• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - The Road Less Traveled

As the sun peeks over the bleak landscape the following morning, Twilight and Celestia stand on a rocky outcropping overlooking their camp. The see their forces scurrying around at a feverish pace doing their best to pack up the tents and other supplies. Twilight sighs as she watches.

“They’re so... motivated.”

Celestia nods. “That they are.”

Twilight bows her head. “Considering some of them won’t live to see another sunrise.”

Celestia turns her head to look to southeast. “We made very good time yesterday. If our luck holds out we should arrive at our destination by sunset.”

“Part of me wants to attack immediately. Get this whole thing over with completely.”

“But on the other hoof...?”

“Attacking right away, after a full day of walking that is, means that our forces will enter battle tired.”

Celestia nods soberly. “As the Hero of Light’s companion said the other day, ‘a tired warrior is soon a dead one’.”

Twilight looks around the camp below. “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Arc yet today. Have you, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia shakes her head. “I have not.”

“Perhaps he didn’t hear the call go out to rise and pack.”

Celestia scoffs as she looks away. “He’s sleeping very heavily for one whom merely had to ride in the saddle yesterday.”

Mio approaches with an armful of papers and walks up to Twilight. She does her best to salute as Twilight reciprocates it.

“Good morning, your highness. I’ve brought you my suggested routes for the remainder of our sojourn.”

Twilight smiles as Mio extends a folded up map. “Very well. Let’s see it.”

Unfolding the map, Twilight lays it on the ground as she, Mio, and Celestia look over it. Mio points with a finger as she speaks.

“I recommend this route over the highlands. It’s steep climbs are few and far between. That coupled with the Pegasi reconnoitering them prior to the main force’s advancement will help us anticipate potential enemy ambushes.”

Twilight taps the map with a hoof. “What about this shorter route? Would that not be faster?”

“It would be, yes. At least theoretically. However, it forces us to go between two mountains before descending into a canyon though.”

Celestia frowns. “Two places that would be perfect for an surprise attack.”

Mio nods to Celestia. “Yes, ma’am. Should the enemy be lying in wait for us in either of the these locations we would be sitting ducks.”

Twilight looks to Mio. “How much time would be saved though?”

“Several hours, your majesty. We would arrive in the early afternoon rather than the late evening.”

Celestia turns to Twilight, confused. “You aren’t seriously considering leading our forces through such a dangerous route though, are you Twilight?”

“I just want to be sure I had all the facts at hoof.”

“That is a relief to hear.”

Twilight looks to Mio as she speaks. “Inform Lieutenant Hammer of the safer but longer route we’ll be taking.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight. I’ll find her at once.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You haven’t seen her yet this morning?”

Mio shakes her head. “No, ma’am.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That’s certainly surprising. After all, the lieutenant is always the earliest of risers.”

Celestia frowns. “Perhaps she is with our errant Hero of Light.”

Twilight facehoofs. “I certainly hope that is not the case. After all, Arc and I specifically agreed that no... fraternization would happen on this trip.”

Mio quickly chimes in. “In my sister’s defense, she and I went to bed at the same time. So I am certain that she at least started out in her own sleeping bag.”

Celestia scoffs. “And this morning?”

Mio sighs as she bows her head. “Gone before I awoke.”

Twilight gestures to the base camp with a wave of her hoof. “Perhaps she is busy elsewhere in the camp. But just in case, please go to Arc’s tent and... look for her there.”

“At once, your majesty.”

Mio hurries away as Celestia turn to Twilight.

“I still don’t like the idea of her and the lieutenant coming on this mission.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “And why not?”

“Because so little is known about them!”

“Do you mean as individuals or a species?”

“Both, actually. Why not only bring our most trusted forces to this place, Twilight?”

Twilight sighs. “Because, as far as the changelings are concerned, there are no ‘trusted forces’. Since they can mascaraed as anypony at any time, trust means very little right now.”

“That may be. However, they are still very new to our land.”

“I agree. But the fact remains that neither Hammer nor Mio was here when the changeling threat was found to be widespread. Therefore, we can assume that neither of them could possibly have been behind the attacks on Equestria.”

A short time later Mio returns with a scroll in her hand. She holds it out to Twilight as she speaks.

“I... found this on the Hero of Light’s sleeping bag.”

Twilight appears confused as she takes the scroll in her hoof. “So he wasn’t there?”

Mio shakes her head. “No, your highness.”

Celestia looks to Mio. “What about the lieutenant?”

“No, ma’am. And no indication that she had... spent the night there either.”

She bites her lip nervously before continuing.

“I... um...”

Celestia looks to her. “Was there something else?”

“Sorta. I... ah... thought on my way to the tent that maybe Arc and Hammer had gone out to scout the immediate area.”

Twilight nods. “It is possible, yes.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes. However, it would have been foolish of him to run off without telling somepony of their plans.”

“I don’t think that was the case though.”


“The Hero of Light’s helmet was lying next to that scroll, your highness.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “But he has to know that without his helmet he won’t be able to see through the changeling’s illusions!”

Twilight grimaces as she breaks the seal on the scroll. “Then we’d better see what he has to say here.”

Reading the scroll quickly, Twilight’s hoof begins to shake. Celestia immediately sees this and speaks.

“What is it, Twilight?!”

Twilight voice cracks as she speaks. “This... this isn’t possible!”

Mio appears confused. “Your highness?”

“The scroll... it... it says...!”

Taking a deep breath Twilight begins reading aloud.

“Princess Twilight. I have taken your little stallionfriend into my custody along with your pitiful army’s high commander. They will be held in the most secure of my hive’s facilities until I can decide what their fate shall be. Assuming your first thought is that of rescuing them during your upcoming foolish attack on my hive, I do believe that you have bigger problems on your hooves at the moment.”

Mio gasps. “What could be more important than my sister and the Hero of Light’s safety though?!”

Twilight continues reading. “When my operatives infiltrated your pathetic little camp, they took the liberty of... how shall I put this... damaging a number of your supplies. Chief among those being your water barrels. I estimate that this fact will be discovered shortly after this message is discovered and delivered to you.”

As if on cue, Arc’s squad flies hurriedly over to the group. As they land the four salute. Max is the first to speak as he looks to Twilight.

