• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - The Duties of a Royal

A short time later Flash Sentry and Platinum Valve enter the Audience Chamber with Kibitz. The Mane 6, Twilight, and Arc are standing in the middle of the room waiting for them. Flash Sentry is the first to speak.

“We came as soon as we could, sir!”

Platinum Valve nods breathlessly. “Yeah! What’s the problem?!”

Arc gestures to Twilight. “The princess will explain.

“I will?”

Hammer sighs. “Probably should.”

“You ARE the ruler of this land, remember?”

Arc nods. “Right. Why don’t you take your place on the throne and we can get down to business?”

“But shouldn’t you…?”

Arc frowns and shakes his head. Twilight grimaces.

“I… understand.”

She approaches the throne and, after looking it over for a few moments, nervously sits down. Arc stands off to one side with Hammer and Ember as Twilight’s friends stand on the other.

“Captain. I’ve heard of a new… monument that was going to commemorate Princess Celestia’s return. Is this true?”

Flash Sentry shrugs. “While I had heard of such a thing, there is no such object here in the capital.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes. I’ve been up most of last night trying to locate it.”

Rose raises an eyebrow. “So you believe it’s a threat?”

“I believe that anything Decimus was connected to in his time here should be investigated.”

Arc frowns. “Could it have been moved?”

“Possibly, yes. However something that large would be hard to keep under wraps.”

Hammer grins. “They probably destroyed it before retreating.”

Ember chuckles. “Scorched earth, eh Hammer?”

“Something like that.”

Platinum Valve puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That would be the logical thing to do, yes. He may have even left parts of it in a somewhat obvious place for it to be found.”

Applejack appears confused. “For what purpose?”

“To make us believe the threat to be neutralized.”

Rarity shudders. “A chilling thought.”

Rainbow clops her front hooves together. “So let’s find this thing and REALLY destroy it!”

Fluttershy hides behind Rainbow Dash. “Agreed! Nopony is safe while it’s out there.”

Hammer shrugs. “Assuming it really is a weapon, that is.”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “Oh, it is!”

Arc turns to her. “How do you know?”

“Pinkie Sense!”

Twilight groans. “Not this again!”

“But it’s always right!”

Ember turns to Twilight and clears her throat loudly in an attempt to change the subject. “What should be done, Princess Twilight?”

“We need more information. Captain, locate this weapon and report its location to me.”

She turns to Platinum Valve.

“On the recommendation of Hero of Light Arc, I’m granting you access to all information regarding historical weapons of this type. Kibitz will relay my command and see to it all pertinent information is sent to the Sunburst’s office. You and the Lead Sage will familiarize yourselves with it and come up with a strategy.”

Platinum Valve nods. “Yes, your highness.”

Kibitz turns to the door. “I’ll return just as soon as possible, your highness.”

Arc nods with a small smile as the filly grins widely at him. She turns to leave with Kibitz as Twilight returns her gaze to Flash Sentry.

“Captain, see to it this city remains in friendly hooves until further notice.”

“Yes, your highness. But we’re a bit short of officers.”

Hammer raises a hand. “I can help!”

Ember chuckles. “She does have military training, Twilight.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “What do you think?”

“Ember’s right. Hammer’s done a fair share for us after coming over to our side. I feel that we can trust her to assist Flash Sentry in this matter. However they may need more authority to act in this regard.”

“Very well. Flash Sentry… I bestow upon you the rank of Colonel in addition to the authority granted by your station as the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

“Hammer, you will act as the colonel’s lieutenant.”

Ember gives Hammer a thumbs up. “Moving on up in the world!”

Hammer grins. “Thanks! I won’t let you down, princess!”

“I’ll let you two get to work. See the quartermaster for new armor and insignias. That and I want you to keep me posted regarding any new developments.”

Flash Sentry bows. “Yes, your majesty.”

The Audience Chamber doors open and a guard hurries in. They looks up at Arc, breathlessly.

“Sir! We’ve got trouble!”

Arc frowns as he hurries down from the throne. “What is it?!”

“A massive horde of ponies is at the drawbridge!”

Flash Sentry grits his teeth. “An attack?!”

Ember groans. “I’ll check it out!”

Spreading her wings, she flies out the door. Twilight appears concerned.

“I guess our enemies aren’t going to give us time to prepare a defense.”

Flash Sentry draws his twin blades. “I shall defend you, Princess Twilight!”

Hammer grins as she pulls her gun. “Bring em on!”

Rainbow Dash flies over to stand with Hammer. “I’ve got your back, cupcake!”

Applejack takes up a battle ready stance. “We all do!”

Arc draws his spear as he calls forth his armor. “If it’s a fight Decimus wants, I’ll kill him AGAIN!”

Twilight looks nervous as Ember returns sometime later. She walks lazily toward them, shaking her head and sighing.

“False alarm.”

Rarity beams. “Wonderful!”

Fluttershy looks out from behind a pillar. “I don’t understand. The guard said there was a horde of ponies at the gates.”

