• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - Prelude to Uncertainty

Arc reappears in his quarters. Hurrying down the corridor he is surprised to find the room outside the Audience Chambers empty, save for a single guard stationed outside. Walking up to him the stallion salutes respectfully as Arc speaks.

“Um... since it appears everyone else was sent away, I’m assuming whatever’s going on in there is pretty serious.”

The guard nods. “Princess Twilight ordered audiences cancelled before leaving, sir.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Leaving?”

“Yes sir. She and Princess Luna have both made their way to the Conference Room.”

“Oh, well... I guess I’ll head over there then.”

“Sir, if I may...”

“Go ahead.”

Looking around and lowering his voice, the guard begins to speak.

“While I don’t know the details, I did notice that Princess Luna appeared apprehensive while Princess Twilight looked as if she was trying to console her.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll see what the trouble is now.”

Saluting, the guard watches as Arc turns and hurries away. Thinking as he walks, Arc muses to himself.

“Why didn’t they say on the airwaves where they were going? All this secrecy... it’s not like Luna, or Twilight for that matter, to be so mysterious.”

Putting a hand to his chin, he continues.

“In fact, I can’t remember a single time Twilight did such a thing. This has to be serious.”

Coming to the Conference Room, Arc is met by innumerable guards standing watch over the room in question. They salute as he passes and allow him to pass as a pair pushes the doors open for him. Spotting Luna and Twilight sitting at the table he hurries over to them.

“I came as quickly as I could! What’s...?!”

Luna holds up a hoof for silence as she interrupts him. “Just a moment, Arc.”

Casting a spell, she looks all around as the walls glow slightly from it for a moment before dimming again. Satisfied, Luna turns her attention back to Arc.

“My apologies for the mystery and extra security, Arc.”

Twilight looks to Luna as she frowns. “Now that you’ve sufficiently secured the room I’d like to hear the situation as well.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Even you don’t know?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. It’s all so secretive for some reason.”

Luna sighs. “My apologies for that, Twilight. However we cannot start without...”

The doors fly open and Cadance runs inside. She looks to them sheepishly as she attempts to catch her breath.

“Sorry... for the wait!”

Twilight gasps. “Cadance?!”

Cadance smiles and waves nervously at Twilight. “Um... hi.”

“I’m glad to see you, but where’s Shining Armor?”

Cadance gestures to the door. “Waiting outside with the rest of the guards. Luna expressed a desire to keep this circle small.”

Luna clears her throat loudly. “Indeed. But now that all of us are here we should get underway.”

Arc leads Cadance over to a chair and sits down next to her as Luna and Twilight take their places across from them. Luna begins as she looks to Twilight.

“I believe it’s time to bring you up to speed on a certain matter that occurred a couple years ago, Twilight.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Is this about Princess Celestia’s capture?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, Twilight. But it is equally serious.”

“It must be something major for you two to have such solemn faces.”

Luna nods. “Indeed.”

Clearing her throat, Luna continues.

“It started some time ago when Cadance and I entertained a certain... diplomat here in the castle.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “A representative of a foreign nation?”

Cadance grimaces. “Yes. Lord Goldstone.”

Arc clenches a fist. “That piece of garbage!”

Twilight appears confused as she looks to him. “What’s gotten into you, Arc? While I admit, his candor could use a bit of polish, that’s no reason to...”

Arc interrupts Twilight as the turns to Luna. “Please continue.”

“Very well. While he was here, a certain... aide went to his room to deliver a message regarding his audience times the following day. He took advantage of the private nature of her call and decided to do more than one should do.”

Twilight tilts her head to one side. “Oh? What did he...?”

Arc slams a fist down on the table. “The scumbag tried to rape her!”


Cadance nods soberly. “It’s true, Twilight. Arc personally interviewed the mare in question as well as the guard whom intervened.”

Arc frowns. “I also saw to it that the mare received psychological care in addition to keeping the matter quiet.”

Twilight stands and puts her front hooves on the table as she speaks angrily. “Quiet?! We should have been shouting this individual’s crimes from the rooftops!”

Luna shakes her head. “That would not have helped the situation, Twilight, as Lord Goldstone is a high ranking official and has diplomatic immunity both in Equestria as well as in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Cadance looks to Twilight. “And we had to think of the mare’s feelings as well. Her virtue was already tarnished that night. No reason to add insult to injury by telling everypony about it.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That’s the whole reason I went to the Griffon Kingdom in the first place though. To try and gain international legal footing to make a claim against Goldstone.”

Twilight gasps. “And the treaty?!”

“All part of that plan. A means to an end originally.”

Luna frowns. “What Arc says is indeed true. However the paperwork to bring any kind of matter to the Council of Lords is long and arduous.”

Cadance sighs. “Luna and I worked many hours compiling various reports, requests for information, as well as instructions on whom to contact over there for various matters.”

“I believe that we’ve corresponded with every government official over there at some point during this diplomatic dance.”

Luna smirks before continuing.

“However that may very well be at an end.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“I received a letter earlier today from Lord Gestal during audiences stating only that he had just been made aware of the situation.”

Twilight frowns. “But I thought you said that this matter had been ongoing for a couple years, Luna.”

“That is correct. However as I stated before, things move very slowly over there. Especially since such things are apparently left to bureaucrats.”

Cadance taps the tabletop with a hoof anxiously. “We need to act at once then! Strike while the iron is hot!”

Twilight nods. “Agreed! I’ll head over there right away!”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You, Twilight?”

“Yes, me! Remember, I’m the leading princess at the moment and as such should handle matters like this!”

Arc gestures to Luna. “While that is very noble of you, Twilight, I believe that Luna would actually be the better choice for this mission.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, she was the one whom signed the treaty and is already known by the Council of Lords.”

Twilight shakes her head. “But I really should be the one to take our grievances to them! They’ll be upset, naturally! However I should be the one to take the brunt of their rancor!”

Arc sighs. “Twilight, please. I’ll personally fly over there with Luna to make sure everything goes smoothly. Remember, I have a bit of sway with the council due to my personal past with them.”

