• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Informants

“What about Frank?!”

“They said he’s been slipping in and out of consciousness.”

“So he’s waking up?!”

“Trying to at least.”

Arc hurries over to his closet for clean clothes. “I have to get over there!”

Ember frowns. “You mean ‘we’ right?”

“I was just going to…”

“Arc, I’m with you.”

“Thanks, Ember.”

He heads for the bathroom to change

“Max, call Lily and Shelly! Tell them what you know and ask if they want a ride up there!”

Max nods as Arc passes him. “Yes sir.”

Ember walks quickly toward her own room. “I’ll meet you downstairs!”

Arc calls out from the Bathroom. “Be there in a minute!”

Max heads downstairs and picks up the phone. He looks for the number in the small black book on the table next to it.

“I wish your friend the best of luck, sir. For your sake as well as that of your friends.”

A short time later Arc hurries downstairs. Ember is sitting at the kitchen table wolfing down a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Max calls out to Arc as he passes him.

“Lily says she’ll meet you in front of the restaurant with Shelly in ten minutes.”

“Thanks Max!”

Ember pushes a bowl across the table to Arc. “Eat up!”

Arc grabs his keys off the counter and heads for the door. “No time! Let’s go!”

Ember grabs her jacket off the back of her chair. “Okay. But don’t blame me if you’re cranky later.”

Arc nods as he heads out the door. “Agreed!”

They jump in the Jeep and head to the restaurant. The pair are waiting for them just inside the door. Arc jumps out and hurries over to help Shelly as Lily locks the front door and Ember puts the wheelchair in the back. Shelly turns to him as she’s helped in.

“Thanks for coming, Arc!”

Lily hops in next to Shelly in the back seat and helps her buckle up. “We can always count on you, my friend.”

“No problem you two. Us orphans have to stick together after all.”

They pull into traffic. Shelly looks to Ember.

“Feeling better?

Ember nods and smiles. “Oh yes. Much.”

“Shelly tells me you had a bit of a cold last night.”

“Kinda. But I’m feeling just fine now.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Shelly faces forward. “How’s Frank?”

“Not sure. Hopefully the hospital staff can fill us in.”

Sometime later they arrive at the hospital. Lily and Arc set up the wheelchair as Ember helps Shelly out of the Jeep. The four head for the building and walk quickly up to the Nurse’s Station.

“Excuse me. We’re here to see Frank Fontaine.”

The nurse looks over some paperwork. “The doctor is examining him, but will be done in a few minutes. Please wait with the others.”

Lily looks confused. “Others?”

Arc and company walk into the Waiting Room. Several familiar faces greet them. Ember glares at them.

“What the…? YOU?!”

Snake, Jackal, and Wolf stand as Arc and company walk over. Lily and Shelly hide behind Arc as Snake frowns.

“Believe me. The feeling is mutual.”

Jackal waves happily. “Hi there!”

Wolf glares at them. “I guess you four got the same message, huh?”

“If you mean the hospital called me, then yes.”

Snake turns to Arc. “Why would they call you?!”

“Because… aw skip it. Who told you three?”

Jackal raises a hand. “We got letter!”

Ember glares at them. “Who would write to you clowns?!”

Wolf turns to Jackal. “You don’t need to tell them anything!”

“But they help find boss!”

Snake shakes his head. “No, they didn’t! Just the big armored freak did!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Yeah? Who do you think told HIM?!”

Ember nods. “That’s right! You’re welcome by the way!”

Shelly looks to Jackal. “Excuse me, but what did you say about a letter?”

“Jackal find paper on his face this morning. Says boss at hospital. Jackal not know his face a mailbox.”

Wolf rolls his eyes. “Well, the cat’s out of the bag now.”

Snake looks to Arc. “Did you also send that brute to our base to get us here?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope.”

Lily looks confused. “That’s strange. I wonder who…”

A doctor walks up.

“Excuse me, but are all of you here to see Mr. Fontaine?”

Arc nods. “More or less. Can we see him now?”

“Yes. Please follow me.”

The doctor leads them to Frank’s room he turns to Arc as they enter.

“He’s lapsing in and out of consciousness.”

Lily takes Frank’s hand. “How often?”

“About once every half hour or so. Whether or not he can understand us though is anyone’s guess.”

Shelly sighs as Ember wheels her around to the other side of the bed. “He’s delirious?”

“I’m afraid so, miss. If you’ll excuse me, I have to check in on my other patients now.”

Snake frowns. “Thanks doc.”

