• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 3 - The Unexpected

The Lunar Destiny touches down in front of the Crystal Castle! As soon as it does, Ember and Sereb wheel the failing Arc onto the deck! Four pegasi paramedics drop onto the deck and approach! They quickly transfer Arc to a stretcher!

“Everypony grab a corner! Let's get the Lord Regent to the hospital right away!”

The paramedics quickly take off! Ember tries to fly after them but finds herself unable to do so!

Sereb runs up to Ember. “You're in no condition to fly. Hop on.”

Ember does so! Sereb runs at top speed after the paramedics! In no time they arrive at the Crystal Hospital! The pegasi set the stretcher on a gurney and the medics rush him inside! A doctor looks him over quickly!

“Get him to the intensive care unit, stat!”

The paramedics quickly do so as Ember and Sereb approach the doctor!

“Are you with the patient?!”

Ember nods! “Yes. We're his bodyguards!”

“Can you tell me what happened?!”

Ember and Sereb explain the day's events from Arc's initial injury that morning to when he collapsed on the Lunar Destiny.

Sereb sighs. “Ever since he collapsed initially, he's been going downhill.”

The doctor nods. “Thank you for the information. If you'll excuse me, I'll see if the other doctors have had any luck stabilizing his condition.”

The doctor hurries away. Sereb turns to Ember.

“I guess all we can do now is wait.”

Ember looks down sadly. “No... there's something else.”

She makes her way up to the Nurse's Station. The nurse on duty is on the phone. She looks up as Ember approaches.

“Excuse me, but are you Ember by any chance?”

“Y-yes, I am!”

The nurse holds out the receiver to her. “There is a Captain Tight Ship on the line for you.”

Ember takes the phone. “Thank you.”

She puts the receiver to her ear.


“Ember! Did Lord Arc make it to the hospital?!”

“Yes. They're examining him now.”

Tight Ship breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. I've already notified Doctor Whooves back in Canterlot of the situation. He said he would contact a Doctor Horse in Ponyville. Apparently, he has more experience treating Lord Arc.”

“Thank you, Captain. I'll notify his family and the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Good. I hope everything works out!”

Ember nods. “...so do I.”

She hangs up the phone and turns to the nurse.

“Is there a public phone I can use?”

The nurse points to a phone in the corner of the room. “Right over there miss.”

“Thank you.”

Ember picks up the phone and dials the operator. They connect her with the Canterlot Castle switchboard.

“Canterlot Castle. How shall I direct your call?”

“I... I need to speak with Captain Shining Armor. Tell him it's very urgent!”

“Whom shall I say is calling?”


“One moment please.”

A few minutes later they are connected.

“This is Shining Armor. Ember? Is everything alright?!”

“No! NOTHING is alright!”

“Okay, calm down and tell me what happened! Where are you?!”

Ember takes a deep breather before continuing. “Sereb and I are at the hospital in the Crystal Empire. We were on our way to Yakyakistan when Arc just collapsed! Tight Ship redirected the ship here! The doctors here are examining him now!”

“WHAT?! How bad is it?!”

“About fifteen minutes out he started having trouble breathing! Sereb and I rushed him to the ships infirmary and put an oxygen mask on him! There was no medic on duty, as Captain Decimus apparently gave everyone with a brain an extended leave!”

“I'm coming out there!”

“No wait! Before he passed out, Arc wanted me to tell you something!”

Shining Armor sits back down in his chair. “What was it?!”

“He... he said to tell you... that if anything happens to him... you're Lord Regent of Equestria.”

There is a loud crash on the other end of the line!

“Shining Armor! Are you okay?!”

The stallion does his best to pick himself up off the floor! “Y-yeah! Just... not sure what to say!”

“Keep it together! For Equestria... for... Arc.”

Shining Armor nods and takes a deep breath. “I will. Is there anything I can do?!”

“Yes. Send a ship to Ponyville and have them pick up Doctor Horse, Derpy and Dinky! The doctor has the most experience treating Arc!”

