• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 3 - Step One

Awakening the next morning, Arc gets up and showers. Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist he heads for the wardrobe across the room. Halfway there a knock on the door rings out.

“Who is it?!”

“General Shining Armor, sir!”

Arc calls out as he opens the wardrobe. “Come in!”

Stepping inside, Shining Armor salutes as Arc pulls out his royal raiments.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Likewise, Shining Armor. Tell me, how’s Twilight doing this morning?”

“She’s been up for three hours with the Hoof Maidens getting ready.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he begins dressing. “That long?”

Shining Armor shrugs. “It’s a process.”

“Sounds like a whole lot of wasted time to me. I mean, she looks fine with just a simple brushing.”

“This is a major deal though, Arc. Remember, it’s the first time Twilight’s come to the Griffon Kingdom in her official capacity.”

Arc sighs as he ties the sash around his waist. “Well... I know Twilight’s not much for such things.”

“Royal duties or physical appearance?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes.”

Shining Armor smirks. “Got me there.”

“I spoke to her last night to give her a bit of a pep talk before I went to bed.”

“She probably appreciated that.”

Arc nods as he puts on his boots. “Twilight was a bit worried about today, yes. But I think we covered all her major concerns.”

“Thanks for doing that, Arc. After all, you’re the one here with the most experience with diplomatic relations.”

“Now that’s a scary thought.”

“It’s true though.”

“Which is why I’m sticking by Twilight’s side through all of this.”

“The whole time?”

Arc chuckles as he walks over to the vanity for a comb. “Well... when it comes to the meeting, that is. The way there I’ll be outside riding Sereb.”

Shining Armor frowns. “I still think you should be less exposed though.”

“So do I. But I’d much rather someone take a shot at me than at Twilight.”

“If the local guards do their jobs it won’t come to that.”

“Lord Gestal is sending a large number of troops as well as an armored carriage to ferry Twilight, Ashe, Natalya, and Gallus to his residence. They’ll be safe as can be in there.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Natalya’s presence I can understand. But why bring Gallus?”

“He wanted to be there to support his sister. That and he’d probably like to revisit his family here at some point.”

“We won’t be here that long though.”

Arc shrugs. “Have to take the opportunity when it comes around.”

Sometime later the ship lands at the Skyport. As the engines shut down, Arc (riding Sereb and wearing his armor) along with Shining Armor step out onto the deck. A number of guards follow and take up positions around them, and on the gangplank, to form a path to the nearby waiting carriage. Innumerable griffon guards stand ready around the area as everyone looks around for a time. Looking down to Sereb, Arc speaks.

“What do you think, big guy?”

“That only a fool would try anything at this point.”


Shining Armor turns to Arc. “It appears everything is in order.”

“So let’s get moving.”

“Not yet. The signal that everything is secure will be when the coach’s side door is opened.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

About ten minutes later a griffon walks over to the carriage door and opens it. Shining Armor turns around and motions with his hoof silently. Arc’s squad walks out surrounding Twilight whom is wearing a simple but elegant dress for the occasion. She is joined by Ashe, Natalya, and Gallus whom follow behind her. As they walk across the deck other guards move to join the procession. Pegasi guards flutter around wordlessly looking around for trouble as Twilight descends the gangplank. Entering the carriage, she slides across the seat to make room for her companions. As the trio catches up they too enter the carriage. The door is shut by the carriage driver and he takes his place in the driver’s seat. Arc and Shining Armor turn to each other as Shining Armor speaks.

“So far so good, sir.”

“Yes. Now then, you and the guards will lead the procession behind the griffon forces while my squad walks beside the carriage. The Pegasi will cover the air overhead while Sereb and I take up the rear.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “And in the event of an emergency we retreat via sigil to the deck of The Equinox.”

“Right. Now we just need to wait for the signal to move out.”

Waiting patiently some distance back, Arc and Sereb look around. Sometime later, as the sun begins to rise, the procession starts to move. Slowly but surely the carriage begins to make its way away from the Skyport and down the street. Twilight turns to Natalya.

“Here we go!”

Natalya bows her head. “My apologies for the wait, Twilight. Standard procedure is rather long and tedious for something like this.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “’Paranoia’ would be the proper word, I think.”

Ashe clears her throat loudly. “Well, there are those out there whom would like to hurt anyone connected to the government.”

Twilight sighs. “And at the moment that includes me.”

Ashe puts a talon on Twilight’s hoof and smiles. “Don’t worry. I’m sure all the security out there will scare away anyone hoping for an easy target.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Sereb watch from their place at the rear. Arc frowns as the carriage stops.

“What the...?”

Sereb growls. “Something is amiss!”

Arc nods soberly as he touches his earring. “Arc to Shining Armor! What’s going on?!”

“I’ve been advised by griffon command that a number of their citizens are standing on the sidewalk waiting for the procession.”

“Is that a problem?”

“They seem to think so, yes. I’ve been advised that we should take a different route to security’s sake.”

“Do we have the forces to maintain the perimeter against their numbers?”

“Yes sir. What are your orders?”

Sereb turns around. “Perhaps they merely wish to lay eyes on an Equestrian princess again.”

Shining Armor continues. “I believe that to be the case too, sir. My Pegasi scouts confirm that they appear to be just normal citizens.”

“Maintain a perimeter while I talk to Twilight about this.”

“Yes sir.”

Motioning to Sereb, the wolf runs toward the carriage. Seeing his approach, Natalya unlocks the door and pushes it open a few inches to speak to him.

“What’s going on, Arc?”