The doctor leaves the room. Shelly takes Frank’s other hand in hers.

“Lily and I are here, Frank.”

“You’re not alone anymore.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

The three stooges stand at the end of the bed.

“Hey, boss.”

“Jackal here too!”

“Um… hope you feel better soon, sir.”

Frank does not stir. Arc sighs as he turns to the Shards.

“Anyone else know you’re here?”

Jackal shakes his head. “Nu uh! Note said not to tell anyone.”

“Jackal, will you shut up?!”

“Yeah! I got half a mind to…!”

Lily gasps. “Look! I think he’s coming around!”

Everyone stops talking and stares at Frank. He slowly opens his eyes halfway and looks around the room with unfocused eyes.

“Diva. Diva, where are you?! What are you doing?! I trusted you!”

Ember frowns. “What?”

“Frank. It’s Shelly. Can you hear me?”

“The sheep need to be led to water! Without a shepherd, they’ll be led astray!”

Lily looks confused. “Frank?”

Frank looks around the room. “Trust no one! Not Stingray! Not Hammer or Mio! Especially not Diva!”

“Boss? What you saying?”

“Betrayers of the dream, all of them! They knew. They knew it ALL! But they threw all away! All for nothing! Or… for everything!”

Frank’s eyes turn to Arc. He reaches over and grabs Arc’s shirt frantically.

“The dream… must not be allowed to die! Do you hear me, lieutenant?! It MUST continue! It MUST!!! Protect it! Defend it from the hyenas! See to it no harm comes to others!”

“Okay, Frank. I’ll certainly try.”

Frank weakly nods, closes his eyes, and lapses back into unconsciousness. Wolf turns to Arc.

“What was THAT all about?!”

Shelly shrugs sadly. “I guess the staff was right. He really has no idea what’s going on.”

Snake frowns. “He’s just delirious from whatever that armored freak did to him.”

Ember clenches a fist angrily. “That so-called armored freak SAVED your boss!”

Lily nods. “Yes. We’ve all seen him on TV. There’s no way he’d have hurt Frank.”

Jackal smiles. “Me believe pretty food ladies! Big metal man not hurt Snake or Jackal back at store!”

Wolf turns to Snake. “When was THAT?!”

Jackal laughs. “Long time ago. We on TV!”

“Yeah. The boss wasn’t too happy about that.”

Shelly turns to her friend. “Arc, I think Frank was trying to tell us something.”

“Agreed. But he was pretty vague.”

Arc turns to the Shards.

“Any idea what he was talking about?”

Snake thinks for a moment. “Well… Stingray, Hammer, and Mio are his lieutenants. Maybe he’s saying they were behind his disappearance?”

“They don’t have the guts to take on the boss like that!”

Jackal frowns. “Stingray is mean! She might have done dat with Hammer!”

Ember frowns. “What about Mio?”

“She okay lady! Not mean like other two.”

Snake sighs. “There’s no way we could figure this mess out ourselves.”

Wolf nods. “Yeah. I hate to say it, but we need to talk to that armored guy.”

Lily looks confused. “Why him?”

Jackal looks to Snake. “He smart! Find boss!”

“As much as it hurts me to admit it, Jackal’s right.”

“I am?”


Snake turns to Arc.

“Think you could arrange a meeting?”

“I might be able to. Why?”

“To talk to him about the boss’ condition. He might know something we don’t about this.”

“Fine. Where and when?”

Shelly looks to Arc. “How about tonight at our restaurant?”


Lily turns to the Shards. “We’re open for supper. You three can come around back to the kitchen via the back door. We’ll leave it unlocked.”

Ember shakes her head. “You two really shouldn’t get involved in this. It isn’t safe!”

Shelly turns back to Frank. “Anything to help a friend.”

Lily nods. “I agree, Shelly.”

Snake sighs. “Fine.”

He turns to Arc.

“So, can you set it up?”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But just know that the big guy doesn’t like when people waste his time.”

They gulp.

“Still want to do this?”

Wolf nods. “We kinda have to at this point.”


“We don’t have nobody else to turn to!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Hmph! What could you jokers possible have to tell him that’s so important?!”

Snake grins. “What’s been going on lately at the Shard base, for starters.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Such as…?”

Wolf shakes his head. “We ain't talking to nobody but him!”

Snake nods defiantly. “Yeah! The three of us are sticking our necks out far enough as it is here!”

Jackal shudders. “Stingray finds out we done seen you, she’ll be really mad!”

