• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Early Release

Arc returns to his room with Aloe and Vera. They close the door and look to him.

“Did you find out what you wanted to know, sir?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

“What would you have us do?”

Arc flops down on the couch and stares out at the ceiling.


Aloe appears confused. “Nothing sir?”

Arc nods. “Absolutely nothing at all.”

Vera shrugs. “If… that’s what you desire, that’s what we’ll do, sir.”

“And you won’t ask why?”

“No, sir.”

Arc looks to Vera. “But you’re not curious as to what Buffalo Bull said?”

“We are, sir. However it’s not our place to…”

“There’s going to be an escape.”

Aloe raises an eyebrow. “From…?”


Vera gasps. “But… but there’s never been a successful escape from The Pit, sir!”

“First time for everything.”

“Yes sir.”

“Buffalo Bull’s organizing it. He’s going to facilitate some kind of breakout tonight.”

Vera looks to him nervously. “Should we prepare to…?”

“We’re not going anywhere.”


“It’s just… look, you two will stay with me during… whatever’s going to happen.”

Vera turns to him, quizzically. “Don’t you want to leave though, sir?”

“Not really, no.”

“Really, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “That and it’s like I was told before. There’s never been a successful escape from The Pit. Why would this attempt be any different?”

“So we’re to continue guarding you while everypony else escapes?”

“Yes. Believe me when I say that you will be safest with me.”

Meanwhile, Buffalo Bull and his lieutenants sit around a small table. He puts a crate of licorice down and opens it. Setting an inner box from within it on the table gently he turns to the other stallions.

“Here it is, boys. The culmination of a month’s planning.”

“Candy, sir?”

Buffalo Bull rolls his eyes. “Yes, you idiot. We’re going to break out by giving it to the guards.”

“Is it poisoned?”

“Some kind of sleeping drug, sir?”

“It’d have to be powerful to…”

Buffalo Bull groans. “That was sarcasm! Look!”

Removing a stick of licorice he sets it down on the table. Pulling out a knife, he carefully cuts one end off before turning it and pouring a black powder into an empty tin can with a fruit label attached to it.

“Everypony do what I just did. We need to get this thing going.”

“What are we doing though, sir?”

“Yeah, boss. It just looks like we’re filling cans with pepper.”

“Well, that ‘pepper’ as you call it is actually gunpowder.”


“It’s part of my plan, knucklehead. We’re going out with a bang!”

“But those cans aren’t nearly powerful enough to blast a hole in the wall, sir.”

“Yeah. Worst they’ll do is stain it black.”

“You dummies just let me do the thinking here. I’ve accounted for everything.”

Later that day as the sun begins to set, Virtuous Lance stands behind his desk looking out the window. A small knock rings out.

“Come in.”

The door opens and Spitfire walks in. Approaching the desk, she salutes before speaking.

“I’ve just received word that the Scarlet Filly and her forces have taken their ordered positions outside the wall.”

“Very good.”

“Sir, I just want to go on record as saying this is not the proper way to conduct an operation.”


“Then why…?!”

Virtuous Lance turns back to his desk and sits down. “Because it was on orders from the Hero of Light, lieutenant.”

“But sir…!”

“We’re soldiers. Following orders is what we do.”

“We don’t even know where this information came from though!”

“That’s right, we don’t. In my opinion this entire situation is nothing but hot air. Rumors and hearsay, nothing more.”

“Then why are there soldiers out there lying in wait?!”

“Because on the off chance this thing is real they need to be ready to act.”

“And we’re just supposed to stay here and do nothing?!”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head. “Incorrect. We are to do our jobs and carry on as if we knew nothing was amiss.”

“Yes sir.”

“With any luck, this will all be over before the sun rises.”

“Assuming there really is something going on.”

“Either way, yes.”

Sometime later there is a knock on Arc’s door. Aloe moves to answer it, but Arc holds up a hand. Standing, he walks over and opens the door. Standing on the other side is Buffalo Bull, frowning.

“We need to talk.”

“Fine. Come in.”

Buffalo Bull steps inside and turns to Aloe and Vera.


Arc looks to the mares. “Head to the bedroom you two.”

Nodding, they do as they are told. Buffalo Bull grins as he turns to Arc.

“You have to admit. Those two have some nice flanks.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “In any case… why are you here?”

“Because I’m hoping to secure a bit of an insurance policy.”

“Sorry. This window’s closed.”

“We could use your help here.”

Arc chuckles as he sits down on the couch. “Doing what? Escaping?”

“Yes. It’s going down very soon.”

“Do what you want. I’m staying right here.”

“Even though we could all get away?! Disappear without a trace into the night?!”

“I’m good.”

Buffalo Bull grits his teeth. “You’re making this harder than it has to be.”

“Then why don’t you just spit out exactly what it is you want me to do?”

“Cards on the table. Fine.”

Sitting down, the stallion removes a paper and pencil. He begins drawing hastily as he speaks.