Luna clears her throat loudly. “Agreed, Arc. However I would like to point out that Twilight, as the one to take my sister’s place on the throne, has the final say in this matter.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes. And I’ve decided to go to the Griffon Kingdom myself to represent Equestria in this matter.”

Luna bows her head respectfully. “Very well. I shall deal with the day to day affairs of governing the nation until you return then.”

“Thank you, Luna.”

Cadance raises a hoof. “Shall I stay to lend my aide as well?”

Luna shakes her head. “I believe the Crystal Empire needs you right now, Cadance. The threat of war on the horizon has everypony on edge, after all.”

Arc turns to Luna. “While I understand the need to take care of this problem, is it really okay for us to leave the country right now?”

“Yes. Celestia, Cadance, and I will be enough to keep everypony calm during Twilight’s absence.”

Cadance smiles at her young friend. “The newspapers will love reporting on her first official diplomatic mission as well”

Arc frowns. “But shouldn’t we keep this trip from them? At least for the moment, I mean?”

Twilight shakes her head. “We should be honest about it, Arc.”

Luna turns to Arc. “Agreed. The public will be more unnerved if they hear Twilight has departed the country without official word.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Fine. But just be sure to leave out Raven’s name.”

Twilight gasps. “Raven?! Raven Inkwell?!”

Cadance appears surprised. “You know her, Twilight?”

“Professionally, yes! She’s Kibitz’s granddaughter! They work together nearly every day!”

Arc nods soberly. “And he doesn’t know about any of this.”

“How though?!”

Cadance nods. “It was her request, Twilight.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead as she speaks. “I just... I can’t believe something so terrible happened to her! Raven’s always been so... so professional and collected!

Arc frowns. “That’s true. Remember, she was my secretary back at Light’s Hope.”

“And she seemed so collected back then too!”

Luna chimes in. “That was only after much therapy, Twilight.”

She looks to Arc before continuing.

“And the fact that she and her rescuer were transferred away from Canterlot to Light’s Hope didn’t hurt either.”

Arc nods soberly. “I only found out about the matter when I read over their records and confronted them about it.”

Cadance looks to Twilight. “Arc also notified Luna and I, secretly of course, regarding the criminal actions of Goldstone.”

“And now we’ve finally come to the point of potentially being able to do something about it.”

Twilight nods soberly. “And we won’t fail.”

Luna stands. “Very good. Now then, I will take care of today’s duties while Cadance helps you plan for your mission, Twilight.”

Arc gets to his feet as well. “And I’ll notify my crew to prep the ship for the trip.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “What about guards though?”

Twilight smiles as she looks across the table. “Arc will be with me, so I feel adequately protected.”

Luna sighs. “More eyes would still be advisable.”

Arc smirks. “I’ll call for my squad and a few others to make this feel like a bona-fide diplomatic function. Which it is, I suppose.”

Cadance turns to her friend. “Should I send Shining Armor with you, Twilight?”

“That would actually be of great comfort to me, thank you.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “That only leaves the matter of when to leave.”

“Immediately, I would assume.”

Luna frowns. “More appropriately, when the ship and crew are ready.”

Twilight groans. “Yes, I suppose that would be prudent.”

Cadance nods approvingly. “I’ll tell Shining Armor of his instructions when we leave the room. However it will be up to you how much, or little, he is told of the mission, Twilight.”

She looks around the table before continuing.

“Is there anything else that needs to be said before we part ways?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I think you covered everything.”

Luna takes a deep breath. “I would like to say one final thing.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Luna?”

“Arc... thank you for doing this. All of it really. It isn’t just anypony whom could or would go to such lengths to obtain justice for a single commoner.”

“Raven deserves cloture. And I’ll do my best to get it for her.”

Cadance smiles at him. “And please safeguard Twilight abroad.”

“I won’t leave her side.”

Luna turns her gaze to Twilight. “Please be sure to listen to Arc during this mission, my friend. Remember, he’s built up quite the repertoire of knowledge regarding the griffons.”

“I will. But I’d like to go aboard The Equinox and do some thinking now.”

Arc gestures to the door. “Sure. I’ll go with you.”

Luna smiles as she clops a hoof on the table. “Then I guess this meeting is adjourned. “

They stand and walk to the door together. Luna and Cadance both hug Twilight. Cadance is the first to speak.

“Be careful over there.”

“I will, Cadance.”

Luna looks to Arc. “Take care of her.”

Nodding, Arc pushes the door open as the guards snap to attention. As they leave he turns to Twilight.

“Shall I escort you back to your quarters here in the castle?”

Twilight appears confused. “What for?”

“I’m assuming you need a few things for the trip.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, thank you. I’d like to proceed to the ship though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You don’t need anything at all?”

“No. What would I...?”

Arc interrupts her as he counts on his fingers. “Clothing, brushes, Hoof Maidens...”

“But what for? I mean, I’m just going there to talk to Lord Gestal. And I do feel much more comfortable as I am.”

“That may be, Twilight. But when you’re representing Equestria abroad you need to look the part.”

Twilight groans. “Fine. I’ll call for royal support aboard ship.”

Arc opens a portal. “And I’ll get us some guards.”

Stepping through, Arc and Twilight appear in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Gesturing to the telephone next to the bed he turns to her.

“Go ahead and call for someone to help you on the trip. Twilight. I’ll do the same from my office.”

“Okay. Meet back here afterwards?”

“Sounds good.”

The pair part ways and make their respective calls. Returning to his room just as Twilight hangs up the receiver, he smiles at her.

“My squad is getting ready and the ship is being loaded as we speak.”

“Two Hoof Maidens are being dispatched to my quarters to gather what they think I’ll need.”

“Shining Armor’s also assigning additional guards to accompany us aboard ship.”

Twilight sighs. “That sounds like something he’d do.”

“Something wrong with that?”

“I’d be fine with just you at my side, Arc.”

“Maybe. But I can’t look in all directions at once.”

“Even so, I’m immortal as a princess. So, any damage to my body would be immediately healed.”

