• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Getting Closer

Arc and company sit around the campfire on the beach as the sun slowly sets. Hammer turns to him and holds something up.

“What did you call these things again, Arc?”


Dinky munches away happily. “They taste even better than the ones we made on our last camping trip, dad!”

Max smiles at her. “Oh? Better chocolate?”

Dinky shakes her head. “Nah. Because we’re sharing them with so many friends!”

Hammer sighs. “Friends, huh? Not a term I’m personally familiar with.”

Xenos raises an eyebrow, skeptically. “You have to know someone back at your base though, right?”

“Just my sisters. The soldiers there aren’t much for conversation. All business, that lot.”

Max nods stoically. “The military has a way of doing that, I suppose.”

Arc frowns. “Yeah.”

Hammer looks to him, hopeful. “So… does that mean we’re friends, Arc?”

“I suppose so, yes. That is if you want to be.”

Hammer grins. “Sure! I’ve had more fun since meeting you than I knew even existed!”

“Good. Truth be told, I thought you might have been a bit bored on our date the other day.”

“Are you kidding me?! I had a blast!”

Dinky smiles. “What was so fun about it, dad?”

“Well, we went to dinner. You know how much I like to eat, Daisy.”

Hammer nods. “Arc showed me that food really can be tasty!”

She looks down at the s’more in her hand.

“But this thing really takes the cake in terms of flavor!”

Arc sighs. “Can I ask you something, Hammer?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“It’s about your sisters. What’s it like?”


“Having siblings, I mean. I’m an only child.”

“Oh! Well, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”

Xenos grins. “You must have at least a few stories though.”

Hammer nods. “That I do.”

Auriel smiles. “Can we hear one?”

“Well… there was this one time Mio lost her glasses.”

Dinky looks worried. “She couldn’t see?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Oh, no! They’re actually just for looks. Our commanding officer gave them to her, after all. Anyways, one day she came into the office all flustered saying they were lost. She looked for those things EVERYWHERE! Even sinking so low as to ask if I had taken them.”

Max grimaces. “Uh oh.”

Hammer shrugs. “I let it go. After all, I knew exactly where they were.”

Dinky looks nervous. “Where?”

“I’m getting to that. So Mio was on her hands and knees peeking behind the water cooler when Stingray walked in. She looked at Mio as if she’d lost her mind. Then Mio got the idea that Stingray had taken them.”

Arc chuckles. “Let me guess. Fighting broke out?”

“Just verbally. Eventually Stingray must’ve gotten bored, because she pointed to Mio’s forehead and said ‘there they are, stupid’.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “How did they…?”

Hammer shrugs. “Apparently she had pushed them up to wash her face, or something, and forgotten about them.”

Auriel frowns. “But you knew they were there, right?”

Hammer nods. “A blind person could have seen them.”

“Why didn’t you say anything then?”

“To teach her a lesson.”

Arc laughs. “Nice story! What about Stingray?”

“Oh, you’re going to LOVE this! A while back the three of us were at the mall. In the same store you and I met ironically. Anyways, she always sneaks off to do her own thing and leaves me to babysit Mio. So when she went into the changing room to try on some clothes I decided to hunt for Stingray.”

Dinky giggles. “Did you find her?”

Hammer smiles mischievously. “Oh, yeah! She originally said she was going to look at leather jackets, or something. But I found her checking out cosmetics.”

Arc looks confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Because when I confronted her, she had a bottle in her hand of… get this… anti-aging cream!”

Xenos laughs. “No way!”

“Best part was that she tried to tell me it was for research! She’s always saying how she’s the pretty one between us! But she’s totally scared of wrinkles or anything that would be considered a blemish!”

Max frowns. “Blemish?”

Hammer nods. “Like zits, warts, callouses, visible bruises… that sort of thing.”

Arc nods. “Sounds like you three don’t really get along.”

“Oh, we do. It’s probably just the strain of being around each other all day, every day.”

“Is that why you came outside?”

Hammer sighs. “Kinda. They were arguing about something or other at the time. I wasn’t really paying attention much until they asked me to settle it.”

Dinky looks hopeful. “I hope you were able to.”

“Nah. It was obviously over something dumb, so I brushed them off.”

Max groans. “I’m sure they didn’t like that.”

“Right. Stingray said something to the effect of ‘if I wasn’t going to be helpful to take a long drive off a short pier’.”

Xenos chuckles. “What?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s a play off of the saying ‘a long walk off a short pier’.”

Hugh shrugs. “I still don’t get it.”

Hammer frowns. “They were more or less saying ‘get lost’. So I did. Although I didn’t know at the time that the Charger could handle so well underwater.”

Auriel gasps. “Wait, what?!”