“Looks like the citizenry want a peek at Twilight.”

Twilight appears confused. “Huh?”

Ashe sighs. “This is a big deal for them. The whole city probably heard the ship coming in for a landing. And with this much security they know a princess must be here.”

Gallus shrugs. “So? Let them look. No harm in that, right?”

Natalya turns to Twilight. “That’s up to the princess here.”

Twilight nods to Arc. “As long as we’re not in any danger I wouldn’t mind continuing on.”

“Alright. I’ll pass that on.”

Pushing the door shut, he touches his earring as Sereb again ferries Arc to the rear.

“Arc to Shining Armor. We’re continuing on our original route. Twilight doesn’t mind the additional attention.”

“Very well, sir. I’ll inform our forces along with the griffons.”

A short time later Twilight turns to Ashe as the coach begins to move again.

“Quite a few griffons out there.”

“It’s probably the most excitement they’ve seen since the treaty was signed.”

Gallus looks to his sister. “Was there this much fanfare when the Hero of Light came to Griffonstone?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not even close. But he traveled with a much smaller entourage and was relatively unknown back then.”

Twilight joins the conversation. “So would things be like this if I wasn’t here?”

Ashe nods. “Perhaps. After all, he’s a big name here now.”

“After rescuing the Council of Lords from the rebels, you mean?”

Natalya shrugs. “I’d say it’d be mostly due to his role in bringing about the treaty.”

Ashe smiles. “It’s a number of things actually. The treaty and rescue of the nobility were big news, of course. But he’s mostly known for taking the younglings off the streets.”

Gallus smirks. “Thanks to him they have a home and the businesses have less to worry about.”

Twilight frowns. “Didn’t anypony do anything for them though?”

Natalya sighs. “All the commoners here knew it was a problem, of course. However, no one could really afford to do anything about it, as the commoners throughout the land struggle to provide basic needs to their own families.”

Ashe nods. “You can’t think about feeding others when you can barely feed yourself.”

Gallus gestures with a talon. “But things look a bit better around here now.”

Natalya smiles. “That they do.”

Ashe looks to Twilight. “I’m told industry from Equestria along with international trade made such a thing possible.”

“How so?”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “Language in the treaty.”

Ashe nods. “I read it over myself and found that the princesses put provisions in place outlying how businesses should conduct themselves here.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“In addition to Equestrian companies having to follow all of our laws here, they also had to obey the labor regulations of Equestria.”

“In what ways?”

Ashe counts on her talons as she speaks. “Minimum wage laws, safety ordinances, vacation pay, leave of absences, and age restrictions.”

Gallus grins. “That’s good to hear.”

Natalya shudders. “Yes, I was worried that Equestrian businesses would flood the Griffon Kingdom job market to exploit he cheaper labor here.”

Ashe points to a large building in the distance. “A few factories have come over from Equestria, yes. Such as that one over there. However it costs them about the same amount for labor there as here, so there’s not much incentive for them to move financially.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Then why not just stay in Equestria? I mean... it can’t be cheap to ship materials here only the have to ship the finished product back there.”

Twilight taps the glass as she looks out at the factory. “I think I can answer that one. Back in Equestria some businesses open multiple factories across the continent to cut down on shipping their products. If they want to sell to the Griffon Kingdom it’s probably cheaper to build their products here with griffon labor than to ship them across the ocean. That and it cuts down on lead times for shops expecting orders.”

Ashe picks up where Twilight left off. “As to the ‘why’, there’s also a labor shortage in Equestria. Nothing major by any stretch of the imagination, of course. However, with the rising economy, more goods are needed to be able to meet demand.”

Gallus gestures to the citizens outside. “And the Griffon Kingdom is full of poor griffons that need the work.”

Natalya nods. “Exactly. And since they’re paid fairly, like Equestrians, they have money to buy quality food and other goods imported from Equestria and Abyssinia.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Abyssinia has a trade agreement with the Griffon Kingdom?”

Ashe nods. “Yes, it was signed about a month ago. My father wrote a letter telling me all about it.”

Natalya smiles. “Now more younglings are able to attend school in addition to getting medical care that would normally be out of their family’s reach.”

Gallus speaks as he looks out the window. “So it sounds like things are improving here.”

Ashe turns to him. “Slowly, yes.”

“Answer me this though. Is the griffon government actually willingly going along with all of this?”

“According to my father, yes. After all, they’re very interested in bringing in more money to our land.

Natalya sighs. “More income means more taxes for them to spend on the military though.”

Ashe looks to Natalya. “That is true, yes. However the wages are still outpacing the extra taxes. The government gets their cut while the citizen’s lives improve.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “All without them having to do anything more than sign the papers to let it happen. That’s tops in laziness even for them.”

Twilight sighs. “While I can’t condone much of what your country does in regards to public services, Natalya, I am happy to see that things are looking up for the citizens.”

“It’s going to take years to see the real changes though.”

Gallus nods soberly. “More educated younglings make for more skilled workers. More skills mean better pay. Better pay means they can care for their families and send their younglings to school. And the cycle will, continue.”

Ashe smiles. “Hopefully, yes. That and it’s also pushing up the wages of the other nearby factories.”

Natalya turns her gaze to Ashe. “Makes sense. After all, whom would stay at an employer that pays barely enough to live on when there’s better opportunities?”

“That and the workers whom are employed at the Equestrian factories work very hard for them. However I’m told they had some trouble at first.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Oh? What with?”

