• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Dark Aid

A short time later Dinky and her friends, along with Tempest, trudge through the Southern Hayseed Forest. The helmet sits on Dinky’s back as Sereb turns to the helmet.

“I’d like to go on record as saying I don’t like this.”

“Neither do I!”

Tempest frowns. “Frankly, I don’t really care. And judging from the bandages on you, fleabag, you couldn’t keep these three safe anyways.”

“I was merely unprepared last time! In the future…!”

Tempest turns and hurls Light’s Bane to her left. A ear splitting howl rings out from the brush as she reaches out a hoof to pull her weapon to herself.

“Anything else?”

Sereb says nothing, but growls. Dinky turns to Tempest.

“So where exactly are you taking us?”

“To the Nightborn Citadel.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “Nightborn… where have I heard that name before?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “I can’t seem to place it either.”

Dinky sighs. “They’re a shadowy organization that more or less worship Princess Luna.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “How exactly do you know that, Dinky?”

Tempest appears impressed. “I too would like to know. After all, their existence isn’t something that’s well known by the general public. Must less a filly.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “My dad’s a pretty high ranking member.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “He is?!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Wow, Arc really DOES stay busy!”

“I mean my biological father, Moonlit Dusk.”

Tempest chuckles. “There’s more to you than meets the eye, little one.”

Dinky groans. “How long will it take us to get there?”

“An hour or so from here.”

Sereb appears skeptically. “And they’re friendly?”

Tempest scoffs. “Hardly.”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “What?! Then why are we going there?!”

“Because none of you has any idea where to look next!”

Apple Bloom sighs. “I suppose that’s true.”

Cherry calls out. “We really don’t have any choice, do we?”

Tempest shakes her head. “Not really, no.”

Stepping out into a large clearing, everyone looks around. They spot a large stone building built directly into the underside of a large cliff. Dinky nods approvingly.

“Natural camouflage.”

“Correct, Dinky. That’s why nopony can find this place from the air.”

Apple Bloom looks around. “What about the ground?”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Anypony could see it from here.”

Tempest chuckles. “Very true. However, nopony would be foolish enough to walk around such a dangerous place without either a very good reason or a death wish.”

Sereb growls. “Let us enter then.”

Cherry shudders. “Yes. And get this over with!”

Tempest approaches the door. Stepping on a number of specific stones on her way, she then bangs on the door. A pony’s voice rings out inside.


“Darkness incarnate arrives with underlings.”

A click is heard as the lock disengages and the door swings open. Tempest motions for them to follow her. As they enter the building they see a large, round Main Hall illuminated by torches around the perimeter. Ponies in black robes walk to and fro as one beckons them. The one before them speaks with the voice of a female.

“Tempest! Why have you brought those so young into our sanctum?!”

Tempest gestures to Dinky. “This one requires the use of the All-Seeing Eye, Speaker.”

“Are you MAD?! We can’t entrust such an item to a FILLY!”

“She is no ordinary filly. This is the Hero of Light’s daughter, Dinky.”

The Speaker nods. “I see. We have great respect for one connected to the Hero of Light.”

Tempest grins and points a hoof at the mare.


Everyone stops and turns to them as Tempest continues.

“You were sloppy!”

“How so?”

“You used present tense when speaking about the Hero of Light!”

Dinky gasps. “You mean he IS alive?!”

“I did not say…”

“Please! I have to know!”

Apple Bloom hurries forward. “We’re trying to…!”

Tempest yells. “Silence!”

Sereb frowns. “But…”

Tempest looks back to the mare. “It is not wise to give information to those whom won’t do the same in return.”

Cherry calls out. “We could tell them something as a show of good faith. After all…”

The mare walks toward the helmet.

“Is this the Hero of Light’s… helmet?”

Tempest nods. “It is.”

“So the tales on the wind were true.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “What tales?”

“We had heard the Hero of Light had imbued a soul into his armor. Naturally we assumed such things were merely idle chatter.”

Cherry sighs. “No, I’m really in here.”

“Were you absorbed upon death?”


“We would like to hear more of your experience with such a lost dark arte.”

Tempest steps between them. “Very well. But in return, we seek an audience with the Listener.”

The Speaker nods. “Very well. However, I don’t believe he’ll be very happy to see you, Tempest.”

“As if I cared.”