Hugh grimaces. “That seems awfully reckless.”

“I prefer to think of it as ‘aggressive testing’. After all, it’s airtight and designed for underwater movement. Besides, if it hadn’t have worked out it still would’ve given me a chance to hole up in the hanger for a couple days and take my baby apart.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Hanger?”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward the water behind her. “There’s an underground dock for launching submarines. That’s how I got out here. Uh… let’s just keep that between us, okay?”

Arc grins. “No problem.”

“Say… could I talk to you alone for a minute, Arc?”


The pair stand up and walk down the beach together. Dinky looks to Auriel.

“I wonder what they’re talking about.”

Max sighs. “The commander will tell us later.”

Hugh shrugs. “Maybe.”

Xenos turns to Sereb. “Can you hear them?”


Auriel appears hopeful. “What are they saying?”

“You don’t want to know.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Hammer walk down the beach together. Hammer turns to Arc and smiles nervously before speaking.

“Um… thanks.”

“What for?”

“Letting me hang around today.”

“It’s fine.”

Hammer chuckles nervously. “Most folks just kinda try to get rid of me as fast as they can.”


“Like when I go into a shop with my sisters. The staff doesn’t really want anything to do with me.”


“Yeah. Not really sure why.”

“Maybe they can’t take your high energy attitude.”

Hammer frowns. “Say what now?!”

“Or it could be how fit you are.”

Hammer looks her toned body over in the bikini. “You gotta stay in shape if you’re going to drive the Charger. She’ll get away from you otherwise.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

Hammer looks nervous again. “Can I ask you something?”


“Do you think I’m… annoying?”

“Of course not. Why would I?”

“Well, uh… like I said, everyone’s usually just trying to get away from me. But not you for some reason.”

Arc chuckles. “You don’t scare me.

“I’m scary?”

“Well, you are pretty tough.”

Hammer flexes and swings at Arc. He turns and effortlessly stops her fist in his palm.

“Nice one! You’re pretty fit yourself!”

As Arc lets go of her hand she puts them on his chest and grins.

“Nice and toned. It’s enough to get a girl all hot and bothered.”

Arc blushes. “Um… thanks. I think.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “I’m saying you look sexy! Just take the compliment!”


“Don’t be.”

She looks into his eyes for a long time. They are both silent and sober.

“Arc, I… I was wondering if you could help me with a little problem I have.”

“Maybe. What is it?”

“Well, you see…”

A short time later Arc and Hammer return to the campfire. Dinky smiles at her father.

“Have a nice walk, dad?”

Arc nods. “Y-yeah.”

Hammer nods and offers them a thumbs up. “We had a nice little… chat, if you will.”

She grins at Arc before turning back to the others.

“Well, I should probably be getting back to the base. Stingray and Mio are probably at each other’s throats without me to stand between em.”

Dinky pouts. “Aw. Do you have to?”

Hammer nods. “Yup. Sorry kiddo, but I have work to do.”

Max smiles. “Well, thanks for stopping by.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. Today was great!”

Hugh throws up a hand and waves. “Don’t be a stranger now.”

Auriel looks to her sheepishly. “Take care on the way… um… home.”

Hammer nods. “Thanks for the fun, all yall! Today was a blast!”

Arc puts a hand on Hammer’s shoulder. “Yes it was. We’ll have to do this again soon.”

“Yup. I’ll see you later.”

Jumping onto the Charger, Hammer hops inside. With a final wave she closes the hatch, starts the engine, turns around, and drives back into the lake. Max turns to Arc.

“That was a day and a half!”

Xenos groans. “I’ll say.”

Auriel shrugs. “She seemed pretty friendly. Not sure about the trouble you’ve had with her in the past though.”

Hugh rolls his eyes. “Believe me, Hammer’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic lunch.”

Dinky frowns. “That’s not very nice!”

Arc sighs. “I admit she’s a bit… headstrong. But like I said before, I don’t feel that she or Mio are actually bad people.”

Hugh appears nervous. “Sir, can I ask you something kinda personal?”

“Um… I guess. What is it?”

“Did something happen between you and Mio down in that underground cave?”

Max’s neck snaps to look at his friend. “HUGH!”

Arc holds up a hand. “It’s okay. What do you mean by that?”

“Uh… I mean… did you two… hit it off?”

Arc sighs. “Are you asking if Mio hit on me?”


Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact most of the time she was busy trying to make the situation harder by not letting me help her.”

Auriel tilts her head to one side, confused. “How so?”

“She was stuck in a pile of debris, but didn’t want me to dig her out. When a bunch of stuff overhead fell down completely burying her she didn’t have much choice though.”

Xenos chuckles. “If not for the mortal danger, I would have thought such alone time would be very romantic.”

