• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 1 - Home Again

Arc and Ember return from the new village the Vile Tribe had constructed outside of Tartarus with the help of Twilight and her friends. Pointing a finger toward Ponyville as it comes into view, Arc takes a deep breath and smiles widely.

“It feels so good to be back here again! While I know it probably sounds a bit… over the top, it does give me the sense as if I’ve been gone forever!”

Ember frowns as she looks things over. “Think what you want, but it looks kinda... um... don't take this the wrong way but... boring.”

Arc laughs. “Considering what we’ve been though, I look forward to boring.”

Ember takes hold of Arc’s arm and smiles up at him. “Boring or not, as long as you’re here, I’m home.”

“Then let me show you where I live.”

As Ember follows Arc down the road toward Derpy’s small house she looks up at Arc with a sly smile.

“You mean where ‘we’ live, right?”

Arc shrugs. “I guess so. But that sort of decision is kinda up to Derpy.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… how so?”

“Well, it is her house, after all.”

As the pair enter Derpy’s house together, Arc calls out to his friend.

“Derpy! We’re back!”

Derpy trots happily up to him. Arc kneels down to give his first friend a hug which she returns happily as she cries out.

“Arc! Good to have you home again! How are things in the new village?!”

“The construction is going very well. If all goes according to plan, every pony in town will have their own houses built in a week or so.”

“That’s good to hear. For all the horrors they must have endured while living in Tartarus I hope this is the end of their troubles and the start of new lives.”

Derpy looks over to Ember.

“That goes for you as well, Miss Ember. Let this be a new beginning for you too.”

Arc sighs as he turns to Derpy. “Hey, um… this might sound a bit over the top, but… Ember doesn’t really have anywhere else to go now. Do you think she could live here in my room for a bit? I can pay you extra for her.”

Derpy nods happily. “That’s just fine with me, Arc. But no need for extra bits.”

“Thanks, Derpy. It’s really generous of you to do this on such short notice.”

Ember smiles and takes hold of Arc’s arm again. “Thanks! As long as I’m with Arc I feel everything will turn out all right.”

Derpy smiles at Ember, understandingly. “Yes, he does have that aura about him. Arc, why don't you show Ember to your room? I figured she’d be staying with us, so I had a second bed delivered this morning. I hope that's all right.”

“Thank you, yes. But all in good time, Derpy. There is someone I really want to see first though.”

Derpy nods. “I think I understand just what you mean..”

She stands to one side in an effort to allow Arc to pass. Derpy and Ember follow Arc into the living room together as he approaches the bassinet in the corner. Looking down at the small filly resting peacefully under the baby blanket Arc left to Derpy in his chest Arc looks down at Dinky as a smile creeps across his face.

“I have waited for what felt like an eternity to see you again, little one…”

The tiny unicorn slowly opens her eyes looks up at him, confused. Arc slowly extends a hand to her. She looks at it a moment before batting at it with a tiny hoof. Picking up the smiling filly and holding her Arc speaks softly and tenderly to Dinky.

“Remember me, little one? You're even cuter than I remember you being. Do you like the blanket I left you?”

Derpy giggles as she approaches the pair. “Of course she remembers you Arc. Her being alive now is thanks entirely to you, after all. And thank you ever so much for that little blanket. Dinky really seems to like it. But where did you get it?”

Arc turns back to Derpy Dinky still in his arms.

“Well… to be completely Honest with you, I… saw it in Fortunate Ire's pawn shop. He was just using it as a doily to protect a shelf, or something. Apparently, he doesn't have much experience with what appeared to be magical cloth. So I purchased it and had Twilight look it over to make sure it would make a nice enough gift for a young filly. According to her, she says it has some sort of a calming enchantment on it.”

Ember smiles at the family scene before her. “I'm sure I’ll be quite comfortable living here.”

Arc gives Dinky one last hug and a small kiss on her forehead before putting her back in the bassinet and turning to Ember.

“Now I can show you to my room.”

Taking the few steps across the room, Arc and Ember enter his small room together. With the addition of a second bed he immediately notices that there is not much room left to spare. Arc looks over at Ember a bit embarrassed.

“I know it's not much, but please make yourself at home.”

Ember walks over to her bed and sits down. “It's fine. As you know, this is quite a bit better than my more recent living arrangement.”

Arc looks around his old room thoughtfully before he notices a book on his dresser. He walks over and picks it up as Ember joins him.

“What have you got there, Arc?”

“Before I was banished to Tartarus that fateful night I borrowed this book from the Golden Oaks Library. Sadly, I never had the chance to return it.”

Derpy walks into the room carrying Arc’s satchel. “Arc. I wasn't sure if you would ever need them again but, here are the items you used to deliver Dinky. The hospital returned them here after the investigation concluded.”

