• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 9 - Family Duties

Arc steps out of the portal into Light's Hope's Main Hall. Dinky runs up to him, happily!


She jumps into his arms as he kneels down. The pair embrace for quite some time!

“I've missed you, dad!”

Arc holds Dinky close! “And I've missed you too, sweetheart!”

After a time, Arc sets the happy filly down and looks over at Raven's desk. He mutters to himself.

“She must be with Emerald Dream.”

Dinky looks confused. “Who dad?”

“Never mind sweetheart! I was just thinking aloud.”

Dinky points a small hoof at the sigil. “Well, shall we dad?

“How about we walk home, sweetheart? I could use the exercise and fresh air.”


The pair walk out the door and head down the path together toward town.

“So, what have you been up to lately, dad?

Arc laughs! “What a question! Where do I begin?!”

Dinky smiles. “How about at the beginning?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well... I could tell you, but...”

“But what?”

“...but you'll have to catch me first! Race you home!”

Dinky runs after her father, who has a head start, laughing! “Okay! You're on!”

The pair race toward Ponyville! Dinky does well for her size in keeping up with Arc! As the happy pair near the small house Arc is in the lead! He stops in front of the house and turns around, spreading his arms wide! Dinky leaps into his embrace and the two spin around in a loving hug! Dinky nuzzles her father's cheek!”

“I love you, dad!”

“I love you too, sweetheart!”

After a few moments Arc sets Dinky down and the pair approach the door.

“Now then, let's see how your mother is doing, shall we?”


Arc opens the door and walks inside with Dinky

“Mom! Dad and I are home!”

Derpy sits up weakly. She looks over from the couch, confused. “W-what? Arc?”

“Hi Derpy. I heard you were sick, so I came to check up on you.”

Derpy sniffles and dabs at her nose with a tissue. “You really didn't have to do that! What about Equestria?!”

Arc points to his earring. “Things will be fine! But if anything DOES go wrong, I can be contacted with this.”

Dinky looks to her mother happily! “That and he's going to take me to my parent/teacher conference tonight!”

Derpy lies back down on the couch. "Thank you Arc. I was wondering what to do about that."

Arc covers Derpy up with a blanket. “It's no problem. I'm just doing what any good parent would do for their daughter.”

Dinky feels her mother's forehead.

“You feel a little warm, mom.”

Derpy coughs into her hoof. “I do have a bit of a fever, dear.”

“How about a nice warm shower then, Derpy? It should help loosen up the phlegm in your throat and help with your fever.”

Derpy tries to stand up. “The doctor said as much. I've just been lying here trying to work up the energy to do it.”

Arc picks Derpy up. “I'll help you!”

Dinky follows Arc into the bathroom with Derpy, happily! “Me too!”

Arc carefully lays Derpy down in the shower.

“Dinky, can you please help your mother get situated in here.”

Dinky turns on the water. “Okay!”

Arc proceeds to his old room. Entering it, he looks around fondly for a few minutes.

“Ah, I miss this old room.”

He closes the door behind him and changes out of his royal raiments into his normal clothes. Looking down at his attire, Arc sighs.

“I'm glad these still fit. With all the fancy foods I've been eating lately I must have put on a few pounds by now!”

Arc returns to the Living Room as Dinky leaves the bathroom.

“I helped mom get the shower temperature just right. Then we washed her mane and coat together! Now she wants to stay in the shower and just kinda relax!”

“Good. Is it helping?”

Dinky nods! “Uh huh! She says it's helping a lot!”

She looks her father up and down.

“Something wrong, sweetheart?”

Dinky shakes her head. “Nah! I guess I just got used to seeing you looking like a king, dad!”

Arc chuckles! “My royal raiments are indeed comfortable! But I rather enjoy my life as a commoner.”

“Really? Why's that? I would've thought being in charge was fun!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not as much as you're led to believe sweetheart. Everyone comes to you with their problems, which you have to solve right away. You have to make decisions that my either save OR destroy everything we hold dear. And you have unexpected issues cropping up all the time! But that's not the worst of it! Oh no!”

