• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 21 - Pushing the Advantage

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance.

-Ember accused Goldstone of committing the crime, as he's been leering at the females all through the summit.

-Goldstone changed glasses with Cadance after he ‘tripped’ and ‘accidentally’ grabbed her backside.

-Fiona and Goldstone talked at length about an unknown topic. Taking into account their past, this is highly unusual.

-Rutherford saw Kane leave the Dining Room during the celebration.

-Tugem followed Kane when he left.

-Rutherford claimed a cupcake tasted bad. Poison or cultural tastes?

-Tugem reports that neither Ikis nor the Marquis ate or drank at the celebration last night.

-Tugem admits to leaving the Dining Room to follow Kane, whom seemed agitated.

-Kane confided in Tugem regarding his defeat by Sereb. Apparently Kane is feeling insecure after suffering what may be defeat for the first time in his life.

-Tugem thinks he saw Fiona drop something into Goldstone's glass while they were talking. However, no harm appeared to befall Goldstone.

-Felix saw Kane looking at Sereb with an angry look on his face for a large portion of the evening.

-Fiona did not see Kane speak to anyone during the evening.

-Felix saw Cadance drop her glass when Goldstone fell and grabbed her backside.

-Fiona confessed to a conversation with Goldstone while Felix returned to their room for a change of raiments. They spoke of monetary policy.

-Fiona confessed to sprinkling Abyssinian Itchweed in Goldstone's glass when he wasn't looking.

-Felix saw Cadance set the glass Goldstone gave her on a tray, empty. It is assumed she drank it.

-Arc sent a sample of Abyssinian Itchweed to be tested against samples of the princess' blood.

-Fiona has submitted herself to face Equestrian justice for potentially accidentally poisoning the princesses.

-Why was Luna also poisoned if only Cadance drank from the tainted glass?

-Both Fiona and Felix have agreed to be held under house arrest pending the lab report.

-Sereb confirms he overheard Queen Fiona talking to Lord Goldstone about monetary policy.

-Kane heard Gestal whispering to his daughter about how to use a bad situation to gain leverage.

-Iris saw Ghaleon watching Goldstone closely. But if that's true, how was Fiona able to poison his glass?

-Iris overheard Lord Goldstone refer to certain diplomats as ‘Equestria’s pets’.

-Ikis claimed to sense something 'out of place' on the air. It was not native to Equestria.

-The Marquis saw Princess Luna pretend to take several sips from her glass before pouring it into a napkin.

-Pinky informed me that the dishes are washed with special detergent to remove EVERYTHING from theme. We won't be able to test them for signs of poisoning.

-Lab results show a similar toxin to the one used to take down Arc during his visit to the Griffon Kingdom some time back. However it has somehow been amplified and altered beyond what the normal antidote can cure.

-Ashe still denies involvement in the assassination attempts in the Griffon Kingdom as well as being responsible for the princess' sudden illness.

-Rarity believe Tugem's clothes were made by a Equestrian seamstress named Inky Rose.

-Trixie senses strange magical emanation inside Light's Hope.

-Rose found strange images on the security feed taken during the celebration.

-Eventide Shine seemed extremely nervous during her interview. She claims Cadance was dozing when she entered.

-Goldstone was caught on camera tampering with the princess' tea pot.

-When confronted, Goldstone was quick to blame everyone else involved.

-Discovering a false bottom in Goldstone's trunk, a leather satchel containing poison was found within.

-When Goldstone learned Arc was the Lord Regent again, he lost his mind and literally had to be dragged away.

The Storm King gives the device to Decimus.

“With this you’ll be able to empower our troops abilities. However, I was unable to acquire a suitable power source.”

Decimus chuckles as he sets down the device and deploys it. “Not to worry there. I have just the thing.”

Hawthorne frowns. “What could possibly generate that much magical energy other than the princesses themselves?!”


Decimus points a hoof at Tempest. She shakes her head.

“I sincerely doubt that.”

She puts a hoof to what’s left of her horn.

“After all, my magic was never THAT powerful.”

Storm King frowns. “My device can run on any form of… energy.”

Decimus nods. “Right. You’re more attuned to your Dark Magic than the rest of us, my dear.”

“I suppose that’s true, but…”

Decimus interrupts her. “Just step onto the pad and do your best to relax. The machine will do the rest.”

“Very well.”

Tempest does as she is told and takes a deep breath.

“I’m ready.”

The Storm King grins wickedly. “Brace yourself, dearie!”

Tempest frowns. “Don’t call me…!”