“Your highness! The supplies have been tampered with!”

Hugh points a hoof. “When somepony went to open a water barrel in preparation for meal time they noticed it smelled a bit off!”

Xenos nods soberly. “Yeah! They saw right away that the seal had been broken too!”

Viktor makes a face. “We don’t know what’s in it, but it sure smells terrible!”

Celestia frowns as she looks to Max. “Tell me, did you see any sort of residue around the mouth of the barrel?”

“Yes, ma’am. There was a slight green tint.”

Twilight gasps. “Do you know what it was, Princess Celestia?”

“I do. It’s a kind of nutrient solution that the changelings manufacture in order to feed their numbers. Vitamins and minerals are extracted directly from the ground and refined into a paste-like substance.”

Mio grimaces. “It is... safe?”

“For them. As far as our forces go, no. If ingested by a pony, it causes an intestinal tract infection. Fully curable with treatment though.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “So we could theoretically use the contaminated water as a last resort to keep everypony hydrated and get our forces medical treatment later?”

Celestia shakes her head. “That is not advisable in our current position. The infection will set in about half an hour after ingestion.”

“What kind of symptoms would we have to deal with?”

“Nausea, stomach cramps, and... explosive diarrhea.”

Mio looks to Twilight. “I must point out that such a thing would further strain our already limited water supplies, your highness. The third symptom would require our forces to drink considerably more in order to rehydrate themselves from the... fluid loss.”

Max steps forward. “Begging your majesty’s pardon, but we would also have to deal with other potential infections that would arise from everypony... uh... having to relieve themselves quickly and without warning.”

Viktor shrugs. “We could mitigate that by marching shoulder to shoulder.”

Hugh sighs. “But the terrain doesn’t always allow us to do that.”

Xenos lift a hoof and looks at the bottom of it squeamishly. “We’d literally be walking in other’s... um... you know.”

Mio chimes in. “Excrement.”

Celestia groans. “That is a very real possibility, yes.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her belly. “So our only choice is to discard the water and lighten our load.”

She turns to Max before continuing.

“I need a count of how many barrels are still viable.”

“A preliminary count estimates that roughly half of our remaining water was tainted, your majesty.”

Mio frowns. “That isn’t good. We budgeted enough for a round trip to the hive and a couple days extra originally. But that will lower our extra time to nearly zero I would imagine.”

Celestia nods soberly. “It would appear that this was Chrysalis’ plan all along. That’s why we haven’t come under attack yet.”

Twilight appears confused. “I don’t get it.”

Celestia turns and gestures in the direction of the hive in the distance. “This is probably revenge for something that happened long ago.”

Twilight walks over to her mentor. “Something between you two?”

“Yes. However, now is not the time for that particular story, Twilight.”

She motions to the scroll before continuing.

“We have bigger problems at hoof.”

Mio nods fervently. “Is there any more information in that letter, princess?!”

“A bit, yes. Chrysalis warns us to turn our forces around and use the remaining water to get back to the border.”

Mio gasps. “But what about my sister and Arc?!”

Max nods. Yes, the leader of our forces and Hero of Light really should be present to hear this.

Viktor gestures to the camp below. “Shall I fetch them for you, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight bows her head. “They’re... not here.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow, confused. “But where else could they be?”

Celestia looks in the general direction of the changeling hive. “Gone. Taken from their tents by the enemy.”

Xenos grits his teeth. “But how?!”

Mio sighs. “We don’t know actually know how they did it, but last night the enemy apparently breached our defenses and took both Arc and my sister captive after tainting our water supply.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I do believe that, with proper rationing of our remaining supplies, we could make it back to our airships late tonight.”

Mio’s eyes grow wide at this. “And leave my sister behind?!”

Viktor frowns. “The commander too!”

Max bows his head. “This isn’t easy to say, but... if he were here, I believe that the commander would want us to think of our forces over his own well-being.”

Hugh nods sadly. “Probably, yes.”

Xenos groans. “Yeah. He’d probably tell us to get everypony else to safety and come back for him later.”

Twilight shakes her head vehemently. “But we don’t know what Chrysalis plans to do with him! Or Hammer, for that matter!”

Celestia turns and puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder as she looks her in the eye soberly and speaks.

“Nothing good, believe me. However, you have to understand that a princess must do what is best for the nation as a whole, Twilight. Even if it hurts to do so.

Mio frowns. “I... do understand that logic.”

Max stands at attention as he looks to Twilight. “What are your orders, your highness?”

Twilight turns and gazes at the rising sun for a few moments silently as she weighs her options. Eventually, she turns to Mio.

“Do you have that map from earlier?”

Mio nods. “Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Reaching into her bag, she pulls out a map. Handing it to Twilight, the mare wastes no time unfolding it and laying the paper on the ground in front of her. Looking it over for a moment, she taps the ground with a hoof as if weighing the situation in her head.

“It appears we are roughly two-thirds of the way to our destination. Three-quarters if we take the shorter route.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “That is true, yes. But how does it help us?”

Twilight traces a route with her hoof. “As Mio said earlier, if we take this longer route we’ll arrive at the changeling hive before dark.”

Celestia frowns. “Are you actually suggesting that we should continue with onward, Twilight?!”

“Yes, I am.”

“But you know that we don’t have the supplies to continue this expedition!”

“That isn’t entirely true. After all, we have more than enough with which to get to our destination.”

“And nothing to get back with!”

Max steps forward. “She’s right, Princess Twilight. Even if we were to succeed in rescuing the commander and Lieutenant Hammer, there’s no way we could make it back to the ships afterwards.”

Hugh looks hopeful. “What about heading back now for more supplies?”

Viktor shakes his head. “We would lose all forward momentum.”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah. And time.”

Mio sighs. “That and our forces are tired enough as it is. Heading back only to turn around and march right back toward the hive again would probably sap all of their strength.”

Hugh looks to the north. “We could radio Canterlot to send fresh troops while we head back to the ships. Then we could march back out here with them, along with fresh supplies, to attack the hive.”

Viktor groans. “That would take days to organize though.”

Max nods soberly. “Time the commander may not have.”

Twilight turns back to them. “Agreed.”

Mio appears confused. “To which part, your highness?”

“All of it actually.”