“Shall we strike the bargain?”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Do what now?”

Tempest turns to Dinky. “Agree to her terms. We give them the helmet for a time and in return we get to see the Listener. They’re the head of the Nightborn Citadel.”

Sereb growls. “Arc would not agree!”

Apple Bloom nods fervently. “Right! How do we know they won’t hurt Miss Cherry?!”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “Or take us to see the Listener at all?!”

The Speaker sighs. “We are always true to our word. To do anything less would be an affront to the Night Mother.”

Tempest nods. “She’s right about that. They’re pretty stuffy about such things.”

Dinky turns to the helmet. “What do you think, Miss Cherry?”

“Will I rejoin the others when our interview is done?”

“Yes. In this you have my word.”

“Then I accept.”

Dinky sighs. “Are you sure, Miss Cherry?”

Sereb grunts. “Yes. We can find another way.”

“I am. How do we proceed?”

The mare holds up a dark hoof.

“A simple shake will make our agreement binding.”

She looks at the helmet again before speaking

“However, this is a bit… awkward.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “What is?”

“The helmet does not have hooves with which to make an agreement.”

“Can another do it for me then?”

“Yes. The little one whom bears you will suffice.”

Dinky steps forward and raises a hoof. It clops lightly against the much larger one in front of her.

“The bargain is struck. Come. I will take you to the Heart of the citadel, and the Listener.”

Dinky falls into step behind the Speaker as the others follow closely behind.

“So you’re the Speaker. What does that mean?”

“That I speak for the Listener. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “It’s a fancy way of saying she’s the second-in-command here.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “And the top pony is the Listener?”

“Correct. They alone may converse with the Night Mother, should the need arise that is.”

They come to a large double door. Motioning to the guards, the doors open. They step into a small, dimly lit room. The perimeter holds innumerable books, scrolls, tomes, and various magical artifacts. A figure sits behind a large desk at the end of the room going over several books. The Speaker approaches and kneels respectfully.

“Listener, we have very special guests.”

The Listener nods but does not look up. “Oh?”

“Special Agent Tempest has brought the Hero of Light’s helmet to us.”

“And how is that of interest to me?”

“The rumors about it are indeed true.”

The Listener puts down their quill and looks up at the group. They are silent for a few moments as if weighing what to do.

“I will converse with the helmet privately. Everypony, leave us.”

“Begging your pardon, Listener, but a bargain has been struck to achieve that.”

“Has it now?”

“They would allow an examination and conversation with the soul that resides in the helmet in return for an audience with you.”

“Very well. However, the Earth Pony, white unicorn, and the beast will wait outside with Tempest.”

Tempest growls. “What?!”

“I have spoken!”

“We had a bargain! You can’t…!”

The Speaker shakes her head. “You have no such thing, Tempest. The filly whom holds the helmet is the one whom struck the deal.”

Tempest frowns. “Fine.”

She turns to the others.

“Let’s go.”

They are led out of the room by the Speaker whom closes the door behind them. Dinky turns to the Speaker and grits her teeth.

“Hello again… Moonlit Dusk.”

Sighing, the stallion lowers his cowl and looks at Dinky.

“How did you know it was me?”

“Your voice is burned into my memory.”

“Is it now?”

Dinky nods angrily. “Yes! I still remember the time you told me I wasn’t your daughter!”

Moonlit Dusk frowns. “Whom have you told this to?”


“Good! If word of that got out, I’d have quite a few problems.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “How horrible for you.”

Moonlit Dusk glares at Dinky. “I’ve worked very hard for YEARS to get where I am today! And I’m not too keen on a FILLY of all things being my undoing!”

Cherry gasps. “Undoing?”

“Yes! But let’s get back to the matter at hoof.”

Dinky scoffs. “Fine with me.”

She levitates the helmet over to Moonlit Dusk. He takes it and looks it over.


“What is?”

“I don’t see any runes on you. And while I definitely feel the enchantments, none of them are powerful enough to bind a soul to an inanimate object.”

“Yet here I am.”

“Indeed. Had I not seen this with my own eyes…”

Dinky stomps her hoof. “We need your help!”

Moonlit Dusk sighs. “With what?”

“Tempest said something about me using The All-Seeing Eye.”

Moonlit Dusk drops the helmet. Dinky grabs it with her magic before it hits the ground.