“Basic labor regulations. You see, breaks and lunch aren’t the norm here in the Griffon Kingdom. So when the buzzer went off a couple hours into the shift everyone just kinda thought it was a bug in the timeclock system and kept working until the plant manager called a meeting to explain things to them.”

They begin passing sidewalks filled with griffons of all ages. Twilight looks to Ashe.

“Should I be doing something?”

“They’d probably like seeing you wave at them.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, it would make for a bit of a boost for their morale.”

Twilight turns to look out the window next to her. Smiling, she waves a hoof and makes eye contact with as many citizens as she is able. Not taking her eyes off the crowd she calls out to the others.

“They look really happy.”

Natalya giggles. “I’ll say.”

Gallus grins. “Why wouldn’t they though? After all, they’re looking at the ruler of the nation whom helped them obtain basic needs.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But I didn’t have anything to do with the treaty. Remember, it was written and signed before my time.”

Ashe smiles. “True, Twilight. But you have to understand how these things work. You’re a physical representation of the power that gave them hope.”

Natalya sighs. “But remember that such things also go both ways.”

Gallus nods soberly. “They’ll also see anything negative from Equestria as being your fault.”

Twilight groans. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Sometime later the crowds thin and the carriage reaches the grounds of Lord Gestal’s estate. Passing through a large iron gate the carriage stops in front of the massive house. Twilight gasps as it comes into view.

“I’ve never seen a residence so large!”

Ashe puts a talon on her shoulder. “When you lead the nation you can afford such things.”

Gallus frowns. “Skimming off the top is certainly hard work.”

Natalya glares at him. “Gallus!”

Ashe snorts at Gallus. “My father is paid very well. There’s no reason for him to steal from anyone.”

“Maybe so. But how much is too much?”

Twilight steps between the pair. “Now, now. Let’s remember why we’re here.”

Ashe nods. “Right. The meeting.”

Natalya looks to her brother. “Please keep that kind of talk to yourself when inside, Gallus.”

“I’ll try. But no promises.”

Twilight sighs. “Please do. After all, we wouldn’t want them to change their minds about the treaty.”

Natalya motions toward the city beyond the gates. “Think of the younglings.”

Gallus groans. “Fine. I’ll keep my beak shut about this for the younglings.”

Meanwhile, Sereb looks to Arc.

“It would appear we are now in a secure location.”

“Agreed. But we’ll wait for the official word from Shining Armor before doing anything else.”

A short time later Shining Armor approaches Arc. Saluting, he speaks.

“The area is confirmed to be safe, sir. We are free to allow Princess Twilight to disembark now.”

“Good. Would you like to do the honors?”

Shining Armor appears confused. “Me, sir?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong with that?”

“I just thought... your relationship with... you know...”

“Fine. You escort Ashe, Gallus, and Natalya then.”

“Yes sir.”

Walking over to the carriage, Arc hops off Sereb, recalls his armor, and motions for them to open the door. Natalya does so and looks around nervously.

“Are we safe?”

Arc nods. “Perfectly.”

They disembark and step to one side as Arc helps Twilight down. Offering his arm, he leads her toward the base of the steps where Lord Gestal is waiting patiently. Stoically, he waits for Arc to speak.

“Lord Gestal, may I present to you Princess Twilight Sparkle. Newest Equestrian princess and current ruler of Equestria.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Good day, sir.”

She extends a hoof to Gestal whom takes it and shakes it as he speaks.

“Welcome to the Griffon Kingdom, your highness. I trust you had a pleasant flight?”

Shining Armor chimes in as he approaches with the others. “Begging your pardon, sir, but might we go inside? I worry about the princess’ safety.”

“Certainly. Right this way.”

Leading the group inside the resplendent entryway Gestal turns to his daughter.

“It is good to have you home, Ashe. Tell me, how are you getting along in Equestria?”

“Very well, father. Their culture absolutely fascinates me.”

“I am glad you are happy there, my dear.”

Looking to Arc, Gestal continues.

“I’ve ordered my chefs to fix a traditional Equestrian breakfast for all of you. We can chat before getting down to business afterwards.”

Ashe clears her throat loudly. “Father, perhaps Princess Twilight and her entourage would like a few minutes to freshen up first.”

“Certainly. I’ll have the servants escort them to one of the Guest Rooms.”

“No need, father. I’ll do it.”

“Very well, Ashe. And I shall check on the state of the meal.”

He turns to Twilight and bows at the neck before continuing.

“I look forward to our future conversations, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight nods. “So do I.”

Turning, they part ways. Ashe leads them up a grand staircase and down a wide corridor as Twilight turns to Arc.

“How am I doing?”

“Good. You’re being taken seriously by him.”

Ashe looks over her shoulder. “She’s talking just the right amount too.”

Natalya puts a talon on Twilight’s shoulder. “Like we told you the other day. Talk too much and you’ll be looked down on as naive. Too little and you’ll be looked upon with suspicion.”

Twilight sighs. “This is really complicated.”

Gallus shakes his head. “Yeah. But imagine having to live here and deal with it on a regular basis.”

Arc shudders. “It was all I could do to stomach this place as long as I did when I first came here.”

Arriving at a large double door Ashe motions with a wave of her talons.

“This is our finest Guest Room. I’m sure you’ll all be comfortable here.”

Twilight appears confused. “Comfortable? But your father sounded as if the meal was almost ready.”

Natalya sighs. “You have to think about it from the point of view of the nobles. They say that but actually mean that it’ll be at least another hour.”

Gallus scoffs. “No clue why they just don’t say that though.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “That will give you time to practice your griffon mannerisms.”

“I suppose it will.”