“But it would still cause an international incident.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Any harm that came to you on their soil would reflect poorly on their reputation abroad. That and it would give them cause to tighten security on their own citizens.”

“But even an attempt on my life wouldn’t...”

Arc interrupts her. “A show of solidarity on the part of our own security would help see to it that no one even tries anything. Or at the very least, thinks twice.”

Twilight groans. “This is complicated.”

Arc motions to the couch as he speaks. “That it is.”

Twilight turns to him as they sit down together. “Can you give me some advice on how to address our hosts?”

“Act regal.”

“How though?”

“Don’t show any emotions other than confidence, for starters.”



“Like Princess Celestia does?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really know how she carried herself before the kidnapping incident. But it’d be a good place to start.”

“Then I’ll have to consider what she would do in each situation.”

“There is such a thing as being genuine though, Twilight.”

“But you told me that I needed to represent myself as one speaking on behalf of Equestria.”

“I suppose that’s true. But how about this instead? When we get there, you just let me do the talking and try to learn the griffon’s mannerisms.”

Twilight nods. “Alright. However, I’ll still take some lessons from the special guests I’ve asked to come too.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Who?”

“Natalya and Gallus from the orphanage.”

“They’re coming?!”

“I’ve already talked to them about the matter and they agreed to help teach me about griffon culture and mannerisms. Natalya said that she and Gallus should be ready to go in about ten minutes.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I hope I didn’t overstep. After all, this is your ship.”

“Well, I can’t really say ‘no’ to you. After all, you are the Princess of Friendship.”

“True. But you’re the Hero of Light.”

She shifts uneasily before continuing.

“So... you’re not mad, are you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Twilight. But I do need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“That you need to remember that you’re a princess.”


“It’s okay to act like you’re in charge. Because after all, you are.”

“But I’m just trying to be polite.”

Arc smiles at her. “And I love you for that fact. However, you’re still a princess and as such your image is important.”

“So, what should I be doing?”

“Sadly, I don’t really know. But I just don’t get the same feeling from you as I do from Cadance or Luna.”

Twilight sighs. “I’m trying to be like them. I really am. However it’s hard to be something that I’m not.”

“That’s true. After all, I had to do the same when I first went to the Griffon Kingdom. At first I tried to act like them. But that didn’t work for me, so I adapted myself to fit the role as I saw fit.”

“Can you elaborate on that?”

“My personality back then was similar to my normal one. However I knew I had to be diplomatic, but firm. Appearing strong, but also showing that I was able to see things from their point of view.”

“That doesn’t make any sense to me though.”

Arc puts a hand on her hoof. “I know. But watch what I do and try your best to learn from it.”

“What should I focus on? When we arrive, of course. Other than watching you, I mean.”

“You’ll need to build your own reputation along with a rapport with certain individuals over there.”

“Like whom?”

“Anyone whom shows an interest in you, I suppose. The higher up the food chain they are the better though.”

Twilight frowns. “But wouldn’t I just be using them for their position?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not exactly. It’d be a symbiotic relationship. They learn about you and Equestrian culture and you gain a ‘friend’ of sorts.”

“And you’ve done this with them in the past?”

“Yes, I have. Lord Gestal and I got along well at a party he invited me to. It ended with me talking to him and others at the gathering. From there I gained his trust by rescuing his daughter from a kidnapping attempt.”

Twilight gasps. “Oh my! What happened?!”

“A rebel faction wanted to take Ashe in an attempt to use her as a bargaining chip against Lord Gestal.”

“Was she hurt?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Ember, Sereb, and I stopped them.”

Twilight appears relieved. “That’s good.”

“She’ll be joining us on the trip as well though.”

“I suppose that makes sense, what with her being their nation’s ambassador.”

“Yes, well... she should be arriving soon. I asked her to come to my quarters as quickly as possible so that the three of us could have a bit of a chat.”

“What about?”

“Certain... state secrets that you need to know about.”

Twilight smiles. “Ah! Well, I’m looking forward to hearing from her. Lady Ashe seems to be quite a kindhearted individual.”

“Yes, well...”

A knock on the door rings out. Arc looks to it and calls out.


The door opens and Shining Armor steps inside. Saluting, he looks to Arc.

“Sir, Ambassador Ashe is here to see you.”

“Perfect timing. Send her in.”

Nodding, he motions behind him and steps aside. Ashe walks in and looks to Twilight as the door is closed behind her. After bowing respectfully she rises and speaks.

“Good morning, your majesty.”

Twilight giggles as she walks towards her. “Please. I’ve already told you such formalities aren’t necessary, Ashe.”

Ashe smiles nervously. “Sorry. I just... didn’t really know what else to do.”

Shining Armor looks to Twilight. “I shall leave you to your conversation then, princess.”

“Actually, could you please stay?”

“Your highness?”

Twilight groans. “Big brother...”

Shining Armor chuckles. “You’re a princess now, Twily.”

“And you’re a general, Shining Armor.”

Arc steps forward. “True. But we have some things to talk about, and you need to know the facts.”

Ashe looks to Shining Armor. “This is your brother?!”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Ambassador Ashe, please meet my brother, General Shining Armor.”

The pair shake talons/hooves as Arc motions to the table.

“We should probably sit down and say a few things before this operation gets underway.”

Everyone takes a seat as Arc looks to Ashe.

“I was just telling Twilight how you and I met at a party.”

Twilight smiles warmly. “And how he saved you from being kidnapped as well.”

Ashe sighs. “Yes, well... that isn’t the full story.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Was there some kind of past between you and the kidnappers?”

Twilight sighs. “Arc said they were a rebel faction.”

Ashe nods. “That’s true, yes. I was to be used as a means to force the Council of Lords to listen to them. However that was only part of my plan.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Your plan?”

“The truth of the matter was that I wanted to be kidnapped”.

Twilight appears confused. “Why though, Ashe?”

“To be with someone... very special to me.”


“The second in command of the rebels, whom I had a very close relationship with at the time.

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “You were lovers?”