Dinky looks nervous! “What could be worse?”

Arc reaches down to tousle Dinky's mane. “The worst part is it doesn't give me much time to spend with my family.”

Dinky giggles! “You're right dad! We've missed you!”

“Are you hungry?”

She puts a hoof on her stomach. “Now that you mention it, yes.”

“How about you and I get some supper going?”


Arc nods! “Of course!”

Dinky trots toward the kitchen! “Sure! I can't remember the last time we did THAT together!”

He follows Dinky. “Me either!”

She hops up onto a stool. “What should we make?!”

Arc opens the refrigerator. “I used to make something when I or my mother was feeling ill. Let's see if it helps Derpy.”

“Okay! What can I do to help?!”

He pulls some vegetables out and walks over to the table. “Does your mother let you use the stove yet?”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! We cook supper together most nights!”

Arc begins cutting celery and onions. “Alright then. Put a large pot on the stove and melt some butter in it.”

“Okay dad! I got this!”

A short time later the pan is hot and the butter melted. Arc walks over to Dinky and dumps the celery and onions into the pot. He gives her a spoon.

“Keep those moving so they don't stick to the bottom. They should be tender in about five minutes.”

Dinky nods as she uses her magic to stir the pot. “Okay!”

Arc picks up a large mixing bowl and fills it partially with water. He then starts adding various spices like vegetable bullion, basil and oregano to the mix! Dinky looks over at what her father is doing.

“What's all that for?”


After everything in the bowl is homogenized Arc walks it over to the pot and pours it in. He quickly returns to the table!

“Keep stirring that Dinky.”

“I'm on it!”

Arc quickly cuts up a few carrots and pours them into the pot along with some egg noodles from the pantry.

“There we go. Now it just needs to come to a boil. When it does, we'll lower the heat and let it simmer for about twenty minutes. Now how about we go check on your mother?”

Dinky jumps off the stool. “Yeah! We don't want her to fall asleep in there!”

The pair head for the bathroom. Arc knocks quietly before entering.

“Are you ready to get out of the tub, Derpy?”

“Yes, thank you Arc.”

Arc uses his magic to carefully pick up the wet mare as Dinky turns off the water. He and Dinky then carefully towel dry Derpy together and brush her mane and coat.

“There you go mom!”

Arc nods to her. “Feeling any better?”

“A little. The shower definitely unclogged my head!”

Derpy sniffs the air.

“What smells so good?”

Dinky giggles! “Dad and I made supper together just like you and I do mom!

Arc nods. “Well, I hope you're hungry, because it smells almost done.”

The trio walks back to the small kitchen. Derpy looks over at the stove.

“Anything I can do?”

Arc motions to a kitchen chair. “Just have a seat. Dinky and I will do the rest.”

“They walk over to the stove as Derpy sits down at the table. Dinky puts her nose closer to the pot. This smells great dad!

Arc takes a sip. “Needs a bit more salt.”

He adds a bit of salt and pepper and puts a spoonful to Dinky’s mouth.

“What do you think, sweetheart?”


Arc laughs as he picks up the bowls and a ladle as Dinky turns off the stove. “Guess that answers that question!”

He pours three bowls and levitates them over to the table as they sit down together.

“Eat up you two! Sorry it's not exactly my best, but it should help cure what ails you Derpy.”

Derpy eats her soup. “This is pretty good Arc! What's it called?!”

“I call it ‘Sick Soup’. It's a little something we eat back home on Earth when we have a cold. Most folks back there know it as ‘Chicken Noodle Soup’.

Dinky and Derpy stop chewing and look down at the soup suspiciously.

Arc laughs! “Don't worry! I didn't put chicken in this!”

“You had me really worried there for a second, dad!”

Derpy nods, a bit weakly. “We should have known you wouldn't have us eating... flesh.”

Arc nods. “This is just a vegetarian version.”

The three eat their fill as they swap stories of their recent experiences!

“I'm glad you were able to help the Abyssinians, Arc!”