Natalya steps forward. “Gallus and I will help you.”

Gallus nods. “Sure. But I still don’t get why you’d want to learn this stuff.”

Ashe scoffs. “It’s to keep up appearances.”

Gallus groans. “That was sarcasm!”

Arc pushes the door open and motions for everyone to enter. “In any case, let’s get started.”

Ashe calls out from the corridor. “I’ll just head to my room to freshen up. See all of you at breakfast.”

She closes the door behind them and walks down a few corridors before coming to her own familiar room. Pushing the doors open she looks around and sighs.

“Home again.”

Walking over to her vanity, she sits down and looks herself over sadly.

“I never really noticed just how arrogant and vain I was before being confronted with nothing but hospitality and humility.”

A voice behind her rings out.

“Keeping up appearances?”

Surprised, she falls over backwards. Landing on the floor Ashe looks up to see a hooded figure standing over her. Extending a talon they help her up. Grinning she wraps her talons around them as they do the same.

“I’ve missed you, my love!”

“And I’ve missed you too.”

Ashe pulls back and looks into their mask. “Take that thing off and let me see you face to face!”

Nodding, the commander removes his mask to look Ashe in the eye. Tracing his face with a talon she batts her eyelashes.

“Much better.”

Leaning forward, Ashe begins licking his face as he reciprocates (presumably because kissing with hard beaks doesn’t really seem like it would work out). After a time he pulls back and looks Ashe in the eye.

“I really missed you.”

Ashe giggles. “As did I. Oh, but I have so much to tell you!”

“About your new position as a pony bureaucrat plant?”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Plant?”

The commander nods as he continues. “Of course. I mean, what other reason would you have for taking such a position in their government?”

“I... actually did it to learn about their land, customs, and ways of life.”

“Know thine enemy. Perfect planning!”

“It’s not that simple though.”


“They... the Equestrians are... different from us.”

“Of course they are. They’re a different species, Ashe.”

“I’m not talking about the biological differences.”


“They have a much more stable and fair government than we do. It allows their citizens to have rights and privileges that only the nobles here in the Griffon Kingdom enjoy.”

“Such as...?”

“Good quality food for the masses. Schooling for all regardless of income or social status. And the right to petition their rulers directly on any and all matters.”

“Sounds like what we’re trying to bring about here.”

Ashe nods. “It does, yes. My original plan was to learn how they did things over there so as to use Equestria as a template for our nation after the coup.”

“Very wise, yes. I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Us?”

“The rebellion, of course. Some thought you had just taken the position as ambassador to enjoy a comfortable life abroad. After all, there aren’t really many griffons living in Equestria that would need to be represented.”

“That is certainly not the case.”

“Good. Now then, what have you come up with?”

“In regards to...?”

“Our next move.”

“Next move?”

“A princess of Equestria is just down the corridor, Ashe. We could take her prisoner easily.”

Ashe frowns. “How would that help us though?”

“It would make the government’s forces seem incompetent. Imagine it... a princess taken captive from within a residence as secure as this. It would show the nation that we’re capable of more than just simple antics while also hurting the image of the crown.”

“The princess is a kind and fair ruler though. I don’t want to see her harmed.”

“And she won’t be. We’d simply hold her for a time.”

“How long?”

“Long enough for the powers that be to look like fools. It could only help in the battle to bring about change.”

Ashe sighs. “Change. We were talking about that very subject at dinner last night.”


“I’ve learned a lot since taking my position in Equestria. Their country’s orphanage was greatly expanded in order to care for our nation’s younglings.”

“Their small horses live with our younglings?”

Ashe nods. “They live, eat, sleep, play, and even learn together.”

“Learn? Do you mean some kind of indoctrination?”

“I’m talking about schooling... for everyone.”

“While that is commendable, what does it have to do with our plans?”

“Don’t you see? The younglings that come out of their programs will have grown up right. Morals and ethics instilled... full bellies... and minds that are filled with knowledge. Those that return here will tell what they have seen and experienced to the other griffons. They’ll be able to do jobs that their native counterparts can’t. And in doing so be able to give their families a proper life.”

“That does sound nice. For them.”

“But it goes so much further than that! Their own younglings will be able to attend school here, get an education, and grow up to be like their parents. They will then repeat the process over and over and over again!”

The commander grins. “Bringing the population’s situation from miserable to at the very least, tolerable.”

Ashe nods. “The nation will thrive naturally as our citizens become all they can be. And it will all have started thanks to Equestria taking in our orphaned younglings. So you see, that’s why we shouldn’t try to raise a talon against Princess Twilight or any other Equestrian official that comes here.”

“Yes... it could make them think twice about our current treaties.”

“Pass along the word to the others regarding this matter. Under no circumstances are they to act against Equestrian officials or visitors to this nation.”

“But this is still a perfect opportunity to show everyone that we’re more than just brigands!”

“I understand that. However I believe that the change we seek can be reached peacefully with Equestria’s help.”

“But that will take several generations! Our citizens are suffering NOW!”

“This is true, yes. However things are improving for them with the influx of new job opportunities.”

“For a few, yes. There are so many others whom need help though!”

“And it will come. Believe me.”


“In time!”

“Tell that to those whom are still eating slop, Ashe!”

“I know it’s not a perfect plan. But you have to understand...”

“I thought you were still on our side! That’s what I’ve been telling the others when they asked where you went!”

“And I am! But you need to trust the plan!”

“The ‘plan’ is unchanged! Bring about change for the masses at every opportunity! And you’re letting this one slip away!”