She looks to Max and Hugh before continuing.

“As Max said earlier, we can’t leave either our Hero of Light or Lieutenant Hammer, the commander of our forces, in enemy hooves.”

Max nods. “Right.”

“And as Hugh stated, we could certainly call Canterlot for aide.”

Hugh sighs. “It would certainly be necessary, yes.”

“Now then, here’s what I propose we do. We’ll radio Lemon Hearts back on The Equinox and tell her to relay a message to Canterlot for additional troops and supplies.”

Looking to Celestia, Twilight again speaks.

“Expanding on your point of view, Princess Celestia. You said our remaining water reserves isn’t enough for us to attack the hive and then return to the ships safely. And I have to agree that much is certainly true.”

Celestia appears confused. “Then what are you suggesting that we do, Twilight?”

Twilight touches the map with a hoof. “We could take the longer but safer route to the hive, using a few Pegasi guards to look ahead from the air. Just a hoofful though, as intensive flying will mean that they need more water.”

Mio grimaces. “That we’re already trying to ration.”

“Right. Now this means that we would arrive just before dark. The earlier message that Lemon Hearts would relay to Luna would include instructions for her not to lower the sun tonight.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Not lower the sun?”

“So it will be at our backs when we approach the hive from the west.”

Viktor looks to the rising sun with a hoof to shield his eyes. “That would certainly give us a bit of an advantage, as our enemies would be charging into direct sunlight.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. And make it harder for them to hide in the shadows.”

Max steps forward. “Begging your pardon, Princess Twilight, but that still doesn’t solve the main problem of how to get everypony safely back to the ships after the battle. Assuming we successfully rescue the captives, that is.”

“My plan in that regard is simple. We would overtake the hive’s perimeter defenses and push back the changeling forces. After taking over and securing the hive, we would then do a search for a spring or well of some kind.”

Hugh frowns. “But what makes you so sure they have something like that, your highness?”

“The changelings fortify their diets with that green slime. However, I believe that it most likely has to be diluted in something.”

Viktor grins. “Like water!”

Mio chimes in. “That and even bugs need to drink at some point.”

Twilight nods. “Exactly We simply have to get it straight from the source. Before the green stuff is added, I mean.”

Celestia sighs. “And after all of that? Presuming we’re successful, I mean.”

“Our food supplies could be rationed as we wait for reinforcements transporting fresh supplies to arrive from the ships. That would only take two days to arrive.”

Max nods. “And more could be delivered to the ship from Canterlot.”

Twilight smirks. “Exactly.”

Celestia frowns. “This plan of yours requires quite a few very dangerous assumptions, Twilight.”

“I know. But it also potentially ends with the best possible outcome. We get Arc and Hammer back along with taking down the changeling hive and the threat to Equestria.”

Max groans. “That may be true, your majesty. However, I must point out that if we fail it would leave our forces at the mercy of the changelings and Queen Chrysalis.”

Mio shudders. “And yourself too I might add, Princess Twilight.”

Xenos sighs. “Yeah. I’m sure the commander wouldn’t want that.”

Hugh looks to Twilight. “Nor would he approve of you risking your safety either.”

Viktor shakes his head. “Tactically, we really should wait for help to arrive from Canterlot, your highness.”

Celestia looks to Mio evenly. “And you, miss?”


“I’m asking your opinion on this matter. After all, your sister is one of the hostages.”

Mio fidgets nervously. “While I certainly want Hammer to be rescued, I... I don’t think risking our mission by rushing in underprepared would be prudent.”

Celestia turns to Twilight. “I agree with everypony’s assessment of the situation thus far. Now then, you have heard the advice of myself and that of your advisors. Do you understand what needs to be done in order to successfully win this war, Twilight?”

Twilight sighs as her ears droop. “Yes, I do.”

Mio nods toward the camp. “Then it would be best for you to personally address the troops, Princess Twilight.”

“I suppose so.”

Walking toward the edge of the cliffside with the others, Twilight clears her throat and waves a hoof as she calls out.

“Attention everypony!”

A few soldiers notice and turn to face her respectfully. However, the rest of the camp continues working. Max turns to Twilight.

“Shall we call the troops to attention, your highness?”

Twilight nods. “Please do.”

Taking flight with the rest of the squad, Max and the other three fly down to the camp and call out loudly for the soldiers to get into formation in front of Twilight. They quickly line up and stand at attention as she clears her throat and begins to speak.

“I, ah... need to inform everypony about a couple of very important matters.”

She gestures to the supply depot before continuing.

“It has come to my attention that some of the water has been tainted by an outside force. Do not drink from any water barrels without first verifying the integrity of the seal. Then you are to pour a bit into a container and look for a slightly green hue. Such would indicate that the barrel in question is contaminated. Second... please be packed and ready to move out as soon as breakfast has been eaten. We will... we will then be returning to the ships.”

The soldiers appear confused at this news. Frowning, Ember looks up and cries out.

“What the heck, Twilight?! Why would we come all the way out here just to turn around and go back?!”

“It’s because of the water situation. We have just enough to get back to our original base camp.”

Sereb looks around at the troops. “Water is indeed vital to survival. Without it we cannot hope to win in battle.”

Ember groans as she looks around. “Where’s Arc?! Maybe he can come up with an idea!”

Twilight looks away nervously. “He’s... not here.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Please elaborate.”

Twilight holds up the scroll from Chrysalis. “A note was found in his tent this morning. Apparently, the same individuals whom sabotaged our water supplies also took him and Lieutenant Hammer into their custody.”

Ember explodes in a rage. “WHAT?!”

Sereb growls. “So Arc has been kidnapped?!”

Celestia steps forward and speaks. “It would appear so, yes.”

Ember clenches a fist angrily. “So let’s march in there and get him back!”

Twilight bows her head. “Believe me when I say that I personally would very much like to do just that, Ember. However, with such a limited amount of drinkable water left at our disposal, we wouldn’t have enough to safely return to the ships after attacking the changeling hive.”

Sereb frowns. “So we are to just pack up and leave our friends in the clutches of the enemy?!”

Twilight sighs. “Only temporarily. You have my word that we will return as soon as possible with fresh supplies and more troops.”