“Yeah dad! They sound like really nice cats!”

Arc sighs. “They were mostly victims of circumstance. Where they go from here is up to them though. I have a plan to help them get back on track, but I have to talk to Hard Hat to see if it's implementable, or just a pipe dream.”

Derpy nods! “How are the princesses doing?”

“They're not doing so well. Fortunately, we're very close to a cure! Hopefully that means they can wake up and I can come home!”

“What's your next project, dad?”

“A vacation with you two!”

Dinky looks up excitedly! “Really?! Where?!”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But I want to spend some long overdue family time with you.”

“Can Miss Ember come?! She's a part of the family too you know!”

“If she wants to, sure!”

Dinky grins! “This is going to be AWESOME!”

Derpy looks over to the clock. “It's almost time for you and Arc to head to the school, Dinky.”

Arc stands and picks up the dirty dishes. “Go brush your teeth and mane before we go, sweetheart.”

Dinky jumps up and trots over to the bathroom. “Okay!”

“Thank you for supper, Arc”

“Don't worry about it. I needed a bit of a break from Canterlot anyways!”

Derpy suddenly yawns.

“How about I help you to bed, Derpy.”

“Thank you Arc. I do feel like a good night's sleep right now. But what about the dishes?”

“I'll take care of them with Dinky when we get back.”

Arc carries Derpy to his room and lays her down in Ember's bed. Covering her with a blanket before stepping back.


Derpy nods weakly. “Yes, thank you.”

“You just rest now. I'll take care of Dinky tonight.”

Arc leans down and gives Derpy a quick hug.

“Good night.”

Derpy nods sleepily. “Goodnight Arc. Oh! Would you apologize to Coco Pommel for me please? I feel bad for leaving her with all the work.”

“I'll tell her.”

Arc leaves his room and softly closes the door behind him. Dinky is just coming out of the bathroom.

“I'm ready to go! Where's mom?”

“I just put her to bed. Well, we should get a move on and let her rest now.”

Dinky nods. “Okay!”

The pair leave the house and make their way toward the orphanage. As they near the building they spot Applejack and Apple Bloom walking out the front door. The fillies run up to each other.

“Hey there Dinky! How's you mom doing?”

“Better. My dad came home to take care of us!”

Apple Bloom waves a small hoof. “Hi Mr. Arc!”

Applejack walks over to join her sister. “Hey there sugarcube! How are things in Canterlot?”

“Very busy lately! Although it looks like the international situation has shifted in our favor for the time being.”

“That's good! The others and I have been checking in on Twilight once a day to see that she eats properly. Resting is another matter entirely though it seems.”

Apple Bloom looks confused. “Where's Spike? He usually does that!”

Arc shakes his head. “He's in Canterlot at the moment. He and Twilight needed a bit of a break from each other.”

Applejack sighs. “Twilight said something like that. I never thought I'd live to see the day those two weren't together!”

Apple Bloom smiles! “Right! They're like peanut butter and jelly!”

Arc kneels down to Apple Bloom's level. “Sometimes even the best of friends need some time apart.”

“Really dad?”

“Yes. For example, Ember and I are very good friends! However right now she and Sereb are back in Canterlot. It's not that we don't want to be together all the time, but sometimes we have to do things by ourselves.”

Applejack turns to her sister. “Sugarcube, do you remember that time awhile back when we let you stay home alone?”

Apple Bloom sighs and rolls her eyes. “You mean the time you treated me like a little baby?”

“Heh, yeah! Why did you want to stay home alone so badly?”

“To feel like a grown-up mare! It made me feel like I was out on my own! Oh... I get it now!”

Dinky shrugs. “I don't!”

Arc stands up and looks to Dinky. “It's not that Apple Bloom didn't love her family! But that she just wanted a little independence.”

“That's right! But I realized after a while that I needed both!”

Arc nods. “I'm sure Spike will come around in his way of thinking and return to Ponyville eventually.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How long do you think that will take?”

“If he's anything like Ember, quite a while!”