Ashe blushes slightly. “Yes.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin. “So while in the rebel’s custody you could be with the one you loved?”

“That was only half of it. In truth, it was also so that I could fully devote myself to the rebels and their cause.”

She looks to Twilight before continuing.

“For you see... I was their leader.”

Twilight gasps. “What?!”

Arc nods. “It’s true. Ashe heads the rebels in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ashe sighs. “At least I did in the past. In truth though, I haven’t spoken to any of them since coming to Equestria to become the ambassador.”

Shining Armor frowns. “So that leaves your second in command, and lover, in control of them?”

“I suppose it does. While I’m sorry for keeping this information a secret from you, I do hope you can understand my reasoning for doing it, Twilight.”

“Kinda. I mean... you never mentioned a word of this before.”

“Lord Arc knew from the beginning though, so it’s not like no one was aware.”

Arc nods. “I learned it when I almost killed her during an assassination attempt.”

Ashe gestures with a talon. “Here in this very room, I might add.”

Shining Armor gasps. “Wait! You mean...?!”

Ashe bows her head. “Yes... I tried to kill Lord Arc.”

Twilight gasps. “But why?!”

“Revenge for foiling my plans mostly. That and I wanted to sabotage the treaty between our nations.”

Arc chimes in. “However since that time Ashe has had a change of heart on the state of politics.”

Shining Armor narrows his eyes. “In what way?”

Ashe looks to Twilight as she speaks. “After visiting Equestria and learning the truth about how it’s run, I now want our two nations to be closer. For the treaty to succeed.”

“Quite the change in opinion though. What made you change your mind, Ashe?”

“Your land’s prosperity comes from the happiness of its citizens. That stems from their broad freedoms to do with their lives as they please.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “And the Griffon Kingdom doesn’t allow that.”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, they don’t.”

Twilight frowns. “But how? I mean, you can’t really stop somepony from being successful, after all.”

“By restricting knowledge to those whom are worthy of it, you can.”

Arc nods soberly. “Only the wealthy can afford to send their younglings to school, after all.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But how are they supposed to learn without tutelage?”

Shining Armor frowns. “I’m assuming they don’t.”

Ashe groans. “It helps keep those on the lower rungs of society where they are through the generations.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “So someone whom is born poor just has to work menial low paying jobs, meet a griffon whom does the same, and have younglings together. They will then grow up to carry on the tradition of their parents.”

“So nopony can ever rise up through the ranks?!”

Ashe shrugs. “There’s only one possible way. Other than being born into it, of course. The military.”

Shining Armor nods. “An officer would be seen as being above the commoners, naturally.”

Arc sighs. “But they’ll never be on the level of those whom were born into their positions.”

Ashe clenches a talon. “Right. That’s what the rebels sought to change.”

Twilight gestures to her friend. “And Arc supported you in that?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Twilight. In fact, I actively fought and killed them during an altercation.”

Ashe nods sadly. “We had taken the Council of Lords, along with a number of nobles whom were with them at the time of the operation, captive. It was my hope that they could be used to erase the barriers between the lowest citizens and the nobles. Or at the very least give them a chance at a better life.”

Shining Armor frowns. “But it didn’t work out that way, did it?”

“No. Lord Arc showed up and freed the nobles.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “How?”

“By turning the rebels own weapons against them. I killed everyone there whom wore the rebel’s insignia and uniform.”

Shining Armor nods approvingly. “Decisive action, sir.”

“I wasn’t in my right mind at the time though.”

Twilight gasps. “You were drunk, Arc?!”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, Twilight. I had recently attempted to poison Princess Luna. However Lord Arc stopped me and took the bolt meant for her. She would have been unable to finish negotiating the treaty had I succeeded.”

“However the poison reacted differently for me since I’m a human.”

Twilight frowns. “In what way?”

“It made me rather... impetuous and unable to think rationally. At that time I even thought Rose was Cherry and took her out for a night on the town.”

Ashe nods. “Everyone was celebrating the event. Even the lowest citizens.”

“When I found out what had happened to the Council of Lords though something came over me.”

Shining Armor smirks. “Righteous fury, sir?”

“More like the desire to take the rebels out for all the trouble they had caused.”

Ashe bows her head. “After I learned what he had done to my fellow rebels I snuck aboard his airship and waited for the chance to kill him.”

“She tried really hard to do so too.”

“But I was overpowered and heavily wounded before Lord Arc passed out on top of me.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Things are kinda hazy at that point for me though. The first thing I remembered after waking up was wanting to see the captive griffon and finding out it was Ashe.”

“Lord Arc saw to it my wounds were treated, even against the advice of Princess Luna.”

“She had wanted to kill Ashe and throw her body overboard into the ocean in order to protect the fragile peace our nations then enjoyed.”

“But Lord Arc convinced her to allow him to return me to the Griffon Kingdom and my father. For that act our nation’s bonds were strengthened and he was given a treasure of my family.”

Arc removes the guardanium knife from his ring. “This.”

Twilight looks over the weapon. “I remember you telling me about that weapon, Arc. You said it could cut through anything if magical energy was focused through it.”

“Yes. It’s come in handy a time or two.”

“And now my father trusts Arc completely. Which is probably why he personally contacted Equestria regarding your petition.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “So what is all of this about, Twily?”

“I... really shouldn’t say.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “A secret mission of sorts?”

Arc sighs. “Sadly, yes.”

Twilight takes over. “All I can say is that a crime was committed against a citizen of Equestria by... a very high ranking member of the griffon aristocracy.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “And we’re going there to extradite them?”

Twilight shakes her head. “At the moment this trip is merely a meet and greet to discuss the incident in question.”

Ashe frowns. “Forgive me, Twilight. But we can’t really advise you properly on this matter without knowing what exactly happened.”

Twilight turns to Arc. He nods soberly. Taking a deep breath Twilight speaks.

“Very well. The truth of the matter at hoof is... that there is a griffon noble whom, whilst visiting Equestria some time ago... molested and attempted to rape a mare.”

Shining Armor gasps. “What?!”