Ashe frowns. “My orders are as I previously stated! Everyone stays away from Twilight and her group! Do I make myself clear?!”


“Good! Now then, pass on the message and tell the others to be patient! Change is on its way!”

Nodding, the commander heads for the secret passageway. Stepping through, he closes it behind him and begins walking through the dimly lit corridor as he muses to himself.

“You may have forgotten our mission, Ashe, but I haven’t. I’ll show you the error of your ways. No matter what I have to do.”

Sometime later everyone gathers around the Dining Room table. Gestal pulls out a seat for his daughter as Shining Armor does the same for Twilight. Sitting, Gestal gestures to the servants at the door.


Servants pushing carts step forward and begin going around the table. They set already assembled plates of food in front of everyone starting with Twilight. After all have been served additional servants emerge with platters of more food which is set on the table to allow for seconds. As their host nods toward the kitchen they retreat and close the door behind them. Gestal looks to Twilight before speaking.

“Please enjoy, your majesty.”

“Thank you, I believe I shall.”

Picking up a fork and knife with her magic Twilight cuts into her hash browns and takes a bite. As she does so Gestal along with Ashe, Natalya, and Gallus follow suit. Arc looks to Gestal.

“Thank you for having us again, sir.”

Gestal nods pleasantly. “The pleasure is all mine, Lord Arc.”

“Now then, I suppose introductions are in order.”

Arc looks around the table as he continues.

“The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle.”

Gestal nods respectfully. “Your highness.”

“Her brother and protector during our stay, General Shining Armor.”


“Natalya and Gallus.”

“Thank you for having us, sir.”

Gallus nods curtly but says nothing as Arc continues.

“They both work at our nation’s orphanage helping raise the foals and younglings whom live there.”

Gestal looks to the pair as he speaks. “A praiseworthy endeavor. I’m told that they are acclimating well to their new surroundings. Is that so?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir. They and the foals are easily bonding.”

“Any problems?”

Gallus frowns. “Just educationally.”


Twilight clears her throat. “Yes, Lord Gestal. Equestrian law states that all citizens and immigrants have the right to a proper education.”

Gestal nods. “Ashe reported this to me in an earlier report regarding the facility they are housed in. Although the name of it escapes me.”

Arc chimes in. “The Little Hooves Orphanage, sir.”

Ashe smiles. “Yes. I recorded all the pertinent data on it in my inspection report, father.”

“That you did, my dear. Although there were a few things I wanted to verify regarding the youngling’s treatment.”

Gestal turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Are you familiar with the facility, your highness?”

Twilight nods. “I am, yes. It’s in the town where I spent quite a bit of time before ascending to the throne. However Natalya, being a full-time employee of the orphanage, would be more qualified to answer your questions.”

“Very well.”

Looking to the female griffon, he continues.

“The report stated that the younglings were being segregated into an alternate class based on their species. Is this true?”

“They do have their own classroom designated for new arrivals, yes. However it is also shared by foals whom are very young. Too young to join the older foals in the other class.”

“And the younglings are limited to that class why exactly?”

“Having no previous formal education, the younglings need to first learn to read and write. A second teacher was hired whom specialized in early development. Miss Peachbottom is there to instruct them on basic reading, writing, and arithmetic.”

Gallus smirks. “She says that they have to learn to read so that they can then read to learn.”

Gestal continues his questions. “And have any griffon younglings advanced to the foal’s classroom?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir. Three of them joined Miss Cheerilee’s class a few weeks ago.”

“And how does one prove they are ready?”

“A three-page test. A page each on the fundamental skills I mentioned earlier.”

“And whom writes the test?”

Twilight looks to Gestal. “The E.E.A., sir. Also known as the Equestrian Education Association. They see to it that everypony has the proper skills to move on from nursery school to primary education.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “A governmental society?”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Yes sir. The test is also completely blind to species and gender. A passing score is all that matters.”

Natalya smiles. “And I can personally attest to that, sir.”

Gallus leans back in his chair as he speaks. “The younglings whom have moved on were indeed ready to do so.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “Orphan younglings advancing to higher education. An interesting concept to be sure.”

Arc turns to their host. “The teachers at the orphanage are very qualified for their jobs and have made education their lives’ work, sir.”

“I don’t doubt that, Lord Arc. However I was merely stating my surprise to hear that younglings from such low status could be effectively taught.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Has it ever been attempted before, sir?”

“Admittedly, no. Such was merely assumed in the past.”

Twilight grins. “We’re blazing new paths here in more ways than one. New treaties... new educational methods... and even a new ambassador.”

Ashe gestures to the princess with a wave of her talon. “And I’d like to thank Princess Twilight for allowing me to serve both of our nations in my current position as ambassador.”

“I see it as bridging the gap between our two races.”

Gestal smiles. “Indeed. Perhaps in time our nations will become even closer.”

Shining Armor appears surprised. “In what way, sir?”

“That’s something both of our nations would have to consider. We have a trade agreement as well as a peace treaty.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “What else could there be, sir?”

Gestal looks to Twilight. “Our king wanted me to broach the subject with you personally, princess.”

“Me, sir?”

“Yes, your highness. The next step is currently on our king’s mind.”

“And what would that entail?”

“He wanted to know your opinion on this very matter. What do you personally think should come next?”

“Honestly, I... really think we need to strengthen our respective relationships on the personal level.”

“What do you mean?”

Twilight gestures to Arc as she speaks. “My working relationship with Equestria’s Hero of Light is a very cordial one. It’s made possible due to the fact that he and I are both colleagues as well as friends.”