Ember points an accusatory claw at Twilight. “If this whole mess of a situation were reversed Arc wouldn’t have left YOU behind, princess!”

Celestia frowns. “Please calm yourself, Ember. Twilight is only doing her best to prevent the potential death of our forces due to dehydration.”

Sereb growls menacingly. “She is right though! Were you in his place, Princess Twilight, Arc would not abandon you to an unknown fate!”

Twilight bows her head sadly. “I... I know that. And this isn’t a decision that I’ve come to lightly. But... Arc wouldn’t have wanted us to potentially be wiped out trying to save him.”

Ember turns on her heels as she calls out. “Fine! While you turn tail and run away, I’ll save Arc myself!”

Twilight gasps. “But you’ll die of dehydration before...!”

Ember interrupts her. “No, I won’t! Dragons can go for quite some time without water!”

Sereb nods soberly. “As can my race! I will go with her!”

Celestia groans. “Even so, the two of you cannot hope to stand against Chrysalis and her forces alone!”

Max steps forward. “They won’t.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah! We’ll go too!”

Hugh stomps the ground with a hoof. “That we will!”

Viktor smirks. “The six of us together can move quickly and quietly! They won’t expect that!”

Twilight frowns. “I can’t deny the fact that you four have been trained in the art of battle by the Hero of Light himself. Or that your previous experiences with him in actual combat can simply be overlooked. But I can’t allow you four to throw away your lives like this. You commanding officer wouldn’t approve of such a thing.”

Max looks to her soberly. “We understand that, your highness. However, we’d still like the opportunity to rescue the commander.”

Celestia sighs. “The Hero of Light and Lieutenant Hammer are certainly... valuable assets to our cause. However, they are but two individuals. They would agree with me and come to the same decision were they here, I’m sure.”

Max looks to Celestia evenly as he frowns. “With all due respect, ma’am... you’ve got a lot to learn about how the commander does things.”

Viktor stomps a hoof. “He never gives up! Never quits!”

Xenos grins. “Yeah! Not until the job’s done!”

Hugh nods. “It’s that tenacity and drive that makes him so effective on a mission!”

Max points a hoof. “Like he did when we attacked Damocles Base to save you! During the escape all of us were badly wounded and down for the count!”

Ember points a claw at Celestia. “He could have left them behind in order to get both himself and YOU to safety!”

Sereb gestures to the squad. “But he did no such thing! Arc fought on! Alone and injured, as well! To do his very best to make sure everyone got home!”

He looks to Celestia before continuing.

“I am proud to have a Life Pact with him, and prouder still to call him my friend! As such, I will fight to my dying breath to bring him home! This much I swear before you all!”

Ember raises her spear. “Me too!”

Mio steps forward and looks to Twilight. “Princess, I... I too would like to go with them.”

Celestia groans. “Not you too.”

“My sister... she needs me, ma’am.”

Twilight turns away from Mio as the young woman slides down the embankment to join Ember and the others. She looks on as Mio along with Arc’s squad joins Ember and Sereb. The soldiers look to the seven of them as they come together silently and begin walking. The troops salute them wordlessly before turning back to their leader for their orders. Scanning the group before her, Twilight nods silently before speaking to the soldiers again.

“I... I do understand your resolve and commitment to Hero of Light Arc. He’s done much for all of us... and for Equestria. Everypony here has been briefed on the mission beforehoof. You know the enemy. You know the risks.”

She pauses slightly as if weighing out how to express her feelings.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is... that I would rather not order anypony to do this. So I would like all of you whom are willing to attempt the rescue of Hero of Light Arc and Lieutenant Hammer to please take one step...”

Without waiting for her to finish the sentence, every soldier steps forward as one unit. Ember and those with her stop and turn to see their entirety of the army siding with them. Twilight nods as a small smile crosses her face.

“Very well then. Everypony, continue taking down our camp before eating a hearty breakfast. We will move out for the changeling hive in exactly one hour... to bring Arc and Hammer home safely. Dismissed.”

The troops scatter in all directions to carry out Twilight’s command as she turns and walks away. Celestia follows her in step as she speaks hastily.

“Twilight, we can’t possibly hope to succeed in this endeavor!”

Twilight looks ahead as she replies evenly. “We have to.”

“But how...?!”

Mio run to join them. “By putting into action Princess Twilight’s original plan, ma’am. Take over the hive and use its resources to provide for our forces while waiting for reinforcements to come.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Mio, radio Lemon Hearts and tell her what’s happened. Have her call for more supplies and soldiers from Canterlot.”

Mio reaches into her bag and pull out a radio. “Alright. I have Hammer’s radio right here.”

Celestia sighs as she looks to Twilight. “You’re really going through with this, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. The troops are behind that decision as you just witnessed.”

“Very well, Twilight. But I must point out that with Lieutenant Hammer gone, you’ll need somepony else to lead our forces.”

“That I do.”

Celestia nods soberly. “With your permission, I’d like to volunteer for that task.”

Twilight looks away. “I’ll... give the matter some thought.”

“Please do. The troops will need to know whom to look to before we move out in an hour.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Fifty-eight minutes now.”

Mio turns to Twilight as she puts away the radio.

“I gave Lemon Hearts the short version. She’ll see to it supplies and manpower are mobilized immediately.”

“Very good. Now then, we should eat while we can. It’s going to be a long day.”

They head down toward the camp together. About an hour later the site is packed up and ready to move. Twilight walks over to a large boulder and flaps her wings in order to get atop it. Looking out as Arc’s squad calls her forces to attention she waits patiently for them to form ranks before addressing them.

“Alright, everypony. I hope you all had a good breakfast, because we have a very long walk ahead of us. Now then, before we move out, I’d like to announce that I’ve decided on a replacement commander for Lieutenant Hammer. You will be led by...”

She motions next to her with a wave of her hoof before continuing.

“Commander Mio.”

Mio gasps and looks to Twilight as she hisses. “M-me, princess?!”

Twilight nods. “Yes, you.”

Looking out over the soldiers, Twilight motions with a wave of her hoof.

“Everypony... move out!”

Those assembled begin marching as Arc’s squad leads them toward their destination. Mio hurries over to Twilight as she hops down.

“Princess Twilight! I don’t know how to lead an army!”

