it.”

“Twilight? Are you here?!”

There is no response.

Arc sighs and turns to Sereb. “Where is she?”

Sereb looks to a pile of books in the corner. “There.”

Arc moves cautiously toward the spot Sereb indicated. He soon spots Twilight in the center of several open books busily taking notes. Her mane is unkempt, as if she has not washed or brushed it in quite some time! Her normally alert eyes have dark circles around them and they are moving erratically! He approaches her cautiously.


She makes no acknowledgment to his call.


Again she continues her work, undeterred.

Arc hands the plate of food to Ember. “This is ridiculous.”

He uses his magic to slowly pick up the book Twilight is reading. In turn she stands up and continues to read it even as Arc carries it to his person. As it comes within arm’s reach, he takes it in his hands and quickly closes it! The shock of this action appears to be enough to alert Twilight to their presence!

“Ah! Oh, Arc! How ya doin'!”

Twilight waves a hoof at the group unsteadily.

“Okay. Um... how's the research going?”

Twilight looks to Arc with madness in her eyes, smiling a crooked smile! “Just great! Have a look at my notes!”

She walks as if drunk to the desk and picks up a couple scrolls. Twilight haphazardly brings them back to Arc.

Arc accepts one of the scrolls. “Let's see what you've come up with Twilight.”

He, Ember and Sereb look over the scroll together. It appears to be covered in illegible scribbles! Ember looks up.

“Twilight. When was the last time you slept?!”

Twilight looks past her, confused. “Ember? When did you come in?”

“Uh… The same time Arc did.”

Twilight proceeds to look back to Arc, turning her head to one side absentmindedly! “Arc! Good to see you! How was your trip?”

Arc tosses the scroll over his shoulder! “Okay Twilight, this needs to stop! You...”

She suddenly bolts past Arc to catch the scroll before it hits the floor! Twilight looks back at Arc, angrily!

“Don't do that!”

Turning back to the scroll, she lies on the floor and gently pets it with a hoof.

Arc frowns. “Do what?!”

Twilight looks at the scroll, lovingly! “Don't you know?! Scrolls have feelings!”

Ember holds out the plate of food. “Twilight? Saffron sent you some food. Do you think you could take a break and eat it?”

Twilight puts the scroll next to another book she is reading. Her ears move up and down seemingly at random! The crazy smile again returning to her face as she lies down and begins to read.

“No time! I'm so CLOSE! I can FEEL it!”

Arc notices the book is upside-down. “How about a little rest then? You don't look well!”

Twilight turn to him with a pouty lip! “Arc! Are you saying I'm ugly?!”

“What?! NO! I just mean you look like you could use some sleep!”

Sereb turns to Twilight. “Miss, when was the last time you slept?”

Twilight rushes over to Sereb, excitedly! “A talking dog?! Arc, when did you get him?!”

Arc sighs and rolls his eyes. Suddenly he snaps his fingers!

“Twilight, I just remembered something!”

She looks to him, excitedly! “What is it?!”

Arc takes the plate of food from Ember and hold it toward Twilight. “Saffron was just telling me that she magically enhanced this food to make you a... uh... faster reader!”


Arc nods! “Yes! She said eating this food would let you read two books at once!”

Twilight grabs the plate and runs over to a table, hastily brushing the contents onto the floor!

“Amazing! That would increase my productivity by half!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Don't you mean double?”

Twilight ravenously eats the food. “That too!”

The food is eaten in a flash! Twilight even goes so far as to lick in clean!

“I can already feel it working!”

Arc nods! “Good! Now how about a little nap to help with your digestion? Maybe after that you could take a bath.”

Twilight stumbles back to her corner. “Maybe later! Right now I have scrolls to eat! I mean write! You know! BOOKS!”

Arc facepalms! “This isn't getting us anywhere. Sereb?”

Sereb looks to Twilight, his horn glowing. “Indeed!”

Twilight looks to Sereb, wide-eyed! “Hey! That dog... can... use... ma... gic?”

She collapses to the floor asleep. Arc walks forward to pick up the exhausted mare.

“Good work Sereb!”

Arc carries Twilight to his bed and lays her down before turning to Sereb.

“Stay by her side and make sure she stays asleep.”

Sereb sits down at the foot of the bed. “It will be done.”

Arc picks up the books from around the room and puts them back in their crates.

“Well, let's get this place cleaned up.”

Ember picks up the scrolls that litter the floor. “I’ll help! What should we do with these?”

“Crate them up. Maybe they'll be of some help to Twilight when she wakes up.”

Ember looking at an open scroll and looks over the gibberish. “Do you really think that will help?”

