• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Family and Friends

Arc, Ember and Sereb emerge from the portal on the roof of the hospital. They are Blinked down to ground level as Arc turns to them.

“This way!”

He beckons them toward the main entrance. Entering they hurry toward the Nurse’s Station.

“I have an injured man here!”

The nurse on duty pushes a button. A moment later two orderlies approach. They step back at the sight of Sereb. Frowning, Ember takes the gurney.

“Give me that!”

She and Arc help lift Frank onto the gurney and turn it over to the hospital staff. The nurse turns to Arc.

“What happened?”

“I found him like this in a cellar. His name’s Frank Fontaine.”

“Any family?”

Arc turns to leave. “No.”

They leave the hospital as Ember turns to him.

“Is it really okay to leave him there alone like that?”

Arc sighs. “Let’s get back to the house. We need to shower.”

“But what about Frank’s family?”

“Shelly, Lily, and I are all there is.”

Sereb nods. “Are we going to tell them?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But after a shower first. I don’t want them smelling the smoke on our clothes.”

Ember looks confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Because they’ll start asking a lot of questions. Trust me on this one.”


Arc opens a portal. “Thanks. Let’s go.”

They step through and find themselves back in Arc’s basement. Sereb returns to his Cub Form as the squad approaches them. Max looks them over.

“Are you three okay?!”

Hugh appears shaken at their appearance. “That was quite the mission!”

Viktor nods. “I’ll say.”

Xenos grins. “For you especially, Ember!”

“What? Why me?!”

“Well, you aren’t a dragon right now. A human girl is a bit frailer than a…”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Whatever. I’m fine!”

She heads for the stairs with Sereb as Arc turns to his squad. Max sighs.

“I think you made her angry, Xenos.”

Hugh chuckles. “Sure did.”

“Just worried about her.”

Viktor shrugs. “She’ll get over it pretty quick.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’ll talk to her about it later though if you want.”

Xenos sighs. “Thank you, sir. It wasn’t meant as a slight. I was honestly concerned!”

“I know. Ember’s just… Ember, I guess. But in any case, thanks for calling out trouble back there.”

Max salutes. “Just doing our duty, sir.”

The others nod in agreement.

“Well, I do like someone watching my back. Seriously, thanks. Now I have to get cleaned up and head out again.”

Hugh looks confused as Arc heads for the stairs. “Again, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. I have to wake up Shelly and Lily. Tell them Frank’s in the hospital.”

Viktor nods soberly. “We understand, sir.”

Arc heads upstairs as his squad returns to their respective computers. Max turns off his monitor and glances over at the others.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope Frank will be okay.”

Hugh nods as he shuts down his computer’s screen. “Agreed. But it’s not for the Shard Leader’s sake so much as the commander’s peace of mind.”

Viktor sighs. “Pals for life.”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah.”

Max looks over at Xenos. “Say, were you really worried about Ember?”

“Of course! Why?”

“Nothing really. It’s just you seemed a bit… I don’t know how to say it.”

Hugh grins. “Overbearing?”

Xenos frowns. “Ember and I spar together often, so I know what she can take. But that’s mostly as a dragon back home. Here on Earth as a human, she’s not quite as durable. Skin instead of scales.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads upstairs. Sereb meets him at his parents’ bedroom door.

“Ember left you the main bathroom.”


Sereb follows him. “I’ve taken the liberty of fetching you clean clothes.”

“Thanks. Why don’t you come too?”

“Come where?”

Arc points to the Bathroom. “After that last mission you need a bath too.”

“Must I?”

“Yup. We don’t want Cybil smelling smoke on you either.”

Sereb sighs. “Very well.”

Arc and Sereb enter the Bathroom together. Sereb waits patiently by the door as Arc gets the water temperature set.

“There we go. Hop in.”

Sereb walks toward the shower. “This does not bother you?”

Arc shakes his head as he pulls off his shirt. “Nah. We’re both guys here.”

Sereb nods as the water flows over his fur. “So human males are not modest with other males?”

Arc nods as he steps into the shower himself. “Pretty much. That didn’t sound right.”

Sereb turns his head to look Arc up and down. “It does not appear you have anything I do not.”

Arc shrugs as he picks up the shampoo and opens the lid. “I suppose not.”

He kneels down and lathers Sereb’s fur. The wolf appears confused.

“This method of bathing is strange to me.”

“How do you do it?”

“By jumping in a large body of water.”

“Like a lake?”

Sereb nods as Arc scrubs him down. “Whatever is available. However, this feels like a deeper clean than I am used to.”

Arc reaches up and pulls down the shower nozzle with his magic. “Yes, well… there’s just something nice about getting cleaned up. Getting the grime of a mission off your body.”

“Does it help you forget?”

Arc shakes his head as he rinses Sereb off. “No. If anything, it helps me focus more on what happened.”

“I am confused.”

“During this time I like to go over the comings and goings of what I experienced. Think about what I did right, and what I need to work on.”

