• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 15 - ...For I am Not Alone

Meanwhile, Sereb catches up to Arc and Shining Armor.

“I am with you, my friend!”

Arc grins as he jumps up into the saddle. “Perfect timing!”

Shining Armor groans as he looks around. “We’ve lost them though!”

Sereb growls. “Not for long!”

Sniffing the air, Sereb looks around a few moments before turning and pointing with a paw.

“Princess Twilight went this way!”

Shining Armor charges forward. “Let’s go then!”

Running in the direction indicated they eventually spot Celestia lying on the ground panting. She jumps up as they break into the clearing, her horn aglow. Gritting her teeth she yells at them.

“Why can’t you just leave us alone?!”

Shining Armor points a hoof at his unconscious sister. “Let Twilight go, princess!”

Celestia shakes her head as she motions to Arc. “I can’t! She’ll just be taken by this usurper here!”

Arc takes a step forward. “All I want to do is help her. There are medical facilities aboard my ship that can…”

Celestia interrupts him. “NO! I’ll never let her out of my sight again! NEVER!!! Now then, both of you stand down!”

“I don’t take orders from you or anyone else, Celestia.”

Celestia turns her gaze to Shining Armor. “Then I hereby ORDER you to defend us from this monster!”

Shining Armor frowns. “No, your highness.”


Shining Armor slowly steps forward. “You need help. Just let us…”

“Stay back!”

She fires a magical blast at Shining Armor. Putting out his arm, Arc effortlessly blocks it with his shield. Frowning, he turns to Shining Armor.

“This isn’t getting us anywhere.”

“Agreed, sir.”

Sereb growls. “We require a new strategy.”

Shining Armor narrows his eyes as he raises his blade. “Rush her?”

Arc shakes his head. “Twilight might get hurt though.”

“There’s no way the princess would let any harm come to her though.”

Sereb grins. “Perhaps we could use that to our advantage.”

Arc frowns. “No meat shields.”

Turning back to Celestia, Arc pulls his spear from his ring as he calls out.

“Look, all I want to do is to end this peacefully. Don’t make me do something we’ll all regret later.”

“Then let us go!”

Shining Armor looks to him. “We’re just talking in circles at this point, Arc.”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed.”

“I guess there’s no way around this then.”

Frowning, Arc tosses his spear to Shining Armor as he addresses Celestia.

“Like it or not, I’m taking Twilight back. At any cost.”

Celestia grins wickedly as she pulls a blade from the underbrush. “Just try it!”

Arc begins walking toward her slowly, his shield at the ready. Nervously, Celestia turns to Twilight and carefully uses her magic to remove her from her back. Laying the unconscious mare down under a nearby tree she smiles lovingly for a moment.

“Just rest, Twilight. I’m going to make everything all better now.”

Turning back to Arc, she maintains her position between him and Twilight. As he gets too close, Celestia lets loose a powerful spell. Holding his shield at the ready, Arc braces for the impact. As the shield is hit the force of the spell pushes him back a couple paces but otherwise is diffused. Celestia frowns.

“That… that shield!”

“It’s from the armory.”

“H-his shield!”

Gritting her teeth, she glares at him.

“A beast such as yourself is unworthy to hold such a sacred relic!”

Shining Armor calls out. “Keep going, sir! She can’t stop you!”

“I can, and I WILL!”

Firing again and again, Celestia slowly pushes Arc back toward Shining Armor. As Arc peeks out from behind his shield he spies Celestia panting heavily.

“You can’t keep this up forever, princess.”

“Please don’t strain yourself, your highness. Just give up and let us help you.”

“Not a chance!”

Looking skyward, Celestia casts a Telekinesis Spell on the limbs above her. Pulling one roughly down, she throws it at Arc. The shield is knocked from his hand as he is slammed against the tree behind him. She grins and fires another blast from her horn in an effort to finish her opponent off. Arc instinctively puts his hands in front of his face to protect himself from the blast. However as it hits him the majority of the magical energy is harmlessly deflected across his armor as it fizzles out. Shining Armor gasps.

“What the…?!”

Celestia’s eyes grow wide. “That… that armor!”

Arc looks at his gauntlets as he muses to himself. “Guess grandpa was right. Anti-magic armor.”

Looking back to Celestia, Arc speaks.