“I understand. Arc would want his family close at hoof if...”

Ember snaps angrily! “Don't say it!”

She does her best to compose herself again.

“One other thing... have Arc's squad fly to Dodge Junction and pick up a mare named Cherry Jubilee. She owns a cherry ranch on the outskirts of town. Take her to Ponyville so she can join Derpy, Dinky and Doctor Horse on the airship to the Crystal Empire.”

Shining Armor nods. “I'll see to it. But why?”

Ember bites her lower lip. “She's a... special friend of Arc's. I'll call her, Derpy and Dinky and tell them to be ready! You just take care of things on your end!”

“I will.”

“Thank you, Shining Armor.”

He hangs up the phone, putting his face in his hooves and muttering to himself! “This... this is all my fault! If anything happens to him Twilight will never forgive me! And how in Celestia's name am I supposed to lead a COUNTRY?!”

Meanwhile... Ember hangs up the phone. She then calls the Little Hooves Orphanage.

“Little Hooves Orphanage! Matron Coco Pommel speaking!”

Ember stammers in a nervous voice. “Coco Pommel? It's Ember.”

“Ember? What's wrong?!”

“There's been an incident. Can I please speak to Derpy and Dinky?”

“I'll go get Derpy, but Dinky is in class at the moment.”

“Can… can you please get her too? It's an emergency!”

“Very well. Just give me a few minutes.”

A short time later Ember hears the sounds of hoofsteps as the receiver is picked up and the speakerphone is activated! Derpy’s voice comes over the receiver!

“Ember?! What's happened?!”

“I'm at the hospital in the Crystal Empire with Arc. He's very ill!”

Dinky sounds on the verge of tears! “Miss Ember! What happened to my dad?!”

“We don't know dear. He just collapsed! The doctors are with him now.”

“What can Dinky and I do to help?!”

“Go to Ponyville Hospital and meet up with Doctor Horse. Canterlot is sending someone to fly him and you two over here.”

Derpy nods. “I'll send Dinky over there right away!”

Coco Pommel looks to the mare, confused. “Derpy?”

“I don't want to leave you short-hooved, Miss Pommel! The orphans are quite a handful even with both of us here!”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof on Derpy’s fetlock.

“I've been taking care of them alone for almost my whole life. Besides... Arc needs you right now. Go!”

“Thank you. We'll head over there now! Thank you for letting us know!”

Ember nods. “See you in a bit!”

The connection is severed as Ember puts down the receiver. She looks at the phone for a long moment before sighing and muttering to herself.

“I guess there's no putting if off any longer.”

Taking a deep breath, Ember dials the operator.

“Your call please.”

“Ch-Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction please.”

“One moment.”

A few moments later someone picks up.

“Cherry Hill Ranch! Cherry Jubilee speaking!”

“Um... I...”

“Hello? Is anypony there?”


“Is there something I can help you with?”

“It... it's Ember, Cherry.”

Cherry smiles happily! “Ember! How have you been?! It is time for another visit?! Oh, I do enjoy having you and Arc here!”

“I... um...”

“Ember? Is something wrong?”

“It's... I... look Cherry. I… I need you to do something for me.”


Ember takes a deep breath. “There… there are some Lunar Protectors on their way to your ranch! They have orders to bring you to Ponyville as quickly as they can!

“What? But why?”

“I... I'm sorry Cherry. We just... we need you here right away! Please just trust me on this, okay?!”

“Okay Ember. I'll see you when I get there! Bye!”

Ember sets down the receiver as Sereb walks over.

“Ember? Are you all right?”

Ember sighs and puts a claw to her forehead. “I... I couldn't bring myself to tell her...”

Sereb looks confused. “Tell who?”

“Cherry Jubilee.”

Sereb licks his lips! “Sounds delicious.”

Ember forces a small smile. “No Sereb. That's the name of the mare who... has a... ‘thing’ for Arc.”