“Self-improvement is always a noble goal.”

“If it helps me save lives when it really counts, I’m all for it.”

“You believe it will one day come to that?”

Arc sighs and nods as he stands to wash his own hair. “I certainly hope not. But I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

The pair finish cleaning themselves up and step out of the shower together. Arc grabs a towel and drapes it over Sereb.

“Let me help you with that.”

“I can shake myself dry you know.”

“And get water and fur all over my Bathroom?!”

“Point taken.”

Arc towels Sereb dry as he mutters to himself

“Always wanted a dog when I was a kid.”

“A dog?”

“ Um… never mind.”

A short time later the pair step out of the Bathroom together. Ember is in the hallway waiting for them.

“How long did you two think I would wait?!”

“Well, how was I supposed to know you were out here?”

Sereb looks to Arc. “I heard her pacing.”

Ember glares at him. “And you didn’t say anything?!”


Arc clears his throat. “In any case, did you need something, Ember?”

“I… just wanted to ask you something real quick.”

“What is it?”

“Do you think I overreacted earlier?”

“With Xenos? A bit.”

“He started it!”

“All he did was ask if you were okay. We all care about you, Ember.”

She grins slyly at him. “Even you?”

“You know I do. Don’t go overboard with that though.”

“So should I apologize, or something?”

Arc nods. “That’s probably for the best. You could also assure him you’re okay. You ARE okay, right?”

Ember rubs the back of her head. “I’m a little sore is all. Nothing to worry about.”

“I’ll let you patch things up with him. In the meantime I need to go visit Shelly and Lily.”

Ember looks out the window. “Can’t it wait? It won’t be light for a LONG time!”

Sereb shakes his head. “They should know, Ember. Would you not want to hear of Arc being injured?”

“Point taken.”

Arc heads down the stairs. “Well, I’m off. Call me if something comes up.”

Sereb calls out after him. “We will.”

“Take care, Arc.”

Ember turns to Sereb as they hear the back door close.

“You didn’t want to go with him?”

Sereb shakes his head. “This is a very… personal time for him.”

Ember looks confused as they walks downstairs together. “What about that whole Life Pact thing?”

“Some things have to be done alone. This is one of them.”

Meanwhile, Arc gets into his Jeep and makes the short drive to Shelly’s Kitchen. As expected every light inside the building is off. He parks and steps out into the cold wind.

“I hate to tell them this. But it needs to be done.”

Arc slowly walks up the exterior steps to a door with a single bulb burning above it. Sighing he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key. Quietly unlocking the apartment door Arc lets himself in and turns on the hall light. He heads for Lily’s room and knocks lightly on the door before opening it and turning on the light.

“Lily? It’s Arc.”

Lily looks up sleepily at him. She speaks in a confused tone.

“Arc…? What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you and Shelly.”

Lily nods and gets up. She sleepily follows Arc across the hall to Shelly’s room. She knocks lightly before entering and switching on the light. Shelly does not stir. Lily sits down on the side of the bed as she gently shakes her friend awake.

“Shelly. Wake up.”

The young woman slowly opens her eyes and looks up at her friend.

“…what’s wrong?”

“Arc’s here. Says he needs to tell us something.”

Shelly begins to sit up. Arc steps forward.

“I’ll help you.”

“Thank you.”

Slowly but surely Shelly gets to a sitting position against her many pillows. Arc sits down.

“I came to tell you two that Frank’s been found.”

“He has?!”

“Is he okay?!”

Arc shakes his head. “He’s at the hospital now.”

Lily gasps. “Oh dear! What happened?!”

“I… ah… the Hero of Light brought him there. He stopped by my place and asked me to tell you.”

Shelly leans forward and puts an arm around Arc’s shoulders. “Help me up!”

Lily frowns. “You can’t go out like that! It’s freezing outside! I’ll get you something to wear!”

“Thank you.”

Arc carefully helps his friend to the side of her bed as Lily hurries to the closet to pull out warmer clothes. Shelly fumbles stiffly with the buttons to her nightwear.

“Arc, would you help me please?”

He nods. “If you’re okay with it, sure.”

Lily lays out a warm outfit. “I need to dress and get Shelly a bit of breakfast so she can take her medicine!”

“I’ll take care of her.”

Shelly calls out after Lily. “Just a sandwich, or something quick please.”

Lily rushes out the door. “Sure thing!”

Arc turns to his friend. “Are you sure about this, Shelly?”

Shelly nods and smiles up at him reassuringly. “You’ve seen me plenty of times before.”

Arc nods and helps Shelly unbutton her night shirt and put on a sweater. He then carefully leans her back down on the bed and gently removes her night pants.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?”

Shelly shakes her head. “No, it’s fine.”

He carefully puts a pair of thick pants on Shelly. Fastening the snap and pulling up her zipper before steeping back to look her over.

“Thank you, Arc.”