He pushes a few buttons. A moment later Tempest cries out in pain as dark tendrils shoot forward and lance themselves into her body. Blood flows down them and onto the pad. Decimus watches stoically as Tempest gasps for breath.

“Don’t fight it, my dear.”

The Storm King nods as he continues to work. “I just need another minute to finish up over here with your marefriend, Decimus! Keep that hairless freak’s forces off me until then!”

Decimus draws his weapon as some of the Nightborn’s creatures break through. “Then I’ll buy you time!”

Joining the fray, Decimus makes quick work of the shadow creatures whom come at him. Ember frowns as she turns to Arc.

“What IS that thing?!”

“No idea. But if the Storm King is involved, it’s bad. That and if it’s important enough to them that Decimus is fighting to protect it, we need to see it destroyed.”

Shining Armor nods. “Agreed.”

He turns to his troops.


The Earth Ponies slowly do so.


Arc touches his earring.

“Lemon Hearts! Take out that device!”

“But what about the mare, sir?!”

“Try to miss her if you can!”

Wrangler shakes her head. “I can’t shoot without hitting her, sir!”

“Do what needs to be done, Wrangler! That’s an order! Arc out!”

Wrangler sighs and pushes some buttons on her console before turning to the captain, sadly.

“Sir, I’m locked onto the device.”

Soarin frowns. “Can you do anything to miss that mare?”

Wrangler shakes her head. “No, sir. She’ll take the brunt of the blast no matter what.”

Moon Dancer looks over. “What about adjusting the output?”

“It needs to be powerful enough to be viable.”

“Then how about… changing the output?”

Wrangler looks confused. “What do you…?”

“An electrical based discharge in place of a the standard magical one.”

Soarin sighs. “It would still electrocute her.”

Thunderlane turns his head to join the conversation. “Yeah. But then she’d at least have a chance of survival.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Her allies might be able to get her to a medic in time to save her life.”

Wrangler readjusts her instruments. “It’s the best idea we have.”

A moment later she turns to the captain.

“Ready, sir.”

Tight Ship sighs. “Forgive us, miss. Wrangler… fire!”

Wrangler pushes a button. An arc of electrical energy bursts forth. However moments before impact Decimus holds out a hoof. A dark barrier forms over Tempest and the machine.

“Oh no you don’t!”

Ember frowns. “That could have gone better.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. Do you have a Plan B, Arc?”

“Of course.”

He turns to Shining Armor.

“Rush the machine!”


Moonlit Dusk calls out. “My creatures will spearhead the assault!”

Arc nods. “Good idea.”

Hawthorne turns to the Storm King. “They’re coming!”

“Three… two… one… READY!”

Decimus looks to the machine. “Do it!”

The Storm King presses a button. Tempest cries out in agony and squeezes her eyes shut as the machine begins to hum louder. A moment later Arc’s forces are pushed back as their assailants suddenly grow in size and strength. Ember gasps.

“What the…?!”

Shining Armor grits his teeth. “That machine is doing this somehow!”

Sereb growls. “We have to stop it!”

Arc frowns. “Easier said than done right now!”

Another blast from The Equinox flies toward Tempest. Again Decimus blocks the shot. He turns to Arc and grins wickedly.

“My forces and I could do this all day! How about you?!”

Arc looks around to see his forces beleaguered. They appear to be barely holding together. Shining Armor calls out to him.

“Sir, what should we do?!”

Hawthorne chuckles. “Surrendering is still an option, you maggots.”

“If The Equinox can’t hit that machine, then we have to! Give the order, Shining Armor!”

“Yes sir!”

He turns his head to the second and third line.


The unicorns fire blast after blast as they rush forward as the pegasi lunge at the larger beasts in an effort to topple them. Ember frowns.

“I’m not sure if this is going to be enough, Arc!”

Sereb growls. “It has to be! We have nothing else!”

Arc nods. “He’s right! Keep pushing everyone!”

Slowly Arc’s troops push back the enemy forces. Hawthorne looks to Decimus.

“What now?! They’re going to get us!”

“No. We have one last trump card to play.”

He turns to the Storm King.

“Bring it up to full power!”

“Are you sure? We might not be able to control the power output.”

Decimus points a hoof at Tempest. “She can do it! We have to do this or the battle’s lost!”

The Storm King grins as he puts a hand on the knob. “I always wanted to see what would happen if I did THIS!”

He turns the knob clockwise as far as it will go. Tempest’s eyes fly open and her pupils shrink. The pitch and sheer volume of her screams reach a whole new level of intensity. As before, the strength of the enemy forces grows exponentially. They quickly begin pushing Arc’s forces back toward the base. Decimus grins.