Sereb nods. “She is not the only one.”

Ember sighs. “So you've noticed huh?”

“I could be blind and still see how your demeanor changes when he enters the room.”

“I... I know it's not gonna happen with us. Besides the fact my father already said no, he... he already has someone special.”


Ember shakes her head sadly. “Nah. He loves her and all. Just, not in that special way.”

Sereb nods. “Well then, I look forward to meeting this Cherry Jubilee. She must be very special indeed to turn his head.”

Ember bows her head sadly. “Yeah... she is.”

The doctor comes out and makes a beeline for Ember and Sereb!

“How's he doing doctor?!”

The doctor shakes his head. “Not very good. He's completely unable to breathe on his own now! We've put him on a ventilator, but even it seems to be having trouble keeping him alive! It’s as if his lungs don’t WANT to breath!”

Sereb frowns. “What could be the cause of this?”

“It's too early to tell. We're going to be running a myriad of tests over the next couple hours to try and determine that.”

Ember nervously replies… “Doctor... is he... going to be okay?!”

“I’m sorry, but at this point I'm not really sure of anything. Can you help us contact his family?”

“We've already done that. They're on their way.”

“Good. At this point I'm not sure how long he has for us to figure this out!”

The doctor returns to the intensive care unit.

“We should probably sit down.”

Ember silently nods. Sereb escorts her to the back corner of the Waiting Room. The two are silent for a long time before Sereb turns to her.

“Do you wish to speak to me about it?”

“About what?”

Sereb looks to Ember. “I think you already know what I mean”

Ember sighs. “Is it that obvious?”


She leans back in her chair and looks up at the ceiling. “When Arc and I met... it feels like forever ago! Back then, I didn't have anyone to share my life with. The Vile Tribe took me in, and while it was nice to feel needed, they weren't exactly what I would call ‘friends’.”

“Those who live and work together. Would one not call those friends?”

Ember shakes her head. “It's... complicated. When Arc and I escaped Tartarus together... after I watched him commit selfless acts one after another... I... knew then that I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together!”

“I do not understand. What is preventing you from this?”

“Human lives are so short! Before I know it, he'll be gone! And that's if he lives to old age!”

Sereb nods understandingly. “While our own race does not live nearly as long as dragons, it was not uncommon in the past for us to bear different riders over the course of our lives.”

“Do you think they missed their former masters?”

Sereb nods. “Most likely. We become quite attached to those we share a Life Pact. A lifetime together tends to do that.”

“How did they do it? How did they... move on?”

“We believe that life, no matter how long or short, always ends the same way... in death. Everything around us... everyone around us... is temporary. That one day we will be reunited with our long-lost friends in the Great Beyond.”

Ember smiles. “It's a nice thought.”

Sereb nods. “In the end... it is all we have.”

Meanwhile... Arc's squad nears Dodge Junction.

Hugh turns to the others. “What do you suppose this is all about?”

Viktor shrugs. “No idea. The Captain sure was acting weird though.”

Xenos chuckles. “Well he does have a high stress job.”

Max nods. “True. But there's something he wasn't telling us. In any case, that must be the place.”

He points a hoof to a small farmhouse surrounded by cherry trees. They quickly land in front of the house. Cherry is waiting for them on the porch with Ruby. Max looks over to the pair.

“Miss Cherry Jubilee?”

“Yes, that's me.”

“We're here to escort you to Ponyville Hospital.”

Cherry appears suddenly frantic! “WHAT?! Is Arc hurt?!”

Xenos shakes his head. “Not likely! He's tougher than all of us combined!”

Hugh nods. “True! That and he headed out in the new airship this morning.”

Viktor points a hoof to the north. “Yeah! They were heading for Yakyakistan I hear!”

Max gestures to the chariot behind them. “Sorry ma’am, but we don't have the details. Our orders were only to get you there as fast as we could!”

Cherry nods and climbs into the chariot before turning back to her sister happily!

