• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Putting One's House in Order

Author's Note:

Well... I guess this is really happening. It's not what anyone in Equestria wants... not what Arc wants... not what the other princesses want... and not what I wanted to happen either. I've tried thinking of another way this could go, a more peaceful way, but... nothing. What happens... what's coming... there's no getting around it or escaping it. So that's it. Civil war is coming to Equestria. For the first time in a thousand years ponies will be doing battle against their countrymen, and only one thing is certain...

There will be no real winners here.

Later that day Arc, wearing his royal raiments and riding Sereb, enters the Hanger with Auriel and Hammer on either side of him. Walking toward The Equinox, every soldier under Arc’s command stands in formation at the bottom of the gangplank. Auriel looks around nervously and lowers her voice as she turns to Arc.

“Can we really win with such a small army?”

Arc continues to stare straight ahead. “Twilight’s lending me as many Royal Guards as she can spare.”

Hammer grins. “That and soldiers from cities and towns all over the country have been arriving since this morning.”

Sereb grins toothily. “Indeed. This is but the tip of the iceberg.”

Auriel looks around. “Then where are they?”

“Probably the castle armory getting outfitted and armed.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “We all have to be ready.”

Heading up the gangplank, Sereb turns as he reaches the top to allow Arc to dismount. Hammer and Auriel look out over the group as several platoons enter the Hanger together. Arc turns to Auriel.

“There’s the rest.”

“What a relief!”

Hammer grins. “I’m liking these numbers a lot better!”

Arc nods. “We’ll need them too. This isn’t going to be a cakewalk, after all.”

Sereb frowns as the rest of the troops line up. “They looks a little nervous.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Why wouldn’t they be? This has to be the biggest conflict any of them has ever seen.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Perhaps someone should address them.”


Stepping forward, Arc looks out over the group. Clearing his throat loudly, he begins to speak.


Arc and his friends step back as the troops begin marching up the gangplank. Hammer looks to him as she raises an eyebrow.

“Kinda thought you were going to make some kind of a speech, or something.”

“Patience, Hammer. They’ll be time for that later.”

They stand there watching the troops board the ship. As the final platoon makes it way up to them Auriel calls out as she points a claw toward the hanger door.

“Looks like some stragglers are coming.”

Arc squints. “What the…?”

Several dozen elite Royal Guards charge into the Hanger and make a beeline for the ship. Arc groans as they clamor onto the deck and seamlessly part to allow a finely-armored individual to approach.


“I’m coming with you.”

Auriel gasps. “This is going to be dangerous though!”

“I’m aware of that, Auriel.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “She’s probably safer aboard the ship than staying here though. If the enemy decides to try and capture the castle while we’re gone. I mean.”

“Oh, but I won’t be staying aboard The Equinox.”

Arc frowns. “You won’t?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. My place is spearheading this attack.”


“It’s what Princess Celestia would have done.”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “But you don’t have any combat experience, Twilight!”

“I have to get some eventually. Might as well be now.”

She turns to her elite guard.

“Wait for me on the Bridge.”

They salute and wordlessly enter the ship. Arc turns to her after they are out of earshot.

“Twilight… what are you doing?”

“Defending my kingdom, for starters.”

“You never said a word about this until now.”

“Yes, well… that’s because I was too scared of failing and bringing shame to my position.”


Twilight turns and looks back at the castle. “If I don’t do this… if I just sit here on my throne and let you go to Light’s Hope to face Princess Celestia while I stay safe here in Canterlot… am I really worthy of my position? Am I really somepony that the citizens can look up to?”

Hammer grimaces. “Leaders back on Earth don’t typically take to the battlefield personally though, your highness. It’s bad for the chain of command if the top dog gets taken out.”

“But I can’t be killed.”

“How’s that?”

Arc turns to Hammer. “Princesses can regenerate.”

Auriel smiles “It’s rather interesting to watch.”

“Wait, what?!

Twilight sighs. “My magic faltered while I was using a letter opener a while back. It caused me to cut my fetlock fairly deep.”

Auriel nods. “But the wound closed up before my eyes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Did it now?”

“Oh yes. Just like when Cadance stabbed herself with your spear, Arc.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Twilight even tested the theory further.”


“I cut myself in several different places. The blood quickly stopped flowing, the flesh sucked itself in, my fur regrew, and the existing blood disappeared.”

Auriel shrugs. “It was akin to cutting in reverse.”

Sereb grunts. “Disturbing, but necessary.”