Pinkie frowns as she looks to the guard. “Yeah! How’d you mess THAT up?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Technically, he didn’t. There really is a lot of ponies at the gates. However it appears they’re here for audiences.

Twilight’s face twitches. “Wha…?!”

Applejack sighs. “Well, somepony has to do it.”

“Yes, but I don’t know if I’m…”

Arc interrupts her as he turns to the Captain of the Royal Guard. “Flash Sentry, tell the guards to allow the citizens into the outer chambers. We’ll begin the process of having them seen shortly. After that you and Hammer get new insignias befitting your station.”

“Yes sir.”

“We’re on it!”

They bow respectfully and leave. Pinkie grins.

“First audiences! Nervous, Twilight?!”


Applejack groans. “Of course she is. Who wouldn’t be?”

Rarity smiles warmly at Twilight. “Do you want us to help?”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “That would be great!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Not sure how much we can do though.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “How about we just listen and try to advise Twilight if a case is too hard for her?”

Pinkie grins. “That’d work!”

Ember shrugs. “Probably.”

Arc turns toward the throne. “Is that okay with you, Twilight?”

“I suppose so.”

“Might I speak with you in private before you start though?”

Twilight nods fervently. “Thanks. I’d like a bit of a talk on how to do this beforehoof.”

She turns to her friends before continuing.

“Would everypony please wait in the office?”

Applejack nods. “Sure thing, sugarcube.”

Pinkie bounces toward the door. “We’ll be back before you know it!”

Fluttershy appears confused. “But we’re only going to another room.”

Pinkie grins as she hops. “So?! I’m still right!”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly as she looks to Arc and Twilight. “Be good in here you two.”

Rarity smiles at her friend. “Pay attention to what Arc tells you, Twilight. He has a lot of experience with this sort of thing, after all.”

“I will.”

They close the office door behind them as Arc looks to Ember.

“Why don’t you take a bit of a walk? I’ll catch up with you later.”

Nodding, Ember leaves the Audience Chamber. Arc turns to Twilight.


“I am, yes.”

“Would you mind if I came up there?”

“I wish you would.”

Arc walks up the steps to stand next to Twilight. She turns her head to look at him as he kneels down next to her.

“Look straight ahead, Twilight.”

“Um… okay.”

Doing as she is told, Twilight looks down the red carpet toward the large double doors at the end of the room as Arc speaks.

“Tell me, what do you see?”

“A large empty room.”

“Oh? Is that all?”

Twilight shrugs. “Yes. What else is there to see?”

“The room itself has seen so many audiences over the years… decades… centuries even. Ponies come from all around to have their case heard and judged by a princess.”

“I know that, Arc. What are you getting at?”

“Tell me, what would happen if the princess one day decided not to see anyone in this manner ever again?”

“I’m… not sure.”

“Property disputes, divorces, diplomatic affairs, and even personal advice would not be administered. This would be very hard on the population whom rely on the princesses for help.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That does make sense. But I’m not Princess Celestia! She had CENTURIES to practice this!”

“Agreed. However, at some point in time she was in the exact same position as you are right now. Sitting on a new throne with throngs of ponies waiting to see a princess without any real experience to speak of.”

“That… logically speaking has to be true, I suppose.”

“Why did they come? I mean they had to know Celestia didn’t really understand how to rule yet.”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Because they believed in the rulers that Star-swirl the Bearded had selected.”

Twilight bows her head. “But he didn’t pick me.”

“True. Celestia did.”

“Why I don’t know.”

“Because she believed that you could one day be someone whom she could entrust the kingdom to.”

“But I’m not ready!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight… I’m going to let you in on a little secret. From a former ruler to the current one.”


“There is no ‘ready’.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! But you did great!”

Arc sighs. “Only because I knew there was a job to do and that it was mine.”

He takes her face in his hands and smiles.

“Just do your best. No one can ask for more.”

Twilight silently nods as she puts her hooves around Arc’s neck. The pair hug for a few moments before pulling back.

“Don’t be afraid to ask your friends for their viewpoints as well. That’s something I wish I had sometimes.”

“I’ll do that. Um… might I ask for something before we get started?”

“What is it?”

“A… um… kiss?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Now?”

Twilight blushes and nods. “I know it sounds strange, but I just felt so… empowered the last time we did that.”

Arc grins. “Well if it would help you, sure.”

Putting his arms around the mare, Twilight leans into him. Closing her eyes, she presses her lips against Arc’s and sighs contentedly. Shifting her weight, she pushes Arc over and onto his back at the foot of the throne. They lie there for a time kissing as Arc strokes Twilight’s mane. Eventually she pulls back, grinning ear to ear.

“That… should help.”

“Feeling better?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chest and smiles woozily. “I’m feeling… just so relaxed right now. But I would like more.”

Arc shakes his head as he picks her up. “Another time, Twilight. We all have work to do now.”

Setting her down on the throne, he looks her over. Straightening the Element of Magic on her head, Arc nods.

“You look pretty good there, Twilight.”