Apple Bloom’s ears droop. “Awwww... I really liked Spike!”

“Dad shouldn't we get moving? Miss Cheerilee is waiting!”

Applejack laughs! “Better hurry then! She said there's only one other meeting after yours, Dinky!”

Arc turns to Applejack and Apple Bloom as he and Dinky head for the orphanage. “See you two later. Make sure Twilight doesn't do anything too reckless, would you kindly?!”

“We will!”

Dinky turns to Arc as they enter the building. “Miss Cheerilee said to meet her in the classroom.”

Arc looks at the stairs. “Would you tell her I'll be there in a couple minutes? I have to tell Coco Pommel that Derpy might not be in tomorrow.”

“Okay dad!”

Arc heads up the stairs. “I won't be long!”

He walks to the Matron's Office and knocks lightly. Coco Pommel calls over from her desk.

“Come in!”

Arc enters the office as she stands up from her desk and walks over to him.

“Arc! This is quite a surprise! What brings you here?!”

“I'm here for Dinky's parent/teacher conference. Derpy says she's sorry, but she might not be in tomorrow.”

Coco Pommel nods! “That's quite all right! With all the hard work she's been putting in here lately I'm surprised she hasn't gotten sick sooner!”

“Hopefully this will teach her to take better care of herself.”

Coco Pommel smiles and nods. “I hope so. But what about you?”

“I know I'm guilty of the same. That reminds me. I'm hoping that after the princesses retake their thrones Dinky, Derpy and I can go on a family vacation. Would it be okay for Derpy to take some time off then?”

“Of course! Although you don't really have to ask my permission, Lord Regent.”

Arc smiles at her. “I guess not. But by then I'll be just a normal citizen of Equestria again!”

“Either way, it's just fine with me! Now you had better get to that meeting now! Miss Cheerilee's had a long day already.”

“You're right! Take care Coco Pommel, and thanks again!”

She waves a hoof and smiles. “Visit us anytime Arc!”

Meanwhile, Dinky enters the classroom. Miss Cheerilee is waiting at her desk.

“Good evening Dinky! Um... where's your mother?”

“She was too sick to come, so my dad is here to see you!”

“Oh. Alright. Where is he?”

“Sorry, but he had to see Miss Pommel about something really quick. He'll be here in a few minutes.”

Cheerilee smiles. “It's no problem! I look forward to meeting your father then!”

Dinky looks to her teacher, a bit confused. “Um... okay.”

Arc quickly descends the stairs and makes his way to the classroom.

Opening the door quickly, he steps inside. “Sorry for the wait! I just had to...”

Cheerilee quickly rushing forward to kneel before Arc! “Y-your highness! To what do I owe this visit?!”

“Um... I'm here for Dinky's parent/teacher conference.”

She looks up at him, confused. “I'm sorry sire, but I don't understand.”

Arc extends a hand to Cheerilee. “Well then, rise my little pony and I'll explain it to you.”

Cheerilee takes Arc's hand and stands up, albeit a bit shakily. “A-alright. Thank you, sire!”

She sits down nervously at her desk as Arc and Dinky take their places across form her.

“There were a lot of things that happened to bring us to this point, but Dinky here is my daughter.”

“I'm sorry, sire! Miss Derpy never mentioned you two were married!”

“We're not.”

Cheerilee blushes heavily. “Oh my...”

“My dad's always been here for me. Ever since he delivered me as a newborn!”

“It was a lot messier than I thought it would be, but here she is! Let's just say Dinky's biological father... wasn't willing to make the commitment to raise her and take care of Derpy like a real stallion! So I adopted her.”

Dinky nods! “He took care of my mom back then, and now me too!”

“That's right sweetheart! But I digress. Please forgive me for getting us off topic. I'm sure you've had a long day Cheerilee, so let's get on with the conference, shall we?”

Cheerilee nods and clears her throat. “Very well then! Dinky is doing very well in her studies. It's early in the school year, but I can already see she's the brightest student in the class!”

Dinky grins at her father. “Not bad for a filly who isn't even a year old yet, huh dad?”

