• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Farewells

Late the following morning Arc lays on his bed aboard The Equinox staring up at the ceiling. Rarity lays on her side next to him.



“You did your very best back there.”

Arc sighs. “I know. But my best wasn’t enough.”

There is a knock at the door. Rarity stands and walks over to open it. Finding the squad along with Hammer, Ember, and Sereb standing there she steps aside to let them enter as Arc sits up slowly with the bear in his hand. Max is the first to speak.

“The last of the rubble has been cleared of survivors and fatalities, sir.”

“Are you sure?”

Xenos nods soberly. “Yes sir. We are.”


Hugh points to Arc’s hand. “What… do you have there, sir?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “A teddy bear?”

“Yeah. A… little filly asked me to watch him until her parents could take him.”

Viktor appears nervous. “Is she okay?”

“She’s… not.”

Sereb bows his head respectfully. “That is sad to hear.”

Arc sighs as he looks at the blood stained bear in his hand. “Toola Roola. I… didn’t have the heart to tell her that her parents were already dead.”

Ember nods soberly. “I’m sure you made her as comfortable as you could, Arc.”

“Yes. But she was more concerned with this stuffed animal than her own pain. Her last words were to make sure he had someone to… take care of him.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “We need to figure out who did this.”

Hugh grits his teeth. “I think we all know the answer to that question.”

Ember groans. “But why?!”

Hammer frowns. “To slow us down!”

Sereb growls. “Indeed. He knew that Arc would not have left those in trouble without aid.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “How did things go at the other two buildings?”

“About the same as the one you oversaw.”

Ember sighs. “Right. A lot of dead ponies were pulled out of the rubble.”

Max steps forward. “We were able to save quite a few though.”

Hugh stomps a hoof. “But we need to make sure something like this never happens again.”

Viktor nods. “Right.”

Xenos clears his throat. “Captain Soarin said he’d received word that Duke Carleon wanted to see us.”

Sereb frowns. “Oh? What about?”

Max shrugs. “Who knows.”

Rarity turns to him. “Arc, maybe you should go see him later this afternoon. You didn’t sleep very well last night.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’ll head over there now.”

“Fine. But I’m coming as well.”

Ember grins. “Me too!”

Hammer pulls her gun. “I’ll watch your back!”

Sereb nods. “And I shall carry you there.”

“That isn’t really…”

Rarity turns to him. “Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Very well.”

Heading for the Main Hatch, he calls forth the Lionheart and mounts Sereb with Rarity. Ember and Hammer walk on either side of him. Making the rather quick journey to the Town Hall, they enter and head for the large office. Duke Carleon appears to have been up all night. He walks over to them slowly.

“Hello again, sir.”


“As you saw… it was a busy night.”


“First, I want to thank you and your forces for doing so much to help save my citizens.”

Ember nods soberly. “It’s what the Hero of Light does.”

“Second… I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. After what you did yesterday you’re welcome in Baltimare anytime.”

“Thank you, sir. But I get the feeling you didn’t call us here just for that.”

“Correct. High Justice Gavel notified me that she wanted to speak with your regarding a certain legal matter.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Is she blaming Arc for this?!”

Carleon shakes his head. “No. And while I don’t know exactly what she wants, she was most insistent that you visit her at the courthouse.”

“I’ll do that. Was there anything else you wanted?”


Nodding, Arc heads for the door with the others. As he does so Duke Carleon calls out after him.



“If you do manage to figure out who did this, do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Repay them in kind.”

Nodding, Arc leaves the office with his friends. Returning to the street, he hops up into Sereb’s saddle with Rarity. Sereb turns his head to look at Arc.

“To the courthouse?”


Hammer frowns. “Are you sure you don’t want to…”

Arc looks straight ahead as he interrupts her. “Now.”

Heading to the familiar building nearby, they enter and are immediately escorted to High Justice Gaval’s office. She stands and steps forward to greet him as they approach.>

“It’s good to see you again, sir.”

“Likewise, ma’am. Are things running smoother now?”

Gavel nods. “Yes sir. I’m doing my very best to see to it everypony whom comes before me has their case heard properly.”

Ember grins. “Very commendable.”

Hammer shrugs. “I guess it is.”

Sereb turns to her. “You do not know what happened the last time we were here.”

Arc grits his teeth. “Yeah. I had to remove the previous High Justice from his position for perverting justice.”

Rarity turns up her nose indignantly. “He got what was coming to him at the peace summit though.”

Gavel appears confused. “Oh? What happened?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Prince Tugem fought and killed him.”

Ember scoffs. “It’s his fault for not accepting the prince’s offer of mercy before they started.”

