• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 20 - Do-Over


Swerving to one side, Arc lays his bike down as the missile flies past both him and the Landmaster. Getting up, he looks behind him angrily at the pursuing aircraft. Quickly making a sigil, Arc turns back to look at his pursuer as Rose calls out to him.

“Arc?! What are you doing?!”

“Taking care of this pest. Be right back.”

Blinking, Arc disappears. Minerva gasps as Tom calls out to her.

“It looks like the Hero just teleported away.”

“That’s right, Tom. But please note that he left his motorcycle behind.”

“Strange. Do you think he plans to abandon it?”

“I don’t think so. Oddly enough, it didn’t appear to take very much damage from his earlier crash.”

“You think it’s still functioning?”

“Yes. We’ll stay here for a bit and wait for the Hero to come back.”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears in the co-pilot seat of the attacking aircraft. Turning, he lunges at Mio and knocks her staff out of her reach. It clatters to the floor as he puts her into a headlock. She gasps for breath.


Arc grits his teeth angrily. “Put this thing on auto-pilot!”


“When you pass out, I’m Blinking out of here! You want the ship to crash?!”

Nodding as best she is able, Mio reaches out and presses a button. The Auto-Pilot button lights up. Arc tightens his grip on Mio’s neck as she flails in vain. In short order her movements weaken and her eyes close. He carefully lays her down and quickly casts a weak Sleep Spell on her before standing back up.

“That should keep you out long enough for us to get away.”

Pulling the magic staff he took from the Safehouse, Arc grabs Mio’s staff from the floor next to her. With one in each hand he looks out a window. Spotting the larger aircraft through a side porthole he charges up his magic and Blinks inside the cockpit. Looking toward the pilot’s seat he spots Diva at the controls. Grinning, he clears his throat loudly.

“Most subordinates know to DO WHAT THEY’RE TOLD!”

“I never was much for taking orders.”

Diva whirls around, astonished. She clenches a fist angrily.


“Yes, me. I just came to apologize.”

Diva looks to him, confused. “What for?!”

Arc holds up the two magic staves. “For all the damage these are going to cause.”

Diva throws herself to the floor as Arc channels a great deal of magic into both wands. Each focusing crystal explodes sending shrapnel flying all around the cockpit. Looking up, Diva gasps.

“You IDIOT! How am I supposed to fly the plane now?!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

He turns and opens a portal.

“Happy landings!”

Diva grits her teeth as she runs past the closing portal and into the cargo hold. Stingray is just finishing up Hammer’s bandages. She looks to the colonel.

“What was that commotion a moment ago, ma’am?”

“Your idiot sister has done it again!”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

Diva points a finger toward the cockpit. “She let the Hero get ahold of not one, but TWO of her staves! He just detonated their crystals!”

Stingray grimaces. “Was there much damage?”

The plane begins to turn downward. Diva rolls her eyes.

“Any other questions?!”

Hammer looks to Diva. “Uh… should we bail?”


Stingray gasps. “Wait! We still have the last ace up our sleeves, Colonel Diva!”

“Great! Use it, and salvage what’s left of this failure of a mission! I’ll report what happened to the general!”

She opens a portal and rushes through it as Stingray turns to her sister. Hammer waves her away.

“Leave me! Go after the Hero and his gang!”

Stingray shakes her head. “No way! We’re in this together!”

She helps Hammer stand and drags her deeper into the aircraft. Meanwhile, Arc steps out of the portal on his earlier sigil. The Crusader lies on the ground where he left it. Picking it up, Arc presses a button and the engine comes to life.

“Certainly glad Sunburst and Stellar Flare didn’t skimp on quality parts.”

Revving the engine a few times, Arc accelerates and continues on his way after the Landmaster. Minerva breathes a sigh of relief.

“He’s back, Tom!”

“And his ride seems to be no worse for wear.”

Dave calls out to Minerva over his headset. “That plane from earlier is losing altitude!”

Minerva looks toward the large airplane as smoke begins pouring out of one of the engines. “I think I know where the Hero went a moment ago, Tom.”


She aims the camera at the distressed plane.

“He apparently teleported to that large aircraft, disabled it somehow, and returned to his motorcycle.”

“What about the smaller plane?”

“They’re holding a course away from him. Whether their out of ammunition or just lost their nerve is anyone’s guess right now though.”

“I guess it’ll be smooth sailing for the Hero and his allies from here on out.”

“Most likely, Tom. We’ll continue to monitor this situation and advise you if anything changes.”