“Tonight at supper my lieutenants will be planting a high powered explosive device on the wall here.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In the courtyard?”

“Yes. It’s the one place both stallions and mares have access to.”

“So everyone’s going to be eating with a bomb next to them?!”

“In a manner of speaking. It’ll be inactive until just after we finish eating. At that time somepony will press a button to start the timer.”

“How long will you and the others have to get away?”

“Two minutes. Then the bomb goes off and takes out most of the outer wall.”

“What about the safety of everyone else?”

“They’ll be in the corridors waiting for the elevators, which I’ll have sabotaged beforehoof.”


“Another of my lieutenants will have the power cut to the elevators. That way nopony gets stuck in The Pit or on the elevator after the blast. And they’ll be safe from any shrapnel from the bomb.”

Arc nods. “Everyone runs out of the corridors and back into the courtyard where a large hole will be opened up to the outside.”


“And the guards are just going to let you do this?”

Buffalo Bull shakes his head. “I’ve got a separate plan for them.”

“Do tell.”

“We’ve ‘damaged’ the pipes leading to The Pit. Right now we’re on the emergency backup supply.”

“And that helps you how?”

“Because it means a certain prisoner has been sent to the mechanical room to fix it. He’s already dumped a bunch of crushed up sleeping pills into the water softener by now. A majority of the guards will be getting punchy by suppertime.”

“Won’t they just drink more coffee?”

“I’ve had somepony switch it with decaf. That and they brew it with water from the tap.”

“So the more they drink the more sleeping pills they’ll ingest.”


“And the guards that don’t go down to that?”

“I’ve filled a number of tin cans with gunpowder in one of the supply rooms. That extra-long fuse will be lit as soon as the call for supper goes out.”

“The guards hear it and order everyone back to the elevators as they run to check it out.”

“By the time they get there, the real explosion will be going off. They’ll be too far away to stop us by then.”

“What’s this so-called ‘real explosion’?”

“At lunch we placed a few packs of candy bars under one of the benches.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Must be some really special candy.”

“Those ‘candy bars’ are actually C-4. When they blow it’ll take a large chunk of the wall with it.”

“And you want me there to do what?”

“Insure that no guards follow us.”

Arc scoffs. “Right. I’m totally willing to commit a crime to help a bunch of criminals escape.”

“You’re the one whom said you wanted to stay.”

“I’m not helping you with this.”

“If you won’t help, would you at least give me your word that you won’t interfere?”

“Fine. That much I can agree to.”

“Thanks. We’ll take care of the rest then.”

“I’m sure you will.”

“This’ll probably be the last time we see each other then.”

Arc frowns. “I hope so anyways.”

“Likewise. But I do want to know one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Is it true what happened to Cherry?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’re still thinking about her?!”

“Of course! A beautiful mare like that is one in a million!”

“Well, that would depend on what you were told.”

“I heard that her funeral was held some time ago in Dodge Junction. Is that true?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. She’s gone.”



Buffalo Bull seethes. “I’ll hunt down the dog whom dared to take such a pure maiden from me! Who was it?!”

“A stallion named General Wind Rider. And don’t worry about avenging her. I already did that.”

“Did you now? Are you sure it stuck?”

“Very. A blade to the chest and I watched him die.”

“Good. I now have a bit of respect for you.”

“Thanks, I guess. But I didn’t think you were still carrying a torch for her.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Aloe and Vera.”

“I don’t get your meaning.”

Arc clenches a fist. “You were using them as sexual pincushions!”

“It was consensual. A stallion’s got needs, after all.”

“Yeah, they told me all about that.”

“What are you gonna do about it?”

Arc looks away. “Nothing right now. But let’s just say that you and I’d better not cross paths again. Ever.”

“Fine. When I get out of here I’m heading to Dodge Junction though.”

Arc frowns. “What for?”

Buffalo sighs. “To lay a dozen roses at Cherry’s grave. I know she was buried on her property, after all.”

“Then why did you ask…?”

“Because I had to hear it from one of the only individuals that knew for sure.”

He looks away before speaking again.

“I… I loved her.”

Arc nods soberly. “That makes two of us.”


“We were engaged to be married.”

“None of that matters now though.”

Standing, Buffalo Bull groans and heads for the door. “Goodbye. I hope we never meet again.”

Arc watches as the stallion leaves the room. He sits there for a long moment before calling out.

“Aloe! Vera! You can come out now!”

The bedroom door opens and the mares cautiously walk out. Aloe appears nervous.

“Is he gone?”


Vera shudders and looks to Arc. “Might we ask what he wanted?”

“My help with his escape plan.”

Aloe appears hopeful. “Did you promise it to him?”

“No. We’re still staying right here.”

Vera sighs. “Yes sir.”

“Although I do want to ask you two something.”


“How do you feel about Buffalo Bull?”

“He’s a pig!”

“The lowest!”

“What should happen to him?”

Aloe appears confused. “Happen?”

“I mean, if you could press charges on him, would you?”

“No sir.”