Celestia nods angrily as she too approaches Twilight. “Agreed! Now I know that you want to show everypony that you’re inclusive of the humans living within our realm, Twilight. But this! This is just foolhardy!”

Twilight looks to her former teacher evenly. “I have to respectfully disagree with you, Princess Celestia. Mio is fully capable of leading and commanding our forces. Hammer tells me that she’s been trained in both leadership and tactics back on Earth, after all.”

Mio stammers. “I... have been, yes.”

Twilight turns her gaze to Mio. “That and, as Hammer’s aide, you already know the details of the mission inside and out.”

Celestia points a hoof. “Assuming that’s true, it still does not make her a capable warrior or a proven leader, Twilight! Even though I certainly never taught you such things, you yourself would make a much more logical choice for this task!”

“Princess Celestia. You once told me that the greatest and most successful among us weren’t always the smartest or strongest. But those whom knew when to take action and when to delegate such things to those more capable of succeeding. Well, I fervently believe that Mio is that individual right now.”

Mio straightens up and salutes soberly. “I’ll do my very best for you, your highness.”

Twilight smiles at her. “I’m sure you will, commander. Now then, take your place at the head of our forces and lead them along the agreed upon route.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

She hurries away with her task as Ember and Sereb approach Twilight. Celestia shakes her head.

“I’m not sure if I should be proud of you for taking your lessons to heart or worried right now.”

Twilight looks to Celestia out of the corner of her eyes as she continues walking. “If you’d prefer to return to the ships, I understand.”

Ember sneers. “Yeah! We can do this without you!”

Sereb nods evenly. “But we would still welcome your years of battlefield experience and wisdom in the art of war all the same.”

Twilight nods. “You don’t have to stay, Princess Celestia. But I would certainly appreciate it if you did.”

Celestia smiles warmly at her former student. “You’ve always followed me wherever I went, Twilight. I guess now it’s just time for me to do the same for you.”

“This is going to be dangerous though.”

“It’s nothing I haven’t faced in the past. That and I couldn’t live with myself if I left and something happened to you.”

Twilight smiles at her mentor. “Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia puts a hoof around Twilight’s shoulders. “It’s what a friend does.”

“I could use some more information about the history behind this though.”

Celestia appears confused. “History?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Earlier you said that there were certain things in the past that had been lost to time.

Ember frowns. “Hiding things from the public now?”

Celestia sighs. “Not... exactly ‘hiding’, no. It’s just... not something everypony should know.”

“Can you tell me more about that?”

“I suppose I should, Twilight. As you know from what you’ve been told earlier, this is not the first time in Equestria’s history that military intervention has been required to keep the changelings in check.

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “The history books do say that you’ve had to lead our forces to their border numerous times throughout the centuries. But that was about it.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow skeptically. “No records of any battles?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Skirmishes, yes. But nothing major.”

Celestia bows her head. “That is not entirely true, Twilight.”

“So there have been problems in the past?”

Celestia nods. “Long ago, Queen Chrysalis led her forces against our land. They made it all the way to Canterlot where I and my troops stopped them.”

Twilight gasps. “How did they get so far?!”

Ember scoffs. “Yes, I would imagine that one supposedly so skilled in battle and tactics to be able to defend her realm against bugs.”

Celestia sighs. “I was... careless.”

Twilight frowns. “How so?”

“The threat posed by the initial changeling invasion was something that I didn’t take seriously when it first came about. When they originally breached our borders I immediately sent out our standing forces to meet the enemy, confident that the problem would be rectified before too long.”

Sereb grits his teeth. “But that did not happen.”

Celestia shakes her head. “Sadly, it did not. Radio chatter from our forces was sparse for quite some time, which isn’t out of the ordinary in the heat of battle. But eventually the commander that I had deployed sent word back to Canterlot that the enemy had been routed and was fleeing the battlefield.”

Ember grins wickedly. “That sounds like a win to me.”

“As I thought as well. I was informed by my commanders that they were strategically dispersing their forces to hunt down the remaining changelings whom still roamed the countryside.”

Sereb frowns. “Why do I have the feeling that such was not actually the case?”

“You would be correct. What I had been told was merely a diversionary tactic by our enemies to allow the changelings, which were now disguised as our own pony forces, to move toward the capital in smaller groups without the threat of raising additional alarms.”

Twilight gasps. “And upon reaching Canterlot they converged into their reformed army?!”

Celestia nods. “The truth of the matter was that our own forces had been utterly annihilated and then replaced by changeling imposters. The watchtowers, upon spotting their advance, saw only friendlies and quickly let them into the city. It wasn’t until a keen eyed guard at the castle gates noticed something a bit off and raised the alarm.

Sereb shakes his head. “But by then the damage was done.”

Celestia bows her head. “Walls don’t do much against enemy forces whom have already bypassed them. Without no time for reinforcements from around the country to come to our aide, I was forced to lead our castle’s standing guards against them. As well as enter combat personally.”

Ember grins approvingly. “Not something a leader typically does, admittedly. Well... other than Arc, I suppose.”

Twilight gasps. “What were their numbers?”

Celestia shudders. “Ten to one.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “How did you manage to stop them?”

“In the few moments that I had to speak to my forces before the changelings reached us, I simply told the soldiers present that if Canterlot Castle fell, so would the rest of the country. Everypony they knew and loved would either be butchered or taken into slavery. So when the enemy did reach us, our forces fought like cornered rats.”

Ember shrugs. “Nothing left to do at that point, I suppose. But even that wouldn’t have held off such numbers forever.”

Celestia looks to the skies as she speaks. “You’re right, Ember. Fortunately for us, the Wonderbolts arrived within the hour to lend a helping hoof. They bolstered my severely depleted forces and aided us in holding out until troops could be brought in from the surrounding countryside.”

She sighs before looking down at the ground.

“It was a very costly day for Equestria, as so many ponies were killed in that battle. We won, of course. But only due to the extreme bravery and heroism on the parts of everypony whom picked up a weapon. And partially because we were on the defensive, I suppose.”

Motioning to the hive in the distance, Celestia continues.

“But now, those roles are reversed. The changeling’s will have the advantage of defending their stronghold with unknown numbers.”