“How’s my mane?”

“Fine. That’s kinda surprising considering what we just did.”

Twilight giggles. “It was worth it.”

She is suddenly sober as a thought crosses her mind.



“I… was kinda hoping… um…”

“What is it?”

“Sorry. It can wait.”

“If you say so.”

Kibitz enters the Audience Chambers and quickly approaches with a massive stack of papers on his back. Arc hurries over to him.

“Woah, that’s a lot of something!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What’s all that?”

“The backlog of audiences, your highness! It’s pandemonium out there right now!”

Twilight sighs. “Then we’d best get started.”

“Do you have something simple to start Twilight off, Kibitz?”

“Yes. Remember, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

Kibitz nods as he gestures to the papers. “I’ve taken the liberty of sorting the workload to include only the most straightforward cases at the moment, your highness.”

Twilight gasps. “Wait! You mean that ISN’T everything?!”

“No, ma’am. Think of it as the tip of the iceberg.”

Kibitz turns to Arc before continuing.

“Sir, I hate to say this but there’s no possible way Princess Twilight could handle this workload as it stands.”

“Can’t we just extend audience hours, or something?”

“Yes, sir. But based on my experience as Princess Celestia’s personal aide, even if audiences were to take place all day without any kind of break it would still not be possible to get through even half of them by midnight tonight.”

Twilight groans. “What do you suggest then?”

“While certainly out of the ordinary, it would be pertinent for the Hero of Light to lend a hoof to some of the more… complicated matters on the docket today.”

He looks to Twilight apologetically.

“No offense intended, your highness.”

“None taken.”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding.

“I… suppose I could help get things caught up in that department. Could I borrow Raven to organize things for me though?”

Kibitz nods. “Of course, sir. She’s putting together today’s paperwork at the moment.”

“Tell her to put that on hold.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Arc? Paperwork may not be glamourous, but it still needs to be done.”

Arc sighs as he turns to Twilight. “Sorry, I overstepped my position. But I do believe that the citizens need to come first. After all they’ve waited for so long.”

“Very well. Kibitz, we will be foregoing paperwork today.”

“By your will, Princess Twilight. But I must warn you that it’s been piling up just like the audiences have.”

“One problem at a time. Now then, where will Arc hold his audiences?”

Arc points toward the doors. “I could use the Conference Room. It’s certainly big enough to hold audiences.”

Kibitz looks to Twilight. “Your majesty?”

“Fine. Whatever Arc deems necessary will be accommodated.”

Arc turns to Kibitz. “All right. I’ll head over to the Conference Room and wait for Raven then.”

“Yes sir. I’ll notify the commanding officer outside of the change and coordinate the transfer of certain choice matters to your charge.”

“Fine. Oh! And send anyone with a bad attitude to me as well.”

Twilight frowns. “Arc?”

“I just want you to have a good first day, Twilight. They get pushy with me and I’ll push them right back… into the dungeon!”

“While I appreciate that, Arc, I won’t learn how to properly lead by being sheltered from my duties.”

“Alright. If you’re sure.”

He turns back to Kibitz.

“Rescind my earlier request to take all those with bad attitudes.”

“Yes sir. Now then, might I suggest a quick combing of the hair and brushing of the tunic before you get started? It appears you fell over.”

“Oh… uh… I guess I did.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “You see, we were…”

Arc grabs Kibitz by the hoof. “Let’s go!”

He moves toward the door with Kibitz in tow before turning back to his friend on the throne.

“Have a nice day, Twilight! Don’t let anyone push you around!”

Twilight smiles as she waves a hoof. “You too, Arc!”

They leave the chamber as Twilight stands and walks over to the office. Opening the door she motions for the others to step out. Applejack is the first to speak.

“How’d it go?”

“Just fine. Arc mostly just told me to have faith in myself though.”

Pinkie giggles. “Aw, we could have told you that!”

Twilight blushes slightly and looks away. “Well… he did a bit more, I suppose.”

Rarity smiles warmly. “Oh? Like what?”

“I asked him to… kiss me.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “I bet he almost fell over!”

“Arc was a bit surprised, yes. But he did give me what I wanted.”

Fluttershy gasps happily. “Really? Was it nice?”

Twilight nods. “Very. I suggest you try it sometime, Fluttershy.”

“Yes, I will.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Hey! Don’t forget about me! I want my first kiss too!”

Applejack sighs. “I know what you mean, sugarcube.”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “Me two! Three?! Aw, I don’t even know anymore!”

Twilight giggles. “He’s certainly loosening up lately.”

Applejack appears relieved. “That’s good.”

Rainbow Dash looks toward the now closed double doors at the end of the red carpet. “Yeah. I was worried all of this herd stuff would just kinda be too much for him to handle.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Well, he deserves all the love in the world.”

Twilight looks to her friends. “About that. I wanted to speak to all of you regarding something I’ve been thinking about for some time now. You see…”

They talk softly and giggle happily as the mares escort Twilight back toward her throne.

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