Arc facepalms. “Twilight…”

“I know, I know. But I had to be sure it wasn’t a fluke.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “She still shouldn’t come. After all, someone needs to rule the country while you’re gone.”

Twilight nods. “Colonel Flash Sentry is currently in command.”

Sereb chuckles. “An interesting concept.”

Auriel gasps. “How did you convince him to do THAT?!”

“It was actually pretty easy. I just told him he was in charge and that was that.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “This is not a good idea though, Twilight.”

Hammer sighs. “Just tell her she can’t come and let’s get going!”

Sereb shakes his head. “He can’t.”

“I thought the Hero of Light was above the law.”

Twilight nods. “They are. That and a princess cannot give them orders. But by the same token, a princess cannot be ordered around by the Hero of Light.”

Arc groans. “I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?”

“Nope. So you either let me board you ship or I’ll ride to Light’s Hope on the deck.”

“Fine. Let’s go, Twilight.”

They enter the ship together. Guards part as best they are able to allow them to pass. Auriel looks around as the walk.

“The ship must be filled to bursting with guards!”

Hammer lowers her voice. “I heard Stellar Flare talking with Hard Hat the other day on just how many soldiers they could carry along with the cargo.”

Sereb frowns. “We must be close to capacity then.”

Arc nods. “That’s what I’m told, yes.”

Hammer grimaces. “But this is safe, right?!”

“Oh yes. In fact I had to alter the ship’s supply list to get us under the safe weight and space capacity.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face. “And now I’m worried.”

Arriving on the Bridge they find Shining Armor and Ashe standing there with Captain Soarin. The entire crew stand and salute Twilight and Arc respectfully as he addresses them.

“At ease, everyone.”

He turns to Shining Armor before continuing.

“Can I assume all supplies and personnel are loaded and accounted for?”

“Yes sir. We’re as ready as we can be.”

Arc turns to Moon Dancer. “Ship status?”

“Near capacity, sir.”

Thunderlane groans. “It’s going to be like piloting a flying bowling ball, sir.”

“Weapon systems?”

Wrangler grins. “Fully operational!”

Auriel gestures to a terminal. “As is the Magic Disrupter, Arc.”

Ashe shudders. “Do we still have to do it this way? Using Dark Magic, I mean.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. No way around the operating parameters.”

Auriel sighs. “This device needs my Dark Magic to power it, as well as the entire ship’s energy diverted to the magic amplifier.”

Arc purses his lips. “Good. As long as it works I’ll be happy.”

He looks to Lemon Hearts.

“Monitor all radio chatter. I want to know if Light’s Hope calls for reinforcements.”

“Yes sir.”

“Are we ready to get in the air, Captain Soarin?”

“Yes sir.”

“Then notify command of our takeoff. Lemon Hearts, send the message to our crew and troops as well.”

“Aye, sir.”

Speaking into her microphone she lets everyone know of the ships departure as Scootaloo enters the Bridge. Walking over to Arc she looks up to him.

“So we’re really doing this, Big Brother?”

Arc nods as he looks straight ahead. “Yup.”

“What are our chances?”


“That bad?”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Either we succeed or we fail.”

Arc sighs. “Right. There is no middle ground to this.”

A short time later the mammoth ship slowly takes off. Flying out of the Hanger they turn south and begin their journey. Soarin turns to the helm.

“Lay in the heading, Thunderlane.”

“Aye, sir.”

Moon Dancer looks over her instruments. “Nothing on scanners now, but I’ll keep an eye on things.”

Wrangler grins. “And I’ll keep the weapons primed.”

Lemon Hearts puts a hoof on her headphones. “No radio chatter at the moment.”

Twilight nods. “Send a transmission to Canterlot ordering them to maintain radio silence unless absolutely necessary.”

Ashe appears confused. “Princess Twilight?”

“Everypony must be vigilant right now. Us… them… and even our enemies.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Right. The time for talking has ended.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“Before the battle commences I’ll send one final transmission to the base and their supporting forces. However, that’s it. Once that is done… there will be no more time for talking. Anyone whom sticks around after that point is a traitor to Equestria and will be dealt with appropriately.”

Scootaloo looks up at him. “What about the soldiers though? Aren’t they just following orders, Big Brother?”

Auriel grimaces. “She’s right, Arc. They might yet be…”

Soarin interrupts her. “Miss, every cadet is taught a number of basic rules during their training. The most important of which is the chain of command.”

Shining Armor motions to Arc. “They know that the Hero of Light is not to be hindered in any way. Preventing Arc from doing his sworn duty makes them traitors. We all know this to be true. They know it to be true. Should they still choose to side with Princess Celestia against the Hero of Light they know their lives are forfeit.”