Ashe seethes. “But why?!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Because he felt that he was above the law most likely.”

Twilight grimaces. “Right. Luna and Cadance have gone through the proper channels in this matter, which has led us to Lord Gestal.”

Ashe nods soberly. “He’s the primary contact for matters involving politicians and powerful nobles. Such makes sense, as he is the highest authority in the Griffon Kingdom. Under the king, that is.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Anypony else could be bullied away were it handled by them.”

Ashe turns to Twilight. “So how can I help?”

“As the ambassador to Equestria, it made sense to bring you along as an advisor and intermediary. However, I’ve also asked Natalya and Gallus to join us as well.”

“From the orphanage?”

“Right. They’re going to instruct me on the proper way to act in your country.”

“Might I assist you as well? Those two probably don’t have much experience dealing with the nobility.”

Shining Armor looks to his sister. “Ambassador Ashe could teach us a few things too, Twilight.

Twilight nods. “Agreed. Shining Armor and I will take instruction from you as soon as our friends from the orphanage arrive.”

Arc looks to a nearby clock. “They should be ready now I would assume. Shall I open a portal, Twilight?”

“Please do.”

Standing, Arc calls forth a gauntlet and opens a portal. A few moments later Natalya and Gallus step through. They bow respectfully as Twilight walks over to greet them.

“Please, there’s no need for that here.”

Natalya straightens up. “Yes, your highness.”

Gallus does the same. “What can we do to help you?”

“I have business in the Griffon Kingdom and need to learn more about their customs.”

She gestures to Ashe before continuing.

“Ambassador Ashe will be advising me on how to address the nobility.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Just act stuck up and don’t care about anyone. That’ll make them happy.”

Natalya gasps. “Gallus?!”

“What?! It’s the truth!”

Ashe sighs. “I can’t really argue with that.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow in response to her comment. “But aren’t you Gestal’s daughter?”

“Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem?”

Natalya looks to her brother sternly. “No, Lady Ashe. It will not.”

Shining Armor clears his throat loudly. “Perhaps we should begin the lessons then.”

Arc gestures with a wave of his hand. “You can use my quarters if you’d like.

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no. We’ll adjourn to the ship’s Library so you can have some alone time, Arc.”

“If that’s what you want, sure. I’ll see to it that the Hoof Maidens and guards are brought aboard along with whatever else is needed before we take off.”

Shining Armor raises a hoof. “I could probably do that, Arc.”

“True. But you need to attend these lessons as well.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “Will you also join us later, sir?”

“Only after we take off and everyone else is settled. Then I’ll come by for some advice.”

Gallus frowns. “That might actually be counterproductive, sir.”

Ashe steps forward. “He’s right, Lord Arc. My father and the rest of the Council of Lords likes you just the way you are. It’s inadvisable for you to attempt to change.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I still wouldn’t mind learning a few things about griffons. Knowledge is power, and all that.”

Twilight giggles. “Alright, Arc. We’ll see you later.”

They head for the door and part ways to carry out their tasks. Sometime later the ship takes off and begins its flight east. Twilight and Shining Armor spend most of the day in the Library with Gallus, Natalya, and Ashe. As night falls they head to the Cafeteria where they are served a hearty supper. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Now aren’t you happy that I brought along Saffron?”

Twilight giggles as she dabs at her mouth with a napkin. “Very!”

Natalya nods approvingly. “Yes, this meal is probably the best I’ve ever eaten!”

Ashe smiles as she puts down her fork. “It’s certainly royal quality.”

Gallus sighs. “It was pretty good, yes. However, if I was served something like this in the Griffon Kingdom I don’t think I’d be able to eat it.

Shining Armor looks to him. “Why’s that?”

Gallus sighs. “Because of the food tax.”

Twilight appears confused. “Food tax?”

Ashe nods as she addresses Twilight. “A certain percentage of all crops are sent to the castle to feed the king, Council of Lords, and anyone else of importance within the government.”

Arc frowns. “So they just take it?”

“Yes. And that’s on top of the already exorbitant taxes on all other forms of income.”

Gallus sneers. “It’s downright theft is what it is!”

Twilight motions to the remains of their meal with a wave of her hoof. “Rest assured that everything you’re eating here and now was legally purchased at a fair price though.”

Shining Armor looks to Ashe. “Princess Celestia passed laws hundreds of years ago making it illegal for the crown to take that which didn’t belong to them.”

“Nothing at all?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well, there are taxes of course. But they’re pretty reasonable from what I’ve seen.”

Shining Armor nods. “And there isn’t anything on top of them. Like property forfeiture.”

“That’s not completely true though, big brother.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Twilight nods.” If a crime is committed, the judge presiding over the case may order certain things seized by the government.”

Natalya looks to the princess. “Can you give us an example, Twilight?”

“Well... let’s say that a group of ponies were to rob a store at night and were caught at a later date. The judge would take back that which they had stolen and return it to the owner of the store, naturally. But they might also order all tools used to break in seized as well as any vehicles, such as carts, forfeited.”

Ashe appears hopeful. “And their weapons?”

“Immediately seized too, of course. It’s worth pointing out that if they were to be found innocent during the trial everything would be returned though.”

Gallus puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “How about we expand on that example though. Let’s say that a stallion carted off a bunch of goods they stole from a local shop one night, sold them, and was later caught.”

Natalya chimes in. “Meaning that the goods would be long gone?”


Twilight nods. “Then the court would seize their assets from any bank accounts that they had in order to cover the cost of the crime.”

“And if the stallion had already spent the money?”

“His property and whatever he owned would be sold to cover the debt.”

“What if the crime was committed by a very poor stallion?”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “With nothing to take?”

Gallus nods as he leans back in his chair. “Yes. And let’s also assume that he spent the money to feed his family over an extended period of time. Let’s just say for example a year has passed. He has nothing of value to seize and the goods he purchased were eaten by him and his family. What then?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That’s a tough question. What do you think, Shining Armor?”

“With nothing to seize, there’s nothing to sell. So all that would be left would be his primary residence.”

Gallus frowns. “And if it was home to a wife and foals?”