“It’s working! We have them now!”

Hawthorne breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia!”

Arc and his troops are pushed back to the base before the enemy stops their advance. Decimus calls out.

“How about surrendering now, Hero of Light?!”

Arc glares at him.

“How about not!”

Hawthorne frowns. “Are you insane?! You’re forces have absolutely no chance of stopping us at this point!”

A loud high pitched whine suddenly bursts forth from the Storm King’s machine. Decimus turns around.

“What the…?”

The Storm King frantically presses buttons. “I can’t control it! Energy levels are off the charts!”

Hawthorne takes a step back. “Turn it off!”

The Storm King frowns. “It IS off! The energy just keeps coming! If this continues…!”

An ear-splitting soundwave rocks the area as the machine explodes. The troops on either side are knocked down. Arc is the first to rise slowly.

“Ember? You okay?”

“Yeah. What the heck happened?!”

Shining Armor frowns. “Nothing good, I’m sure.”

He looks around as a cloud of dust obscures his vision.


Moonlit Dusk turns to his acolytes. “Get those portals back up! We need to be ready for whatever comes next!”

Everyone hurries to comply with their orders as Arc looks around.

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

Ember frowns. “You have a bad feeling about everything.”

Sereb growls. “I sense something… dark this way comes.”

Shining Armor calls out. “STAND READY EVERYPONY!”

The dust slowly settles. Everyone on both sides turns to see the horror behind them as Tempest slowly steps off the pad. Her coat and mane are dark as night. Two wicked looking wings sprout forth from her back as her black eyes look out over them. She speaks with an ominously vile sounding voice.


Ember takes a step back. “What the…?!”

Sereb frowns. “That was… unexpected.”

Arc grit his teeth. “This is bad! Very, very bad!”

Twilight and her friends gasp in horror. Applejack turns to Twilight.

“What the hay IS that thing?!”

“I don’t know! But it certainly doesn’t look happy with us!”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby impatiently. “We need to get out there!”

Pinkie plants her hooves firmly. “Yeah! Arc needs all the help he can get right now!”

Rarity nods, not taking her eyes off Arc outside the window. “Yes, I agree.”

Goldstone gasps. “Are you all NUTS?! We’re safe in here!”

Ashe sighs. “I must admit, Lord Goldstone is right. If you were to lower the shields we would be vulnerable.”

“That we would. And Trixie is sure Arc wouldn’t want anypony to come to harm.”

Tugem clears his throat. “Begging everyone’s pardon, but I may have an idea.”

Meanwhile, Tempest looks over Arc’s forces. A wicked smile crosses her face as she points a dark hoof at Light’s Hope

“Take those doors down, NOW! I want those hiding inside butchered… SLOWLY!”

The enemy forces lumber toward the vanguard. Shining Armor turns to Arc and salutes soberly.

“Well, I guess this is it, sir. It’s been an honor serving under you.”

Ember nods as she levels her spear at the advancing horde. “Same here.”

Sereb plants his paws firmly. “I will stand by your side to the end, Arc!”

“Thanks. But we’re not giving up just yet.”

The Angel of Darkness turns to a tree. Reaching out with her hoof she pulls it out of the ground with her magic before jumping and breaking the limbs off the trunk as if they were twigs.

“Use this, my minions! Break those door down!”

The enemy quickly picks up the tree and charges at the door. Shining Armor grits his teeth.


All of Arc’s forces rush toward the makeshift siege weapon. However Arc and company quickly find themselves unable to get anywhere near it due to the onslaught of creatures defending it. Arc turns to Moonlit Dusk.

“Order your forces to join us!”

“I’m trying! They’re not obeying!”

Ember glares at him. “Stop fooling around!”

Moonlit Dusk sighs. “The Angel of Darkness, as she calls herself, is overriding my commands with her superior command of darkness!”

Arc frowns. “Great!”

The trunk makes a sickening crack as it makes contact with the doors. Tempest’s forces back up for another blow. Shining Armor calls out to their forces.


Several minions jump on the trunk and swat away the attacking pegasi. More enemy forces move to repel the Earth Ponies from their siege operations. The trunk splinters from the unicorn’s magical attack, but remains largely intact. They hit the doors again buckling them as the barrier fails. The Angel of Darkness smiles wickedly.

“One more solid charge should demolish them! Don’t stop now! Put everything into this last blow!”