Wolf peeks out the window. “We should probably get back to base before we’re missed, guys.”


The three head for the door together. Wolf turns back to Arc.

“Ugh! We’re counting on you.”

They leave as Lily and Shelly turn to Arc.

“They’re really dedicated to Frank.”

Arc nods. “That they are. But he always had that about him.”

Lily looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Frank’s always had the ability to rally those around him to his cause.”

Shelly frowns. “Is that how you two started the Shards?”

“Pretty much. Well, I guess I should probably make that phone call.”

“Just let us know what he says.”

Lily smiles sheepishly. “Yes. I’d like to meet him too.”

“Be right back.”

Arc heads for the door. Ember follows.

“I’m going to find a drinking fountain.”

The pair head down the hallway together. Ember looks to Arc.

“So… do you think ‘the big guy’ will show up?”

“If there’s any chance at all those guys know something, yes.”

“I think this is a waste of time.”

“So? Stay home then?”

“Oh no, I’m still coming with you.”

Arc chuckles. “I thought you would.”

“We’re in this together. You know that.”


“Um, so… where are we going now?”

“Just killing a few minutes before we head back to the room. Remember, I told Lily and Shelly I’d call him.”

Ember sighs. “Maybe you should tell them.”

“Tell them what?”

“The truth.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

Arc shakes his head. “I… I just can’t, okay!”

Ember sighs. “Fine. Do what you want.”

A few minutes later Arc and Ember head back to Frank’s room. He returns to Lily’s side.

“It’s set up for tonight.”

“Will he enter through the back?”


Shelly looks to Arc, hopeful. “Can… can we meet him?”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s kinda shy in that regard.”

“Oh… I understand.”

Arc sighs. “I, uh… I’ll call him back and see if he can spare you a few minutes.”

“Thank you.”

The four spend most of the day with Frank. He lapses in and out of consciousness time after time again. However he makes no more sense than before. As evening falls Arc drives Shelly and Lily back home. He parks and gets out.

“Let’s get you two inside where it’s warm.”

Arc helps Shelly out of the Jeep as Ember retrieves the wheelchair from the back. Lily hurries to the restaurant door to unlock it.

“Okay, now ease on back.”

Shelly carefully sits down. “Thank you.”

Arc pushes her inside as Lily holds the door open. Shelly reaches over and flicks the light switch.

“It really is cold out there!”

Ember nods. “I’ll say. The sun going down really took the warmth out of the wind.”

Lily turns on the ‘Open’ sign as a few cars pull into the parking lot. “Guess it’s time to get to work.”

Arc heads to the back with Lily. “We’ll see to it the back door is unlocked.”

Shelly nods as she gets up onto her stool behind the counter with Ember’s help. “Okay.”

Ember grabs a couple menus as some customers walk in. “I’ll get folks seated while you two get ready back there.”

Lily nods. “Thanks Ember. We won’t be long.”

Arc turns the latch and unlocks the door as Lily turns on the light.

“We should probably leave that off.”

Lily looks confused. “But I want them to be able to find the door.”

“I understand. But they need to be able to keep a low profile, remember?”

Lily sighs. “I suppose you’re right.”

She flicks the switch back off and opens the Pantry door. The pair walk inside and pick up a few boxes.

“Let me see about stocking a few things out here for tonight.”

Arc takes the boxes as Lily hands them to him. “Good idea. Your guests will probably want some privacy.”

“That’s the plan.”

Arc and Lily put their loads on the center table.

“Thanks for doing this, Lily. You and Shelly are very brave to let strangers into the back room like this.”

Lily nods but looks nervous. “It’s for Frank. You know that normally Shelly and I would never agree to this.”

“I know.”

“Arc, will you… um… be here?”

“I’ll be here when they arrive, yes. Ember wants to attend the meeting with me.”

“She does?”

“Yes. She’s worried as well.”

Lily smiles. “She’s a good friend. You’re lucky to have her.”

Arc looks around the Kitchen. “That I am. Well, it looks like you’re pretty well set up for the supper crowd in terms of supplies.”

“I suppose so.”

“I’ll get Ember and we’ll wait outside for our visitors.”


Arc heads toward the front. “It’s no trouble.”

Lily calls out after him. “Tell Ember I’ll be out in a few minutes!”

“Sure thing.”

Arc walks over to Ember who is bringing drinks to a table.

“You ready?”

“Where’s Lily?”

“Taking care of something in the Kitchen. Come on.”

Arc turns to Shelly.