Arc puts another armful of books in a crate. "Probably not. But I would hate to accidentally throw out something important.”

In half an hour Arc and Ember have packed up all the books and scrolls. Ember looks back at the sleeping mare in the bed.

“What are you planning to do about this Arc?”

“We'll take Twilight back to Ponyville on the Lunar Destiny. It's not too far out of our way.”

Ember nods. “Probably a good idea. Spike and Auriel will take care of her!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Indeed. If left here, she would only get worse.”

Ember opens the bedroom door and instructs a guard to enter. He approaches Arc and salutes.


Arc gestures to the boxes. “Have these crates taken to the Lunar Destiny at once! Their contents are critical to finding a cure for the princesses.”

“Yes sir!”

Several guards enter the room. They each pick up a crate and remove them from the room. Arc retrieves some fresh raiments from a nearby drawer.

“I'm going to take a quick shower.”

Ember nods. “Take your time. We'll look after Twilight for you!”

Arc walks toward the bathroom. “Thanks. I won't be long!”

He enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Ember walks over to the bed and looks down at Twilight.

“You and I are both very lucky to have someone like Arc in our lives.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps into the shower. He relaxes his muscles as the hot water cascades over his body! He closes his eyes and mutters to himself.

“Raven... Cadance... the princesses... Cherry... Ruby... and now Twilight! Why?! Why does everyone I care about have to suffer!”

Arc bangs his head on the wall in frustration. hearing something fall to his feet he opens his eyes and looks down. The decorative stones that make up the shower wall have fallen to the floor! He bends down to examine the damage.

“What the...? I was never THAT strong before.”

There is a small knock at the bathroom door from Ember.

“Arc? Are you okay in there?”

“Um... yeah! I'm okay. Be out in a bit!”

Arc picks up one of the rocks and holds it for a few moments before squeezing it in his hand. It crumbles fairly easily!

“Huh... how did I...? Wait a minute! During my fight with Prince Rutherford I threw him! He has to weigh a LOT more than I do!”

As Arc is contemplating this while turning the stone over. he sees the crystals in his wrists. He touches the gem in his forehead and muses to himself.

“Did these crystals have anything to do with it? How could they?! Well, I don't really have time to think about it right now. With the way things are going right now I need every advantage I can get!”

Arc turns off the water and looks at the hole in the wall a moment longer before looking back at his hand.

“I wonder...”

Arc turns and punches another wall! Just as before the wall yields to his strength!

“Okay, not a fluke!

He dries himself off and gets dressed before leaving the bathroom and turning to his friends.”

“Sorry for making you two wait.”

Ember frowns! “Arc, what the heck were you DOING in there?!”

“Punching a couple holes in the wall.”

Sereb looks confused. “Eh?”

Ember sighs. “Look Arc, I know you're upset about Cherry, but you really shouldn't do that!

“I did it effortlessly with my bare hands.”


Arc shrugs. “No idea. Maybe when this mission is over we can solve this little mystery.”

Sereb nods. “One enigma at a time.”

Arc walks over to the bed and picks Twilight up.

“Agreed Sereb. You two ready to go?”


“I am.”

Arc leads the pair out to the hallway. He turns to a Royal Guard

“I… um… had a little accident in my bathroom. Have a maintenance crew come down and take a look at it.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc and company make their way back to the hanger. A large number of ponies are busy loading supplies! Tight Ship is busy directing the operation from the deck. Arc and company approach him.

“Things look rather busy here, captain.”

Tight Ship salutes! “Yes sir! Captain Shining Armor recalled the crew! They're itching to get in the sky! We'll be ready to take off again in no time!”

“Does this mean you're ahead of schedule?”

“A bit. The crew that we will be flying the ship is the best of the best! Hoof-chosen by Princess Celestia herself! By the way, your squad came aboard a little while ago! Said something about not wanting you to have all the fun!”

Sereb nods. “That is reassuring.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah! Considering we might actually have to fight this time!”

Ember nods. “You think we're walking into an ambush?!”

“Possibly. I'm told cloak and dagger are their weapons of choice.”

Sereb frowns. “Ember. We will have to be vigilant.”

“Right! Can't have someone offing Arc now!”

Arc turns back to Tight Ship. “We'll be in my cabin. Before we head to Panthera I need to make a stop in Ponyville.”

Tight Ship nods at the sleeping mare in Arc's arms. “I understand.”

Arc turns toward the ship's main hatch. “Carry on Tight Ship!”

“Aye sir!”

Arc and his friends make their way to his cabin. Upon entering he quickly heads over to the bed and lies Twilight down. Covering her with a blanket and nodding to her.

“Rest well my friend.”