Meanwhile, Rose’s voice fills Arc’s ear.

“Your vehicle’s engine just restarted, Arc! Are you alright?!”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“You sure?!”

Max nods. “We saw that missile almost take you out, sir!”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah! You had to lay it down!”

“They missed me by a hair. Nothing’s broken though. Well… other than two of Mio’s staves and that big plane that was following us.”

Rose smiles. “I detect it losing altitude.”

Arc grins. “That it is.”

Viktor gasps. “How, sir?!”

“A couple detonated focusing crystals in the cockpit did the trick.”

He looks down at his armor to see crystal fragments embedded deep in his chest plate.

“Which may not have been the best idea after all.”

Cherry gasps. “Oh my! Some of those cracks look serious!”

Auriel frowns. “Cracks?!”

“To my armor.”

Ember grits her teeth. “You sure you’re okay?!”

“I’m okay. But the repair bill for this is going to be…”

Rose calls out. “Above you!!!”

Arc looks up.

“What the heck?!”

A large object hurls through the sky toward Arc. Gunning the engine he puts distance between it and him. It crashes to Earth with a colossal thud, creating a massive shockwave. Barely keeping control of the Crusader, Arc fishtails and brakes as he does a 180. Xenos calls out over Arc’s earring.

“Are you alright, sir?!”

Viktor grunts. “We felt that thing hit all the way over here!”

“Yeah. But… what…?”

Cherry gasps. “It would appear to be the same vehicle Hammer drove out of the lake and onto the beach the other day!”

Arc groans. “Great.”

Auriel turns to Rose. “What should he do?!”

Celestia calls out to them. “Twilight!”

Ember nods. “She’s right! Get out of there, Arc!”

“On it!”

Gunning the engine, Arc turns around and speeds off in the opposite direction as he mutters to himself.

“Maybe it fell out of the plane?”

Cherry sighs. “I sure hope so. It’d be quite the battle if you and the others had to fight that thing.”

“Well, even if it was intentionally dropped as a last ditch effort to stop me, I…”

“Wait! Is it… moving?!”

Arc looks in his rear view mirror. “That’s… not possible. No one could have survived a fall from that height in something like a TANK!”

Rose looks over the console’s readouts. “Diva may be controlling it remotely. However, I can’t scan through the hull to be sure, Arc.”

“Well, even still, I can outrun it.”

Max grins. “A tank isn’t too dangerous if it can’t keep up with its target.”

Xenos laughs. “Good. Leave em in the dust!”

Viktor turn to Rose. “How far out are we from the rendezvous point?”

“Fifteen minutes.”

Arc nods. “Keep it together everyone! We’re almost there!”

Ember turns to the radio. “What about you?!”

“I’ll catch up to you shortly. Don’t worry about a thing.”

He presses a button on his console.

“Arc to Sunburst.”

“I’m here, sir.”

“Begin your part of the operation now.”

“Yes sir.”

“We’re counting on you. Arc out.”

Nodding soberly, Sunburst takes a deep breath before picking up his radio.

“Sunburst to Equinox.”

Lemon Hearts calls out. “This is The Equinox. Go ahead, sir.”

“We have the order from the Hero of Light. Take off at once.”

“Yes sir. Same trajectory as we discussed?”

“Correct. Strap yourselves in and get as much speed as you can.”

Lemon Hearts turns to Tight Ship.

“Captain… it’s time.”

Tight Ship nods. “Get us in the air, Thunderlane.”

“Aye sir.”

As the ship takes off Soarin turns to the captain.

“Sir, do you really think Sunburst’s device will work?”

Wrangler winces. “It had sure better!”

Tight Ship nods. “The Hero of Light has used it many times in the past with great success.”

Moon Dancer looks to the captain. “I’ve gone over the data, and the science behind it is indeed sound.”

Lemon Hearts sounds nervous. “Captain, has this been tested?”

“Not on such a scale, no.”

Soarin frowns. “Why not, sir?”

“We couldn’t let our enemies know of this before now. As it stands, we have the element of surprise.”

Thunderlane turns his head. “But will we make it is the question, sir.”

“We have to. Princess Celestia and the entire country are counting on us. Bring the ship up to red alert, Wrangler.”

“Aye, sir.”

He turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Inform the crew to report to their action stations and be prepared for anything.”

Sunburst watches from a nearby grassy field as the mammoth ship takes flight and leaves the hanger. Turning to his instruments he presses several buttons as The Equinox doubles back. Sweat forms on his brow.