Ashe leans forward. “And that helps you work well together?”

Arc nods. “That it does. While I don’t actually answer to her or the other princesses, I still do my best to keep them appraised of my actions.”

Twilight smiles as she puts a hoof on Arc’s shoulder. “And we in turn have learned to trust his judgment.”

Shining Armor looks to their host as he speaks. “That trust was vital when he was called upon to serve as Lord Regent again, as the princesses focused on emotionally supporting one another during a rather trying time.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, we felt no apprehension leaving the fate of our country in his capable hands yet again.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “How do you feel about this opinion, Lady Ashe?”

“I too have been able to befriend Princess Twilight since becoming ambassador. It’s made working with Equestria an absolute breeze.”

Shining Armor nods. “I’d also like to point out that all four princesses are very close friends and have been for a long time.”

Natalya raises a talon. “Things work similarly at the Little Hooves Orphanage too.”

Gallus nods in agreement. “Everyone working there knows of and respects the positions of the others.”

Arc chuckles. “We’re all in a state of perpetual cooperation.”

Twilight giggles. “And friendship makes that all possible.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “An interesting idea.”

“I’ve seen it in action personally, father. We can’t ignore the results of such a thing.”

“Agreed. I will personally report this conversation to King Guto after our business here today is concluded.”

Gestal turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Thank you, Princess Twilight. You’ve given us much to think about.”

Twilight smiles warmly. “I’m just glad I could be of service.”

Sometime later they finish their meal. Gestal stands and walks around the table to Twilight as the others follow suit.

“I hope the meal was to your liking, Princess Twilight.”

“Yes, it was very good.”

Ashe smiles. “Our chef never ceases to please.”

Arc attempts to move things along. “I can attest to that. However, I know that both Lord Gestal and Princess Twilight are very busy individuals.”

Natalya grimaces. “Yes. Perhaps it would be wise to begin the meeting to discuss the main reason for our visit.”

Twilight looks to their host. “Agreed.”

Gestal motions with a wave of his talons. “Very well. Let us move to a place with more conducive surroundings though.”

Leading Twilight and her entourage through the large double doors, Gestal shows them to his private study. As they enter, he turns to the servants outside.

“I will be having a private meeting with my guests. See to it that I am not disturbed for any reason.”

They nod silently as Gestal follows the others inside. Closing and locking the doors behind them he motions to several posh couches nearby.

“Everyone, please be seated.”

Arc leads Twilight over to a couch and sits down with her as Shining Armor joins his sister. Gallus, Natalya, and Ashe share another sofa as Gestal takes his place in a very plush looking armchair.

“Now then Princess Twilight, I read in the reports that you wish to bring charges against a Griffon Lord. Would you please state those charges now?”

Twilight nods and stands. Clearing her throat she begins to speak.

“I have come here to personally bring forth accusations of sexual misconduct between the Griffon Kingdom’s Lord Goldstone and a female unicorn messenger.”

“Tell me of this misconduct.”

Twilight gestures with a hoof. “Lord Arc personally interviewed the mare and a witness to the assault.”

“Very well. I will hear your claims.”

Twilight sits as Arc stands. Straightening his tunic he speaks.

“When I took possession of my base back in Equestria I was assigned guards as well as support staff. However, when I went over their records I found two that stood out as being very strange.”

“Strange in what way?”

“Both the mare and a stallion guard were very highly regarded and recommended for their positions. They had never been in any kind of trouble, save for a single incident.”


“The pair had spent time in Canterlot Castle’s dungeon on the orders of then Captain of the Royal Guard Decimus.

“On what charges?”

“Offending the representative from the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “That warrants a trip to the dungeons?”

Shining Armor chimes in. “Forgive me for interrupting, but the Captain of the Royal Guard has sweeping authority over the castle and those inside of it. Moreso when it comes to international relations, sir.”

Arc continues. “Upon discovering this, I immediately sent for both of them in an effort to get to the bottom of the matter. After all, it wouldn’t do to have troublemakers in my base. However when I spoke to them the truth came out.”

Gestal nods. “They confessed to their wrongdoings?”

“Quite the opposite, sir. The mare in question had been tasked with delivering a message to Lord Goldstone one evening regarding his audience times with the princesses. However when the mare entered his quarters she was attacked.”

“By Lord Goldstone you mean?”

“She told me as such, yes.”

Ashe frowns. “Forgive me, Lord Arc, but was there any other evidence of this act?”

“Yes. A lone guard on patrol heard the muffled cries and looked through the keyhole. He reported that he witnessed Lord Goldstone holding a talon over the mare’s mouth as he carried her toward the bed. Rushing inside, the guard confronted him and removed the mare from the room. He and the mare were summarily arrested and thrown in the dungeon for the remainder of the representative’s visit. After which they were dismissed from the castle pending new assignments.”

Twilight picks up where Arc left off. “Which apparently led them to what Decimus thought to be an out of the way backwater post.”

Arc nods. “My base.”

Gestal nods stoically. “Do you have any physical proof of this act, Lord Arc?”

“I do. A recording of the act via the memories of the stallion in question.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Um... what, sir?”

Gallus shrugs. “I don’t get it either, sis.”

Twilight looks to their host. “Equestrian engineers have developed a device which can take personal memories and display them on a screen for all to see via specialized crystals which the subject holds while they concentrate.”

“A very interesting idea. And I mean no disrespect, but I’d have to see such a thing to believe it.”

Arc stands. “Very well, sir.”

Reaching into his ring, Arc pulls out the device.

“Foreseeing your desire for evidence, I made sure to bring it along. May I set this up, Lord Gestal?”

