• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Fowl Dialogue

Arc stands in front of the Main Hatch with his troops. Looking them over, he grimaces.

“Alright everyone. There isn’t much time left until something has to give. I’m going to head to the Bridge and try talking to the oncoming fleet personally. Everyone stay here and be ready to move out on my signal.”

They nod as Arc hurries past them toward the Bridge.

“Sure hope this works.”

Arriving, he runs over to Lemon Hearts.


Lemon Hearts shakes her head. “Nothing, sir. But at least one of them has to be receiving us.”

“Agreed. Moon Dancer, how far out are they?”

“Five minutes until they’re upon us, sir.”

Wrangler grins. “Four minutes until they’re in range of our weapons.”

Arc grits his teeth. “Alright. Thunderlane, turn the ship to point toward the incoming fleet.”

Soarin turns to him nervously. “Sir, that will minimize our offensive options.”

“I understand that. We’re making a statement.”

Thunderlane sighs. “Aye, sir.”

The ship does a quick turn to face the oncoming ships. They loom before them out the main window. Arc turns back to Lemon Hearts.

“Open a channel. I want to try speaking to them directly.”

“Yes sir.”

Pressing a few buttons, Arc takes the microphone from her and clears his throat before speaking.

“Attention griffon fleet. This is Lord Arc of Equestria. On my authority as this land’s Hero of Light, I hereby demand that you turn around and depart our land immediately.”

Silence ensues. Arc continues.

“Failure to do so will result in a less than desirable outcome for both our nations… and crews.”

He turns to Moon Dancer.

“Any change?”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “Nothing, sir. They’re still coming at us at full speed.”

Arc nods soberly as he turns back to the microphone. “Very well then. I shall meet your fleet with the full might of the…”

Moon Dancer gasps. “Sir! They’re slowing down!”

Lemon Hearts turns to Soarin. “Sir! I’m receiving a hail as well!”

“From where?”

“The command ship!”

Arc grins. “Patch it through.”

Pushing a few buttons, Lemon Hearts points a hoof to Arc.

“This is Lord Arc. To whom am I addressing?”

“Hello again, Lord Arc. This is Lord Adalbert of the Council of Lords.”

“What exactly are you doing here?”

“Assisting our Equestrian allies in the task of retaking the Crystal Empire.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… I was just there. Believe me when I say that it’s still in Princess Cadance’s control.”

“Indeed. But she’s been labeled a traitor to the country by Princess Celestia and your counterpart, Hero of Light Decimus.”

“Lord Adalbert, what you’ve been told is a lie.”


“Celestia and Decimus are the traitors!”

“So you’re saying Princess Cadance is completely innocent in this regard?”

Arc nods. “She’s just been doing her job leading the Crystal Empire! What did they say she did?!”

“Rebellion and succession.”


“We were given copies of her letters to Princess Celestia. In them she flatly refused to turn over national treasures as well as aided certain… shall we say… individuals on the run.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Oh, believe me, running is the last thing on my mind right now.”

Adalbert laughs throatily. “Not to worry, Lord Arc. We’re not here to try and take you into custody. After all, that’s a matter between you and your government. However if they decide to take action against you, the Griffon Kingdom can’t interfere.”

“But you’ll do so in this instance?”

“Pretty much.”

“Why though?”

“Because I want something that we haven’t had in a LONG time!”

“Which is…?”

“A good fight!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… okay. Isn’t this going a bit far though?”

“Not really. Hero of Light Decimus personally requested the Griffon Kingdom’s aid after the new treaty was signed.”

“Wait! New treaty?!”

“You’re a bit out of the loop, aren’t you?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Let’s just say that I’ve been… busy.”

“Very well. Ambassador Ashe recently contacted her father regarding Princess Celestia’s desire for an expanded version of the former treaty. One that would call for military aid should the need arise.”

“Like now?”

“Like now.”

Arc frowns. “So you’re okay with sending your troops to their doom in what clearly amounts to nothing more than a fake civil war?”

“Yes! We crave the thrill of battle!”

“You’ll have to go through me and my forces if you want to go any further.”

Adalbert chuckles. “I was hoping you would say that, Lord Arc. Come! Let us engage in glorious combat! You shall have the honor of striking first!”

Lemon Hearts turns to Arc. “Sir! The channel has just been closed!”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “The enemy is charging their weapons, sir!”

Thunderlane calls out. “All enemy ships are deploying their soldiers for aerial combat!”

Arc heads for the door at a quick pace as he calls forth his armor. “Prepare the O.R.B system, Wrangler! The moment they fire, deploy it!”

“Aye sir!”

Running down the corridor, Arc returns to his troops at the Main Hatch and puts a hand on the door release button.

“Everyone, prepare to move out! Once on deck form up into three rows! Earth Ponies in front, Pegasi in the middle, and Unicorns in the back!”