“We’re going outside to wait for the visitors.”

Shelly nods soberly. “Okay. Be careful!”

“We will.”

Ember heads out the door with Arc as Lily joins Shelly up front. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

The pair head out the front door and around to the back. Ember turns to Arc.

“So… what are we doing now?”

“Waiting for the Shards.”

Ember rubs her hands together. “Out here?! But it’s freezing!”

Arc puts an arm around Ember as he looks around. “Anyone watching?”

Ember smiles at him slyly. “No, Arc. What are you…?”

Arc Blinks them inside the Pantry.


“We need to armor up somewhere, right?”

Ember sighs. “I suppose.”

The pair call forth their armor and wait. An hour passes as Ember paces the floor.

“Where are those idiots?!”

Arc leans against the wall. “Patience, Ember. They’ll show.”

“How can you be so certain?!”

“Because they were so adamant about this meeting.”

“But why…?”

The sound of the back door opening can be heard as several sets of footsteps hastily enter the building. Wolf closes the door behind them.

“Woah, that’s cold!”

Snake nods. “I can’t wait for spring to get here!”

Jackal laughs. “Why?! Sledding is fun!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yup. That’s them.”

“Let’s get this over with.”

Ember walks over to the door and pushes it open partway.

“In here.”

The three Shard members look to one another and nod before soberly entering the Pantry. Ember closes the door behind them. They jump a bit as it clicks shut behind them. Still leaning against the far wall, Arc turns his head to look at the trio.

“A friend of mine says you three wanted to tell me something.”

Snake looks around nervously. “Uh…”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “If you want something, start talking! We don’t have all night!”

Jackal hides behind Snake. “She’s scary!”

Arc nods. “Let’s get this thing started, shall we?”

Wolf frowns. “Sounds good. But exactly what are you?”

“Three members of a group whom I’ve had numerous run-ins with suddenly want to talk to me. Forgive me if I’m a bit cautious in giving out my personal information.”

Ember nods. “Yeah!”

Snake sighs. “Okay, okay! We wanted to tell you that things at the Shard base have been rather… difficult this past week or so.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Trouble in paradise?”

Wolf nods. “The boss’ lieutenants have pretty much taken over.”

Jackal looks hopeful. “We was hoping things would be different if you found the boss.”

“Well, thanks to you I did.”

Wolf looks up. “Really?”

“Yes. Your big friend’s info was anyways.”

Ember scoffs at them. “See? You three CAN do things right sometimes.”

Jackal smiles. “Thanks!”

Snake frowns. “Yeah, whatever. If things were running smoothly, we wouldn’t be here chatting you two up.”

Wolf hangs his head. “But things aren’t going well.”

Arc nods. “Can you elaborate?”

Snake folds his arms over his chest. “For starters, no one’s been paid since the boss left.”

Jackal nods. “They say we will when Mister Fontaine gets back though!”

Wolf scoffs. “Well, that might be why they were keeping him on ice.”

Arc looks at Snake. “I’ve noticed a sharp decline in your gang’s activities around town. Why is that?”

“We’re too busy running errands and delivering supplies in the middle of the night lately.”

Ember frowns. “Whom to?”

Wolf shrugs. “No idea. We just drive a truck to a spot on a map and wait.”

Arc nods. “Wait for what?”

Jackal claps his hands together. “Banging.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Banging?”

Snake nods. “Just what he said, I suppose. After we park, our instructions are to wait for three bangs on the back of the truck. When we hear that we’re supposed to return to base.”

Arc turns to Wolf. “They transfer the cargo from your truck to theirs?”

“There ain't no other truck.”

Ember frowns. “Then why are you out there?”

Jackal shrugs. “No idea. It lonely out there on back roads.”

Arc taps the wall with his gauntlet. “Hmmm… that doesn’t make any sense. Anything else?”

Snake shudders. “There’s been a good number of visits to the base lately of some really tough looking biker guys.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “Bikers?!”

Arc holds up a hand for Ember to stop talking. “Are they around your age?”

Jackal shakes his head. “Nah! They a lot older!”

Wolf sighs. “He means middle-aged. They stick out like a sore thumb.”

“What do they want?”

Snake shrugs. “To talk to Stingray in her office mostly.”

Wolf frowns. “You mean the boss’ office.”

Jackal nods. “She move in there!”

“The Shards are branching out?”

Snake looks confused. “What?”


Wolf shrugs. “It kinda feels like it. “

Snake looks to Arc. “We saw what you did to those guys in Farburg on the news the other day.”