“I'll be home as soon as I can Ruby!”

“Have a nice trip sister! I hope you enjoy whatever Arc has planned!”

Cherry waves a hoof to her sister as the chariot takes off!

“Take care of things while I'm gone, Ruby!”

Arc's squad quickly makes their way to Ponyville Hospital. They see Derpy, Dinky and Dr. Horse waiting for them! The chariot lands and Cherry quickly trots over to them!

“Hey there, Dinky! Long time no see! What's with the long face?”

Dinky looks at the ground sadly. “My... my dad's in the hospital.”

She and Arc's Squad look to the filly, wide-eyed! “WHAT?!”

Cherry walks quickly toward the hospital! “Well, let's go see him then!”

Derpy turns to her, sadly. “He's not in there Cherry .”

“Where is he then?! What happened?!”

Doctor Horse walks over to address Cherry. “I was notified by the captain of the vessel Lord Arc was traveling on that he had fallen ill en route to Yakyakistan. Apparently, I have the most experience treating him, so I was called to advise the medical team there. As for what happened is anypony's guess, as they never made it to their original destination.”

Derpy sighs. “Hopefully it's just some kind of nasty virus he picked up!”

Dinky nods hopefully! “Yeah! Maybe he just wants some company.”

The Blitztorte circles around overhead and prepares to land nearby as Cherry feels a nameless dread.

“I do hope you're right Dinky! Although I can't shake this feeling I have!

The group boards the ship and are quickly underway! Chery puts her hooves on the railing and looks north as they take off!

“Arc... please be okay!”

Derpy walks over and puts a hoof on her fetlock.

“We'll be there soon.”

The pilot picks up the radio. “Captain Shining Armor this is the Blitztorte. Come in please.

“This is Captain Shining Armor! I read you Blitztorte!”

“I'm leaving Ponyville Hospital and will arrive at the Crystal Empire in about two hours.”

“Roger that Blitztorte. Get them there as quickly as possible!”

The pilot nods. “I copy that. We're underway! Blitztorte out.”

As the pilot puts the radio down, the group enters the flight deck. Cherry trots in place as she approaches the pilot!

“Is there any word on Arc's condition?!”

The pilot shakes his head. “No ma'am. I was just notifying the Captain of the Guard of my ETA to the Crystal Empire.”

“Can we ask him?!”

“I'm sorry ma'am but...”

Cherry storms over to the pilot and grabs the radio! “Give me that!!!”

The pilot gulps and leans away from her. She pushes buttons frantically!

“Captain?! Is Arc okay?!”

Shining Armor’s voice comes over the radio. “Who is this?!”

“This is Cherry Jubilee! I'm here with Derpy and Dinky! Now tell us what's wrong with Arc!!!”

“We actually don't know much at this point, ma’am. They were about halfway to Yakyakistan when Arc suddenly collapsed! Ember had the captain divert the craft to The Crystal Empire. She also told me that shortly before they arrived Arc began having trouble breathing!”

Dinky starts to cry! “What?! NO! Dad...”

Derpy quickly moves to stand next to Cherry as she speaks into the radio. “He's going to be okay though, right?! RIGHT?!?!?!”

“I'm sorry. We don't know right now. But...”

Derpy and Cherry shout into the radio together! “BUT WHAT?!”

“Ember told me to get all of you there... just in case. Arc would want all of you there if he were to...”

She slams the radio down so hard she dents it! She turns to the pilot angrily! “CAN'T THIS THING GO ANY FASTER?!”

“Yes, but...”

Cherry Jubilee pushes the pilot out of the way and grabs the throttle! Pushing it all the way forward she puts her hooves firmly on the wheel and does her best to hold them steady!


The pilot looks to her fearfully as the ship lunges forward! “WOAH! Miss, are you CRAZY?! The engine can't take this kind of abuse for long!”

She yells at him furiously, not taking her eyes off the horizon! “Will it last long enough to reach our destination?!”