The minions step further back. Running at top speed toward the doors, the makeshift ram careens toward its target. Just before it reaches the target, however, there is a massive blast as both doors are violently blasted outward. The invaders and their battering ram are knocked roughly away as Rose runs outside, her R-Cannon and L-Blade at the ready. The guards stationed inside along with the diplomats hurry outside to join the vanguard with Rutherford in the lead. He effortlessly clears a path. Tugem rides out on an adult Brightwing’s back and flies high overheard. Reaching into his robe he pulls out a strange looking knife and concentrates. Twilight’s friends bring up the rear, having disposed of their dresses. Fluttershy flies away quickly into the night as the Angel of Darkness chuckles.

“Fools! With the combined might of the Elements you MAY have stood a chance against me! You have sealed your fates!”

Arc turns to Twilight. “All of you have a plan?!”

“Buy time!”

Ember frowns. “What kind of plan is THAT?!”

Applejack sighs as she takes up a battle-ready stance next to Ember. “Trust us! This is all we have left!”

Ghaleon calls forth his Spear of Justice and armor with it as he glares at their opponents. “If this is the end, I’m taking every one of you with me!”

Gestal stands by Ghaleon’s side. “Every youngling is taught how to fight from a young age! We will show you we are not easy targets!”

Ashe nods soberly. “Right! For the Griffon Kingdom!”

Felix brandishes his claws and teeth. “For Abyssinia!”

Fiona stands resolutely with her husband. “I’ll make up for everything here tonight!”

Iris bares her teeth beside Kane. “The Forsaken come from innumerable generations of warriors! We will not fall to the likes of you!”

Kane roars. “I will show you all whom is the greatest!”

Sereb turns to the others. “For the Forsaken!”

Ikis and the Marquis hurry to Arc’s side.

“The Hydra stand with you, my friend!”

“Indeed! Let us show these fools the meaning of fear!”

Pinkie grins maniacally as she pulls out her party cannon. “You’re going DOWN!”

Applejack nods soberly. “That they are!”

Rarity’s horn glows. “Let’s show these ruffians what we’re made of!”

Rainbow Dash plants her hooves firmly. “Yeah! I’m itching for a fight after that boring summit!”

Twilight turns to her brother and smiles. “Let’s show them what we can all do when we work together!

Shining Armor nods and looks at their collective forces before turning back to the enemy and yelling out his battle cry.


The vanguard joins Shining Armor’s chant as The Marquis looks to Arc.

“We would like the honor of being the first to enter the battle!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We do this… together.”

Arc buries his spear tip-down into the ground,. He stretches his hands out toward the two hydra on either side of him and casts the counter-spell. The pair return to their normal size and look down at their opponents angrily. The Marquis looks to Tempest menacingly.



Arc nods soberly as he grabs his spear.


He points the Spear of Righteousness at the Angel of Darkness.


As one, the soldiers and their allies charge forward. Meanwhile, Tugem holds up his knife. Brightwing turns her head to look at him.

“We need to hurry! Everyone is counting on us!”

Tugem continues concentrating. “Give me a moment longer, small one.”

The knife begins to glow slightly as Tugem calls out in a voice that reverberates across the land.

“Oh denizens of the forests… of the land unseen… come to me! As Crown Prince of the ogres and true heir to my clan, I hereby CALL FOR your aid! Lend me your power! Help me to prevail… help me to vanquish my foes… help me to stand against the dark forces before us!”

The air is suddenly filled with all manner of animal calls, roars, rustling of leaves, and footsteps both large and small. The edge of the forest appears to come to life as every imaginable beast steps forth from its border and looks up to their summoner. Tugem points his blade at the Angel of Darkness.


The beasts roar and charge forward, claws at the ready. They knock away any minions that stand in their way in an attempt to reach the Angel of Darkness. She chuckles.

“Let’s make this interesting.”

Raising a hoof she opens a portal. Out steps hundreds of minions.


Hawthorne nods approvingly. “Quite the display, Decimus!”

“Agreed. This should be quite the showing of our council’s power.”

Arc and the others engage the enemy with their new feral allies. Tugem looks around before pointing a green finger at Hawthorne.

“There he is!”

Brightwing frowns. “What should we do?”

“You join the others in battle.”

“Very well. And you?”

“I have a score to settle!”

Tugem throws himself off Brightwing’s back and falls toward the ground below.


“This is my fight! GO!”

Brightwing does as she is told. Tugem sheathes his knife and holds his hands out. A gust of wind slows his decent as he nears his target.