“Please do.”

Arc, with Twilight’s help, sets up the memory device. Pulling a portable screen from his ring he extends the pole and pulls down the screen before turning to Natalya and Gallus.

“Perhaps you two should leave the room. After all, this is rather graphic.”

Shining Armor nods. “Agreed. For the privacy of the victims, I would also like to step outside the room as well.”

Natalya stands. “Understood.”

Gallus shrugs. “Okay.”

The trio heads for the doors together. As they leave Arc relocks the door behind them before turning to Twilight.

“Is it ready?”

“Yes. I just need the crystal recording.”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls the crystal out and gives it to Twilight. Turning toward Gestal she holds it up before speaking again.

“The memories of that night were recorded within this crystal for posterity. May I play it for you?”

Gestal nods. “Please do.”

Ashe stands and turns off the lights as Twilight loads the crystal in the machine, presses a few buttons, and sits back down. The screen displays the interior of Canterlot Castle from the point of view of Flash Sentry. Muffled voices come from a nearby door. Slowly walking over to it the scene shifts to the view through the keyhole. A squirming mare is seen being roughly carried toward the bed for but a moment before the stallion bursts through the door. Goldstone whirls around with the mare still in his talons. Tears stream from her wide eyes as she continues to struggle.


Goldstone frowns. “What the...? Who are...?!”

Flash Sentry points a hoof. “RELEASE THAT MARE!”

Goldstone smugly runs a talon from Raven’s chest down to just below her belly button. “But I’m about to give her the time of her life.”

Flash Sentry stomps a hoof. “Do it now! I won’t ask again!”

Angrily, Goldstone roughly pushes Raven into a dresser. An audible smack rings out as her face hits the wood. Falling to the floor she quickly crawls toward the furthest corner as Goldstone storms toward the guard before him.

“Do you have any idea whom I am, grunt?!”

“No I do not, sir! However it appears that you were accosting that mare!”

Goldstone grins slyly. “She was enjoying it!”

“That’s not how it looked to me!”

Goldstone turns to walk toward Raven again.” Then give it a few minutes. I’ll even let you watch.”

Lunging forward, Flash Sentry pushes past the griffon to position himself between her and the errant lord.

“I cannot allow you to touch this mare again, sir!”

Goldstone sneers. “You can’t ALLOW me to do something?! I’ll have you know that your commanding officer could have your head on a plate for this!”

“Do what you will! But I won’t let you have her!”

The pair stare each other down for a few moments before Flash Sentry turns and calls out to Raven.

“Can you stand?”

Raven wordlessly nods and sniffles as blood mixed with snot drips from her nose. Cautiously walking toward the stallion, she cowers behind him as he leads her toward the door. The sound of Goldstone calling out after them echoes through the otherwise empty corridors.

“Your career is over, grunt! Do you hear me?! IT’S OVER!!!”

The sounds of Raven sobbing are heard as they slowly walk down the dimly lit corridor together. Flash Sentry’s voice rings out.

“Your safe now, miss. I won’t let him near you again.”

Arc turns off the machine as Twilight turns on the lights. Turning to Lord Gestal they are surprised to see his talons cutting deeply into the armrests of his chair. A look a pure rage on his face. He turns to Arc angrily.

“When did this happen?!”

“Shortly before I took up the mantle of the Hero of Light. Roughly two years ago.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Princess Luna and Princess Cadance have been working very hard to file the proper paperwork to bring these charges against Lord Goldstone since Arc personally brought the matter to their attention.”

Ashe frowns. “And there were right to do so!”

Gestal clenches a talon. “Agreed!”

Standing, Gestal begins pacing the floor angrily.

“I can’t believe Goldstone would stoop so low! It’s common knowledge that he’s been known to frequently have females visit his private residence! However I had no idea he would stoop to rape!”

“We need to do something about this, father!”

Twilight appears hopeful. “But what?”

Gestal groans. “The treaty with Equestria is clear about extradition in cases such as this.”

Arc smirks. “So could we take Goldstone back to Equestria in order to stand trial?”

Gestal sighs. “Sadly, it’s not that simple.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Lord Gestal?”

Ashe steps forward. “What my father means is that as a member of the Council of Lords, Goldstone is fully immune to prosecution.”

Arc clenches a fist. “So he’s untouchable?!”

Gestal shakes his head. “Not completely, no. There are provisions in our laws to deal with such things. However they have never been used.”

Twilight frowns. “Can you walk us through this then, sir?”

“First I would have to bring the complaint before all four members of the Council of Lords. I would tell them of the charges, present the fact that there is compelling evidence to support it, and make a motion for a vote of impeachment.”

“He would then lose all powers as a lord effective immediately, right father?”

“Not quite, Ashe. Impeachment alone does nothing. He would then be called by King Guto to stand trial.”

Arc sighs. “But what judge would convict such a powerful figure?!”

“None most likely. That is why the king himself must preside over the trial as the judge. At that time you would be permitted to bring the charges before King Guto.”

Ashe puts a talon to his forehead. “That’s assuming it goes that far.”

Twilight appears confused. “What do you mean, Ashe?”

“Lord Adalbert and Lord Weller would both have to vote to impeach Goldstone for it to go to the king.”

Gestal groans. “And we all have a long history together. It would be like disowning a close and personal friend.”

Arc looks to Gestal. “Do you think they would listen to reason?”

“Perhaps. After all, my own testimony of what I’ve seen here today may be enough for them to side with me.”

“Could we also plead our case before the Council of Lords, sir?”