Opening the door, he runs out onto the deck followed by his troops. As ordered they line up quickly and silently. Arc kneels down and places a large sigil on the deck under them before standing and turning to his troops.

“Standby for further orders!”

Focusing, Arc Blinks over to the enemy command ship. Kneeling down, he places another large sigil on their deck and activates it. His troops appear on it with him as the ships open fire on The Equinox. Arc looks around momentarily to gauge the situation as the griffon soldiers close in on them.

“Unicorns and Pegasi… hold this position! Don’t let them inside the ship! Earth Ponies with me!”

The Unicorns fend off the griffons with their magic as the Pegasi move to defend them. Running over to the door, Arc grabs the handle and rips it off its hinges. Throwing it aside, he charges inside with his Earth Pony forces behind him. Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out the Spear of Righteousness and looks over his shoulder to his forces.

“Take Engineering! I’ll deal with the Bridge! Radio me there when the area is secure!”

Nodding, they part ways. Arc heads one way as his forces charge down a different corridor. Following the signs, he comes to a large steel door. Trying the latch he finds it locked. Rolling his eyes, Arc sighs.

“Of course.”

Pulling out his guardanium knife, he focuses his magic into it and slices a triangular hole in the door. Punching it out, he peeks inside and gives a wicked grin to the Bridge crew.

“Here’s Johnny!”

They cry out in a mixture of terror and surprise at this. Reaching through the hole, Arc smacks the door release. A small hiss rings out as the locks disengage. Pulling his arm back through the hole, Arc steps through the now opening door and points his spear at what appears to be the command chair.

“Is this enough of a fight for you, Lord Adalbert?”

Chuckling, the lord swivels around at the sound of Arc’s voice. He grins wickedly as he stands, wearing very ornate armor. A sword and shield in his talons gleam menacingly.

“Not even close, Lord Arc.”

Lunging forward, the griffon lord swings to land a mighty blow. Arc sees his intent and blocks it with his spear. Lord Adalbert attempts to knock his opponent off balance with a blow from his shield. However Arc doubles down and throws the griffon over his head. He nimbly flips over in midair to land on his back legs, smiling happily.

“Very good, Lord Arc! But let us take this fight outside to get the full effect!”

“We’re fine where we…!”

Arc is cut off as the lord runs out the door and down the corridor. Groaning, Arc gives chase the way he came. Coming back to the deck, Lord Adalbert looks at those fighting around him.

“All griffon forces off the deck! I want a real fight!”

Arc emerges from the ship and points his spear at Adalbert.

“So do I! A real short one!”

“I’ve ordered my forces to stay back, Lord Arc! Do the same for yours!”

Arc turns to his troops. “All of you stay back! He’s mine!”

Grinning, Adalbert flies forth and locks his sword with Arc’s spear. Laughing maniacally, he looks Arc in the eye.

“This… THIS is the feeling I’ve been missing! The wind in my feathers! The exhilaration of my heart pounding!”

Arc glares at him. “So go take a flight once in a while, you nut!”

“One shouldn’t fly alone!”

“Get a girlfriend then!”

Adalbert grins. “Ah, but you’re so much more interesting!”

Arc grunts as he strains to push his opponent back. “I’m flattered, but already… more than taken!”

He punches Lord Adalbert in the beak, sending him flying backwards into the railing. Arc’s soldiers back up to give him room. Standing as he chuckles, Adalbert throws his sword and shield up into the air. A griffon dives forward to catch them as the lord again turns his attention to Arc. Raising an eyebrow, Arc looks to his opponent quizzically.

“So… does this mean you’re giving up?”

“Not even close!”

He cracks his talons menacingly before continuing.

“I’m ditching the weapons. Give me a real fight, Lord Arc!”

Arc shrugs as he puts his spear back into his ring. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

Charging forward, Adalbert tackles Arc, knocking him down the corridor from whence they came. The griffons look to the Pegasi and Unicorns on the deck. Shrugging, the soldiers land and await further orders. Meanwhile, Arc throws the griffon off of him and into a pipe. The hiss of pressurized steam rings out as Arc dives through it onto his foe.

“Got you!”

Adalbert laughs heartily. “No I got YOU!”

Using his hind legs, the lord shoves Arc off of him and down the corridor. Swinging, Arc moves to the side as the blow intended for his head whizzes past and into a wall. Clanging, the panel dents as Lord Adalbert’s talon hits it. Rolling aside, Arc looks to the wall before turning his attention back to his opponent.

“You’re pretty strong for someone who sits on a pedestal all day.”

“Every griffon is taught from a young age to be ready for a fight at any time! Lords are no different!”

Arc charges forward and knocks the griffon through a door (yes, THROUGH the door) as he chuckles.