Sereb turns to him. “Arc. You should inform Captain Shining Armor of your plans.”

Arc nods. “Right. I'll notify him from the Bridge.”

Ember looks at Twilight. “We'll stay with her.”


Arc heads out the cabin door. “Thanks. I'll be back shortly.”

He closes the cabin door behind him. Ember turns to Sereb.

“He's doing well.”

Sereb nods. “As is to be expected. Arc is very strong. Both physically and mentally.”

“How about emotionally?”

“No one is perfect.”

Ember sighs. “Hopefully he contacts his therapist when this is over. After the Cherry Jubilee incident, he needs to talk!”

“Yes. We can only do so much for him.”

Meanwhile... Arc makes his way to the Bridge. Every station is occupied with the various officers checking their systems and making preparation for their flight. An unknown pegasus stallion sits in Tight Ship's captain's chair. He wears a Commander's Insignia on his uniform. Upon seeing Arc step onto the Bridge, he quickly stands and calls the room to attention!

“Lord Regent on the Bridge!”

Arc approaches the pegasus. “At ease. I'm not here to put all of you behind schedule now.”

“Yes sir! Thank you!”

“You're welcome, commander...”

“Commander Soarin, sir! I'm second-in-command of the Lunar Destiny! Was there something I can do for you?”

Arc nods. “I need to contact Captain Shining Armor before we take off. Can I raise him on the radio?”

Soarin nods! “Yes sir! I can have the call transferred to your cabin if you would like.”

“I have guests in my cabin at the moment. Is there anywhere else?”

He points a hoof to a nearby door. "I'm sure the captain wouldn't mind you using his office for a bit. Shall I transfer the call there?”

“Yes. Thank you Commander Soarin.”

Arc enters the office and closes the door behind him. Soarin turns to the Communication's Officer.

“Patch that call through at once.”

“Yes sir."

Soarin sits back down in the captain's chair, breathing a sigh of relief.

“He's... a lot bigger than I imagined him!”

The Science Officer nods. “Yes sir. But it's not his size that bothers me. He's practically RADIATING magical energy! I've never felt such power from anypony before!”

The Tactical Officer joins them. “Not all of us are as sensitive to magic as you are, Moon Dancer. Tell us, what's your take on the Lord Regent?”

Moon Dancer thinks for a moment. “I would have guessed such a powerful individual would have a personality to match their immense power!”


“He seems more down to Equestria than one would think he should be, Wrangler!”

Wrangler frowns. “Well, I still don't trust him! I'll be keeping an eye on him while he's aboard!”

Soarin turns to Wrangler. “The princesses wouldn't have made him the Hero of Light if he couldn't be trusted!”

“I understand that. However, as the Tactical Officer, I'm tasked with keeping this ship and its occupant's safe! And that's exactly what I plan to do!”

Meanwhile, Arc sits down in the office chair and swivels around to look out the window. “Ah... a bit of a respite”.

He closes his eyes and does his best to let his mind wander. Opening them a few moments later and frowning!

“Hmph! No matter what I think about, my mind keeps going back to Cherry!”

The phone rings.

“Perfect timing.”

Arc picks up the receiver.


“You wanted to talk to me Arc?”

Arc nods. "Yes, Shining Armor. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to drop Twilight back home on my way to Panthera.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Thank you! Please let her know that I'm sorry for not coming to see her these past few days. I've been so busy with everything!”

“I understand, as she too does I'm sure.”

“Is she there? I probably should tell her this myself!”

Arc shakes his head. “She's asleep at the moment. It appears she's been working even harder than you have.”

“Oh no! Is she alright?!”

“She's fine! Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure. Spike and Auriel will see to it she eats properly and gets plenty of rest.”

Shining Armor breathes a sigh of relief! “Good!”

“Well, I'll let you get back to work. Just didn't want you to worry where she was.”

“I appreciate the call, Arc!”

“No problem. Say hi to Trixie for me!”

“I will. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the phone and stands. He leaves the office and returns to the Bridge.

“Thank you Commander Soarin. I'll be in my cabin if anyone needs me.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc makes his way back to his cabin. Ember and Sereb are sitting on the couch talking quietly. Ember turns to him as he enters.

“How was the Bridge?”

“We'll it's certainly busy! Fully staffed to boot! I feel a bit more confident about this mission now!”

Sereb smiles! “That is reassuring.”

There is a small moan from the bed as Twilight slowly opens her eyes.

“Ugh... what?”

Sereb turn to Twilight’s side, his horn aglow. “Shall I, Arc?”

Arc approaches the bed. “Not yet.”

Twilight’s gaze slowly turns to Arc. “Where... are we?”