Gestal shakes his head. “No. Such matters require a closed-door meeting along with a unanimous vote.”

Arc grins wickedly. “And if you’re successful then it goes to the king immediately?”

“As soon as possible, yes.”

Ashe gasps. “But an audience could take weeks or even months to schedule, father!”

“Not likely, my dear. Such serious accusations would warrant his immediate attention. It would be a few days at most.”

Arc appears hopeful. “And could we attend?”

Gestal nods. “It would be required as per our laws. The victim, or authorized third-party, must make the accusations personally while the accused, the king, and the nobles look on.”

Twilight frowns. “Nobles, sir?”

“Such a high-profile case would require many witnesses present to verify the legitimacy and fairness of the trail.”

Ashe shrugs. “Friends of the accused mostly.”

Gestal nods. “Any noble may attend. But yes, we are familiar with most of them.”

Arc frowns. “And what about the king?”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Lord Arc?”

“I’m asking if the Council of Lords is on friendly terms with King Guto.”

“Yes we are, Lord Arc.”

Twilight sighs. “Then wouldn’t him presiding over the case be a conflict of interest?”

Ashe nods matter-of-factly. “It certainly would be, yes. However there’s nothing that can be done about that. Remember, he’s the only one whom holds a higher rank than a lord.”

Gestal frowns. “Anyone else could be forced to find him ‘not guilty’ due to political pressure. That is why the law states that the king must personally be the judge of such an event.”

Arc shakes his head. “While I admit that it isn’t the most sound idea, it appears that we have no choice in the matter.”

“When will you bring the charges forward, father?”

“When the council reconvenes in three days. It will be the first order of business I bring forward and will take priority over all other matters until concluded.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Thank you, sir. Might we be allowed to remain in the Griffon Kingdom during this time? We would be willing to remain aboard our ship in the meantime as to avoid causing undue trouble regarding your city’s security forces.”

Gestal nods. “Yes indeed, Princess Twilight. However I will give orders allowing you to have an escort anywhere in Griffonstone that you wish to go.”

“Agreed, father. It would be unfair to our guests to be forced to be sequestered away aboard their ship while they wait.”

Arc smiles. “We will be sure to properly coordinate with your city’s security forces before leaving our vessel, of course.”

Gestal smiles at Arc. “Thank you. We do not want any harm to come to either the princess, yourself, or any of your entourage.”

“I will remain with them in my official capacity until this matter is concluded as well, father. Should Princess Twilight decide to leave the ship, I will see to it that she is properly escorted, safe, and adequately represented.”

“Very good, Ashe. I officially give you authority to call for whatever security measures you deem necessary to see that task through.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “I’d recommend speaking to General Shining Armor about that, Lady Ashe.

“My own thoughts exactly, Lord Arc. His instructions in regard to security will be relayed to the proper authorities by me personally.”

Twilight turns to Gestal. “It would appear that we’ve done all we can in this matter for the time being.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight. However I have a bit of a favor to ask of you.”

“A favor, sir?”

“Yes. As sensitive a matter as this is, I request that you do not speak to anyone else regarding what was said here today. At least until the case is forwarded to the king.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Agreed, Lord Gestal. After all, it wouldn’t do our nations’ relationship any good for him to hear about it from rumors and hearsay before it comes via official channels.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

He stands and walks over to Twilight before continuing.

“Now then, on behalf of the Griffon Kingdom please accept my personal apologies for this heinous act against one of your citizens. It was inexcusable, disgusting, and unbecoming a lord.”

“Thank you for taking this matter so seriously, sir. We look forward to seeing it brought to a fair and just conclusion.”

Ashe nods soberly. “As do I. “

Gestal frowns. “The Council of Lords cannot allow such a thing by one of our own to go unpunished. We will do our part to see that justice is meted out as quickly as possible.”

Arc looks to Gestal as they all stand. “Is there anything we can do to help in the meantime, sir?”

“Simply keeping your airship in our Skyport with Princess Twilight aboard will do.”

Twilight appears surprised. “With me?”

Gestal nods. “It will show the king the seriousness by which you view this matter, your highness. Believe me when I say that he is very interested in creating and maintaining strong ties with Equestria.”

“That’s actually up to Arc. After all, the ship is his.”

“It’s fine with me. And I’ll personally stay too in solidarity.”

Ashe turns to her father. “Everything appears to be settled then.”

“Yes, indeed. And I must say that I am very impressed with how you Equestrians carry yourselves.”

Twilight appears confused. “Sir?”

“From what I’ve seen, you, Princess Luna, Lord Arc, and Ambassador Ashe all seem to work well together. Everything is calmly talked through with the end goal clearly in mind over one of you trying to stand out over the others.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “It stems from us all being on the same page, sir.”

Twilight nods. “And the fact that we are able to see things from the other’s points of view.”

“I will speak to the king this very day regarding this high level of cooperation among all of you. Rest assured that he will be very interested to know more of your ways.”

Twilight smiles. “And we’d be happy to talk to him on this matter as well.”

Arc gestures to the door. “Right. However we should probably let you get to the Aviary then, Lord Gestal.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed. In any case, the security forces that ferried you here will now return you to your ship under heavy guard. Soldiers will be stationed around the ship night and day to assure safety for all of you. Ashe will be in command of them but may defer to General Shining Armor at will.”

“I won’t let you down, father.”

Twilight stomps a hoof. “None of us will.”

Arc nods soberly as he picks up the memory crystal and looks it over. “Agreed. All of us are going to see this thing all the way through. To... the... end.”

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