“Good. Then I don’t have to worry about not hurting you!”

“Hold nothing back!”

“Fine! Let’s do this!”

Allowing the griffon to get to his feet again, Arc waits for him to make the next move. Taking flight, Lord Adalbert tackles Arc. As he stands over him, he headbutts the young man savagely. Arc retorts with a much more powerful headbutt of his own. Knocking the griffin back, Arc uses the opportunity to get to his feet. Diving at the his opponent, Arc slams him through a wall and into a storage room. Kicking over a pile of crates, Adalbert rolls away as Arc is buried under them. Grinning, the griffon stands on them and bends down as he speaks in a mocking tone.

“Come on out, little one. You’re about to be…”

Adalbert is cut off as Arc’s gauntlet suddenly reaches out between two crates and grabs the griffon by the front of his armor. He quickly moves to punch Arc in the face, but is rebuffed by a quick movement of the young man’s wrist as it effortlessly knocks away the blow. Countering, Arc punches Adalbert in the stomach, sending him flying back through the wall, across the corridor, and through the other wall to land in a heap in what appears to be a large bathroom. Stepping forward, Arc spots an open toilet stall with a very surprised looking soldier apparently caught mid-defecation. Walking past the stall, Arc clears his throat before speaking.

“Carry on.”

The griffon nods and slowly closes the stall door as Arc reaches down and grabs Adalbert. Holding him up to look the griffon in the eye, he frowns.

“Are we done now?”

Adalbert chuckles weakly. “Sadly, yes.”


“It’s… like I told you. I just wanted a fight. And you’ve given me one to remember for the rest of my days.”

Arc sighs as he releases his opponent. “So… what now?”

“I’d like to head back to the deck.”

“We going to go back to fighting?”

“That is… unknown.”

Slowly getting to his feet, Arc follows the injured griffon back to the deck of his ship. They find Arc’s forces on one side of the deck with the griffon soldiers are on the other. While Arc’s troops appear mostly fine, the griffons are noticeably more beat up. Adalbert looks them over sternly.

“You were defeated?!”

A griffon, whom appears slightly more ornately dressed than those around him, speak. “Their formation was unbreakable to us, sir.”

“How so?!”

Arc chuckles. “The Unicorns fired at them while the Pegasus held back any whom got too close, Lord Adalbert.”

“That is correct, sir. We couldn’t even get close.”

Adalbert glares at them. “All of you have shamed the Griffon Kingdom by failing to meet your opponents with vigor and tenacity! I fully intend to reprimand all of you when this mission is over!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So you’re still planning to continue on to the Crystal Empire?”

“We must, Lord Arc! The honor of my command hangs in the balance!”


“To return to our homeland in defeat is not something I’m willing to tolerate! We must press on and draw steel against the enemy!”

The griffons cheer as Adalbert grabs a radio from a subordinate.

“All ships, prepare to move out!”

Arc smiles wickedly. “I think you’re forgetting something, Adalbert.”

“Oh? And what might that be?”

“That my own ship still blocks your path.”

“Then I suggest they heave-to.”

“I can’t do that.”


Speaking into his radio, Adalbert addresses his fleet.

“All ship target the Equestrian vessel and prepare to fire.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

Adalbert shakes his head. “Not really, no. But our mission must be carried out for the glory of the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Is there any way I could talk you out of that?”

“No, Lord Arc. As long as my forces are capable of continuing, we must do so.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because to do anything less would be an affront to our honor!”

“Honor, huh? Tell me, what honor is there in attacking a land filled with innocents? Destroying their homes and livelihoods? Subjugating them?”

“Such is not our intent. However, it is the will of your leaders for this part of your nation to be brought to its knees. And that is what we have sworn to do in order to honor our new treaty.”

“This treaty… what exactly does it say in this regard?”

“That we must heed the call to arms by our ally in their time of need. In return, we will be compensated handsomely for our services.”


Adalbert shakes his head. “Not so much the tangible kind. We only desire to fight and reclaim our nation’s past glories.”

“Just to make sure… you’re saying that there’s nothing I can do to convince you to leave peacefully?”

“Nothing I can think of, no.”

“But if I COULD convince you to leave, your honor wouldn’t allow for you to betray that, would it?”

Adalbert narrows his eyes. “What are you getting at, Lord Arc?”

“I’ll show you.”

Turning to his forces, Arc clears his throat before calling out to them.

“Pegasi, grab a Unicorn and take flight!”

Doing as they are told, the deck is quickly vacated of ponies. Arc touches his earring.

“Kill the engines.”

Adalbert raises an eyebrow, confused. “You’re telling your crew to crash your own ship?”

“Not my ship. Yours.”

“I don’t understand…”

“You will.”