Twilight pats her mentor’s shoulder as they continue walking. “I know this isn’t easy for you, Princess Celestia. But as you know, we can’t go back now.”

Ember nods angrily. “Right! The changelings have shown us that they’re willing to stoop to any level to get what they want!”

Sereb growls. “Including committing cowardly acts such as taking our warriors hostage as they sleep.”

Celestia gestures to the troops behind them. “I understand that they have to be stopped at all costs. But as I’ve said, this isn’t the first time I’ve watched others sent to their doom over such a fight.”

Twilight looks ahead soberly. “Nor will it be the last I would imagine.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “It will be if I have anything to say about it!”

Meanwhile, Sereb slows his gait to hang back from the others. Making his way through the soldiers and over to Mio, whom is already panting from the exertion of walking, he speaks.

“You do not appear well.”

Mio wipes away sweat from her forehead. “I... I’m fine.”

“Your heart rate says otherwise.”

Mio grits her teeth. “I can manage.”

“Can you now?”

“Hammer needs me! I have to keep going!”

“Then might I offer you my assistance in that endeavor?”

Mio raises an eyebrow, confused. “But I thought you had already agreed to come with us.”

“I meant to you personally.”


Sereb gestures to his saddle. “If you would like, I will permit you to ride me.”

Mio grimaces. “Ride... you?”

Sereb nods. “I am the Hero of Light’s ‘faithful steed’, as he has referred to me several times in the past.”

“Why would you offer to help me though? I mean... it wasn’t really that long ago that we were enemies fighting one another.”

“Times change. And we must ration our remaining water supplies and strength.”

“Thank you, but I...”

Sereb interrupts her. “Should you continue on as you are now, you will either lose consciousness in the near future or require significantly more water to stay alive than you otherwise would.”

Mio sighs. “Then I guess I have no choice but to accept your offer.”

Sereb stops walking and turns to her. “You may mount me when ready.”

Nodding, Mio puts a foot into the stirrup. Grunting, she attempts to throw her other leg over Sereb, but is unable to due to her lack of experience. Sighing, Sereb lays down on his belly.

“Now try.”

Groaning in embarrassment, Mio complies. Stepping as high as possible while holding the handles on the saddle, she is able to lift herself over Sereb to plop down unceremoniously on his back. Looking over his shoulder, Sereb speaks.

“Are you ready to depart?”

Mio nods nervously. “Y-yes, I am. But, um...”

“Is something amiss?”

“Do I, ah... dig my heels in to make you go?”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Please do not.”

“Then how does Arc... start you off?”

“One of two ways. Either by telling me he is ready to move out verbally, or by giving the saddles’ handles two very slight pulls toward him.”

“Like this?”

She pulls the handles very lightly as Sereb nods.

“Yes, just like that. So if you have no other questions, shall we be off?”

“I guess.”

Sereb begins walking slowly. Mio grimaces nervously as she holds onto the handles as tightly as she is able. Sighing, Sereb looks back at her.

“You are going to hurt yourself.”


“Tensing your muscles, especially those in your backside, isn’t good for you when riding. It will make you sore very quickly and hinders my own ability to move fluidly.”

Mio bows her head in embarrassment. “Sorry. It’s just... riding a mount isn’t exactly my specialty.”

“Give it time. As you ride, your body will become more attuned to my movements and I with yours.”



“Well, that’s hard for me to do when I’m nervous.”

“Perhaps I can help put your mind at ease.”

Mio appears confused. “How?”

“A chat.”


Sereb nods. “Yes. From what I’ve seen, it works wonders.”

“Um... okay. But what should we talk about?”

“Whatever you wish. After all, I’m sure you have a great number of questions about many different things.”

“How about you tell me more about your master then?”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Master?”

“The Hero of Light.”

“We share a Life Pact as warrior and rider. Equals more or less.”

“Hammer briefly explained the idea of a Life Pact to me some time ago. But to me it just sounds like a master and slave relationship.”

“I suppose to the uninitiated that might seem to be the case. However, I assure you that everything Arc and I have done together has been of my own free will.”

Mio grimaces. “Even... that first attack on Damocles Base?”


“Weren’t you scared? I mean... Arc could have led you and his squad to your deaths.”

Sereb shakes his head. “No, miss. I do not fear my end.”

Mio sighs. “Very admirable.”

“But you were.”

“I was what?”


Mio raises an eyebrow. “When?”

“During our escape from your base. Back then, your heart was racing.”

“That’s only normal human self-preservation though.”

“Is it?”


“Your sisters’ heart rates were normal. As was Arc’s.”

Mio groans. “Fine! Yes, I was scared! But I don’t understand how someone couldn’t be when going into battle!”

“Do you want to know?”

“Yes, I would.”

“My tribe views death as something to be respected. Not feared.”

Mio raises an eyebrow, confused. “But it’s the end of you.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Our beliefs are much different than yours then.”

“Do tell.”

“We see it not as an end, but merely as the beginning of the next stage of life.”

“Next stage?”

“As you know, all lifeforms are born, grow up, live a while, and then we die.”

Mio nods. “It’s the conclusion of life, yes. Saying it’s the next stage would mean that you believe there is more after it.”

“We refer to it as the afterlife.”

“Some humans believe in such things as well.”

“And are you one of them, miss?”

Mio shakes her head. “I’m a woman of logic and science. The idea that there’s more after death isn’t something I can believe in.”

“May I ask why not?”

“Because it can’t be proven, measured, defined, or otherwise gauged in any known way.”

“Any known way, you say?”

“Is that not the case here in Equestria?”

“To the best of my knowledge, no.”

“Then I have to go back to my earlier question regarding your belief in death being ‘the beginning of the next stage’.”

“I believe I can sum up the idea using an idiom I heard about while on Earth.”

“Do tell.”

“Very late one night I was watching a television show that had a man on it whom spoke about energy. How it could not be created nor destroyed.”

Mio nods. “Yes, that’s known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. It’s a well-established scientific fact.”

“If that is the case, then where does the energy of one’s consciousness go upon death?”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Consciousness?”

“I remember Arc referring to such a thing once as a human’s soul.”

“There is no scientific evidence that souls exist, mind you.”

“Then let us assume, simply for the sake of this conversation, that they did. What do you suppose would happen to a soul upon death?”