Natalya turns to her brother, confused. “What are you getting at?”

Gallus folds his talons over his chest. “I’m just trying to understand the worst case scenario here.”

Shining Armor shrugs. “If he were single, the house and properly would be taken, sold, and the money used to pay the other party. However, under those circumstances, the stallion would have to plead his case before the judge that his family would be homeless should the home be taken. An inquiry would have to be made to make sure what he said was true, of course. But if it was, then the judge would most likely order the house to be left in the possession of his spouse.”

“And if they also had nothing of value to sell?”

“Then the judge would probably rule that the party whom had the theoretical goods stolen from them is out of luck. Unless the victim already lived in poverty, of course. Then the state would compensate them for their loss and garnish the wages of the guilty party upon their release from prison.”

“And if they were locked up for life?”

“The state would just take the loss. However, I’ve never heard of something going that far.”

Twilight shrugs. “If it did it probably wouldn’t be for much money anyways.”

Ashe smirks. “I think I see what you were going for there, Gallus.”


Ashe turns to Natalya. “Consider this. What if such a case were to occur in the Griffon Kingdom. What would happen?”

“Everything that wasn’t nailed down would be sold to compensate the one whom was robbed. Their family would become destitute and they would be sold into slavery.”

Gallus grunts. “Yeah. But it would be to pay for the cost of the trial. Not make restitution to the victim.”

Shining Armor frowns. “But why slavery?!”

Ashe sighs. “The Griffon Kingdom decided long ago that selling someone to be worked by another is significantly cheaper than maintaining prisons.”

Natalya looks away as she speaks. “That’s what happened to me.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Natalya. You’re not a slave at the orphanage.”

“That is true, yes. But I am to Arc.”

Arc frowns. “Only on paper.”

Gallus clenches his talons angrily as he speaks. “Some time ago, my sister was framed by the rebels. She took the heat for them even though the evidence found in her room was clearly planted.”

Arc nods. “I took her to Equestria as a slave in an effort to save her life. However, I’d also like to point out that she is free to do as she wishes. And she chose the job at the orphanage herself. That and I don’t take any of her pay or force her to follow orders of any kind from me.”

Natalya smiles at him. “And I thank you for that, sir. A lesser owner would not have been so... thoughtful.”

Twilight looks to the griffon apologetically. “I’m so sorry for asking you to come with us, Natalya! Had I known...!”

Natalya smiles. “It’s okay, Twilight. I wanted to come and help with this mission. After all, I feel as though I owe Equestria for taking me in and giving me a home.”

Gallus grins. “And I owe Lord Arc here for taking the younglings off the streets and giving them a future. Equestria’s leagues better than the Griffon Kingdom in pretty much every way.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks. It’s appreciated.”

Ashe sighs. “Quite the heavy discussion for the dinner table.”

Gallus sighs. “Sorry for taking us down that conversational rabbit hole. I’m just so used to the government taking the best of everything and tossing the lesser classes a few stale crumbs.”

Twilight puts a hoof on his shoulder and smiles. “I’m hoping that when the griffon younglings grow up some of them will return to the Griffon Kingdom and tell others of the life we have here.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “So they’ll come here, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head. “So that they’ll push to change their own land.”

Ashe grins wickedly. “Now you’re speaking of progress!”

Arc nods soberly. “It will be a long and winding road, yes. However, change needs to come about naturally. If we were to try and force it on the citizens we’d be no different than the current rulers.”

Gallus sighs. “And the public would fight back against the changes.”

Shining Armor taps the table with a hoof. “This way they can choose to push for what they want.”

Twilight looks to Gallus and Natalya. “And it all starts with you rearing the younglings at the orphanage. Helping them gain the knowledge they’ll need to become productive members of society.”

“We’ll do our best, Twilight.”

“That we will. But with all the resources you’re putting into their schooling and upbringing that should be easy.”

Twilight smiles. “They’re getting exactly what everypony else does. An education and a safe place to lay their heads at night.”

Ashe grins. “I’ve seen that personally, yes. And I approve of what’s going on at the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

A Hoof Maiden and guard enter the room and approach Twilight. Bowing, the guard begins to speak.

“We are on course to arrive at the Griffonstone Skyport tomorrow at first light, your highness.”

The Hoof Maiden bows as she speaks. “I shall escort you to your room and help prepare you for tomorrow, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight appears confused. “My... quarters?”

“Yes, your majesty. We have prepared a room as assigned by the captain.”

The guard salutes. “It has been inspected and will be guarded around the clock as well, your majesty.”

Shining Armor nods. “And my room is right next door so I’ll be close at hoof in case something comes up.”

Twilight grimaces. “But, I... I thought...”

Shining Armor appears confused. “Is something wrong, Twilight?”

Twilight sighs as her ears droop. “...no.”

Standing, she turns to the others before continuing.

“Well, I guess this is good night.”

Arc nods. “Rest well, Twilight.”

Ashe smiles at her friend. “Yes, we’ll give you some last-minute advice before we disembark tomorrow morning.”

Natalya turns to her brother. “Best for us to be well rested as well.”

Gallus chuckles. “Just like we tell the younglings and foals.”

Shining Armor stands and joins his sister. “I’ll just make one final security sweep after I walk you over there.”

Twilight frowns as the Hoof Maiden speaks. “And we shall make sure you look your best for bed, your majesty. The others and I have everything we need to make you beautiful for your meeting tomorrow.”

Natalya turns to her brother. “We should probably bed down for the night as well.”

Gallus yawns. “Sure. And I’m looking forward to resting on those spiffy looking beds.”

Arc nods as they stand. “See you two in the morning.”

They leave the room with Twilight’s entourage as Ashe turns to Arc.

“Pardon me, but might I speak to you privately?”

Arc raises an eyebrow, surprised at her request. “Um... sure. Shall we head to my office?”

“Forgive my forwardness, but might we speak in your quarters?”


Standing, they head to his room one level up. Closing the door, Arc motions to the table.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

“Would it be all right if we sat on the couch?”