Arc grabs a nearby pair of socks and smiles at her. “What are friends for?”

Shelly nods as he slips on her socks and reaches for a warm pair of boots nearby. “You’ve always been so gentle with me, Arc.”

Arc looks up to her as he slips the boots on. “I have to be. You’re so fragile after all.”

Shelly sighs. “I’m not sure why you and Lily put up with me. These days I can hardly walk!”

Arc fastens the clasps on the boots and looks up at her. “You’re my friend, Shelly. Lily and I are with you for as long as you need us.”

“That’s probably for the rest of my life.”

Arc nods as he helps her stand. “Then that’s how long we’ll be here.”

He leads Shelly slowly to the Kitchen. Lily is just putting the finishing touches on a sandwich.

“Sorry it’s not much. But at least you won’t get a stomach ache from your medication.”

“Thank you, but can we eat on the way? I’d like to get to the hospital as soon as possible.”

Arc nods. “That’s okay with me. Are you two ready to go?”

“Yes. I’ll put Shelly’s wheelchair in the back of your Jeep if you want to help her outside.”


He turns to Shelly.

“How are you feeling today?”

Shelly shakes her head sadly. “I… don’t think I can make it that far.”

“I understand. Ready?”

Shelly nods. Arc carefully picks her up and walks toward the door behind Lily. She opens the door for them and follows the pair slowly down the steps with the wheelchair. As they reach the Jeep Lily opens the rear passenger side door.

“I’ll get that for you.”


He carefully sets Shelly down in the seat and buckles her seatbelt as Lily puts the wheelchair in the back. Arc gets into the driver’s seat as Lily gets in next to Shelly.

“We’ll be there soon you two.”

The pair wordlessly nod. Sometime later they arrive at the hospital. Lily gets out and sets up the wheelchair as Arc unbuckles Shelly.

“Sorry to be such a burden you two.”

Lily smiles at her friend. “You’re no such thing.”

Arc nods. “Right! Now let’s go see how Frank is doing?”

They enter the hospital together and walk up to the receptionist. Arc is the first to speak.

“Excuse me. We’re looking for Frank Fontaine. I’m told he was recently brought in.”

“Yes. Are you family?”

Lily appears nervous. “Kinda.”

Arc nods. “I believe I’m still his emergency contact.”

The nurse looks over her computer screen.

“He’s currently being examined. I’ll call you when he can have visitors.”

“Thank you.”

Shelly looks up at Lily. “Would you please take me to the bathroom?”

“Of course. I kinda have to go as well.”

“I’ll see you two in the waiting room.”

They nod and head down the hall. The nurse looks to Arc.

“It shouldn’t be too long.”

“Thank you, nurse.”

Arc heads to the adjoining waiting room and sits down. A few minutes later Lily pushes Shelly over to him and sits down.

“So what happened?!”

Arc shrugs. “I… really couldn’t say.”

Shelly looks nervous. “The Hero of Light didn’t tell you?”

Arc shakes his head. “He sounded as if he was in a pretty big hurry.”

An hour or so later a nurse walks over to them.

“The doctor will see you in the patient’s room now.”

Arc stands up. “Thank you, nurse.”

He pushes Shelly’s wheelchair down the corridor as Lily walks beside him. She turns to the nurse.

“So how is he?”

“Not well. The doctor will fill you in on the details.”

Arc gulps as they approach the room. Entering they find a doctor going over a chart. Frank lies on the bed unconscious. He pushes Shelly up to the bedside.

“How is he, doctor?”

“Very malnourished. We’re giving your friend here nutrients intravenously as we speak in an attempt to rectify that.”

Shelly takes Frank’s hand. “Is he going to be okay?!”

“We’re not sure at the moment. For some reason we don’t understand, he’s still unconscious.”

“That isn’t from the lack of food?”

“No. All of his vitals are extremely low right now. It’s very similar to a medically induced coma.”

Arc frowns. “What can we do for him?”

“At the moment, nothing. All there is to do is wait for him to wake up.”

Lily walks over to Frank and takes his other hand. “Just… wait?”

The doctor nods. “I’m sorry, but that’s the best we can do. He’ll be monitored day and night until then. As soon as something changes you’ll be notified.”

Arc sighs. “Thank you, um… doctor…?”

“Doctor Rieper. But I need to look in on my other patients now. If you have any other questions let the staff know.”

He leaves the room as Arc puts his hands on Lily’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry about this you two.”

“You? Why?”

“I… um… s-sorry for… not getting you two here sooner.”

Shelly looks up at Arc from across the bed, smiling. “You did your very best, Arc. No one can ask more of you.”

Lily nods. “Shelly’s right. I mean, it’s not your fault he’s here like this, right?”

“If I had only… I mean, if we had…”

Shelly shakes her head. “There’s nothing you could have done, Arc. Don’t blame yourself.”

Arc sighs as he looks down at his friend. “Maybe. But… but I’m going to be questioning myself in that regard for some time.”

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