Max moans. “Not you too, Xenos. The commander is just doing what needs to be done in order to complete the mission.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. More or less anyways.”


“I’ve got some plans of my own.”

Sereb frowns. “In regards to what Hammer said?”

Arc turns to him, surprised. “You heard?”

“Unintentionally, but yes.”

Max looks worried. “What’s he talking about, sir?”

“Hammer asked me to help her with a little problem she has.”

“A problem? What was it, dad?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. She said we’d talk about it on Friday.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “What’s so special about that day?”

“We’re going out on another date.”

Xenos gasps. “Again?!”


Max grimaces. “Sir, I strongly recommend not following through on that.”

Hugh nods soberly. “Right! She could be planning a trap for all you know!”

“Maybe. But I doubt it.”

Xenos groans. “At least have Viktor listen in!”

“Don’t worry. I was planning on that very thing. After all, it’s how we handled my first date with Hammer.”

He turns to Hugh.

“Viktor has the recording if you’re interested.”

Hugh blushes. “N-no thank you, sir.”

Auriel’s face lights up excitedly. “I’d be very interested in hearing what…!”

Sereb interrupts her. “Auriel, why don’t we get you to bed?”

Arc nods and stands up. “That’s not a bad idea. We’ve all had quite the day. Xenos, fill up the cooler with lake water and put out the fire.”

“Yes sir.”

Hugh follows him. “I’ll follow up with sand, sir.”


Dinky looks around at their surroundings with a frown. “But there’s nothing here but empty ground and water.”

“True. But it’s very irresponsible to leave a campfire unattended.”

Max nods. “The wind could pick up and throw embers into the forest.”

Auriel looks at the fire, nervously. “Where we’re sleeping?!”

Arc looks to the pit soberly. “Yes. Which is why we’re going to be VERY sure the fire’s completely out before leaving the beach.”

His squad carries out their orders. Soon the fire is little more than a smoking remnant. Hugh pours sand over the cold coals before turning back to Arc.

“Mission accomplished, sir.”

“Good. Now let’s get back to camp before the light’s completely gone.”

Taking Dinky’s hand Arc leads the group back toward the tree line. Rose turns to them.

“I hope everyone had a good time.”

Arc nods. “That we did.”

Dinky giggles. “It would have been more fun with you there, Miss Rose.”

“Maybe next time I’ll join you.”

Max looks the android up and down. “You okay?”

“I’ll be switching to thermal sensors soon.”

Arc nods. “Hoping to spot a truck in the dark?”

“With any luck, yes.”

Xenos kneels down. “Need anything?”

“A refill on my water to get me through the night is all I require.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

“Thank you, Xenos.”

“It’s the least we can do after all you’ve put into this mission already.”

Dinky yawns as Cherry calls out.

“I think you should get little Dinky to bed soon, Arc. She’s barely keeping her eyes open.”

Rose nods. “Yes. I sense her respiration dropping as melatonin levels rise.”

Arc picks Dinky up and sets her on his shoulders as he looks to Rose.

“You really going to be okay over here?”

“Yes. I’ve been in this spot for quite some time now.”

Max frowns. “Pretty much since we got here actually.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Is that… safe?”

Rose appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Your joints might react badly to the prolonged positioning.”

Arc grimaces. “Maybe you should stand up, Rose.”


Slowly Rose puts a hand on the ground. She grunts a bit before looking up at them.

“It appears you were correct, Auriel. My joints have seized up a bit.”

Auriel sighs. “Let me take a look.”

She kneels down and runs a hand along Rose’s legs several times.

“I’ll have to straighten them manually. Are you ready?”

Rose nods. “Yes. Go ahead.”

Slowly and carefully Auriel pushes Rose onto her back. Taking her ankle she begins pulling and pressing down on the knee. With a slight pop the joint loosens. Max grimaces.

“That sounded awful!”

“Now for the other one.”

Rose nods as the process is repeated. Auriel straightens the legs before giving them a few bends and feeling them.

“How do you feel now?”

“Internal joint pressure shows a slight blockage.”

Arc sighs. “We should have Twilight look you over, Rose. It could be serious.”

Auriel looks over to him as she helps Rose stand up. “While certainly possible, I don’t think it is. But next time you’re in Ponyville talk to Twilight though. She’s the real expert on your unique construction.”

Rose smiles. “I will.”

Xenos takes Rose’s other hand. “Anything we can do to help?”

Sereb looks to Auriel. “How about we take turns checking on Rose? Get her moving around a few times a day.”

“That might be a good idea.”

Rose sighs. “I will endeavor to do that myself.”

Hugh puts a hand on Rose’s shoulder. “We’ll still come check on you. After all, someone has to keep you supplied with fresh water from time to time.”