“Look, I really don’t want to hurt you. But this needs to stop… now.”

He continues slowly walking toward Celestia. She fires at him over and over again, but each blast is effortlessly deflected by a wave of Arc’s hand. Sweating profusely, Celestia lays down on the ground as she does her best to catch her breath. As Arc continues to walk toward her, Celestia looks to Twilight lying behind her. Gritting her teeth, Celestia slowly stands and looks at Arc.

“You won’t… have her.”

“She won’t be harmed. You have my word.”

As he nears them, Arc stops and looks at Celestia. Extending a gauntlet to her, she looks at it for a few moments before angrily knocking it away. Sereb sighs and shakes his head.

“You’re going to have to get physical with her, my friend.”

Shining Armor bows his head. “Agreed. Let’s just get this over with.”

Sighing, Arc moves to walk around Celestia. However as he does so she Blinks in front of him to block his path. Turning, Arc again attempts to go around to which the same is repeated. Trying a third time, Celestia suddenly stands and slams a hoof into Arc’s side sending him staggering to one side. Regaining his composure Arc kneels down and looks at Celestia evenly as she looks at him quizzically.

“What are you…?”

Blinking, Arc reappears behind Celestia, kneeling down behind Twilight. Turning around, her eyes grow wide as she lunges at Arc. Grabbing Twilight, Arc Blinks back to Shining Armor and Sereb.

“Don’t worry. She’s safe.”

Celestia seethes. “Return her at once!”

“I can’t do that, princess.”

“You can and you WILL!”

Sereb sighs. “Please allow us to take both of you to a doctor, your highness.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Yes. Twilight needs help, as do you.”

Grimacing, Celestia glares at them silently. For a time there is not a sound other than the wind in the trees. Suddenly Celestia bows her head and begins to chuckle. Arc raises an eyebrow confused.


Shining Armor grimaces. “Are you… alright?”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Be wary! Her heartrate is out of control!”

Arc turns to him. “What does that mean?”


The chuckles turn into a laugh which leads into mad hysterics. Shining Armor steps between Arc and Celestia.

“What in the world…?”

Suddenly stopping, Celestia’s gaze returns to Arc and the mare in his arms. She wears a wild grin and a strange look in her eyes as she speaks, albeit softly.

“Give… back…”

Arc frowns. “What was that?”

Sereb growls. “She said to return Twilight.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Not happening.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

They continue to watch as Celestia’s eyes begin to twitch as do the corners of her mouth.

“Twilight… back… me…”

Sereb takes a step back. “This is… rather unsettling.”

Arc grimaces. “Y-yeah. Princess, you really need to…”


Shining Armor calls out. “Arc?!”


Sereb bares his teeth. “She is irrational!”

“GIVE!!! BACK!!! NOW!!!”

Charging toward him, Celestia lowers her horn in an attempt to stab Arc. Turning to Sereb, he quickly puts the mare in his saddle and motions for him to step back as he turns back to Celestia. Putting out a gauntlet, he takes the princess’ attack full force. Planting his feet firmly, Arc is able to stop Celestia’s advance. Left to grunt and push against his hand, she mutters to herself.

“Have… to… get… her…”

Arc sighs. “Look, you can stay by her side the whole time Redheart examines her.”

Shining Armor nods. “She’ll be in good hooves.”

Not able to make any headway, Celestia’s shake from the strain before her legs buckle as she falls to the ground slowly. Arc keeps his hand on her forehead though.

“Must… must save… Twilight. Must save. Must save. Must… SAVE!!!”

With a primal roar, Celestia’s mane ignites into a plume of blue flames. Startled, Arc instinctively pulls his hand away and steps back. Gasping, Shining Armor charges forward to knock the crazed alicorn away. Grabbing Arc’s shield as he runs, he slams it into Celestia at full speed until they hit a tree some distance away. Holding her against it, Shining Armor turns to Arc.

“You okay, sir?!”

“Y-yeah. Didn’t expect that to happen though.”

Sereb looks around. “What is our next course of action?!”

Shining Armor looks back over his shoulder. “We need to immobilize her somehow! Get her some help!”

Arc groans. “Not sure if that’s going to be an option at this point though.”

There is a rustling in the brush nearby. Sereb and Arc turn to look as Scootaloo bursts through the foliage and over to him.