“Yes, but...”

All semblance of sanity leaving her… “THEN WE'RE DOING IT!!!”

The pilot cowers in a corner! “Oh Celestia... we're gonna die!”

They make the trip is roughly half the time! Cherry looks to the city as they fly over the wall, a twisted smile on her face and a wild look in her twitching eyes!

“Hold on Arc! We're almost there!”

Cherry turns to the pilot!

“Take over you coward! Land us right in front of the hospital!”

He walks shakily to the controls! “Y-yes ma'am! But you want me to land in the middle of the street?! What about traffic?!”

Cherry turns to him with a wild look in her eyes!


The pilot does a he is told. As soon as the ship touches down Cherry , not waiting for the gangplank to be lowered, jumps over the railing along with Derpy and Dinky!

Doctor Horse waits for the gangplank patiently. “Oh my... I'll never underestimate the power of love again!”

The others burst into the hospital waiting room and run up to Ember and Sereb who are speaking to the doctor! Cherry reaches them first with Derpy close behind!


“Is he going to be okay?!”

Dinky whimpers as she catches up. “Where's my dad?!”

The doctor nods. “I'll bring all of you up to speed on the Lord Regent's condition as soon as the doctor from Ponyville arrives.”

Doctor Horse trots in the door. “What a ride!”

Sereb sniffs the air. “What is that smell?”

The doctor looks over his shoulder. “I think the airship's engine caught fire as we landed. The Fire Department is on its way.”

The wild look reappears on Cherry’s face. “I don't care about the ship!!! WHERE IS ARC?!?!?!”

Ember nods! “Can we see him now?”

Derpy appears on the verge of tears herself! “Please?! We're really worried about him!”

Dinky walks over to the doctor and tugs on his lab coat with tears in her small eyes. “Excuse me sir, but... can I please see my dad now?”

The doctor nods. “Very well. We can talk in the patient's room.”

He leads the group down several halls to the Intensive Care Unit. They stop outside the door.

“Please try to keep your voices down. The patient really does need his rest.”

All assembled nod as the doctor opens the door. Before them lies a terrible sight! Two respirators have been cobbled together and a tube runs down Arc's nose. There are a number of empty IV racks waiting nearby as a heart monitor beeps quietly. His face is very pale, almost gray in color! Cherry trots quickly over to the bed!


She takes his hand and holds it to her face. The tears begin to fall and she speaks in a shaky voice.

“I'm right here my love!”

Dinky walks over to the other side of the bed with her mother. They lay their hooves on Arc's other hand. It is cold to the touch.

“Arc? We're right here.”

“Yeah dad. Please come back to us!”

The Crystal Pony Doctor gives a chart to Doctor Horse. “Here's everything we know so far.”

Doctor Horse looks over to the chart quickly before turning to local doctor. “Start an IV with Ringer's Lactate, wide open along with a bag of D5W. Put on extra blankets. His bodily systems are very similar to that of a pony's. Treat him like you would an extra-large equine.”

He moves to carry out Doctor Horse's instructions! “Thank you doctor. We really didn't know what to do other than try and stabilize him!”

Doctor Horse nods. “You did fine. If not for your intervention, he would be dead by now.”

He continues to look over the charts.

“I am a bit confused by the need to use two respirators. I've treated him with them before, and one was fully capable of doing the job.”

The Crystal Pony Doctor shrugs. “That's one of the things that really has us stumped! One was working overtime to keep him breathing. It was almost like his lungs didn't want to expand! I've never seen anything like it!”

Derpy looks up! “Why is he so cold?!”

“We're not exactly sure. His heart rate is way down and doesn't seem to want to come back up! Now this is just a guess on my part, but it's almost like whatever is doing this to his lungs is spreading to his heart!”

Ember stands at the foot of the bed. “So what are you planning to do?”

“I’ve ordered new x-rays to be taken of his chest. There was something a bit odd about them. It may have just been a glitch, but I want to be sure.”