“If you want to, sure.”

Walking over to the sofa the pair sit down and look out the window together at the passing clouds in the moonlight. They sit in silence for a time before Ashe speaks.

“Thank you for allowing me the chance to come on this mission.”

Arc shrugs. “It only made sense. After all, you ARE the ambassador.”

“I also wanted to thank you for giving me this time to speak to you regarding a rather... personal matter.”


“I... remember the mission to enter your base.”

“Light’s Hope?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. We encountered your Captain Decimus as well as Admiral Gaston. I wanted to formally apologize for his actions on behalf of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc chuckles. “I believe you already did that. But thanks for the thought.”

“However... there was something else.”


“It’s a deeply personal matter, but...”

She wrings her talons before continuing.

“I must admit that I’m a bit... nervous about returning to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why though? I mean, you don’t think your father is upset, do you?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. However, I... um... have a very... special friend I left behind.”

“Define ‘special’.”

“A... lover actually.”

“Your rebel commander friend I assume.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, I believe I mentioned him to you in the past.”

Arc sighs. “Look, Ashe... your personal life isn’t anyone’s business. But for the sake of your position as ambassador I would highly recommend you be mindful of whom sees you with him.”

“That isn’t the problem.”

“Then what...?”

Ashe cuts him off. “He knows whom I am!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, that’s a choice you made regarding your identity.”

“I know. But I’ve been gone for quite some time now. And for both our sakes I didn’t even try to contact him.”

“Both your sakes?”

“If such a thing was intercepted it could get back to my father. That would cause trouble for him AND my lover.”

“So you’re worried that he may have been captured?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, I would have heard about such a high ranking rebel being caught. That and they’ve been quiet pretty much since I departed.”

“Lost without a leader, huh?”

“Probably. He’s a capable tactician and great warrior. But leadership is a bit more than that.”

“You think they might have disbanded?”

“With luck, yes. However that’s still not likely given how dedicated everyone is.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “I hope you’re not asking me to try and find out.”

“No, no! The truth is that I just wanted to make you aware of the situation. When they see your ship approaching the city tomorrow it will cause quite the ruckus. The rebels are certain to hear about a royal in attendance.”

“And they might try to make a move on her.”

“Not likely, no. But I still wanted you to be aware. After all, you’re presence makes them nervous enough. To say nothing for all the security my father will have around with Princess Twilight being escorted to wherever the meeting will take place.”

Arc counts on his fingers as he talks. “Their soldiers, Equestria’s guards, my squad, Sereb, and I will give them a run for their money if they try anything.”

“And I’ll be standing by with them to protect the princess as well.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, you won’t.”


“Remember, you’re an ambassador to Equestria now. That puts a target on your back as well as Twilight’s.”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “You don’t really think they’ll come after me, do you?”

Arc shrugs. “They could. After all, you’ve effectively joined the ranks of those whom they despise by becoming a government official.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You’ll also be guarded as heavily as Twilight.”


Arc interrupts her. “If you don’t like that you can think of it this way. If something does happen, you’ll be the last line of defense.”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose that’s acceptable.”

“Good. Anything else you want to talk about?”

“Not... at the moment, no.”

Arc stands. “Alright. Then I think we should get some rest for tomorrow.”

Ashe rises as well. “That I shall.”

Leading her to the door, Arc follows her into the corridor. Ashe turns to him.

“Um... where are you going?”

“Just going to check on Twilight’s security before turning in for the night.”

Parting ways, Arc heads down the corridor toward Twilight’s room. Innumerable guards line the corridor with the biggest standing on either side of her door. Stopping in front of them, they salute as Arc turns to speak.

“Anything to report?”

“No, sir.”

Arc gestures to the door. “Are the Hoof Maidens still working on the princess?”

“They just left a few moments ago, sir.”

“Good. I’d like to speak to Princess Twilight then.”

Nodding, they step aside to allow Arc to approach the door. Knocking lightly, he waits patiently. A few moments later Twilight opens it and smiles before stepping back to allow him to enter the dimly lit room. Walking inside, she closes the door behind him and smiles sheepishly.

“Um... hi, Arc.”

Arc gestures to what look similar to curlers. “Hey, uh... it looks like the Hoof Maidens were busy.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her mane. “Yes, they put my mane up so it’ll be styled by morning.”

“They must’ve moved very fast to get all of that put in since dinner.”

Twilight sighs as she carefully lies on the bed. “Well, there were four of them.”

“I thought there were only going to be two.”

“They each have an assistant.”


Twilight smiles and blushes slightly. “I must look rather silly like this though.”

“No, I still think you look pretty.”

“Thanks. Truth be told I was a bit scared when somepony knocked. I don’t really want to be seen like this.”

“Well, I just wanted to check in on your before bed. Make sure you’re comfortable and have everything you needed.”

“Thank you, but I think I’m okay.”

“Okay. Um... I guess I should probably let you get some...”

Twilight suddenly interrupts him. “Arc!”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“I... wanted to say something.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“I’m just... not sure I’m up to doing this.”

“Seeing Lord Gestal?”

Twilight nods. “What if I screw it up?! I’ll make our entire country look bad!”

“Trust me, this will most likely be a very informal meeting.”

“Will it be at the castle?”

“I received word that we’ve been invited to Lord Gestal’s private residence for a breakfast meeting.”

“How nice is his home?”

“Think of rooms like in Canterlot Castle.”


“But nicer.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her head. “Great.”

“Yeah, I probably could have worded that a bit better.”

“So he’s super rich?”

Arc nods. “And powerful.”

“Is he at least nice?”

“To me, yes.”

“What about everypony else?”

“Kinda cold and indifferent. All business.”

Twilight groans. “So I’m completely out of his league in all ways then.”

“Not quite.”

“How do you figure that?”

“You’re still a princess.”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Of another country.”

“Remember, he wants the treaty to succeed almost as much as we do. You can use that to your advantage.”


“Lord Gestal won’t want to antagonize you for fear of damaging our nation’s relationships.”

“Then how should I act?”