“It’s now or never.”

As The Equinox approaches, Sunburst presses a final button. A massive wormhole slowly opens and spreads wide. He increases the power output, making the portal even larger before speaking into his radio.

“It’s all up to you now!”

Thunderlane grimaces as the portal looms before them.


Tight Ship grips his chair’s armrests. “Steady as she goes.”

He turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Inform the crew to check their straps and prepare for turbulence.”

“Yes sir.”

Pressing a few buttons, she speaks into her headset.

“Attention all crew! We’re approaching the wormhole! Check your seatbelts, and prepare for transdimensional jump!”

The mood is somber as the portal draws closer. Tight Ship is the last to speak.

“We’re coming, princess.”

The ship hits the wormhole and punches through. Outside is nothing but darkness and silence for several long seconds. As they exit through the other side a large tree line looms before them. Soarin calls out.

“Pull up, Thunderlane!”

Grunting, he does so. The ship lunges upward at a sickening angle before leveling off. Tight Ship turns to Moon Dancer.

“Did we… make it?”

She looks over her instruments. “Yes sir, we did! We’re… we’re on Earth!”

Wrangler grins. “I knew we could do it!”

Thunderlane turns to the commander. “Shall I set a course, sir?”

Soarin nods. “Yes! To the rendezvous point as fast as you dare! Wrangler, activate the ORB!”

“Yes commander.”

Tight Ship turns to Lemon Hearts. “I’d like to address the crew now.”

“Yes sir.”

She presses a few buttons before nodding to the captain. He clears his throat and begins to speak.

“This is Captain Tight Ship. I am happy to report that we have just emerged from the wormhole and my Science Officer has confirmed that we are indeed on Earth. At the moment we are rushing to a predetermined rendezvous location to pick up the Hero of Light and his soldiers. They’ve just completed a death-defying mission deep in to enemy territory. Lead Sage Sunburst informs me that his mission was a complete success. However, he now requires our aid in returning to Equestria. The Equinox will fly to the rendezvous point and extract our troops along with the princess from whatever enemy forces have pursued them. I need all troops to head to the main hatch and await further orders from Captain Shining Armor and Lieutenant Trixie. What we’ll face from here on out is unknown. But with bravery and determination, we’ll take them aboard and return her to Canterlot safely! For the Hero of Light! For the princesses! And for Equestria’s future, we MUST succeed!”

Cheers echo through the halls as the sound of hooves and heavy armor clopping along can be heard throughout the ship. Shining Armor takes his place with Trixie at the main hatch.

“This is it.”

“Trixie is wondering if you are nervous.”

Shining Armor nods. “A bit, yes. But it’s for the safety of the princess and the Hero of Light right now.”

“Do you think they’re okay?”

Shining Armor turns to the hatch. “We’ll know soon enough.”

Meanwhile, Max calls out to Arc.

“I see the rendezvous point!”

Xenos turns to the radio. “Uh… sir, this road isn’t finished!”

Arc grins. “That’s part of the plan, big guy. The Equinox can pick us up from the end of the half-finished bridge without having to land first.”

Sereb groans. “I still do not like this plan.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, at least you sound like you’re doing better.”

“I am fine.”

Rose gasps. “Arc! Something’s about to round the bend behind you! Watch out!”

Arc looks in his mirror just in time to see a strange looking vehicle fishtail around the hairpin turn. Sereb looks at the monitor.

“What IS that?!”

Arc frowns. “It looks like the Charger!”

Auriel grimaces. “But that’s impossible! Nothing that big and heavy could move THAT fast!”

Rose looks over the console. “I’m detecting some kind of rocket propulsion system. We can’t outrun that… THING, Arc!”

Max grips the steering wheel tightly. “Orders, sir!”

Arc groans. “Just get to the rendezvous point! We’ll deal with it there!”

Meanwhile, Minerva gasps.

“I… this is incredible! What can only be described as a high speed TANK is now in hot pursuit of the Hero and his allies!”

“Where did they come from?!”

“No idea, Tom!”

“Do you suppose the Hero might have met his match against this new threat?”

“The more rational side of me says ‘yes’. But remember, we’ve seen him get out of worse in the past.”

Meanwhile, the Charger flies past Arc’s Crusader like it was standing still. Giving the engines all they have, he accelerates and passes the tank to come between the two vehicles. Rose calls out.

“We’re here!”

Arc yells. “FULL STOP!”