Arc nods. “Very impressive, sweetheart!”

Cheerilee looks to Dinky, confused. “I'm sorry dear, but what do you mean?”

“I'll be one in a month or so! Hey dad! Can we have a party?!”

“Of course! We'll talk to Pinkie Pie about organizing it soon!”


Arc turns to Dinky’s teacher. “Would you like to come Cheerilee?”

“Of course! Thank you, sire! But I must admit Dinky does look significantly… older than you say she is.”

“Believe me, she may not look like a baby, but chronologically she is!”

Cheerilee shakes her head. “Okay... yes well, I do have one concern I'd like to talk with you about sire.”

Dinky appears suddenly nervous.

“Is something wrong?”

“Well... ever since school started Dinky has been... at odds with a couple of her classmates.”

Dinky looks to her father! “They started it!”

“Please forgive me sire, but it appears we're having a bit of trouble with bullies this year.”

Arc frowns. “Oh? Perhaps I should have a talk with their parents then.”

“I don't know how much good that would do. They're Mr. Rich's daughters after all.”

“Him again?! Talking to him is like talking to a wall!”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes sire. He is very... set in his ways. I was hoping to discuss this with him at his own daughter's conference right after yours.”

Arc looks to his daughter. “Dinky, are you being picked on?”

“No dad.”

Cheerilee sighs. “I hate to say it sire, but the Rich girls have been accusing Dinky of bullying THEM.”

Arc looks to her. “Dinky. Is there something you want to tell me?”

Dinky looks down at her hooves. “I'm sorry dad! I just can't help it!”

“What happened Dinky?”

“Diamond Tiara is always being mean to the other students! Especially Pipsqueak! So I stood up to her!”


Dinky looks away nervously. “Well... last week she was being especially mean to the others so I pushed her down.”

Cheerilee nods. “That was when Diamond Tiara started complaining to me that SHE was being bullied.”

“I thought if I stood up to her, I could be a hero like you are dad!”

Arc nods. “I'm proud of you for standing up for the innocent dear. But you shouldn't have resorted to violence so easily!”

“But isn't that what you do, dad?”

“I do. But only as a last resort! I always try my best to talk things out before they get out of hand. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But, it's a shot.”

“Your father's right dear. We can't have fighting here at school!”

Arc nods. “Right! Now Dinky I do want you to understand on thing. You don't resort to violence unless you have absolutely no choice! If you're attacked, I want you to defend yourself now! But don't go looking for trouble! And don't escalate a bad situation needlessly!”

Dinky looks to her father sadly. “Am I in trouble dad?”

“Not this time, no.”

“I'll speak with Mr. Rich about this sire. Maybe he'll understand.”

Cheerilee looks up at the clock.

“I don't know where he is though. He's already rescheduled this meeting twice now!”

‘He was in Canterlot earlier today seeking a meeting with the Lord Regent.”

Cheerilee sighs. “I see. So he probably isn't in town then?”

“Probably not.”

“Very well then. Thank you for coming sire! You have a very bright daughter here! She and the Rich girls just needs to learn that school is not a place for fighting.”

Arc stands up and extends his hand to Cheerilee. “Thank you for your time, Cheerilee.”

She shakes his hand nervously. “Thank you for coming, sire! I promise to do my best to teach Dinky everything she needs to know!”

“I'm sure you will. Have a good night.”

The pair head out the classroom door and close the door behind them. Cheerilee shakes her head and mutters to herself.

“I still wonder what Lord Arc and Dinky meant when they said her first birthday was coming up.”

As Arc and Dinky leave the classroom, they pass Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in the Main Hall. Silver Spoon sighs.

“We should probably go home now. Dad's not coming... again.”

Diamond Tiara shrugs. “I'm sure he had his reasons.”

Silver Spoon nods. “He probably just got held up in Canterlot.”

“Yeah! He probably had to wait a long time to see the Lord Regent.”

Arc walks past the two fillies. “Nope. He was the first audience of the day.”