“Right. We had a deal.”

“He protected us, and we allowed him to use us as he saw fit.”

Vera blushes slightly. “And we did like it. Well, most of it.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Let’s drop this conversation while we wait then.”

Aloe grimaces. “Wait for what?”


A short while later they hear the sounds of hooves walking down the corridor. Aloe looks to him.

“Shall we be off, sir?”

Arc nods. “I suppose we should.”

Vera turns to him. “Something wrong, sir?”

“Not exactly. The escape is about to take place.”

“What should we…?”

“Just do as I tell you to and everything will be fine.”

Leaving the room, Arc and the mares join the others on their walk. Riding the elevator, they come to the top and start walking toward the courtyard. Stepping to one side Arc motions for Aloe and Vera to do the same. As the last stallion passes them he turns to lean against the wall. Aloe frowns and turns to Arc.

“What now, sir?”

“Don’t move.”

Vera sighs. “No supper?”

“Everyone will be back soon enough.”

A few moments later the sound of what could be gunfire echoes through the corridors. An alarm goes off as the stallions begin quickly rushing back inside the corridor. Arc spots Buffalo Bull nodding to one of his lieutenants. They stand on the elevator waiting for it to move, but it does not. In short order there is a ground shattering blast as the plastic explosives detonate. Pieces of the wall rain down for a full ten seconds before Buffalo Bull runs to stand in front of the group.

“The wall is down! Follow me to freedom, everypony!”

Cheering, the stallions run after Buffalo Bull. As they enter the courtyard the mare side runs out to join them. Jumping, pushing, and generally trying to get ahead of the others everyone makes their way outside the walls. Arc, Aloe, and Vera walk out of the corridor and watch. Arc sighs and shakes his head.

“They’ll never make it.”

Aloe appears confused. “Sir?”

“We’re a couple week’s walk from the nearest town. That and I’m sure Vanhoover will be on high alert for a while.”

Vera sighs. “Some of them would have been here for the rest of their lives otherwise. So for them it’s worth the risk.”

Aloe shudders. “I suppose it is. But I’d hate to die of hunger, thirst, or exposure to the elements.”

A small contingent of guards flies down into the courtyard led by Spitfire. They run over to the trio, weapons at the ready.

“What are you DOING?!”

Arc shrugs. “Waiting for supper.”

“Don’t give me that! I know you masterminded this!”

“Oh? Then why am I still here?”

“I don’t know! But I’ll figure it out later!”

She motions for her soldiers to follow. They fly through the hole in the wall as the sounds of a scuffle rings out. Aloe gasps.

“It sounds like the guards are already after everypony!”

“Not everypony’s going to make it back alive!”

Arc nods. “Right. That’s why I was so insistent that you two not leave.”

Aloe gasps. “You… you saved our lives!”

Vera grins. “We’ll be part of the few whom can walk away from this unscathed.”

“I told you I’d keep you safe, and I did.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Vera smiles at him seductively. “When this is over, we’d love to show you our… appreciation.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

Aloe leans against him. “Are you certain, sir? We’re quite good at what we…”

A mare’s scream rings out. Arc and the pair turn to see Spitfire attempting to crawl back through the hole and back into the courtyard. A sizable wound in her side is visible for but a moment before several sets of hooves grab onto her and drag her back outside. Arc frowns and runs toward the hole as he turns to the mares. Arc frowns as he turns to Aloe and Vera.

“Stay here! I’ll be right back!”

Charging through the wall, Arc spies two stallions over Spitfire. One hoofs her in the head, knocking her out. Meanwhile the other grabs her uniform and rips it down the center, exposing her chest fur. Rolling the unconscious mare onto her belly, one of them holds Spitfire’s tail up as the other gets into position behind her. As he is about to… you know… the stallion feels a hand on his own tail. Looking back, he has but a moment to see Arc’s angry face before being forcefully pulled back. Throwing him like a ragdoll at his companion, the pair land in a heap and do not rise. Turning back to the unconscious mare, Arc tears a sleeve from his jumpsuit. He presses it to her side to slow the bleeding before picking her up and heading back to the courtyard. Aloe and Vera look at him confused as he lays her down on the ground in front of them.

“Sir, what are you…?”

“Keep pressure on her wound! We have to slow the bleeding or she won’t make it!”

“But she’s a…!”

“DO IT!”

The mares quickly move to obey. Arc pulls the remains of Spitfire’s uniform off of her body and begins going through the pockets. Aloe frowns.

“Sir, is this really the time to be doing that?!”

Arc nods frantically. “Yeah! Come on, where is it…?!”

A few moment later he pulls a keycard from one of the pockets.

“Now I just need to find a place to use this!”

Vera gasps. “That should open an emergency egress ladder!”

Aloe points a hoof. “The card reader for it is over there!”

Running toward it, Arc scans the card. A number of rungs slide neatly out of the wall. Climbing them up to the catwalk overhead he looks around before choosing a direction.

“Gotta get Spitfire some help!”

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