“Big Brother! I…!”

Celestia’s eyes grow wide as she spots the Dagger of Eternal Slumber in Scootaloo’s hoof. She screams out, Blinks, and charges at the filly.


Before anyone cans stop her, Celestia slams into the filly. The force of the blow sends her flying through the woods. Charging after her, she spots Scootaloo lying on the ground some distance away with the dagger on the ground next to her. Grinning maniacally, Celestia makes a beeline for it. However before she can reach her target Arc Blinks over to Scootaloo. Grabbing the filly and the dagger he Blinks back to Twilight’s side as Scootaloo groans in pain.

“You okay?!”

Scootaloo nods as she rubs her forehead. “Y-yeah, I think so.”

Arc sets her down and grips the dagger tightly as Celestia looks all around for them.


Looking up, Celestia spots Arc back with Twilight, dagger in hand. Charging forward, she lunges at him.


Sighing, Arc clenches his weapon and prepares to strike as the mare nears. At the last moment however, he turns and kicks Celestia in the face violently. She rolls across the ground, dazed. Slowly getting up, she puts a hoof to the growing welt on her face. Looking at her hoof she spots the blood. Losing what little semblance of rational thought she has left, Celestia screams out angrily as her horn glows brightly. So much so that Arc and company are forced to shield their eyes from it. Sereb growls.

“This is not good!”

Arc holds his arm over his face. “What’s she doing?!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth as she holds he cloak up. “Charging up!”

“That sounds bad!”

Shining Armor nods frantically as he hurries over to them. “It is! Charged Alicorn Magic is one of the most powerful things known to ponykind!”

“Guessing she’s putting everything into this one last attack!”

Sereb growls. “How do we stop her?!”

Shining Armor points a hoof skyward. “She’s the Princess of the Sun, so that’s the source of her power!”

Scootaloo grins and looks to the stallion. “Lower the sun?!”

“Lower the sun!”

Arc frowns. “Worth a shot!”

Reaching out, Arc gathers his magical energies. However the sun does not budge. Scootaloo grimaces.

“It’s not working!”

Shining Armor frowns. “I saw it move a little at first! Then nothing!”

Sereb points a paw at Celestia. “She is holding it in place as she draws power from it!”

Arc groans as he continues to try and lower the sun. “And I can’t overpower her magic!”

A dark portal opens between them. Arc groans.

“Great! We don’t need this right now!”

They watch as a large robed figure gallops through. Throwing back their cowl, they turn to look at Celestia as Shining Armor gasps.

“Princess Luna?!”

Scootaloo turns to Arc. “What’s she doing here?!”

“Hopefully she has something to help us!”

Luna looks to Celestia as she speaks.

“Sister! I’ve come to help you!”

Celestia does not respond, but does not stop channeling her immense power as Luna continues.

“This is risky, but Equestria cannot lose you without exhausting every option at our disposal!”

Channeling her own magic, Luna’s horn glows with an intense darkness (it’s quite the sight to see, I know). A moment later a strange dark beam is shot from it and strikes Celestia in the forehead. She stops channeling and appears suddenly woozy. Putting a hoof to her forehead, she groans slightly before looking around.

“Where… am I…?”

“In the forest near Ponyville, sister.”

“Don’t… remember getting here.”

“It’s okay, Celestia. You’re safe now. But right now you need to…!”

Celestia’s eyes fall on Arc and Twilight on Sereb’s back. Gasping, she begins charging her magic again. Luna sighs and bows her head as she turns back to Arc, her wings spread wide to shield them from the glare of her power.

“This is… unfortunate.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Princess Luna?”

“I tried to free my sister, but have certainly failed.”

She looks to the dagger in Arc’s hand and sighs.

“Please, Arc… end her suffering.”


“I’m asking you to free my sister from the burning hatred inside of her. But please… make it quick for her.”

Scootaloo gasps. “But… can we really…?”

Luna nods sadly. “It must be done, and soon.”

Shining Armor motions to Celestia. “How much more can she charge up?!”

“Unknown. But if this continues unabated her body will eventually reach the point where she is unable to contain it. The resulting magical blast would be enough to level much of Equestria.”

Arc grits his teeth. “What?!”

“We have but minutes to act, Arc! Please… do your sacred duty to Equestria. Kill Celestia and free her from her burdens.”