“In any case, I’m told you wanted to see me.”

Gavel nods. “Yes. I’ve seen the wanted posters around town.”

Hammer reaches for her weapon. “You trying to arrest him?!”

Gavel shakes her head. “I can’t.”

Rarity appears surprised. “Oh?”

“The Hero of Light is above the law. He cannot be tried for any crimes levied against him whatsoever.”

Hammer gasps. “So he can literally do ANYTHING?!”

“Not exactly. You see, while the princesses appoint the Hero of Light, they are also capable of removing one.”

Ember frowns. “How?”

“A vote.”

Sereb growls. “Sounds simple enough.”

“If a majority of the sitting princesses decides that the Hero of Light is not acting in Equestria’s best interests they can remove them from that post. After that he or she can be tried just like anypony else.”

Arc sighs. “And can I assume that with only Celestia in power she alone voted to oust me?”

“I’m sure she would have, yes. However I am unable to ascertain that.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “So he’s still in power?”


Ember grins. “Good.”

“I spoke to Princess Cadance just the other day about this very matter. She claims no such vote ever took place. And even if it had, both she and Princess Luna would have voted in your favor, sir.”

“So where do we stand?”

“Princess Celestia acted unilaterally to appoint Captain Decimus to the position of Hero of Light. That is a power that no princess alone possesses.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “So she broke the law?”

“Correct. As per the decree that established the position of Hero of Light, a minimum of at least two princesses must agree on a candidate before they can be confirmed to the position.”

Arc nods. “Both Luna and Cadance did just that.”

“Yes, that’s what Princess Cadance told me as well. So you’re legally the Hero of Light, while Decimus has no legal protections whatsoever.”

Hammer grins as she pulls her gun. “So let’s go waste that guy!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Who knows. Maybe he’ll stay dead this time.”

Arc frowns. “Not likely. But where do we go from here legally?”

“You have the right to carry out your duties… no matter what they may be, sir.”

Rarity looks to Gavel. “Up to and included removing a royal from power?”


“Thank you, your honor. It’s good to know that what I’m doing is still allowed.”

Gavel appears nervous. “Yes, well… there was another reason I called you here, sir.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“You’re familiar with my secretary, I believe.”

“Cerulean Skies?”

Gavel nods. “She wished to see you as well about something.”

“Where is she?”

“In the Record’s Room at the moment.”

“I’ll go see her next.”

“Very well, sir. But there is one more bit of information I wish to share with you.”

“What is it?”

“While Celestia is still in power, she most certainly will not go quietly. Remember that.”

Nodding, Arc and his friends leave the room. Gavel sighs as she speaks to no one in particular.

“Good luck.”

Walking down the corridors, they come to the Main Hall. Arc turns to the others.

“The Records Room is off limits to everyone, so I’ll head in there alone.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Can I…?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not this time, no.”

Ember chuckles. “Even you can’t get into too much trouble surrounded by files, Arc.”

Hammer sighs. “At least we sure hope not.”

Sereb sits down. “We shall wait here then.”

“I’ll try to keep it short. After all, we need to be going.”

Rarity watches him walk down the corridor. Hammer puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder.



Ember chuckles. “Arc can handle this.”

Sereb frowns. “He has been acting very strange since… that time.”

Hammer nods. “And he won’t put down that teddy bear either.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”

Rarity sighs. “Because he made a promise to a filly to keep it safe. And Arc doesn’t break his promises.”

Meanwhile, Arc approaches the Record’s Room. The guards cross their spears to block his advance.

“Look… you two both know who I am.”

Neither moves as Arc folds his arms over his chest and continues.

“We can either do this the easy way… or the hard way. Your choice.”

Arc stares at the pair for a long moment before they relent, allowing him to pass.

“Good move.”

Entering the room, Arc looks around as he closes the door behind him.

“Cerulean Skies?! Are you here?!”

A familiar voice rings out nearby.

“She’s in the mare’s room at the moment.”

Arc whirls around to see Tempest looking at him from a nearby table. Suddenly overtaken by an intense rage, he reaches out with a Telekinesis Spell. Tempest gasps as invisible fingers close around her neck and lift her off the ground.

“Why Tempest?!”

“Why… why what?!”

“You did this!”

“It… it wasn’t… me!”

The sound of a door opening nearby rings out as Cerulean Skies leaves the bathroom. She gasps at the scene before her.


“Not now, Cerulean Skies! I’m interrogating your sister!”

“For what?!”

“She knows who’s behind the buildings collapsing yesterday!”

Tempest nods fervently. “Y-yes!”


Cerulean Skies runs over to him. “That’s why I asked to see you, sir! So she could tell you what she knew!”