Arc rummages around in the satchel. “Thank you Derpy. I... oh no... Twilight is not going to like this!”

Ember appears confused. “Eh?”

Arc reaches into the satchel and pulls out a blood-stained book. Ember raises an eyebrow as she looks it over.

“Looks like that thing has seen better days. What did you do to that thing, Arc?!”

“I used it to learn how to deliver Derpy's foal. But I think we had best return it to Twilight and pay for a new copy. Maybe it will help someone else one day.”

Arc grabs the book and some bits from the chest before heading for the door.

“Let's run these books back to the library, Ember. Besides... there's someone else I want you to meet.”

“Lead on!”

The two walk to the Golden Oaks Library and knock on the door. A short time later, Twilight answers. Smiling, she addresses them.

“Hello Arc! Good day, Ember! I hope you're enjoying our little town!”

Ember walks through the door with Arc. “As long as I am with Arc, anywhere is home to me now.”

Twilight giggles at this. “I am glad that you found happiness, Ember. So, what brings the two of you here today?”

Arc sheepishly pulls out the pony psychology book. “I just came to return the books you lent to me before… the incident.”

Twilight accepts the book, although she appears a bit embarrassed. “Oh, um... thank you.”

Arc holds out the book on delivering foals even though it is quite badly damaged by blood. “I have also come to apologize for this... and I hope these are enough bits to purchase a new copy.”

He gives Twilight a small bag of bits. Twilight bites her lip nervously as he does so.

“Arc... I... I'm really... REALLY... sorry about what happened that night! If I had just taken the time to...!”

Interrupting her, Arc puts a finger to Twilight’s mouth in an effort to silence her before talking.

“Don't worry about it Twilight. It's in the past now.”

Twilight smiles up at him. “I... I'm once again in awe of your Kindness, Arc. Thank you.”

Ember looks around. “Is Spike here by any chance? I would love to say hello to my first friend.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, he is!”

She turns her head and raises her voice as she calls out.

“Spike! Can you come here a moment, please?”

A moment later Spike comes running toward them.

“What's up, Twilight? I... EMBER!!!

The baby dragon bounds over to her and gives Ember a hug.

“Long time no see! How have you been?!”

A rather pained expression crosses Ember’s face. “It's… a rather long story, Spike.”

“Will you be in town for long?!”

“I think so, yes!”

Spike jumps up and down excitedly. “This is gonna be GREAT!”

Ember smiles down at him affectionately. “It's good to see you again too, Spike.”

Arc looks over at the young dragon. “Why don't you take Ember on a tour of Ponyville, Spike? I'm sure the two of you have a bit of catching up to do.”

Spike takes Embers claw in his and pulls her toward the open door. “That would be great! Come on Ember! Let's go!”

Arc calls out after them. “I'll see you at home later after I finish my errands, Ember!”

Twilight turns to Arc as Spike and Ember leave the library together. “Have a few things to take care of, eh?”

“I just wanted to go into town and thank a couple of ponies.”

Twilight walks Arc to the door and smiles. “Well, don’t be a stranger now. I’ll have to have you, Ember, and Derpy over for tea one of these days.”

Arc smiles at her as he walks out the door. “I look forward to it.”

Leaving the Golden Oaks Library, Arc quickly walks to Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer's small shop. Entering the shop, the bell atop the door jingles. Steel Hammer walks in from the back room with his wife by his side and addresses their guest.

“Good morning, Arc! I hope you are well!”

Silver Hammer looks up to him happily. “What can we do for you today?”

Arc reaches into his satchel and pulls out his helmet. “I was hoping the two of you could tell me more about an item I have here.”

Steel Hammer picks up the helmet and inspects it closely. “Can it be? There’s no way…”

“Have you seen anything like this before?”

Steel Hammer’s eyes widen. “Yes, I have! If I didn't know better, I would say this helmet was made out of Hydra Scales. But that can't be the case! They’ve been extinct for such a long time! In fact, the only Hydra Scale armor I have ever heard of was dug up by archaeologists! But this helmet looks positively new! Where did you get this?!”

“A unicorn in Tartarus made it for me.”

Silver Hammer gasps. “But, where did he get the scales?!”

“The scales were given to me... by a hydra.”

Both Steel and Silver Hammer's jaws drop at this revelation. After a few moments, Arc speaks.

“Uh… are you two okay?”

Steel Hammer examines the helmet more extensively as he nods. “Yes! We’re just blown away by this! Well, the smith who made this certainly knew what they were doing. This must have taken weeks if not longer to forge!”

“I’m told it took a single night.”

Silver Hammer puts a hoof on the helmet as she looks to her husband. “But such a material would take an inordinate amount of heat to become pliable! I'm not sure how such a smithing feat could be accomplished so quickly! Any ideas, dear?”