Pulling out his guardanium knife again, Arc kneels down and plunges it deeply into the steel deck. Taking the handle in both hands, he grips it tightly. A few moments later the ship begins to list slightly. Frowning, Adalbert calls out into his radio.

“Bridge! What’s going on?!”

“We’ve suddenly lost all power, sir!”

“Call Engineering and tell them to get it back on then!”

“There’s no response from that deck, sir!”

“Send someone down there at once to figure out what the devil’s going on!”

“Yes sir!”

Adalbert turns to Arc.

“This is your doing, isn’t it?”

Arc shrugs as the ship’s nose tilts downward. “Perhaps.”

A few moments later they begin to lose altitude. Adalbert grabs onto a guardrail and holds on. His radio crackles.

“Sir! The Equestrians have taken Engineering and shut down the engines!”

“Then restart them!”

“We can’t do that from here!”

“WHAT?! Send a squad down there to…!”

“You ordered all forces to engage the Equestrians outside the ship, remember?!”

Adalbert looks to the soldiers nearby and calls out to them.

“Get to Engineering and push back the invaders!”

They salute and fly quickly toward the Main Hatch. However as they near, Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell, knocking them roughly away from the ship.

“Can’t let you do that.”

“Why not?!”

“My own honor. I won’t let you regain control of you ship. That is, unless you’d like to make a deal.”

Adalbert groans. “What do you want?!”

“Your personal assurance that if I order my troops to restart the engines that you and your forces will leave Equestria and return to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“But I can’t do that!”

Arc grins. “Fine. Then we’re all destined for quite a rough landing.”

The ship quickly descends as the engine power falls to zero. Adalbert glares at Arc.

“Tell your forces to stop this madness!”

“Do you promise to leave?!”


“Then this operation continues.”

“Fine then! My honor will remain intact!”

“Will it?!”

Adalbert nods. “Yes! A warrior’s death await! They’ll tell the tale back home for years how my forces and I fell!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Don’t make me laugh!”

“What are you…?!”

“They’ll tell the story, all right! How you refused to save yourself and your crew! How you willingly allowed such a valuable ship to crash to the ground! And how you died from, of all things… FALLING!”

Arc laughs heartily as he nods to Adalbert’s wings.

“Imagine that! A bird whom was killed from a FALL!”

Grimacing, Adalbert mutters something under his breath. Arc calls out to him.

“Did you say something?”

“I… give up.”

Arc puts a gauntlet to his ear mockingly. “What was that? I can’t hear you too well over all this wind.”

Adalbert groans. “I SAID THAT ‘I GIVE UP’!”

“So you surrender?”


“And that you and your forces will leave Equestria?”




Arc grins. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

He touches his earring.

“Restart the engines!”

A voice rings out over his earring. “Yes sir.”

Adalbert yells into his radio as the whine of the turbines restarting rings out. “BRIDGE, PULL UP!”

The roar of the engines again fills the air as the ship slowly levels off and returns to its cruising altitude. Adalbert lets go of the guardrail as Arc pulls his knife from the deck.

“You’ll honor our agreement?”

Adalbert nods and sighs. “I have no choice. As per my word, I am honor-bound to comply.”

He grunts before continuing.

“A shame. This was a perfect opportunity for us to prove ourselves in battle.”

Arc frowns as he puts away his knife. “I get the feeling there’ll be plenty of chances in the future for such things.”

“Perhaps. But one never really knows what the future holds.”

“In any case, I need to get back to the Crystal Empire. There’s still the matter of the incoming fleet from Canterlot.”

“I understand. But before you go, might I impose a bit of personal advice on you, Lord Arc?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“A country divided cannot stand.”


“I do not recommend that you fight against your own nation like this. It will only lead to problems down the road.”

“Thank you for your concern, sir. But I’m not fighting Equestria.”

Adalbert raises an eyebrow. “To those outside the country it appears you are. Whom are you fighting then?”

“Ultimately… tyrants.”

“Lord Arc?”

“As I mentioned a while back, we’ve had trouble with the Council of Shadows and their agents. It’s my belief that they’ve found a way to somehow control Princess Celestia. Or at the very least, manipulate her.”

“A sobering thought.”

“Now it’s my turn to give you some advice from one leader to another.”

“Very well.”

“Do not let the rebels gain a foothold in your land.”

Adalbert scoffs. “They’re little more than dust these days, as there have been very few sighting lately.”

“Just remember that when you least expect it, they’ll strike.”

“Yes, Lord Arc. Now then, we must be going.”

Arc nods as he touches his earring. “All forces return to deck. We’re pulling out.”

Looking up, Arc calls out to the Pegasi and Unicorns.

“Return to the ship!”

Adalbert looks to Arc as he calls the Bridge to disable the O.R.B. system.

“A very competent young leader. It will be interesting to find out if he can successfully defend the Crystal Empire against what’s coming.”

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