The Landmaster along with the Crusader screech to a halt at the base of the half-finished bridge. Arc dismounts and quickly shrinks his motorcycle down before transferring it to his ring. Drawing his Spear of Righteousness he takes up a battle ready stance and calls out.

“Xenos, Viktor, Max, Sereb, and Rose get out here! Auriel, let them out and reactivate the barrier!”

Ember frowns. “What about me?!”

“Protect the princess and Hugh at all costs!”


“DO IT!”

Dave circles overhead as Minerva continues broadcasting. The tank stops and aims its main cannon at Arc. He puts up a barrier to protect them as the Landmaster’s shield lowers and his friends run out. Auriel re-raises the shield as Arc turns to the others.

“Spread out and find cover! Don’t let this thing take us out in one shot!”

Sereb runs over to Arc. “I shall fight with you, my friend!”

Max nods. “Yes sir!”

Xenos runs behind a large tree. “We’ll need every advantage we can get!”

Rose plants her feet firmly and calls forth her R-Cannon and L-Blade. “I can take point!”

Viktor gasps. “What?! But…!”

Rose narrows her eyes. “Don’t worry. I won’t fall to a simple machine that can’t see, think, or feel.”

Arc grimaces. “Just be careful.”

They stand there… waiting. Eventually the hatch opens and Hammer appears. She winces in pain as she puts her hands on the rim of the frame.

“I’d surrender if I were you, Hero.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

Stingray pops out of a smaller rear hatch. “You have our word that you won’t be harmed. Simply throw down your weapons and wait for our reinforcements to arrive.”


Viktor chuckles. “As many of your forces as we’ve already destroyed, you can’t have too much more.”

Hammer laughs. “Maybe not in the traditional sense, no. But we’ve got LOTS more robots to send your way!”

Stingray grins. “The general is very impressed by your actions, Hero. So much so that he wishes to make you an official member of the Organization.”

Hammer winces as she holds her still bleeding arm. “Yeah! He even wants to make you a colonel! Like Diva!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Great…”

Stingray nods. “All you have to do is return with us to Damocles Base.”

Hammer looks to the others. “The rest of you can go after you give us back whatever it was that you stole.”

Max looks to her incredulously. “What we STOLE?!”

Viktor glares at her. “We didn’t steal ANYTHING!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! This was a rescue operation!”

Stingray scoffs. “Right. In any case, you should consider General Mustang’s generous offer, Hero.”

Hammer nods. “Right! That and you’d be doing something for the greater good too!”

“Let me guess. All of you are trying to make the world a better place?”


Rose frowns. “Like Frank Fontaine was?”

Hammer laughs. “Nah! We actually have the brains and the resources to do what we intend to.”

Sereb growls. “Do you now?”

Stingray nods. “Yes. What do you say, Hero?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m no general’s pawn.”

Stingray frowns. “Please reconsider. After all you’ve done, I’d hate for it to end here with more bloodshed.”

Max points his weapon at her. “Then you two should turn around and drive away!”

Xenos clenches a fist. “Yeah! Before YOU get hurt!”

Viktor grimaces. “Or worse!”

Rose points her R-Cannon at the tank. “We won’t go down without a fight.”

Arc nods. “That’s right. Like it or not, I’m not joining you OR giving back the princess!”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Princess?”

Stingray rolls her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

Arc points his spear at the pair. “You’ll need to ask the general about that, because you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Now then, it’s your move. Either leave now or prepare to fight.”

Stingray frowns as she drops back down into the tank. “Have it your way.”

Hammer shakes her head as she does the same. “Why do they always want to do things the hard way?”

Meanwhile, Tom calls out. “Minerva, what’s going on down there?”

“They’re just… talking. About what we can only guess.”

“Could it be that they’re in league with the Hero?”

“I don’t think so. That tank’s cannon is aimed right at him.”

“Be careful out there, Minerva. This situation will most likely get very dangerous, very fast.”

“Agreed. But we’ll stay on the air as long as possible for our viewers.”

Dave groans as he continues to circle the scene. Meanwhile, Hammer sits down in her seat and turns to Stingray.

“What do you suppose he was talking about?”

“You mean that princess story?”


Stingray shrugs. “Who knows? But we should probably get to work.”

“I suppose so. Just remember, we don’t have to beat those guys. Just keep ‘em busy until our reinforcements arrive.”

Stingray grins as she activates her targeting system. “Yes. But where’s the fun in that?”

“What are you talking about?”

Stingray blushes. “If we can take care of this ourselves, the general will personally hear about it!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Whoopie.”

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