Mio puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “I... don’t really know. Perhaps it would remain an incorporeal form and simply... float around in the air.”

“But that would mean that it still existed.”

“Theoretically, yes.”

“For how long do you suppose?”

“Until it... broke down, in theory.”

“Broke down?”


“Like a plant?”

“Something like that.”

“But a plant breaks down into dirt, which is corporeal. By that logic, wouldn’t a soul remain incorporeal even if it were to decompose?”

“I would imagine so, yes. However, you brought up an interesting point comparing them to plants.”

“Please elaborate on that.”

“Well... when a plant dies and decomposes, it returns to the soil from which it grew. That soil, and it’s nutrients, can then sustain future generations of plants.”

“You speak of something akin to reincarnation?”

“Indirectly and only loosely. But yes, I suppose.”

“Which would in and of itself be another phase.”

“If it could be scientifically proven, then yes.”

“And if it cannot?”

Mio shrugs. “Then it would merely be an unproven theory.”

“Agreed. However, let’s look at it from the other side of the discussion. Death being the end with nothing following it.”

“I’m of the belief that such an idea is true.”

“Then that would mean that this current life is all there is. And when we die that is the end of the matter.”

Mio nods. “Yes. I have yet to be shown any evidence to prove the contrary.”

“As have I.”


“What I mean is, I have never been presented with proof that death marks the final end to an individual’s existence.”

“But you continue to believe it.”

Sereb nods. “As you hold to your convictions, so do I.”

“Without evidence?”


“But how can you...?”

Sereb interrupts her. “I must point out that while my point of view cannot scientifically be proven or disproven, the same could also be said of yours.”

Mio bows her head. “My apologies. I really didn’t mean for my words to come across as dismissive.”

“It was taken in the spirit of honest discussion. But might I ask why you are of the opinion of such a thing?”

“I’m a firm believer in what’s known as Occam’s Razor. It’s a philosophy that dictates when one is looking for a truth, the explanation that requires the fewest amount of assumptions is often the correct one.”

“While I have never heard of this philosophy by such a name, it does sound fairly straight forward. Can you give me an example?”

“Suppose you are walking through a field and see a fallen tree. The trunk has roughly snapped in half and the base near the roots is partially exposed. There is nothing of similar size anywhere nearby the scene. By using Occam’s Razor, we can deduce that the tree was most likely blown over in a windstorm, as it requires very few assumptions.”

Sereb smiles. “That would make for a very sound theory, yes. But I must also point out that it would still be one that could not be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Mio shrugs. “I suppose that very few things in life could be.”

“Indeed. However, with your permission, I would like to use Occam’s Razor to make my own point known.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“In my mind the life force, or soul as you humans refer to it, that is contained within a living creature cannot simply cease to exist upon death. Therefore, it must either be transformed into something else entirely or move elsewhere.”

“You do make a decent case admittedly. But I still hold to my own beliefs that souls do not exist nor does any kind of afterlife.”

Sereb nods. “And I respect your opinions.”

“As do I in regards to yours.”

“Thank you, miss. Now then, it would appear that we have accomplished that which we had set out to do.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand your meaning.”

Sereb chuckles. “If you would allow me to use Occam’s Razor again to illustrate my point. At the moment you are emotionally calm, thoughts collected, heart rate normal, and are breathing as you should. Therefore I must come to the conclusion that you have grown accustomed to riding me.”

“I... suppose I have. My body is kinda moving with you now.”

“Such is normal, yes. As I stated earlier, it makes things easier for you as well as I.”

Mio smiles at him. “Thank you for letting me ride you. This is actually kinda fun now. Is it good for you too?”

“If you are asking me if having a rider is enjoyable, then I would have to say that I am indifferent to the idea.”

“So you don’t care one way or the other?”

Sereb grunts. “Perhaps that was not the best way for me to put it. What I meant to say was that having someone on my back itself is not much different than me walking normally. The only thing that changes is the ability to hold a conversation.”

“I’m not too heavy, am I?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Far lighter than Arc is if that’s what you mean. That and I am capable of carrying far more weight than you currently provide.”

“That’s good to hear. Um... so, do you ferry others around often?”

“Usually just Arc.”

“No one else?”

“The traditions of my village dictate that we are only to allow those whom have bested us in combat and formed a Life Pact to ride us into combat.”

“So you made an exception for me?”



“Because you needed me to do so. It will allow you to save your strength for whatever is to come.”

Mio grimaces. “You won’t get into trouble on my account though, will you?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. After all, I am my tribe’s current Warchief, which makes me above all others with the exception of my mother, the Matriarch.”

“So you can do whatever you want?”

“More or less.”

“Even so, there’s still such a thing as the court of public opinion.”

“If others within my tribe knew of my decision to allow you to ride me, they would be upset, yes. However, I do believe that is a matter which needs to change.”

“How so?”

“The old ways dictate that one must be worthy to be allowed the right to ride us. Such has always been and I thought it would always be so.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Recently, yes. Such a thing allowed Sunset Shimmer, the one you know as ‘Diva’, to be able to form such a bond with my brother, Kane.”

Mio gasps. “That creature she sometimes rides around on?!”

“Yes. He has taken a Life Pact with her. Shameful as it may be.”

“Colonel Diva is certainly powerful, yes. But even I didn’t think she was capable of taking on a beast such as him.”

Sereb growls. “She did not have to.”


“Kane formed the Life Pact without a trial by combat. Such is treasonous to our kind. More so even than letting someone else ride us.”

“Why did he do that?”

“To get back at me for humiliating him some time ago.”

“How so?”

“Kane had always been our village’s greatest warrior. However, after learning additional combat techniques from Arc, I was able to soundly defeat him in battle and take his title of ‘Warchief’ upon myself. Kane couldn’t accept or even comprehend how he could have lost to someone weaker than he is. So he sought to attempt to learn what I had in my travels.”

Mio nods soberly. “And the best way to do that was to join up with a rival of Arc’s.”


“Hammer told me that you and Arc’s squad took both Kane and Diva on during a recent battle and won.”

Sereb nods. “That we did. Cooperation and coordination were our greatest weapons that day.”

“I remember seeing her and her beast come back to Damocles Base all bloody and bruised. It wasn’t a pretty sight.”