Diamond Tiara runs in front of Arc and Dinky! “WHAT?! If you're here, then where is he?!”

Arc stops and looks down at the angry filly before him. “No idea. He left with my assistant to sign some forms after his meeting with me.”

“Does that mean you're going to pay for my family's statue?!”

“Nope! Your father and I came to a different agreement.”

Diamond Tiara eyes him suspiciously. “What kind of agreement?”

Silver Spoon frowns. “Who cares. As long as it's over and everypony is happy.”

“Well, I'm happy! Mr. Rich... maybe not so much.”

Silver Spoon slowly approaches him. “Mr. Arc? You didn't throw my dad in the dungeon, did you?”

“No, I didn't. I wouldn't worry too much about him. He'll be home eventually.”

Diamond Tiara turns her nose up indignantly! “We're not worried! This happens all the time! He's a very busy stallion you know! A business to run and a fortune to maintain! He can't be expected to drop everything on our account!”

Dinky rolls her eyes! “Oh really?! My dad has an entire COUNTRY to run! Yet here he is!”

Arc puts a hand on Dinky's head. “That's enough Dinky.”

He looks back to the Rich siblings.

“You two should be getting home. It will be dark soon. Do you want me to escort you back to your house?”

“We’re not some little babies that need to have our diapers changed by the likes of YOU!”

Silver Spoon bows respectfully. “Thank you, Mr. Arc, but we'll be fine on our own. We're kinda used to it.”

“Very well. Be careful out there.”

Arc and Dinky leave the orphanage.

“Hmph! Who does he think he is?! Talking to us like that!”

Silver Spoon sighs and mutters under her breath. “Dinky... I'm so jealous of you.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Dinky make their way back towards home. Dinky looks at her father out of the corner of her eye.

“Dad? Are you... mad at me?”

“What for?”

“For what I did back there.”

Arc shakes his head. “No Dinky. You were right! To tell you the truth, I feel bad for them.”

Dinky giggles! “By ‘them’ you mean Silver Spoon, right?”

“Kinda. Diamond Tiara has lived her whole life trying to be what her father is! It's no wonder she acts the way she does.”

“Her mom's about the same way. She's been here before to yell at Miss Cheerilee on numerous occasions.”


“It's true dad! I feel so bad for her! Miss Cheerilee is such a nice teacher and doesn't deserve to be treated like that!”

Arc frowns as he and Dinky make their way back home. He lowers the sun and raises the moon, as he and Dinky quietly make their way inside.

“How about we tackle those dishes now, sweetheart?”

Dinky trots over to the sink. “I'll dry!”

“Let's do this!”

In no time at all the dishes are washed, dried and neatly put away. Arc dries his hands.

“Well, I guess that's that!”

Dinky looks down, sadly. “Yeah. I guess so...”

“Dinky? What's wrong?”

“The work's all done. That means it’s time for you to go, right?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Actually, I'm still a bit worried about your mother. She shouldn't be alone tonight.”

“What are you talking about dad? She'll be fine and I'll be with her!”

He winks! “No Dinky, I better stick around and make sure she's alright tomorrow morning. That and someone needs to get you off to school tomorrow.”

A smile slowly spreads across her face. “Yeah dad, I think you're right!”

Arc looks at the clock. “It's getting late Dinky. How about we turn-in for the night?”

“But I'm not even tired!”

Dinky suddenly yawns. Arc stoops down to pick up his daughter.

“Come on sweetheart. Off to bed with us!”

“Okay dad.”

Arc quietly enters the room and lays Dinky down in his bed before climbing in next to her. Dinky snuggles up to her father.

“Good night dad.”

Arc wraps his arm around Dinky. “Good night sweetheart.”

In a few minutes both Arc and Dinky are asleep. As the moonlight shines through the window Derpy opens her eyes. She looks at the pair sleeping soundly together and smiles before falling back asleep herself, as the entire family sleeps peacefully through the night.

Arc wakes up early the next morning. Dinky is still asleep in his arms! He holds her close and strokes her mane and mutters to himself.