“Is she insane?!”

Dinky shrugs. “Probably.”

“The All-Seeing Eye is our most sacred artifact!”

Cherry gasps. “Is it powerful?”

“Very! The Night Mother herself created it while banished to the moon! It’s one of the few objects that connects us with her!”

Dinky frowns. “What exactly does it do?”

“It can show someone acts that happened in the past. Think of it like looking through a window at a scene unfolding before you.”

“Does it really work?”

“Yes. But only if taken to a place of great dark magic. Now then, what is so important that you need something of such power?”

Dinky looks at Moonlit Dusk soberly. “I need to be able to see what happened to my dad after Princess Celestia shot him.”

“You want us to waste it on something like THAT?!”

Cherry calls out. “Please! She only wants to know the truth of whether or not her father still lives! Is that so much to ask?!”

“It is, actually. You see, the artifact can only be used for a few minutes. And even then only once a year.”

“That would be enough.”

Moonlit Dusk shakes his head. “No, it won’t. You’re not getting anywhere near it!”

Cherry groans. “Isn’t there anything we could do to change your mind?”

Moonlit Dusk shakes his head. “No. Now if there isn’t anything else I suggest you two leave before I grow angry.”

“What about if you and I made a bargain?”

“What could you possibly offer me?”

“We’ll be reporting whatever we find here to Princess Luna. If you help, I’ll tell her you were personally responsible for our success.”

“You would?”

Dinky nods. “Yes.”

“Such a grand accomplishment would be quite the proverbial feather in my cap.”

“All you have to do is lend us the All-Seeing Eye and tell us where we can find a place to use it.”

“Very well. I will do this if you will give me the credit for making this idea happen.”

Dinky holds out a hoof. “Fine.”

Grinning, Moonlit Dusk bumps Dinky’s hoof with his own.

“The bargain is struck.”

“Now what?”

“I will personally hold the artifact until we reach our destination. At that time I will…”

Dinky gasps. “Wait! You’re coming WITH us?!”

Moonlit Dusk nods. “How else would the Eye be transported?”

“Tempest could probably…”

“Not a chance! She’s not to be trusted!”

“But they let her in here so easily.”

“Only because of her past as a Special Agent. That doesn’t mean I have to like her, or her Council of Shadows.”

“Fine. We’ll all go together then.”

Moonlit Dusk narrows his eyes. “I don’t want Tempest there!”

Dinky points a small hoof at him. “And I don’t want YOU there! Besides, who’s to say you’ll hold up your end of the bargain without somepony like her to witness it?!”

Moonlit Dusk nods soberly. “You are a tough negotiator, Dinky. We will leave later today. Meet me at the Hero of Light’s base.”
Cherry gasps. “Light’s Hope?”


“Fine. But why there?”

“It’s fairly close to a certain very powerful font of Dark Magic within the Everfree Forest. Such will serve our purpose well. That is, if you still want to do this.”

Dinky nods. “I made a deal. We’ll be there. But I’d like to be allowed to bring the others with us too.”

“More bodyguards?”

“Something like that.”

“That is fine. I will be at Light’s Hope tonight as the moon rises.”

Dinky frowns. “Wait! In the middle of the night?!”

Moonlit Dusk smiles. “Such is when a Nightborn is at their most powerful. I can summon creatures of shadow to aid us if things go awry.”

Dinky sighs. “While not encouraging, given our past, I accept.”

“You’re a smart filly, Dinky. Your mother did well raising you.”

“She did her best.”

“The Hero of Light should be proud as well. You’ve apparently inherited his courage and tenacity.”

Dinky scoffs. “’That’s more than I got from you!”

Moonlit Dusk shrugs. “Think what you will of me. But I did what needed to be done. Then… now… and will do more in the future.”

“I doubt that.”

“The world is a MUCH more complicated place than a filly such as yourself could ever know.”

“I’m sure it is. But just keep your end of the bargain.”

Moonlit Dusk grins. “That I will. After all, a Nightborn’s word is his bond.”

Dinky narrows her eyes skeptically. “Yeah… right.”

“Now then, I have quite a few more questions for the helmet.”

Cherry groans. “I do have a name, you know.”

“Do you now?”


“Just a moment. I want to write all of this down for our records.”

Dinky sighs as Moonlit Dusk pulls out a blanks scroll and begins to write.

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