Ashe looks to the princess. “That is understandable. But might I ask what the plan of attack is?”

Twilight turns to her brother. “Yes. Even I haven’t been told the details.”

“That’s because, for security reasons, only Arc and myself know what it is, Twilight.”

Arc nods. “Right. But now is the time to make everything known.”

For the next hour Arc lays out the plans to the Bridge Crew and his friends present. Looking around he wraps it up.

“Any questions?”

Ashe looks up from the map on the table. “Do the field commanders already have their orders?”

“Yes. I briefed my squad on their assignments before we took off.”

Twilight appears unsure. “Are you certain they can be trusted?”

“I am. They’ve been with me through it all and never once let me down.”

Hammer frowns. “But what if one of them is still loyal to Celestia?!”

“After seeing everything we have together… all that Celestia has done… to betray me now would be absolute foolishness. I trust them with my life and this attack.”

“Big Brother knows what he’s doing.”

Auriel smiles nervously. “That much we should all be able to agree on.”

Shining Armor taps a hoof on the table. “Right. But there is one part of this you neglected to lay out, Arc.”


“The attack plan of the infiltration force.”

Hammer grins as she pulls her gun. “Shoot first and let God sort them out!”

Ashe frowns. “Is that really the plan?”

A familiar voice rings out from the door.


They turn to see an armored Ember walking toward them soberly spear in claw. She moves to join Arc as he nods.

“Ember’s more or less right. We can’t afford to show any mercy once we enter the base. From there on out its victory or bust.”

Auriel sighs. “Because you can’t call for help or receive reinforcements?”

Ember makes a fist as she seethes. “No! It’s because everyone in there is a traitor to Equestria! Celestia included!”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “While that may be true, my reasoning behind that is because we CAN’T fail at that point. If we do, Decimus wins.”

Twilight shudders. “And nopony could legally stand against him.”

Ashe smacks the table with a talon. “We can’t let that happen though!”

Twilight nods soberly. “The Griffon Kingdom’s relationship with Equestria is already precarious at best!”

Ashe nods. “Especially after what happened the last time Arc faced them.”

Arc looks out the window momentarily. “It would have been worse had our forces fought though.”

“Agreed. But the Council of Lords was very displeased to learn that Princess Celestia had attempted to use the treaty for her own political gain.”

Sereb frowns. “And what of Arc’s personal standing with them?”

“That’s probably the only reason they’re still abiding by the treaty at all.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ve had several conversations with the Council of Lords since taking the throne. They’re… not very happy with the current leadership.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Yours or Celestia’s?”

“Hers for the manipulation they suffered and mine for what they referred to as ‘a lack of practical experience’.”

Ashe steps forward. “I was able to convince my father and the rest of the Council of Lords to continue following the treaty as it’s written.”

Auriel appears apprehensive. “Which version?”

“It had to be either both or neither.”

Ashe looks out the window at the horizon before continuing.

“Now that we’re at this point though I wish I hadn’t, since they’re poised to defend the base Princess Celestia and Decimus are hiding in.”

Scootaloo groans. “I don’t get it. If they’re mad at Princess Celestia, why send aid again?”

Shining Armor bows his head. “We can only assume that Decimus sent the request personally.”

Hammer grunts. “Why would they care what HE has to say?!”

Soarin steps toward the group. “Because he has a cordial relationship with them from past diplomatic experiences with Lord Goldstone when he visited Canterlot.”

Arc frowns. “Great…”

Ashe clears her throat. “With any luck I can convince them he should no longer be seen as a legitimate figure in Equestria.”

Auriel turns to Ashe. “How hard will that be?”

“Won’t know until I try.”

Ember bares her claws menacingly. “Well, if that fails there’s always ‘Plan B’.”

Twilight looks to the Dragon Lord. “What’s that?”

“My way!”

Arc sighs. “It involves a lot of bloodshed though, so let’s try not to go that route.”

Hammer grins. “Why not?”

Shining Armor groans. “Because it would be a political nightmare.”

Sereb bows his head. “Even after we win, it would take quite some time for relations with Ashe’s fellow griffons and this land to heal.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “If it could be repaired at all.”

Arc clenches a gauntlet. “While I believe that to be important, it’s vital to end this today. “

He turns to Ashe and sighs.

“I’m sorry, but if we have to sacrifice diplomatic relations with your country to achieve this, I’ll do it.”

Ashe nods soberly. “I understand.”