“My advice would be to just act genuine and try to feel him out before talking too much. “

“But this meeting is going to be awfully strained if only he’s talking.”

“I’ll be there to keep things going while you learn his mannerisms.”

Twilight sighs. “That’s about what Natalya told me to do.”

“Let me talk?”

“So I can learn, yes. But that isn’t enough.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m the Princess of Friendship and need to be able to do things like this. Not just learning the ropes as I go.”

“That’s how everyone starts though.”

Twilight groans. “And that’s what Gallus said.”

Arc puts a hand one her shoulder. “Listen to me. Leadership isn’t doing everything yourself, Twilight. It’s coordinating others to get the job done.”

“I know that, Arc. But some things need to be handled properly. And by me it would seem.”

“Then I guess you have two choices. One... let me handle Lord Gestal while you watch and learn. Or two... try to handle it yourself and potentially cause a rift between our countries.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ll go with number one then.”

“Sorry to be so blunt, Twilight. But as you know this is REALLY important.”

“And I’m happy you’re here to handle it.”

“Ah, ah, ah. You mean ‘help’ handle it.”


“Lord Gestal will most likely be impressed with a princess coming to deal with this matter along with myself. It will show just how dedicated the royals of Equestria are to rooting out problems such as this.”

“Well, if you really think so.”

Arc nods. “I do, yes. But there’s one more thing you have to know.”

“What’s that?”

“Lord Gestal won’t be too impressed by a princess whom has bags under her eyes. So get a good night’s sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Twilight giggles. “I will.”

Arc kneels down to hug her, but Twilight puts up a hoof sadly.

“Sorry, Arc. But the Hoof Maidens told me not to let my mane be disturbed until they come back tomorrow morning.”

“Oh... alright then.”

“My apologies for this.”

“No, no. I understand. Appearances, and all that.”

“Um... can I take a rain check on that hug though?”

Arc smiles at her. “Sure.”

Heading for the door, Arc leaves and returns to his room. Spying Sereb looking out the window Arc joins him. Sereb looks over to him, concerned.

“Are you alright, my friend?”

“Kinda. I’m just really worried about tomorrow.”


“This is going to be Twilight’s first major diplomatic mission.”

“And the trip to Abyssinia wasn’t?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I suppose it was. But that was easy, as the monarchs were greatly indebted to us and were happy to see us as it meant that our citizens would be leaving soon.”

He sighs before continuing.

“However this mission will be about bringing forth charges against a sitting lord. I can’t imagine they’ll be too happy about that.”

“That is why you are upset?”

“Right. Aren’t you?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. I am mentally prepared to do my part.”

“Defending Princess Twilight?”

“And you, my friend.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard. Ashe doesn’t believe that the rebels will dare try anything with the sheer number of guards we’ll have tomorrow.”

“So certain was she?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Yes. What about it?”

“And you are sure that she can be trusted in this regard?”

“She killed Decimus for us when Twilight and I took the capital, after all. And even helped us retake Light’s Hope. I think she’s done enough to have at least some degree of trust.”


“You disagree with that?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. It is something all cubs are taught from an early age. ‘With trust comes complacency and with complacency comes doom.’”

“But you trust me though, right?”

“I do, yes. However that is borne from our Life Pact along with years of service standing side by side together.”

“Then Ashe might one day earn your trust too.”

Sereb growls. “She once stood on the opposite side and tried to kill you, Arc.”

“And failed I might add.”

“But my mind still remembers the attempt. It would take little for her to return to her old ways, Arc. Especially if there was something to be gained for her ideals.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“And I will keep an eye on her as well.”

“I’m counting on that too. But tell me, how do you feel about the other two members of our group?”

“Natalya and Gallus?”


“Natalya is completely dedicated to you and whatever it is you desire to accomplish. She also is very passionate about you on a personal level.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... what?”

“I believe the term is that she has a crush on you, Arc.”

“But how could you possibly know that?”

“Her heartrate.”

“So it raises sometimes. What does that mean?”

“In the same manner as the ones in your herd when you are near. However her breathing also increases and her body emits a very slight scent of sexuality.”

“But she’s never said a word before.”

“It may be due to your past together. How you helped her regain her honor and status by training her in a few Equestrian moves. When you aided her opponent in reattaching the injured trainer’s tail. And especially when you took her from the Griffon Kingdom which sought to end her life for a crime she did not commit.”

Arc shrugs. “I guess I have done a few things for her in the past. But couldn’t it also be hero worship mixed with a lack of options?”


“Right. Think about it this way. Her brother Gallus is the only other griffon in Ponyville whom isn’t a youngling. And she certainly isn’t going to be dating him. So I’m really the only other logical choice.”

“That may be true, Arc. However I do believe she should be spoken to about this matter before it gets out of paw.”

“So I need to tell her that I’m not interested in her?”

“Is that the truth?”

“Well... mostly, yes.”

“Oh? You sound uncertain.”

“I do admit that she is very pretty. And that her loyalty to her cause is unwavering. That and her voice is really... nice.”

“Are you attracted to her though?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not like the others, no.”

“And why not?”

“Because I hardly know Natalya. We’ve done a few things together, of course. But that doesn’t mean that I’m romantically attracted to her.”

Sereb chuckles as he stands up. “Whom are you really trying to convince here, Arc. Me... or yourself.”

“And I should do what about this?”

“What you do best. Talk.”

He heads for the door and leaves the room. Arc stares out the window silently as he muses to himself.

“Sereb’s right though. I do need to talk to her about... this matter. But what if we both like each other? Can I really bring yet another female into the herd? I’m already stretched thin as it is.”

Groaning, he leans back and sighs.

“I imagine the others would look kindly on her, what with the job she does at the orphanage caring for the little ones. Natalya’s certainly changed for the better since I met her, of course. And I do value Sereb’s sensory opinion in this matter. But I do need to take her aside and talk about it. We both need to know what the other is thinking.”

Standing, Arc heads for the bed and lays down. Staring up at the ceiling he yawns and closes his eyes.

“A talk... is what we need to settle this.”

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