A nurse enters with an envelope.

“The x-rays you requested doctor.”

“Thank you, nurse.”

The nurse leaves the room as the doctor motions to the x-ray illuminator as he switches it on.

“As you can see there are a number of dark spots on his left side near the wound. I was told it was caused by a mirror.”

Sereb nods. “That is correct.”

Ember frowns as she points to the x-rays. “But what are those spots?!”

“No idea. But let's compare this to the new pictures.”

The Crystal Pony Doctor puts up the new x-ray and looks it over.

“Well that can't be right...”

Derpy looks at them from Arc’s side! “What is it?!”

Doctor Horse studies the x-rays for a moment before turning back to Arc. “Those black spots appear to be growing! Merging even!”

The doctor opens a nearby drawer and pulls out a tray of surgical implements and moves to Arc’s side along with Doctor Horse.

“I need to see what we're dealing with here. Would you assist me?”

The Crystal Pony Doctor nods! “Gladly! Would everypony please move to the other side of the room. We need to reopen the wound.”

Everyone does so except Cherry who continues to hold Arc’s hand. Not taking her eyes off his face.

“I'll stay here.”

Doctor Horse nods. “Very well.”

He picks up a scalpel and slices open the stitches. Dinky buries her face in her mother's side!

“I'll hold this open with forceps. Can you see anything Doctor Horse?!”

Doctor Horse nods. “I think so. Let me see if I can...”

He reaches inside with a pair of forceps and tugs at something. In a moment he pulls something out and looks it over!

“What in Celestia's name...”

The Crystal Pony Doctor looks over and frowns! “A... crystal?! How did that get in there?!”

Doctor Horse sets the black crystal down on the tray along with the forceps. “I could see others in there. They must be those black spots on the x-rays! And as fast as they're growing, they haven't been in there that long!”

Ember looks confused. “I don't get it! Arc got cut by a piece of glass, sure! But CRYSTAL?!”

Doctor Horse thinks for a moment. “I remember reading about something like this when I was in medical school. It was called Crystal Poisoning!”

Cherry looks over nervously! “Poisoning?!”

“Yes. Centuries ago the Crystal Empire was ruled over by the evil King Sombra. He somehow ‘infected’ all the crystal in the land which caused it to act as if alive!”

Derpy nods. “Is that why it's growing?!”

“Yes. It drains energy from its host in a parasitic fashion! You see, back in those days almost everything in the empire was made of crystal. It was probably the best way for the king to spread his influence.”

Ember frowns. “But Arc has never even been here before!”

The resident doctor looks to Ember. “Are you certain?!”

Ember nods! “As long as I've known him, yes. Derpy?”

“That's right. When I met him, Arc had never so much as set hoof outside of Ponyville!”

Sereb looks to the group. “Then how did he contact this illness?”

The resident doctor looks to Ember. “Tell me more about this mirror that he broke.”

“It was a very old looking mirror in Princess Celestia's room.”

Doctor Horse turns to his colleague. “Is it possible...?”

“I suppose it COULD be old enough.”

Cherry looks to them! “Old enough for what?!”

Doctor Horse frowns. “If it was manufactured during the reign of King Sombra, it may contain traces of his power and influence.”

Ember looks to him in disbelief! “Are you saying a pony king from centuries ago is still alive?!”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “No miss. But the effects of his reign still persist after all these years. If he were still around, the crystals would have fully corrupted Arc by now!”

Dinky’s head shoots up at hearing this! “Corrupted?!”

The Crystal Pony Doctor nods. “Yes. Anypony corrupted by King Sombra's influence became his slave! Mind, body, and soul.”

Derpy looks to her injured friend. “But with the king gone, what would Arc do?”

Doctor Horse sighs. “He would either wait for a command, that would never come mind you. Or he would try to carry out the final command of King Sombra.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Which was...”

Doctor Horse closes his eyes. “The complete destruction of everything.”