Steel Hammer rubs his chin. “Well... I suppose if the smith had a magical forge at their disposal it would certainly speed up the process to only take about a week. Any idea what kind of fuel was used in the forge? My best guess would be magically enhanced anthracite.”

“The forge was fueled by magical flames from a dragon.”

Another pony jaw drop ensues as Steel Hammer gives the helmet to his wife to help him examine as he speaks.

“Fascinating! I assumed such knowledge was lost by the sands of time! This helmet truly is the find of the century!”

Arc chuckles. “The smith also took the time to enchant it for me.”

Silver Hammer looks up excitedly at her husband. “A master smith AND an Enchanter?!”

“They must be quite the individual!”

“I'm no master enchanter personally, dear, but even I can see that this piece is quite marvelous!”

Steel Hammer looks to Arc. “Would you mind if our daughter Platinum Valve took a look at this, sir? While I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, she’s more versed in ancient and obscure magics than her mother and I are. Perhaps she could shed some light on this.”

“Sure! Let's have her take a look at it.”

Silver Hammer leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with Platinum Valve. As the mare gives the helmet to Platinum Valve she speaks.

“What do you make of this enchantment, honey?”

Platinum Valve examines the enchantment closely before responding.

“I've only read about things like this in the oldest history books on enchanting I could get, but… this appears to have a True-sight Enchantment cast on it. That and this one looks to be quite powerful. Whomever wears this helmet should be able to see through any kind of deception, illusion, or cloaking spell. It's really quite impressive.”

Arc takes the helmet back and puts it on. “It also lets me see in the dark to an extent. Although the smith said the eye-glowing part was more for intimidation than anything else.”

“Awesome, sir!”

As he takes the helmet back off Arc chuckles. “I guess I should have you take a look at the rest of the armor one of these days.”

Silver Hammer’s eyes widen. “Wait! You have an entire Hydra Armor suit?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. It seems to be heavily enchanted with regeneration magic too. But the smith did say something about it not being fully enchanted. I haven't really thought about what other enchants I want on it though.”

Platinum Valve looks up at Arc. “Yes! Hydra Scales are renowned for their ability to hold powerful enchantments!”

“Perhaps you could put a few more on it for me one day!”

Platinum Valve’s eyes become as wide as her smile. “Really, sir?! That would be the honor of a lifetime! No other enchanter in Equestria has worked with Hydra Scales in generations!”

Arc chuckles. “I'll let you know when I figure out what I want to do.”

Platinum Valve gallops toward the door. “Thanks! In that case, I better get back to studying so I'll be ready!”

As he looks back to the Hammers, Arc smiles. “Well, thank you both for the insight. And thanks for your help the other day. I don't think Rarity would made it through that ordeal if she didn't have you two defending her.”

Steel Hammer lowers his voice as he responds. “But… how did you know that was us?”

“I could see you through your armor's magics. My helmet's enchantment, remember? Um… was I not supposed to know that?”

Silver Hammer sighs. “Nopony knows about our past. Have you told anyone else about this?”

Arc shakes his head. “I have not. And don’t worry, as it will stay that way.”

Silver Hammer walks over to her husband’s side. “Thank you. We... we're not proud of some of the things we’ve done in the past. But please know that everything we did was done in the name of protecting Equestria and its citizens.”

Arc nods soberly. “Princess Cadance said that your last mission went badly and you were never heard from again.”

Steel Hammer looks down at the floor. “We... faked our disappearance.”

Silver Hammer bows her head. “You see, we just wanted a quiet life of our own in order to settle down and have a family.”

“So what made you come out of retirement, as it were?”

Silver Hammer looks up at Arc, happily. “When our little Platinum Valve was missing, it was you who found her. You gave us back our happy family. So when we heard Twilight was planning to assault the gates of Tartarus to try and save you, we knew we had to be a part of it. We owe you that much, and then some.”

“Thank you, both of you, for helping. And even more so for protecting my friends during the battle. I am eternally grateful.”

The Hammers nod silently as Arc looks to the door before continuing.

“Well, I should probably let you two get back to work. Thanks again for everything.”

As Arc turns to leave Steel Hammer calls out after him.

“Next time you come by, would you bring the full suit of armor? I wouldn't mind seeing that up close.”


Silver Hammer giggles. “My husband and I may know of a few tweaks that will bring it up to military standards. As if it weren't powerful enough already, that is.”

Arc chuckles. “No rush there. I hope I'm done fighting for quite some time!”

Steel Hammer hangs his head. “That's what we would say after pretty much every mission...”

Silver Hammer nods soberly. “There will always be threats to Equestria, but... our time is done.”

Arc sighs as he walks out the door. “I hope mine is too. But somehow I doubt it.”

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