Looking around at all assembled, Arc locks eyes with each of them individually before he continues speaking.

“When we arrive it’s going to be ‘go time’ from the moment the base comes into view. But if no one has anything else to add, I think I’m going to head to my office for now.”

Arc turns and heads for the door. Scootaloo calls out after him.

“Big Brother?”

Arc stops but does not turn back. “Yes?”


“Because I need some time to think.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “About what?”

“How we got here.”

Leaving the room, Arc closes the door behind him as his friends look to one another nervously Auriel is the first to speak.

“What… do you think he meant by that?”

Ashe motions to the map before them. “I believe he meant the geopolitical situation.”

Twilight looks to her. “More likely Arc was referring to how Equestria came to be in this situation.”

Ember shakes her head. “Nah. He was talking about himself.”

“No matter the cause, Big Brother’s feeling really upset about it.”

Sereb sighs. “We should do something to try and help him before the battle starts.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. He can’t be distracted.”

Soarin turns to Twilight. “What should be done though?”

“I have an idea.”

Meanwhile, Arc arrives at his office and sits down in the chair. Swiveling around to look out the window he stares out it wordlessly for a time. Eventually there is a knock at the door, but Arc does not move or even acknowledge it. A short time later the door opens and someone enters. As the door is quietly closed the sound of steps approaching the desk ring out in the otherwise silent room.


“Yes, Hammer?”

“I… I just…”

She pauses to collect her thoughts before starting again.

“Princess Twilight sent me over here to… check up on you.”

“Did she now?”


“I’m surprised.”

“She’s worried about you.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I mean I’m surprised that she didn’t come herself.”

“Oh… well… she wanted to go over the mechanical aspects of the new systems yet again with Auriel.”

Arc chuckles. “That does sound like her and Auriel.”

“So what’s bothering you?”

“Who says anything is…?”

Hammer interrupts him. “Stop.”

Arc sighs and puts a hand on the window before him as he speaks.

Arc: Look out there, Hammer. Tell me what you see.

Hammer gazes out the window. “A clear blue sky and rolling green pastures with forests and mountains.”

“A beautiful and prosperous land. That’s what Equestria is.”

“It is a really nice place.”

“At least it was.”

Hammer frowns. “Was?”

“Before I came.”

“What are you saying?”

“This land has been at peace for a thousand years. Skirmishes here and there, of course. But nothing that couldn’t be nipped in the bud easily.”

“So what?”

“Everyone’s always so quick to tell me how I’ve done so much for this land.”

“That’s what I’ve heard too.”

“But is it true?”

“From what I’ve gathered, yes.”

Arc sighs. “Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. What if I’d never come here at all? Would Decimus have been driven to do the things he did? Would Luna and Cadance have been driven from their positions in Canterlot? Would my friends still be safe and secure in their homes back in Ponyville?”

Hammer shrugs. “Either way I suppose life would have gone on here without you.”

“I’m starting to greatly question whether or not the land is really better off now than before I came.”

“The old ‘what if’ mindset?”


“I don’t really know, Arc.”

“Neither do I.”

“No one truly knows what the path not taken might have held. We can only guess what could have been.”

“I’ve done some good, yes. But I’ve also made so many mistakes. Dragged the country off its rails. Made a mess of my friend’s lives. Heck, I even caused their town to be burned to the ground.”

He clenches a fist as he continues.

“The citizens of Ponyville are now refugees! And it’s all my fault!”

“No, Arc. It’s not.”

“I could have gone after Decimus and Gaston covertly. Led a small mission to watch the base with my squad and nabbed those two as they came and went. Then used them as bait to make Celestia herself come to me.”

He pulls out the Dagger of Eternal Slumber and holds it up.

“I could have used this when I faced Celestia in Ponyville. Ended her right then and there. Without their puppet princess Decimus and Gaston, along with the Council of Shadows as a whole, would have had no other choice but to retreat back to the shadows where they came from.”

“But Princess Twilight would have hated you for it!”

“I know that. However this land would have been safe and secure once again. It’s continued survival is far more important than my own happiness. My own… safety.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “You’re not planning to walk away from this mission, are you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’m not.”


“At the very least… I can take Celestia with me.”

“What about Equestria?!”

“Twilight, Luna, and Cadance can put things right.”

“And the others? Your fiancées?”

Arc smiles sadly. “I can die happy… knowing that they’re safe.”

“What about Dinky?”

Arc is silent for a time before answering.

“That’s actually the reason I came in here.”