Cherry looks to the doctors! “Can ANYTHING be done?!”

The resident doctor sighs. “The only way to save him would be to completely remove all the impurities from his body.”

Dinky nods. “You mean like surgery?”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “That was tried in the past. It was found to be impossible, as the crystals could not be completely removed. They regenerated faster than the doctors could remove them!”

Sereb nods. “So, we need a method that removes the threat all at once?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes.”

Ember nods nervously. “Does such a method exist?”

The resident doctor sighs. “Well, yes and no. Yes, we do have something called the Crystal Heart that can banish the powers of Darkness. But no, inasmuch that nopony was ever able to survive the process!”

Doctor Horse looks down at the floor. “It... it ended up being used as a way to... mercifully end their lives before they fully succumbed. Sadly, a pony's mind and body are not strong enough to withstand such an assault of Light!”

Cherry nods her head with conviction! “Arc can! I just know it!”

Derpy looks over at the doctors and nods! “Yes! He's proven over and over again that's he's strong AND smart! If anypony can survive this, he can!”

Doctor Horse turns to Derpy. “The chances of survival are quite low. Are you absolutely SURE this is what he would want?”

Ember walks over to Arc’s side and looks down sadly at her friend. “I know Arc. He... he wouldn't want to continue living if it meant hurting those he cared for. Of this, I am certain!”

Doctor Horse looks around at the group. “Do all of you agree with that?”

Everyone nods except Cherry . Ember walks over to her.


Cherry appears to be barely holding it together! She shakes slightly from emotion! “I... I know what you're all saying. And I know that this is what Arc would want, but... I just... I just don't want to... I CAN'T LOSE HIM!!!”

Derpy shakes her head. “We won't. Arc is tough! He'll pull through!”

Ember puts a claw on her shoulder. “Yeah! He's got this!”

The resident doctor nods soberly. “I'll notify the Crystal Castle and have them bring the heart over as soon as possible. I only hope he can hold on long enough for it to arrive!”

He quickly leaves the room. Cherry buries her face in Arc's chest, crying!

“Hang on a bit longer my love! I promise I won't leave your side!”

Meanwhile in Yakyakistan... a Yak Commander approaches Prince Rutherford.

“Prince Rutherford. There be no movement from Crystal Kingdom!”

Prince Rutherford nods. “Yak commander sure?! Yaks see big flying ship land there earlier today!”

“Yak sure! Maybe they not come fight?”

The prince shakes his head! “Not possible! Pony King must have been on that ship. It too big to be anyyak else!”

The commander looks confused. “What they doing then?”

“That what yak send commander find out! So, what ARE ponies doing?!”

“Nothing! They doing nothing!”

Prince Rutherford thinks for a moment. “Is clever Pony King trick! Pony King trying lure yaks into thinking he doing NOTHING! But… he actually doing SOMETHING!”

The commander clops his small hooves together! “Ohh! Prince Rutherford smart! What yaks do about this?!”

“Yaks go gather more yaks! Bring fight to Pony King first! He not sees it coming! He thinks he surprise yaks! Well, yaks surprise HIM!”

The commander stomps the ground respectfully! “Yak gather more yaks now! Make army!”

“Go do now! Tell yak when ready!”

The Yak Commander leaves to carry out his orders as a small yak with luminous green eyes and long braided fur approaches Prince Rutherford.

“Father, what yak doing?”

“Yaks gathering more yaks! Go to Crystal Empire! Smash Pony King before he smash us! Good yak plan!”

She looks skeptical. “You sure this best idea?”

Prince Rutherford nods! Of course this best idea! Yaks come up with it, so must be best!”

“But won't yaks get hurt fighting ponies?”

“Nah! Ponies small and frail! Yaks big and strong! What could happen other than yaks winning?!”

She nods! “We show them yaks best?!”

Prince Rutherford laughs! “Yes! Yaks best at EVERYTHING! We show them good!”

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