“Yes, well… all of you should rest now. I can see the fatigue in everyone’s eyes.”

Sereb nods. “I will stay with Rose for now.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks, Sereb. We’ll see both of you in the morning.”

They return to their campsite. Stepping inside the smaller tent Arc lays Dinky down on her sleeping bag and kisses her forehead.

“Goodnight sweetheart.”

Backing outside into the warm night air he turns to the others.

“Get some rest, guys.”

Max appears apprehensive. “Yes sir. But…”

“What is it?”

Xenos grins. “We just wanted to say… thanks.”

“Oh? What for?”

Hugh shrugs. “For being… you, I guess.”

“I don’t understand.”

Max sighs happily. “Equestria’s greatest warrior still has time for the little people. Us, Dinky, Rose, Auriel.”

Xenos gives him a thumbs up. “We just really appreciate the concern for our well-being.”

Hugh nods. “Right. So… we all kinda felt the need to say something about you and Hammer.”

Auriel shrugs. “She seems alright to me.”

Cherry calls out. “Their concern is well founded. Hammer and her sisters have certainly earned themselves a rather bad reputation.”

Arc nods. “I understand your concern. But this is a perfect opportunity to learn about them. Hammer just told me a few of their secrets, after all. While the information wasn’t really useful, think about how much more could I learn if this relationship continues.”

Max groans. “But at what risk, sir?”

“A calculated one. We all need to do our part here to bring Princess Celestia home.”

Hugh sighs. “Yes sir.”

Arc points to their tent. “Now get some rest. This time I really mean it.”

They nod respectfully and head for the larger one. Arc turns to Auriel and gestures to the smaller tent.

“Go ahead. I already unrolled a sleeping bag for you.”

“What about you?”

“I was just going to sleep in the Jeep.”

“What?! No! You should be there with Dinky!”

“It’s okay. I really don’t mind.”

Auriel takes his hand as she lowers her voice. “There’s also the matter of… what happens at night when I’m not next to you.”

“Wouldn’t that make you feel a bit… strange?”

Auriel shakes her head. “I’ve slept with you these last few nights.”

“Yes. But not with Dinky lying there.”

The sound of the tent flap opening can be heard. Dinky pokes her head out and rubs her eyes.

“Dad? What’s going on?”

“Sorry for waking you up, sweetheart. Auriel was just saying… um… we were trying to figure out the whole… sleeping arrangement.”

“She can sleep here with us.”

“Are… are you sure?”

Dinky nods sleepily.

“Okay. You lie back down and we’ll be in shortly, okay?”

“Yeah… okay.”

Pulling her head back into the tent Dinky flops back down in her spot. Arc turns to Auriel

“I guess that settles it.”

Auriel smiles. “Yes, I suppose so.”

“Um… would you do me one favor though?”

“What is it?”

Arc looks around for a few moments before leaning forward and whispering in her ear.

“Would you please keep your clothes on tonight?”

“Um… okay.”

“Thank you.”

He leans down and pulls back the flap. Auriel crawls inside as Arc follows her. He lies down next to Dinky as she snuggles up to him. Auriel does the same.

“Good night, Auriel.”

“Good night.”

The air is quiet for a time. The only sound being the leaves blowing overhead. A few moments later Auriel breaks the silence.

“Thank you.”


“For believing in me.”

“What do you…?”

Auriel sighs. “Like I said in the past, back in Tartarus I wasn’t exactly what you would call popular. After all, who wants to get to know a strange looking demon whom hardly ever leaves her lab?”

“We do.”

“You and Twilight were the first, yes.”

She smiles in the darkness.

“I’m amazed at what she and I have been able to accomplish since I left home. But I think I have both of you to thank for that.”


“You two encouraged me… provided the resources for me to be able to make a difference. Use my skills for the betterment of others.”

“The ability to do that was inside you the entire time.”

Auriel giggles. “That may be. But without your prodding, I wouldn’t have had the courage to act on it.”

“I’ve seen you come so far since that time. Making friends, accepting pony culture, and even facing the Dark One.”

Auriel shudders. “Not my favorite memory. The last one, I mean.”

“Yeah. But I don’t think the scared demoness I found in the Malice Cannon’s control room could’ve done that.”

“Probably not.”

“So what made you do it?”

“I realized I could do something to help. Something no one else there could.”

“And what was that?”

Auriel smiles. “Protect not just the townsponies, but you as well.”

“Yeah. Thanks for that.”

“Sometimes we all just need a little help.”

She leans over and gently kisses his cheek.

“Good night, Arc.”

“Sweet dreams.”

Auriel sighs contentedly as she lays her cheek on his chest. “With you here, I guarantee it.”

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