Arc frowns as Tempest continues to gasp for breath. Eventually he releases his hold on her and allows the mare to fall to the floor. She breathes heavily for some time trying to recover.

“Spill it, Tempest. What do you know?”

“This act… wasn’t done by the Council of Shadows.”

“Then who…?”

“The Griffon Liberation Army.”

“What?! But why?!”

Tempest grunts. “I have no idea.”

Cerulean Skies shudders. “Tempest was trying to track them down just the other day.”

“I was too late though.”

“How do you know it was them?”

“Because of the blasts.”

“That doesn’t…!”

“It was done with griffon explosives.”

“How do you know?!”

“From the sound and level of destruction. Equestria doesn’t have anything THAT powerful!”

Arc scoffs. “So you just assume it was the griffons?!”

“They’re the world leader in weapons. That and their leaders wouldn’t have ordered such senseless slaughter. Whom else could it be?”

Arc looks away. “I… can’t say.”

“You know something!”

“Maybe. But like you, I don’t have any proof.”

Cerulean Skies turns to her sister. “That’s… kinda true, Tempest.”

“So is the fact he’s hiding something!”


Tempest stamps the ground angrily.“Tell me who you think did it, and I’ll see to it they’re properly interrogated.”

“And then what?”

“They’ll face justice!”

“That part bothers me.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Somepony has to do your job!”

“And it will be done. Decimus is your man, right?”

“You know he is!”

“So then offer to take up the investigation. Check the shrapnel and other leavings to see whom really is responsible before loping heads off.”

Tempest scoffs. “I don’t need his permission!”

“Then start investigating!”

“Alright then, I will!”

She calls forth Light’s Bane and cuts open a portal before turning back to Arc.

“Take good care of my sister.”

As she leaves, Arc turns to Cerulean Skies.

“Dare I ask what she meant by that?”

“She was just reminding you to be nice to me, I think.”

“Oh. Um… sorry about blowing up earlier.”

He looks down at the bloody teddy bear sadly before continuing.

“I’m kinda having a hard time with this whole thing.”

Cerulean Skies smiles. “It’s fine, sir. Um… I’m sorry you had to come here to be treated that way.”

“It’s fine. But do you know anything else about what happened?”

“Sadly, no. I’m sure they’ll be an exhaustive investigation, of course. But at the moment everypony is just trying to make sure that all the bodies are recovered for proper burials.”


Cerulean Skies motions to the stuffed animal. “Did you lose somepony?”

“A filly died right in front of me. I’ve been holding her bear ever since.”

Cerulean Skies bows her head. “I understand.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Remember, Tempest and I lost our parents very suddenly one day. One morning they were there, and that evening they weren’t.”

“I don’t understand what that has to do with…”

“For all intents and purposes, my parents died that day.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Cerulean Skies holds out a hoof.

“May I?”

Arc gives her the stuffed animal. Cerulean Skies looks it over for a long moment before sighing.

“She didn’t deserve to die.”

“None of them did.”

“And we didn’t deserve to lose our parents.”

Holding up the bear, she looks Arc in the eye.

“Don’t let it consume you, Arc. The regret, the pain, the longing… it’ll only leave you saddened and bitter.”

“Like Tempest?”

Cerulean Skies nods soberly. “She shouldered the most pain to spare me. And for that I’ll always be grateful. Avenge that little filly, of course. But do not allow this matter to cloud your judgment.”

“Thanks for the talk. I… need to be going though.”

“I understand. Tempest will get ahold of you if she finds anything though.”


Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts! There’s trouble reported in Manehattan!”

“What kind of trouble?”

“A large number of warships just flew over the city from the east!”

“The Griffon Kingdom?”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “Sounds like it!”

“Are they heading for Canterlot?”

Soarin shakes his head. “The Crystal Empire!”


Moon Dancer looks over her screen. “The radar shows them heading straight for it, sir!”

“Can we beat them there?!”

Thunderlane clutches the controls. “Yes sir! But we have to leave now!”

“Fine. Are all crew members accounted for?”

Soarin calls out. “Everypony except you and your party, sir!”

“Take off. I’ll get us back there via portal.”

Thunderlane grins. “We thought you’d say that, sir. I’ve put the engines on standby and will have us in the air in just a few minutes. Shall I set in an interception heading?”

“No. I want to beat them to the city and make our defense from there with the empire’s standing forces.”

Wrangler grins wickedly. “We’ll send those squawkers back across the ocean in body bags!”

Arc frowns. “With luck we can avoid that. But if push comes to shove, we’ll do what needs to be done in order to prevent mass destruction.”

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