Shining Armor shakes his head vehemently. “There has to be another way though!”

Sereb appears hopeful. “Can you not try again with your earlier spell, Princess Luna?!”

Luna shakes her head. “She’s too powerful right now. We’d have to weaken her considerably for me to have even a chance of…”

Arc interrupts her. “Weaken? How?”

“Force her to release her magical energy by using it.”

Scootaloo groans. “So we need her to blast us?!”

Luna nods. “Yes. But none of us would survive that.”

“Big Brother and I probably could in our Crimson Forms!”

Sereb looks skyward. “But the moon will not rise without the sun being lowered.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “And she’s holding the sun up!”

Luna turns to him. “Arc, what do you think?”

“That our Crimson Forms might be our last chance at stopping Celestia without killing her!”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “Can you force the sun down, Princess Luna?!”

Luna shakes her head. “I cannot. However there may be something else I can do to help.”

Arc sighs. “Do it.”

Nodding, Luna turns back to Celestia. Taking a deep breath, her horn glows. Raising her hooves, Luna concentrates. Shining Armor gasps.

“The… the moon!”

Scootaloo’s eyes grow wide. “It’s rising with the sun still up!”

Arc grins. “I think I get what she’s trying to do. Get ready, Scootaloo.”

Watching Luna cast, they see the moon slowly cover the sun. An eerie red glow covers the countryside as Celestia appears suddenly weakened. Sereb grins.

“I believe it’s working.”

Shining Armor shudders as he holds Arc’s shield in front of him. “But she’s still pretty powerful.”

Arc grits his teeth. “Yeah. But so are we when we do… THIS!”

Looking up at the moon, Arc and Scootaloo transform into their Crimson Forms. He looks down at her.

“You don’t have to do this with me.”

Scootaloo smiles as she looks up at him. “We’ve come this far together, Big Brother. Might as well go the distance.”

Luna grits her teeth as she strains. “Hurry, Arc! I can’t maintain this forever!”

“Here goes nothing!”

Holding out their hands/hooves, Arc and Scootaloo begin channeling. Slowly but surely they begin to drain Celestia together. Scootaloo strains as she does so.

“It’s… just so much!”

“Just do what you can! Don’t overdo it!”

“I can… I can go on, Big Brother!”

Celestia begins to weaken as they continue. Arc steps forward with Scootaloo slowly as Celestia falls to her fetlocks and begins breathing heavily. Reaching her, Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and looks Celestia in the eye.

“Princess. It’s time… to stop.”

Crying out weakly, Celestia puts her front hooves on Arc’s chest in an attempt to physically push him away. They struggle briefly before Arc grits his teeth and calls out to Scootaloo telepathically.

“She’s not stopping. Give me the dagger.”

Nodding, Scootaloo stops draining Celestia and pulls the Dagger of Eternal Slumber from her belt. Looking at it for a moment, she flaps her leathery wings to get some air and tosses the dagger to Arc. Sighing, Arc looks down at the weakened mare before him.

“I’m sorry, princess.”

Winding up, Arc strikes her skull with the butt of the dagger. Celestia’s body goes rigid. A few moments later her eyes roll into the back of her head. As she falls to the ground Arc tosses the dagger aside to catch the alicorn and help lower her safely to the ground on her back. Quickly removing his gauntlets, he puts two fingers to the side of Celestia’s neck to check for a pulse. Unmoving for a time, Arc eventually lowers his head to her chest and listens. The others watch on nervously as Scootaloo lands behind him.

“Big Brother, is she…?”

Arc leans back and sighs. “She’s alive, but unconscious.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief as she ceases her own casting to allow the moon to again sink below the horizon. Walking over to Celestia, she lowers her horn to touch her sister’s forehead. A small flash of dark ‘light’ passes between them before she steps back and looks to Arc.

“It’s done.”

Shining Armor appears hopeful. “You… you mean…?”

Luna nods. “Yes. I’ve done literally everything I can do.”

Sereb appears skeptical. “And if it isn’t enough?”

Scootaloo picks up the Dagger of Eternal Slumber and gives it to Arc. “Then Big Brother will end it… once and for all.”

Arc accepts the weapon as he looks to Twilight lying on Sereb’s back.

“Yes. But let’s get her and Twilight back to the ship now.”

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