“She was very wise, or at the very least lucky, to have been able to flee before we could inflict the final blow.”

“Now I know what you mean about the old ways causing problems. Diva wouldn’t have been able to convince your brother to join her without the whole Life Pact thing I would imagine.”

Sereb shakes his head. “No, she probably would have.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Then why...?”

Sereb interrupts her. “Because the old ways prioritize strength and skill over all else. His inability to defeat me was nothing short of humiliating for him on all levels. It drove him to betray our tribe, my mother, and even himself to a degree. And I could do nothing to stop him at the time.”

“So what will you do?”

“At the moment I wish only to find and end him!”

Mio gasps. “You’d kill your own brother?”

“He has chosen to walk the path of the wicked over that of good. What else can I do?”

“How about trying to talk to him?”

“Believe me when I say that such a time has passed.”

“Have you tried?”

“Briefly, yes.”


“Kane confirmed his dedication to his rider.”

“At least give him a chance. Hammer did that for me and it turned out well.”

Sereb sighs. “I... suppose that there is wisdom in your words.”

“Please think about it. I’d hate to have killed one of my sisters and then be forced to spend the rest of my life wondering if I could have done something to prevent it entirely.”

“Yes, I shall.”

Mio smiles as she speaks. “It’s very interesting talking to you, Sereb. Hammer always said you were on the quiet side.”

“I generally only speak when the need arises.”

“Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.”

“It is who I am.”

Mio sighs. “That sounds rather lonely to me.”

“I prefer the term ‘solitary’.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Such is the way it has always been for me.”

“That wasn’t the question though.”

“Perhaps not. But it is how I feel regarding this.”

“Well, if you’d like, you can always talk to me.”

“I... would enjoy that, yes.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“What is your relationship to Arc?”

“He and I share a Life Pact. But I’m assuming that is not what you meant.”

“I was asking how well you two got along.”

“We do respect each other greatly if that’s what you mean.”

“Are you two friends?”


“But you don’t really talk.”

Sereb sighs. “He is rather... busy most of the time.”

“And that bothers you?”

“Not exactly, no. I understand that his position within Equestria is indeed a grand and lofty one. Such requires great amounts of time and energy to adequately attend to everything that he must. And that is in addition to his family, friends, and future herdmates.”

“Do you feel that he doesn’t have time for you?”

Sereb shakes his head. “He really does not, no.”

“And that’s a problem.”

“Not... exactly. The Life Pact that he and I share means that we will be together until death and that I shall aide him in battle as long as I am able. However, it does not dictate much else.”

“Do you want to expand on your relationship with him?”

“I would enjoy that, yes. However, please bear in mind that Arc is not the only one whom I have befriended since coming to Equestria.”


“You have noticed that?”

Mio nods. “I have, yes. From what I’ve seen, it appears that you two have much in common.”

“We are both warriors, leaders in our respective lands, and friends of Arc.”

“Are you sure that’s all there is to it?”

“I... deeply respect Ember as a friend.”

“Nothing more?”

Sereb lowers his voice as he speaks. “And I must admit that I... I do find her very lovely to look at.”

Mio grins slyly. “Bit of a crush?”

Sereb groans. “Yes.”

Mio pats his head. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

“I am not afraid of admitting to others my thoughts.”

“How about Ember herself?”

Sereb sighs. “That is a bit more difficult.”

Mio shrugs. “You’d just be saying how you felt. What’s the harm in that?”

“She is one of Arc’s future herdmates.”

“I’ve heard that, yes. But do you really want to just keep this to yourself?”

“If it means she and Arc can find happiness, yes.”

“And you?”

Sereb sighs. “I will always watch over her from afar.”

“Why not join her?”


“In that herd.”

“I... do not think the others would approve of me.”

“But you don’t know that.”

“That and I am not attracted to the rest of them.”

“Then just you and Ember could be a match. “

“Ember and... I?”

“There’s no reason you’d have to be intimately involved with any of the others.”

Sereb grunts. “Such could still end very badly.”

“What’s the worst that could happen?”

“A love triangle between her, Arc, and I.”

“You’re worried about making things hard for her.”

Sereb nods. “I am, yes.”

“What could you do to prevent that though?”

“Say nothing, for starters.”

“But then how would she know how you feel?”

“She would not. I would refrain from even starting the conversation.”

“Part of me thinks that’s really sweet.”


Mio smiles. “You’re more interested in her having a healthy relationship with Arc than you are in finding happiness for yourself.”

Sereb sighs. “She deserves the best this world has to offer in a mate.”


“None is more worthy than he is.”

Mio shakes her head. “I don’t know about that. But admittedly I am a bit biased there.”

“Understandable, considering your past with him.”

“It’s... something I’m trying to move on from though.”


Mio shrugs. “One can’t live in the past forever. That and Hammer really seems to like Arc. A lot.”

“That she does.”

“I suppose I could still hold a grudge, and believe me part of me wants to do that very badly. But that wouldn’t help my relationship with my sister.”

Sereb smirks. “Interesting.”

“What is?”

“You’re willing to put your own feelings aside for those whom you care about.”

Mio shrugs. “Well... I mean, what else could I do?”

“You misunderstand, miss. I am applauding your actions while leaning towards doing the same.”

“Regarding Ember?”


“That’s a bit different though.”

“How so?”

Mio sighs. “Look... at least talk with her about it.”

“What would that accomplish though?”

“Honesty mostly.”

“And I would say what to her exactly?”

“That you’re very fond of and care for her. But understand that she’s interested in Arc.”

“I’m still not understanding what such a thing would gain either of us.”

Mio giggles. “It’s wishing her the best while still hoping she might also have feelings for you.”

“Perhaps I will speak with Ember at some point. After the mission is concluded, of course.”

Mio nods as she pulls a clipboard from her satchel. “That would be for the best, yes. But I think I should go over our plans again while we travel. Is that okay”?

“Very well.”

Mio looks over the maps and other papers as they continue on. Sereb considers their conversation silently in his head.

“Ember and I... as more than just platonic sparring partners. I do admit that it would be nice to have one such as her as a mate.”

Sighing, he continues his thought.

“But why would she even consider me... when Arc is right there?”

Grunting, Sereb continues pondering the matter.

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