Ember calls forth her spear. “They were lucky I wasn’t there!”

“Indeed, my friend.”

Arc turns back to Snake.

“Any idea what they talk to Stingray about? Even just a guess.”

“None. The boss’ office is soundproof after all.”

Wolf puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That might be why she’s there. They come, they talk, they leave.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Stingray ever hear of a telephone?”

Arc turns to her. “She probably wants to limit potential leaks. Are the other lieutenant in on this?”

Jackal nods. “I guess. Hammer and Mio are still with her.”

Wolf sighs. “If they weren’t in agreement, I would guess things would have broken down by now.”

Ember nods. “What about that fourth lieutenant?”

Jackal looks confused. “Who?”

Arc turns to Snake. “Frank has a fourth lieutenant, right?”

Snake shakes his head. “Not that I know of.”


“You guys ever have a guest there named Diva?”

Jackal shrugs. “What she look like?”

Arc describes her. Snake shakes his head.

“No way! We’d remember someone like THAT!”

Ember turns to Arc. “Maybe Stingray and the others are taking orders from her.”

“It’s possible. When we find her, I’ll ask.”

Wolf scoffs. “I don’t see Stingray taking orders from ANYONE!”

Ember grins. “What about Frank?”

“Other than him, that is.”

Arc sighs. “Everyone in this world takes orders from someone. Even her, I suppose. Watch out for Diva, you three. If she shows up or you hear anything else important, give my friend whom set up this meeting a call.”

Snake nods. “I suppose we could do that.”

Jackal smiles. “Anything to help the Shards get back to the way they were.”

“I’ll do my own research into those bikers. You guys want to help some more?”

Wolf sighs. “Do we have a choice?”

“Yes. I’m not going to force you to do anything.”

Snake nods. “What do you need?”

“To know the time of the next truck Stingray sends out.”

“No way! If anything happens to whatever’s in that truck, heads will roll!”

Ember stomps forward angrily. “Heads could roll right now!”

Arc puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder. “Easy now. We’re not going to stoop to the Shard’s methods to get what we want.”

Ember puts away her spear. “Fine.”

Arc turns back to the rather pale gang members. “If you give me some advance warning of the next shipment, I promise I won’t take it.”

Snake looks confused. “Then why…?”

“I just need to know what the shipments are.”

Ember nods. “It would help us learn what they’re up to.”

Wolf frowns. “We could probably do that, I suppose.”

“Jackal okay with it!”

Arc nods. “Good. Anything else?”

“Just one more thing.”

Snake sighs.

“The others back at the base are kinda getting fed up with being kept in the dark on what’s going on.”

Wolf nods with conviction. “To say nothing for not being paid.”

“Yeah! Some of the guys even left!”

Ember sounds surprised. “Where did they go?”

Snake grimaces. “To the brig.”

“I thought you said they left.”

Wolf nods. “They did. Stingray went after them and brought them back.”

Ember frowns. “Wait, so they WANT to leave. But the lieutenants won’t let them?”

Jackal nods. “Right!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “That’s not in keeping with your boss’ plan, is it?!”

Snake shakes his head. “No. The boss always had an open invitation for anyone who wanted to join us. But we could always leave if we wanted to.”

Wolf leans against the wall. “We’re basically prisoners as it stands.”

Ember frowns at them. “Kinda like the townspeople when this all started?”

Snake rolls his eyes. “Whatever. But if nothing changes, we might see a riot here soon.”

Wolf nods. “I don’t think Stingray, strong as she is, could take everyone on at once.”

Ember chuckles. “She probably could with Hammer and Mio’s help.”

Arc sighs. “A sobering thought.”

Jackal looks at his watch. “We have guard duty in an hour, Snake!”

Ember looks hopeful. “What are you guarding?”

“Just the main gate. It’s boring, but safe.”

Wolf shudders. “Right. But if we’re not there on time, Stingray will send someone to find us.”

Arc calls after them as they turn to leave. “Thanks for your help. I’ll start looking into that biker gang first. Call me if something comes up.”

Jackal nods and waves. “We will! Bye!”

The trio walks out of the Pantry and toward the exterior door nervously.

“Snake, are you sure this was the best thing to do?”

“No. But we can’t just keep living under Stingray’s heel. Something has to change.”

Yeah! She’s mean!”

Wolf sighs. “And you think this… this WEIRDO is our best hope?!”

Snake grimaces. “No. But right now he’s our ONLY hope.”

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