“You’re aboard the Lunar Destiny. We're going to take you back to Ponyville.”

Twilight tries to sit up, but fails!

“What? But I... I have so much to do here!”

Arc sighs. “Twilight. Do you remember anything from this morning?”

“No. Why? What... happened?”

Ember sighs. “You... weren't exactly yourself.”

Twilight turns away. “Oh? Did I do anything... bad?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Not particularly, no.”


Twilight sniffs the air and wrinkles her nose! “What is that smell?!”

Arc chuckles. “I hate to say it Twilight, but I think that's you.”

She sniffs herself. “It IS me!”

Twilight appears mortified! Arc gestures to his private bathroom.

“Would you like a shower, Twilight?”

She nods sheepishly. “Yes please.”

Twilight moves to stand but falls to the floor after only a single step.

“What the...”

Arc walks over to her and carefully picks Twilight up.

“You probably haven't eaten or slept in days. Let me help you. Ember can you get the water going please?”

“Sure thing!”

Arc follows Ember into the private bathroom as she turns on the water. He then lays Twilight carefully on the floor of the shower before turning around.

“Well I'll let you get to it.”


“Yes Twilight?”

She blushes slightly. “I just wanted to say... thanks.”

Arc nods and leaves the bathroom.

Ember picks up a bottle of shampoo. “Why don't we start with your mane?”

Twilight nods as Ember pulls something out of her mane.

“Wait a second! What's this?!”

Twilight looks down sheepishly. “A quill. When I study too long, I sometimes absentmindedly put things in there.”

Ember begins to pick through Twilight's mane. “What else is in here?!”

She finds several more quills, some scraps of paper and even an empty inkwell! As she tosses the items into the trash, Ember turns to Twilight.”

“Really Twilight?”

Twilight blushes. “Squee!”

Arc and Sereb wait in the cabin patiently.

“They sure are taking their time in there.”

Arc shrugs. “Well Twilight WAS fairly dirty.”

“Indeed. I was not aware one could get so dirty studying.”

“Twilight is what you would call a ‘hardcore reader’.”

Sereb looks confused. “I do not understand.”

“Have you ever seen her study?”

“I have not.”

Arc smiles. “There's your answer.”

“I do not recall asking a question.”

“Trust me on this one, Sereb.”

Sometime later Twilight and Ember emerge from the bathroom. Twilight has a towel around her mane. Ember directs her to a large vanity in the corner of the room.

“I think there's some brushes over here.”

Arc walks over to join them. “I'll help!”

Twilight smiles! “Thank you, but you don't have to...”

“Oh yes we do! You don't want anyone to see you like this, do you, Twilight?”

Sereb looks toward the cabin door. “Other than all the guards we passed getting to the ship, that is.”

“They won't tell anyone.”

Together Ember and Arc brush Twilight's mane. Soon it looks as it normally does>

“Thanks, you two.”

There is a slight shudder through the ship as it slowly lifts off. Twilight stands up, surprised!

“Ah! We're moving!”

“Good! We need to get you home Twilight.”

Twilight hobbles to the door! “Wait! My research!”

Arc quickly stops her! “We brought it with us!”

“All of it?”

Ember nods. “Yeah! It's in the hold!”

“Can I see it? There was a book I was in the middle of reading, and I...”

Arc interrupts her. “No Twilight.”

“What?! Why not?!”

He leads her back to the bed. “Because you, my dear Twilight, are going back to bed.”

“But I...”

Arc frowns! “Right now!”

Ember nods. “Probably a good idea. You were really out of it when we found you!”

“Right. You can sleep here in my cabin. Lord Regent's orders.”

Twilight yawns. “Well... okay.”

“I'll leave Sereb here to keep you safe.”

Twilight walks over to the bed. “That's not really necessary...”

Arc interrupts as Ember helps Twilight into bed. “Sereb, make sure she stays in bed now.”

“I will.”

Twilight sighs. “Darn. Wait! Where are YOU going, Arc?!”

“To the Bridge. I wanted to thank Captain Tight Ship for his hard work in making this trip possible.”

“Captain Tight Ship? He's the one who took my friends and I home on the Blitztorte! Can I...”

“No Twilight. Get some rest now. Maybe next time...”

Twilight lays back and closes her eyes. “...okay.”

Arc gestures with his head for Ember to follow him. Sereb lies down in the middle of the floor and closes his eyes. A few minutes later, Twilight opens her eyes. She slowly pushes back the covers.

“What Arc doesn't know won't hurt him.”

Sereb does not open his eyes. However, as Twilight's hoof touches the floor, he lets out a low growl. She lays back down and covers herself again!

“Okay, okay! I get it! Sheesh! What a grouch...”

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