Arc motions behind him to a blank sheet of paper lying on the desk. “I was just sitting here to clear my head for a time before taking care of one last task. Writing her a letter.”

“What would it say?”

“That I love her. And how I hope she grows up strong… smart… happy… and most importantly… safe.”

He turns around to face the desk. Sighing, Arc opens a drawer and pulls out a pen before continuing.

“It’ll have a lot more than that, of course. But if you’ll excuse me, I need to get started on it.”

Hammer shakes her head. “No.”

Arc looks up at her, confused. “No… what?”

Hammer slams her palms down on the desk angrily. “You’re not going to die here, Arc! I won’t let you!”

Arc shakes his head. “Were it so easy.”

“I mean it! Trust me when I say that this land really IS better off with you here!”

Arc sighs. “Coming from you… that isn’t much reassurance.”


“Think about it, Hammer. All the crap you went through at Damocles Base… your poor relationship with your sisters… and you being tortured by Diva after Christmas. It was all because of me. So I can categorically say that you of all people would have been better off never meeting me in the first place.”

Hammer gasps. “Arc, I… I don’t understand! Don’t you love me?!”

“I do, Hammer. But it’s because of that love that I wish you’d never…”

Arc is cut off as Hammer reaches across the desk with both hands and roughly grabs him by the front of his raiments.

“Listen here, Arc! What happened to me would never have occurred if you hadn’t come into my life! But then I’d still be living a lie and working for General Mustang along with The Organization!”

“And you’d still be with your sisters safe and happy.”

“I was happy, yes! But at the same time I was missing something from my life!”



“But… but how can you still feel that way about me after I cost you everything?!”

“For the same reason that the others have! We don’t blame you for the situation that you’re trying to fix!”

Arc sighs as he looks away. “Well, you should. Because I’m the one who…”

Roaring angrily, Hammer pulls Arc over the desk and slams him into a nearby wall. Seething, she gets within inches of his face.

“You listen to me, and you listen good! You didn’t do ANYTHING to me that I didn’t want you to!”

“Really now?”


Arc looks away. “So you’re saying that you’re happy that I used you for information back on Earth? That you’re glad I came between you and your sisters? You’re happy being, for all intents and purposes, banished from Earth forever?”


Arc turns and looks Hammer directly in the eye. “Tell me why then! Why are you okay with that?!”

“Because my life back there wasn’t real!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“I was living a lie and I didn’t even know it!”

“So when I lied to and used you… that was different how exactly?!”

“That’s just it, Arc! Even when you were using me for intel, you were still doing the right thing!”

“How can deception…?”

“Don’t you get it?!”

“Enlighten me!”

Hammer releases her hold on his raiments and grabs his shoulders as she screams. “EVEN WHEN YOU’RE WRONG YOU’RE RIGHT!”

Arc frowns as he grabs Hammer’s shoulders. “That doesn’t even come CLOSE to making sense!”

“Fine then! I’ll be brutally, blatantly, completely, and wholeheartedly honest with you, Arc!”

Turning back to the desk, Hammer makes a sweeping motion with her arm. Knocking everything off of it she turns back to Arc. Grabbing him by the front of his raiments again, she picks him up and slams him down on the desktop angrily. Jumping up, she uses her body to pin him down before speaking.

“Alright, here goes! Arc, I’m GLAD that you lied to me! I’m GLAD that you found information that came between my sisters and I! I’m GLAD that you used me for my position! And I’m GLAD that you dumped me back on Earth! Do you know WHY?!”

Arc is silent as she continues her tirade.

“Because I know that you were only doing what you felt was best for ME! That you only wanted ME to be happy! And that you cared enough not to drag ME into your mess back then! But in the end that isn’t what THIS… GAL… WANTS!!!”

“Then what…?!”



“I want YOU, Arc! I want to live here with you! I want to be wed to you along with the others! I want you to bed me… tear my clothes off… take my body and ravish me over and over and OVER again! I want you to impregnate me with your children! I want you to be there for me when I give birth! I want you to stay by my side and we raise our children here in this land! I want us to spend full and happy lives together! I want to grow old with you! I want you by my side when my time comes! I want you to hold my hand as I die and be buried here in Equestria! And lastly… when your time comes I want you to be buried next to me so that we can lie side by side… FOREVER!!!”

Neither says a word for a long time. Eventually, as Hammer loosens her grip, tears begin to flow down her face. Refusing to look away from one another, Hammer lays her head down on his chest as she cries.

“I… I honestly want EVERYTHING from you! So… you… you CAN’T die here!”

Arc nods and puts his arms around her as she continues to sob.

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