The former judge has just enough time to look over his shoulder at the sound of his name before taking a fist to the face and flying across the battlefield to smash into the side of Light’s Hope. He slowly gets to his feet and looks up to see Tugem running toward him. Hawthorne draws his weapon and smirks.

“Come at me, animal!”


Swinging at Hawthorn, the judge ducks and allows the fist to sail over him. He hoofs Tugem’s feet knocking him to the ground before rolling out of the way of his falling opponent.

“Pull your weapon! Give me a challenge, brute!”

Tugem points a finger at Hawthorne. “I don’t need my blade to deal with vermin such as you!”

Hawthorne grins. “Really now? I don’t think you understand the forces I command, mongrel!”

“You will answer for your crimes against me!”

“Not likely!”

Tugem lunges forward again. This time he catches Hawthorne off balance. His fist meets the judge’s face knocking him against the building yet again. Dropping his knife Hawthorne lunges for it but Tugem knocks it away with a sweep of his foot.

“Let’s finish this hand to hoof, shall we?”

Hawthorne frowns. “It does not appear I have much of a choice right now.”

Tugem clenches his fist. “I’ll give you the same choice you afforded me the other night.”

“Fair enough. Come!”

Tugem and Hawthorne trade blows. Eventually Tugem gains the upper hand. He roughly kicks Hawthorne into a nearby tree.

“Just give it up! You’re no warrior, Hawthorne!”

Hawthorne rolls nimbly back onto his hooves. “I can take care of myself!”

Tugem grabs the stallion by the front of his robe. “Oh really?”

He headbutts the judge and throws him across the way.

“For someone who’s was so worried before, you sure found your confidence, coward!”

Hawthorne rises and charges forward. “Let’s just say there’s more to me than meets the eye!”

Tugem puts his shoulder forward and leans into the attack. Hawthorne jumps over his opponent and drops behind him, bucking Tugem away.

“In any case… let’s finish this, monster!”

Hawthorne extends a hoof toward his opponent. A blast of dark energy shoots out and hits Tugem squarely in the chest. He flies backwards and lands on his back. The disgraced judge lunges forward and jumps onto the ogre’s chest in a fit of rage.

“YOU ruined my mission!”

Hawthorne begins pummeling Tugem’s face with his hooves.

“YOU couldn’t just play along!”

The stallion jumps off as Tugem attempts to rise. He bucks him in the face with his back hooves, knocking him away again before lunging forward yet again.


Jumping through the air, Hawthorne tackles Tugem as he tries yet again to stand. Getting up the judge breathes hard and holds a hoof up as he charges a final dark attack. Tugem slowly gets to his feet.

“Any last words, ogre?”

“Yes. Surrender.”

Hawthorne chuckles. “You give up?”

Tugem shakes his head. “No. But you should before you get hurt.”

Hawthorne laughs. “Why?! I’m about to beat you with the power endowed upon me by The Dark One! Face it, you’ve lost, weakling!”

Tugem shakes his head. “Not true. I may not be particularly strong, but my power… is all around us!”

Raising his head Tugem makes an uppercut motion. The ground beneath Hawthorne throws him up into the air. Making a downward thrust with the same hand a sudden gust of wind slams Hawthorne to the ground. He rises quickly as Tugem raises both hands skyward. Four columns of stone suddenly rise up from below, surrounding the former judge on all sides. He looks in all directions before looking up. Tugem stands high overhead on one of the rock formations looking down. His hand is making a circular motion as a large boulder floats next to him. Hawthorne frowns.

“Alright, alright. I give up.”

Tugem shakes his head. ”No.”


“You made your choice.”

Tugem makes a fist. The rock plummets down toward Hawthorne. Looking all around, the stallion searches for any means of escape before raising a hoof and letting loose a barrage of dark energy at the boulder. It breaks into numerous pieces which rain down on their intended target. Tugem looks down as Hawthorne pokes his head through the rubble to look up at his opponent, bloodied and bruised.

“Goodbye… Hawthorne.”

Tugem holds out his hands as two fireballs form in his palms. With all his might he throws them down at his opponent. Hawthorne screams out for help, but no one hears him. The flames hit their mark as the stone pillars explode outward bathing the general area in an inferno. Everyone turns to see the wall of flames one hundred or so meters away. Ember gasps as she turns to Arc.

“What the heck was THAT?!”

“No clue.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Something’s emerging from it!”

Everyone gasps as the flames part and Tugem emerges unharmed. With a wave of his hand the fires dissipate. A Timber Wolf runs over to him. Tugem jumps on the beast’s back and draws his knife as he nudges his mount's side.

“Forward! The battle is not yet won!”

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