“Dinky... you're so cute when you’re sleeping.”

“I agree.”

Arc turns his head to see Derpy looking over at the pair. “Derpy? What are you doing awake?! You go back to sleep and get better!”

Derpy sits up. “I'm actually feeling just fine, thanks in no small part to you and Dinky taking such good care of me!

“Are you sure? I told Coco Pommel you might not be in to work today.”

“Positive! Now let's wake up our little muffin!”

Derpy walks over to Arc and Dinky. She puts a hoof on her daughter's face and gently pats it.

“Dinky? It's time to get up now.”

She slowly opens her small eyes and looks at her mother, groggily.

“Mom? Are you okay?”

“Yes dear! I'm fine! Now it's time to get up and have some breakfast.”

Derpy and Dinky get up and head to the kitchen with Arc behind them.

“Arc, why don't you take a shower and make yourself presentable? We can't have the Lord Regent giving audiences with messy hair now!”

“I suppose you're right.”

Dinky nods! “We'll get breakfast ready!”

“Okay, I'll be quick!”

Arc grabs his Royal Raiments from the other day and heads for the bathroom! He quickly bathes and makes himself presentable! As he emerges, Arc finds Derpy and Dinky have cooked a quick meal of pancakes and eggs!

“This smells delicious you two!”

Dinky pulls back a chair for Arc. “If you think it looks good, just wait until you try it!”

Arc sits down. “Alright, I will!”

They all sit down to a nice family breakfast. As they begin to eat Derpy looks over to Arc.

“So how did the conference go last night?”

“Good! Dinky's tops in her class!”

Derpy nods, looking a bit sad. “I... I'm so glad to hear that she's smart. Not... you know... dumb like me.”

Dinky puts her small hoof on her mother's fetlock! “Mom, you're NOT dumb!”

Arc puts a hand on Derpy's shoulder. “Yeah! It's not your fault your dad didn't send you to school! You CAN learn! You just never had the chance!”

“I can teach you mom!”


“Every day after school I'll teach you what I learned! We can get smarter together!”

Derpy nods happily! “Thank you my little muffin! I'd like that!”

Arc nods! “You'll be as learned as everyone else in no time, Derpy!”

“I'll do my best to make you proud of me Arc!”

“I'm already proud of both of you! Never forget that!”

Arc looks out the window at the moon and then at his pocket watch.

“Oops! I almost forgot! Time to raise the sun!”

He quickly does so and goes back to looking at the pocket watch. Derpy looks to Arc, sadly.

“You miss her, don't you?”

Arc sighs deeply. “Yeah. This watch only reminds me of what I lost.”

“Then why keep it dad?”

“In the short time I've had this thing, I've thought many times about just smashing it into a million pieces! But there's a saying on Earth that goes ‘it's better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all’.”

Derpy nods. “I can kinda understand the wisdom in those words.”

“I thought I did too. That is, before I met Cherry! Loving her was the best thing that ever happened to me!”


Arc touches the glass over the photo, sadly. “But losing her has been the worst experience of my life!”

Derpy nods. “She'll remember you someday Arc! I just know it!”

“Yeah dad! Don't give up hope!”

“Thanks you two. I'll try.”

Derpy smiles. “Good! Well, Dinky and I should be getting over to the orphanage now.”

Dinky nods. “The orphan's breakfast won't make itself!”

"I hope you two have a nice day"

“We'll take care of these dishes when we get home Dinky. Are you ready?”

The little filly picks up her saddlebags with her magic and puts them on her back. “Yeah mom! Let's go! Bye dad!”

“Bye Arc!”

Derpy and Dinky leave the house together. Arc looks at the pocket watch and stares at Cherry Jubilee's picture for the hundredth time since receiving the item! A single tear lands on the crystal lens.

“Cherry. Please remember me... one day.”

After sitting there alone for a few minutes Arc stands up and walks over to the sigil in the corner of the room.

“No use sitting around thinking about it. Besides... I have work to do.”

Arc powers up the sigil and teleports back to his room in Canterlot Castle.

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